Chapter 12. Skybound part two
{Location: Misfortunes' keep} (Willow's POV)[Three days later]
"Happy with your wish?" Nadakhan appears in front of my face as I wake up to his weathered face.
"AH!" I jump out of bed only to find myself on a pirate ship. Behind Nadakhan, stands very different looking pirates, one has a bushy mustache, one is a giant with blue skin, and one is a monkey-machine hybrid. "HOW AM I HERE?"
"I just want to make sure that you liked my way of granting your wish." Nadakhan holds a jagged sword with a green gem in the middle. I feel shivers run down my spine as I look for Kit. "Don't worry, your sister is safe in bed." Nadakhan his fingers and the bed that Kit and I shared appears on the ship.
"What do you want?" I glare daggers at him as he chuckles.
"I need wishes to make my planes work. I figured why not wrap up yours." Nadakhan grins. "Take the child."
"I'm no kid." Kit springs up from the bed with a stick in her hand. The bushy mustache man fires a cannon and a net catches Kit.
Strange, I watch as Kit is held up like a prize, Kit normally sees that coming.
"Let. Her. Go." I snarl. No one's hurting Kit.
"Not unless the Caption says." The monster with blue skin speaks with a female voice as she holds Kit high above me.
"Should I make her more compliant Capn't?" The bushy mustache holds a flintlock gun to Kit head and I have a feeling that he wouldn't miss.
"No. I have a feeling as long as the child is with us, she won't cause problems." Nadakhan slides his hook over the blade.
I feel a smirk stretch across my face as the wind flaps my night clothes, "I wish you couldn't talk to or about me or my sister."
Nadakhan opens and closes his mouth like a fish and snaps his fingers. Then looks mad and grips his sword.
"Smart move." Kit holds a thumbs up before the blue lady shakes her.
Nadakhan growls and snaps his fingers, the fish in the sea forms words for him. "Foolish girl. Each wish makes me stronger." The fish rearrange themselves as his men grab weapons. "Now attack."
A white-faced man with red paint on his face jumps me. Luckily I slept with my sword and bow nowadays. I pull my sword out and stop his attack. I flip him off of me and turn to the monkey, who jumps onto my leg and starts pitching me.
"Get off." I try beating the monkey with my sword but he keeps pinching me more.
"I got you." The blue lady grabs my head and lifts me by it.
"Willy." Kit sharply inhales and looks scared, "I wish it away." She's interrupted by aloud fog horn, and this puts a wicked smile on his face.
I feel my eyes widen as Kit changes into a small pink spark and flies into Nadakhan's sword.
"KIT!" I scream and manage to kick the blue lady in the face. I charge up to Nadakhan and hold my sword to his neck.
"Careful littl' missy. It'd be a shame if that sword were to drop into the sea. And your sister with it." The bushy mustache holds a gun to my head.
Great. Just perfect. Kit's inside a magical sword, they know about my sword, what to do? My little stick from Ronain buzzes like a bee. I guess this is as good as time as any. I slowly put my sword back down. I spin around and pull out the stick at the same time. Something about the motion makes it do something very interesting. The stick is now a handle. Both on top and below it are two long white curves and a white string that connects them both.
A small green colored snake with a peg-leg peeks out from the cabin, "W-what is that?"
The mustache man lowers his second gun, "I reckon it's some kind of glow bow."
"Thanks for the name," I twist over and kick the first gun out of his hands. Now, I have the whole crew's plus Nadakhan's attention as I back up towards the railing.
The mechanical monkey makes noises at me and the bushy mustache man translates, "What monkey wrench means that you should surrender."
I pull back on the white string and energy makes a white arrow, which I aim for his feet, "Why surrender when I have one more wish?"
Nadakhan starts making stop her or I'll kick you off the boat gestures as my smirk deeps on my face.
"I wish," My last one. I have to get away, "I was on the Destiny's Bounty."
Now Nadakhan makes a quite laughing face, snaps his fingers and a tan cloud covers me. Now I'm on the Bounty which is in...police custody? That doesn't make much sense. I look over the railing, the boat is even chained down. No way to get air born. I sigh, maybe I can explain to whoever runs this place how I got here. I doubt he'd believe a girl still in her nightdress and holding a sword handle and a stick. I climb off the chains then walk around. The fence is electrified.
