Chapter 2. Paintings and training
{Location: Destiny's Bounty.{Kit's POV})
"What's wrong with me?" I bolt up on my bed in a cold sweat. Nya is sound asleep and I keep myself quiet to not wake up Willy. Despite the people in the room, I feel so alone....and hungry. I tiptoe out of bed and the room and walk to the kitchen. The clock read 6:40 A.M. as I open up the fridge. "AH!"
"I finished off the last of the deli meat. String cheese?" Zane sits in the ice box and holds up two tubes of cheese.
"Sure." I get over the sight and take the cheese. "Do you want me to close the door again?"
"I am fine. I am getting out anyway." Zane crouches up and shifts his weight to not break the plastic as he jumps out. "Why are you awake so early Kit?"
"Umm." I really didn't want to talk about my dream. It was the same one the night before Willy almost bled to death. Her and Lloyd were getting married as a demon justice of the peace had started reading something when Willow looked in my direction with a sad face. "I took a sugar nap yesterday; I've got extra energy today." I show off my arms that had no muscle on them whatsoever.
Zane shrugs and reaches to grab pancake mix. "While that may be true I doubt that is the reason of you being awake now."
I didn't like how easily he notices my discomfort, maybe I should tell him. No, what if they think I'm crazy and lock me away for a long time. I can't leave Willy. I can't leave Aquila. And I can't let Jay keep his top score in the dragon racing game. Besides, they have enough to worry about with their trip. I'll only get in the way. And just to make Zane happy, I change the conversation to about him. "Whatcha making?" I pull myself on the counter as Zane pulls out various measuring tools.
"Pancakes. My brothers love them." Zane answers as he turns on the faucet.
"I like pancakes." I smile as I bite into my cheese. Zane and I keep talking until around 7:30.
"Banana..Monkey..Circuit box." Zane flips pancakes onto a plate and talks nonsense.
"Come again?" I pull out a pen and start clicking it intensively.
"SPARKLES!" Zane snaps and points to a small camera hiding just behind the counter.
Jay slowly comes up with a grin on his face and electricity in his nunchucks. "I got you so good Bolt brain." Jay snickers as the camera shuts off the recording.
"Whipped cream. Face." Zane takes off his apron and starts to chase Jay as he taunts him.
"Let's see, no one here, so it's just me and you... pancakes." I hold my head as my vision goes white. The pen I am clicking with stops as my body pulls out a paper. My hands move as I watch my dream from last night happen again. What's going on? I try to look closer, the Ninja were standing behind Lloyd like the best men. They actually look good in tuxes. And the tuxs are really unique. Then my dream slips away as my head spins. "My head." I hold my head as my eyesight comes into focus. On the paper in front of me was the wedding I just saw drawn in perfect detail. "Did I do that?" I want to start panicking. "What happening with me?"
"And next time stay away from my voice modulator." Zane comes back in the kitchen as I crumple the paper in my hands and tear it up.
I have to stop this, whatever this is. I slip the torn pieces in the trash can.
"Are you ok Kit? Your heart rate has increased dramatically." Zane places his hand on my shoulders. He had such a concern face on, in a way it was like having an older brother.
I have to figure this out. I'm not going to say a word about it until I know what's going on. I take a deep breath before thinking of something else, "I'm ok. I've been curious, when does puberty normally start for a girl?"
"A young female started their maturity process around twelve sometimes thirteen years old. You're nowhere near that stage in life yet Kit." Zane smiles as he pulls out jams and jellies.
Ok. So no puberty. Then what is happening to me? I help set up the table as the rest of the ship comes alive with noise.
"Morning." Willy walks in with a yawn.
"MAKE WAY!" Kai shouts as he charges in for the food.
"NO WAY!" Lloyd catches him by the foot and pulls him back. "I'M GETTING THERE FIRST!"
All five of them start to argue as Wu, Nya, and Willy found seats and dig in.
Carefully getting two of my own pancakes and butter them. Has the first spinjitzu master returned just to make these. This is by far the best food I've ever had, "Willy. You've got to try it. I think it's better than the roman noodles!"
Willy looks a little unsure but takes a small pancake, "Wow, these are awesome Zane." She then slathers the rest of her's in peanut butter as the fighting dies down.
"Thank you." Zane pulls himself out of a headlock from Cole.
"What's the plan for today?" Cole smiles as he pulls out another jar from the fridge, it looks like something made from the dirt but either way Cole soaks his pancakes in it.
"We start with Willow on the spinjitzu cores. After that some light sparring and free time." Sensei Wu pours some tea as Nya and Jay reach for the same pancake. They try to offer it to the other.
Lloyd makes some kissy noises under his breath as I sweep in and snag the delicious pancake from them.
"Mine now." I half chew with pancake in my mouth.
A round of laughter and smiling starts at my face. I like making them laugh, even Willy cracks a smile.
"Sounds like that party started without us." Garmadon chuckles as he walks in with Misako.
After the laughter dies down, idle chat about the coming day fills the room as jars of spices are passed around.