After using some well-placed cars, a few wooden latters, I managed to get on the other side of the fence. I have to walk through the city both shoeless and in my pajamas. The less said about this experience the better. I get to my apartment, pull up the loose floorboard and use the spare key to get in. Nadakhan must have had a little party here with his buddies. It's an absolute mess. I take a small five-minute break just looking at it. Then I see the time, I'm late. I scurry around and put on mildly clean cloth with my light grey hoodie. My foot literally steps into the hallway when I hear sirens wailing, they seem to be circling the block. I get out of my apartment and see the usual crowd by the T.V. store. One woman wears an obviously fake blonde wig and sunglasses. Then she jaywalks in the middle of the street. Strange but I have places to be. Mabey Skylor can help me save Kit.
[One week later]
So small ninja update and this is strange even for me. The Ninja got arrested, broke out of jail, faced Nadakhan and his men several times only for one of them to be sucked into that blasted sword. No sign of Skylor, now I'm thinking she's avoiding me. Oh, and how could I forget, Nadakhan is literally stealing Ninjago. Large parts of Ninjago have been floating into the sky. I've tried to predict with the next one will be but I keep getting there too late. I lean up against a wall next to the noodle shop. I rub my locket it, Lloyd's also stuck in that sword. What does Nadakhan want? He seems to have an interest in Nya. Why would a Djinn want a girl?
"Willow?" Skylor pauses in front of the ally, "I thought you only sulked inside."
I roll my eyes, "I don't sulk. I just get deep into thought. Now I need your help."
"Look," She tugs at her gloves a little, "If this is about last time. I-"
"Where those came from don't matter to me. Kit in that sword from the half crazy Djinn on the news. I've been trying to catch you and ask for help." I pause as she looks down, "But you've been avoiding me."
"Yeah." Skylor swallows hard, "I don't like talking about it." She bites her lips, "And Jay already asked me to help him."
"Jay's not in the sword?"
"Nope. He's also playing a rescue mission that I'm on my way to." She pulls out two walkie talkies and hands one to me, "Care for a listen in?"
"Thanks." I tuck the walkie talkie in my brown bag. "New uniform?"
"Yeah, can't have one look for ever. Speaking of witch, when are you going to get out of the grey mode?" Skylor leads the way through people.
"After I save kit, I let her take me shopping, how's that?"
"Fine by me."
[Two hours later]
I'm in the next room over licensing. I'd forgotten this part of spy work waiting. It sucks and tries my patience. Jay's giving some kind of motivational speech of his own, "Ok. Listen up, Nya's about to wed someone I despise," Hmm. So that's why Nadakhan needs Nya. He's lonely. "And I'm not going to mince words, after he does, no surprise, he'll become all powerful," I could be wrong. That's worse than being lonely, "Normally I'd rely on the help of the Ninja but they're trapped inside of a magical sword. Go figure. So I've come to you to help me get close enough to Nadakhan so I can wish he isn't a Djinn," Smart. How'd Jay come up with something like that? "So we can stop the ceremony and save Ninjago. I know this is a lot to ask and it's alright to say no." Giving them an out? Jay, no more speeches, please.
I hear voices agree, Captain Soto, I think the 'brown ninja' talks next. Boy does he sound dumb, then Skylor. I'm a little surprised to hear Ronain and the police commissioner in the same room without an argument.
So Jay's team so far has the Master of Amber, a crewless pirate captain, a thrift, an old cop and Jay. I don't like those odds, maybe Jay needs another team mate. I get up and start walking to the door when something catches my eye. A stop sign is flying in mid-air and going up. I sigh and get ready to jump, "May as well." I crash through the window and grab it and ride it up. Yikes, it's windy up here. I pull my grey hood over my head and pull on a half mask.
The I see it. All the missing land of Ninjago. Crap, there's a lot here. At least half of Ninjago must be here. I spot a burnt up sign near the edge, I growl under my breath, "Nadakhan's got part of Domagoj. He's gonna pay."
I wait until the stop sign passes a few pirates and start sneaking around. There's a large castle like temple near the middle. I can't tell who is more stupid, the Pirates grooming themselves or the ones looking at their reflection in their swords.
I get passed them no problem and make my way into the temple. Not much inside. Just kinda empty. Down the hall, I hear the snake dude again, "After the music, chosen by yours truly, Nadakhan's bride to be will make their sacred Djinn vows. She will obviously object but it won't matter." I creek open the door to see the snake talking to Nadakhan. "Because when the ceremony is complete, all wishes will be yours. Captain."
Nadakhan looks more impatient than ever, "Good Clancie. Tonight I don't want any interruptions." A pirate runs in, blabbing about some secret attack to stop the wedding. This makes Nadakhan pretty mad looking. He growls, "Gather the entire crew, I want this place locked down, three guards every post. Nothing will get in the way of me becoming king." The pirate runs out and Nadakhan looks a little red. His sword is in his hands now, "NOTHING!"
Seems like he's nervous. I've got to stop him. I roll under one of the peers, then I see the sword next to the altur. Kit. I keep rolling under the peers and get closer to the sword. A little more. I hope he gets closer to me so I can properly knock him out.
That's when the gosh darn snake had to point me out, "Captain, a spy!"
There goes plan a. I get up and manage to grab the sword. "Give me back my sister!"
Nadakhan's grip is strong as he punches me with his other arms and hook, "No! Clancy, you still have another two wishes."
The snake stutters like crazy. I back down and draw my own sword, "How about you wish my sister out of that sword."
"CLANCY!" Nadakhan growls.
"F-f-fine. I-i-i-i wish her s-s-still." Clancy hangs his head as a smirk stretches over Nadakhan's face.
He touches me again and my body turns to gold. Why gold, why that wish and why now? I'm stuck with my crowing and drawing my sword. Nadakhan taps me on my forehead, "Hello? I like that wish. I'll have to remember that one. Take her outside. I bet she'll make a wonderful bird feeder."
Clancy drags me outside and places me in front of a small river. How they have running water on a floating island, I have no idea. But I get a perfect view of Jay's b-team swimming by. Jay points to the garden shed, "Wait for me over there. I'll get Nya." He runs past me.
JAY! Help me then your girlfriend! I mentally beat him up as he runs past me. His feet actually trip me and I fall to the ground. At least I'm not standing up anymore.
A bunch more nonsense happens. Jay runs back with the sword, the pirate finally get a clue and start attacking the shed only for the b-team to attack them with gardening tools. Maybe this is a side affect of being gold, strange dreams.
Now there's an explosion and dozens of small sparks come out. The ninja stand, of course, gives their usual high-fives. The b-team, Misako and Wu head back to the mainland for who knows what, the ninja take off to try and stop the wedding one more time. They're running past me, HELLO! LLOYD! I'm right here!
He catches a glimpse of me but keeps running with his brothers, "Pretty statue."
More craziness happens. I catch glimpses of them running away from an army of Nadakhans. This so has to be a whacked out dream. I wait like another twenty minutes before I feel soft small hands on me.
Kit still wears her pjs and taps my face, "Willow! How'd he turn you to gold? I mean you do look very shiny but I don't like you this way." Kit mutters through her tears. Then a loud engine sound comes from the sky.
Are you kidding me? The flying pirate ship rams into the temple and wood falls around me and Kit. The ninja make their stand against Nadakhan as Kit pulls me to a better spot. Now Nadakhan's turning the Ninja to gold much like me. Kit stops on what's left of the porch of the temple. I can see the Ninja through the wood but they probably can't see us, "He's all powerful, how are they going to stop them?" Kit bite her lips.'re the one who sees the future.
A shape whizzing sound slices the air and shots Nadakhan. Poison. It's splattered on his chest and the ground begins to fall. Even I'm returned to my fleshy state. "I'm guessing with a bullet."
"Willow!" Kit hugs me tight, "You're ok."
"A little gold never hurt me now, let's-" Then I see something else. Part of the poison hit Nya. She falls and Jay catches her. They need me right now. My healing ability can save her. Kit and I shove our way through the wood as the Ninja are also no longer gold. A little more, I don't scream or shout, just get my hands ready.
Then Jay whispers something, Nadakhan looks like he ran into a brick wall and drops the sword and a watch, "Your wish is your to keep." He croaks out. A dusty tornado swirls around the Ninja and I kid you not, time steps backwards.
Kit and I are back on the beach from a week ago, "I wish it was spring time." Kit sets down her backpack and pulls out her sketchpad and pencils. "I like the beach better when it's open" She stopped cold and realizes where we were. "Willow!" Kit falls off the rock and into my lap, "You're ok."
"What happened?" I hug my sister as the waves lapped on the beach.
"I think Jay made his wish." Kit holds me as she feels my hair.
"Well, I'll have to thank Jay." I hold my sister. Right now, no Djinn, Sky pirate, or wish can rip her from my arms.
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