"And then Kai was like.." Jay is retelling the story of the Great Devourer's destruction when I dip my knife mindlessly into a jar and spread it on my pancake. "Would you shut up and take the weapons already."
"I wasn't that willing." Kai protests as I bite into my pancake.
EWW! WHY DOES MY PANCAKE TASTE LIKE BOOGERS?! I grab my napkin and spit out my food. I then look at my pancake. A weird brown gel covering it. The same gel is also covering Cole's food.
"My memories says otherwise." Garmadon smiles as he sips his tea.
The edges of my vision were starting to go white. NO. I don't want anyone to see! Quick..think of something. I hold my tummy and rock a bit.
"Where's the..On here." Cole looks at the table and finds his jelly, "You did just eat this did ya Kit?"
"Yeah. I don't feel so good." I lie and cover my mouth like I am about to puke.
"I got you." Willy scoots out of her chair and escorts me to the restroom and closes the door. Now it is just me and a tiny toilet and sink with black walls. "Take as long as you need." Willy stands by the door as I lose the fight for my eyesight. My hands reach for the toilet paper as my eyes now saw Willy falling from the sky in a snowy white dress. It stops and I blink twice only to see a beautiful outline of the scene in toilet paper on the floor.
"What's going on?" I quickly kick it, ruining the picture and look at my hands.
"You ok Kitten?" Willy knocks as I scoop up the paper and stuff them either in the toilet or the trash can. I quickly push the flush button and start to make throw up sounds.
"Just a sec. BLA!" I exclaim as I manage to turn on the sink and splash my face with some water.
"Do you need me to come in?" Willy creaks open the door as I hold my stomach, keeping my lie going.
"I want to go to bed." I reach up and she just smiles and picks me up.
"Funny, you don't feel hot." Willy carries me to the couch, "And I'm not sensing anything wrong with you."
Shoot. Willy's a healer, how'd I forget that? I bite my lip as my mind scrambles for another lie. This lying thing was hard.
"What the heck did you put in here?" Lloyd picks up the brown jar.
"Let's see, protein powder, peanut butter, cake crumbs," Cole lists off more ingredients.
"Maybe all that candy from yesterday is making a comeback." Nya gets up and puts a blanket over me.
"Kit probably just needs a little R and R from Cole's poisoned sauces." Jay smiles as they start to clean up.
"My food isn't that bad. Seriously." Cole snaps as Kai turns on the water.
"I think Kit would beg to differ," Zane smirks as he put his dishes in the sink then left to change.
"I'll grab you some things to keep you occupied." Lloyd dashes to his room as I moan, trying to keep the illusion of being sick up.
{Location: Training deck{Willow's POV})
"Poor Kit." Kai leads the way to a room just behind their room.
"I think we should have Cole pull duty." Lloyd smirks as he pulls out Wu's tea set.
"MY FOOD ISN'T THAT BAD!" Cole snaps and deeply frowns.
"The night you glued our mouths shut says otherwise." Jay snickers as they open the door.
Cole grumbles something as Zane raises an eyebrow.
"I actually believe that Kit is fine." Zane pulls out his shurikens as I enter the room last. Inside was at least half the boat, but nothing is apparent other than small ropes attached to both the ceiling and the floor. "My systems indicate that Kit may be hiding something."
"Is your funny switch stuck again? Kit can barely lie." I huff as the door closes behind me.
"My funny switch is not stuck." Zane protests as Cole presses some button, it pulls up a very complex spinning course. "Besides, earlier this morning Kit was asking some strange questions."
"Like what kind of questions?" Lloyd grins ear to ear as he put the tea set down.
"For example, when does puberty begin for girls. And my symptoms indicate a higher heart rate."
"Kit doesn't know how to lie. I never taught her." I frown despite my awe at the course.
"More often, our greatest blind spots are the people we are closest to. And for you Willow, it's Kit." Kai smirks then wiggles his eyebrows at everyone but Lloyd. Those four were hiding something of their own.
"Kit is just a kid. Lying takes years of practice." I try to deepen my frown.
"Every person is different, what might take you years could take Kit seconds." Zane pulls out a wooden sword and offers it to me.
"Besides, this is about you tiny." Jay hides behind Cole as he said the nickname.
"Beware, short angry warrior," Kai smirks as I realize that I stood at some kind of start line.
"Your goal is to get through the course before I finish my tea and without getting knocked off as well." Wu appears from behind a bamboo curtain as the Ninja line up behind him.
This isn't too bad. I ready myself as Wu pulls out a small napkin and put it on his lap, At least it isn't on fire.
"Don't even think about it, Kai." Lloyd smacks Kai's sword out of his hand.
I take off by ducking under a flying spike. I land on some sort of circular treadmill with stick men on it with weapons. I get past that ok, only to trip over long sticks with little sticks and spinning rapidly. "AHH!" I try to land only to slam into the second circular treadmill. I bounce off of that along the jumping sticks. Actually, I won't go on with how horrible it was. Just picture me, stumbling and tripping like a fool. I finally land on the floor in front of Wu, who had long since finished his tea.
"Today you fail." Wu gets up and his tea was flung back into it's home. "Tomorrow you try again."
I just sigh and let my head fall slowly back to the wood. It only comes back up to the sound of ninja laughter.
"We found it, the one thing Willow isn't good at." Jay doubles over in laughter. About now, I'd introduce my sword hilt to his stomach. However, I lay there like a very sore pancake. "Learning to spin."
"I'd hurt you all right now if I could feel my hands," I mutter as the laughter persists.
"Oh my gosh, where's a camera when you need one?" Cole wipes tears from his face.
"I don't even know how you did some of that." Kai snickers as I rolled on to my back. My face was red from anger and embarrassment.
"You guys suck ." I moan as I slowly sit up. I am so sore from the stupid course.
"Sparing is going to be so much easier with you now," Zane smirks as the course disappears back into the boards.
"We'll see about that." I pick up my sword as they still snicker like fools. Yup, this was going to be over my head for a loooooooong time.
(Kit's POV)
"There. Let's see ya beat that." I move a checkers pawn forward. Nya is keeping me company while Willy spares with the ninja. I actually wish I was alone, in case the thing happens again.
"How about this?" Nya doubled jumps my red pieces and takes 'em captive.
"Oh come on, At least play at my level." I look carefully and starts to think about attempt to triple jump when eages of my vision tint white.
"You ok? Are you gonna throw up?" Nya looks ready to bolt.
"Yeah. Get a bucket." I cover my mouth with my left hand as my right fingers grab the Starfarer comic Lloyd let me barrow and a marker.
"Just stay put." Nya races out the door and down the hall.
I've got to stop this. Don't do it. Don't do it. My fingers lay the comic flat on my bed and scribble something as I saw the Ninja and Willow jumping through a portal with rainbow trimming. "What in the world is that?" The white around my eyes fades as I look at what I had done to Lloyd's comic. I drew what I saw in a sharpie ink on page 56, where some kind of mud monster was attacking.
"Hold on Kit. I'm Almost there." Nya storms while running back down the hall.
"I got to hide this." I look around the room, but this was Nya's room, she'd know if something was out of place. Then I see the porthole window. "Sorry Lloyd." I toss off my covers and run to the window and open it. I toss the comic over first then jump into the window to make it look like I am seasick. Or airsick as the Bounty can be both a plane and a ship.
"Looks like I'm too late." Nya sighs deeply as I make fake vomit sounds. "There, there, get it all out." Nya pats my lower back, which only makes me feel worse for lying. I am 'finished' and wiggle back down to the floor. "Let's get you back in bed." Nya guides me to the bed and tucks me in. "I have a few things around the ship that I've got to get done. You ok by yourself?"
"Yeah. If I need something I can just yell for someone." I had a painted smile on as Nya left. "Finally, alone." I relax for about ten seconds before a friendly smile knocks at my door. "You can come in."
"How ya doing half-stack?" Lloyd pulls up a chair and sits next to me.
"So-so. How'd did Willy do on the course?" I tuck myself deeper under the covers, maybe I could make it look like I was sick rather than lying.
"Better than me my first time. Where's that comic I gave you, maybe can read it aloud to you." Lloyd looks under the checkers board.
"SHOOT! I DREW ON IT!" I grimace as Lloyd's smile drops from my strange statement and I try to think of a decent lie, "I mean, I drew big chunks on it. Because I threw up on it. Sorry."
Lloyd's smile fades, "I'm sure it was an accident."
"It wasn't limited edition was it?"
"No, just my favorite." Lloyd sighs. Which only added to my guilt.
{Location: Destiny's Bounty{Lloyd's POV}[At night]}
Maybe I could ask Rosie to go see the Crystal caves? No, Rosie would insist on staying here and working on her trail defenses. I toss and turn in my bed as I thought of various date ideas I had gotten from Pinterest. My brothers are asleep as they twitch from the dreams they saw. THAT'S IT! I jump out of my bed and tap Zane quietly, "Zane. I need you for a quick sec."
Zane's eyes open up as I quickly explain my idea. I turn to wake up Jay as Zane sneaks into the girl's room.
"It's too early for sunrise exercise." Jay moans as I resort to a wet willy. "I'm up." He glares and I explain my idea again as Zane renters with the necklace I gave Rosie. "Ok, when did you become a romantic?" Jay yawns as we carefully walk to the mission room.
"I'm a lot more grown up then I seem. Let's get started." I smile at my idea as Zane activates several different machines. Rosie's going to love this.
(Author's POV/??????)
{Close to four months ago)
Wow. I love this story.
I smile as read Chapter seven of Undeniable.
I wonder what Ally has planned next. I'm so lucky, this was made a while ago so I don't have to worry about pesky updates untill....what this?
My eyes dart over the last section, Not a joke.
Ok, I totally get your reasoning but I'd like for this to continue. I'll just read it again.
Disputed a tiny bit of unhappiness, my gears start turning. My mind races with small ideas and what ifs and my heart warms me. Both hum with the same intent.
What if Willow's story continued?
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