Chapter 11. Skybound part one
{Location: New Ninjago city/Movie stage 5B}(Willow's POV)
"Listen, man, I have an order here for a catering party. SO let me do my job and deliver." I spend my morning arguing with a security guard.
"Nice try. A fan tried that move last week." The guard is unreadable with his shades on. He is also a mile taller than me.
"Look pal, I'm part of Mister Chen's delivery service. Now me let in." I am half tempted to pull out my sword and do things the hard way. A nearby door opens to reveal a mop of auburn hair and electric blue eyes.
"HEY! FOOD'S HERE!" Jay, not recognizing me, holds the door open as I push the cart to the studio.
"OK, that'll be one hundred thirteen dollars and twelve cents." I push the cart into the studio as the guard resumed his post.
"Yikes. Glad I just got paid." Jay pulls out some cash and pays me in fifties and twenties. "Keep the change." Jay smiles.
"Thanks. Where would you like this?" I collect the money and place it in my employ apron. Even if Jay remembered me, he still couldn't have recognized me in my orange Mister Chen's uniform and brown jeans.
"Right here is fine. I've got another shoot to do, so let yourself out." Jay smiles and points to my hat. I remembered this morning I had gotten Kit's hat instead of mine for the uniform. "I like the hat."
I take the hat off as Jay dashes off to the set with wontons in his mouth. The hat has Nya and Jay on it with a #Jaya 4 life.
"Nice meeting you." I sigh as I take the food off the cart and push the cart back to my orange and red van. My shift ends as I park the van in the employ parking, Fred takes the van keys and drive to his first delivery. I quickly change into a white t-shirt with little rubies and leave the store to pick up Kit at Tim Little's gymnasium. I walk in the doors to see Kit backflip off a balance beam. Kit has recently fallen in love with the gym after our Cloud Kingdom trip.
"Hi Willow." Kit waves as chalk fall off her hands.
"Hey. How's practice?" I lean on the gate. Right now the gym is empty, I had become friends with the owner and he let Kit practice here after school hours. He also let me practice with my sword here sometimes.
"Good." Kit walks over and gives me a sisterly hug. Her pink phone buzzes. She picks it up and blushed red.
"Who is it?" I wiggle my eyebrows as I snatch her phone. An unknown number is shown with the text reading, "Hey. I'm stuck in the hospital and could use a tutor. Are you available?"
"It's just a boy from school." Kit grabs for the phone as I dangle it out of her reach.
"A boy hmm?" I smirk as Kit climbs over the gate and reaches for the phone.
"It's nothing." Kit grabs her phone but her deep blush gives away her true feelings. I cock an eyebrow, "His name is Nelson Little. He's the left receiver on the varsity football team. He's in my math and art classes."
"How'd he get in the hospital?" I smile, remembering my own first crush. Neal.
"I sorta of distracted him during his last practice." Kit rubs the back of her head, getting chalk in her hair. "I had a vision and tried warning him to get out of the way. He stared at me as Brad charged too hard and flattened Nelson like pizza." Kit blushes deeper from the memory. "So can I? Tudor him?"
"I don't see why not. Just make sure you get credit for from Borg." I smile as Mr. Little opens the door behind us.
"Hi, ladies. Open gym is about to start soon." Mr. Little smiles but looks burdened.
"We'll get out of your hair. Thanks again for letting us use the gym." I smile as Kit packs her things and tie her shoes.
""I know this isn't normal, but we are friends." Mr. Little puts a small pot on the front counter that has a picture of a teen with a purple jock uniform kneeling at a football game over it. On the jar is a note tapped on, 'Please donate and help pay for Nelson's hospital bills.' is written on it.
"Of cores. He wouldn't happen to go to Central New Ninjago high would he?" I open my wallet and put in a fifty that Jay tipped me with in.
"He's actually on the football team." Mr. Little face lights up from the amount. "Why?"
"Kit's going to help him with tutoring." I smile as Kit gets up and walks up to me.
"Hmm, small world." Mr. Little rubs his chin.
"Come on Willy, we have to get out before it smells like feet in here." Kit blushes slightly as she pulls me to the exit door.
"Bye." I wave to Mr. Little as Kit pulls harder.
We still have plenty of warm daylight out and our feet has us wonder to the beach.
"I wish it was spring time." Kit sets down her backpack and pulls out her sketchpad, pencils and a pink eraser, "I like the beach better when it's open"
"Agreed." I listen to the ocean and remember when Katara and I were little and played on a beach just like this. Everything was so much easier then. My hands travels up to my locket. By my wings, do I miss you, Lloyd. I rub the face and press so it clicks and plays the first words. My lips move with his recorded voice, "Hey, Rosie. The one, the only, Lloyd Garmadon. I had Jay and Zane help me put this together if we ever happen to get separated again. And I guess it's easier talking to a recorder then you sometimes.Anyway. I've been poking around the internet lately and I'm not sure if you like music or not. Kit said you had a good singing voice. Here are three songs that I think you'll like the most." A piano started playing. I take deep breaths as Kit begins to draw. I close my eyes and remember the dance he that may never remember. "You are so Beautiful, Beautiful." The singer sings with a passion that barely matches my heartache. I get lost in the lyrics and my memories as I sink down and lean on a big rock. "Beautiful, Beautiful, Like sunlight burning at midnight, you are so Beautiful, Beautiful." The song ends and Kit gently shakes my shoulders.
"Willy, check this out." Kit shows me a picture of us, as we were position in right now. But it is a picture of the present, not the future.
"That's strange, perhaps your ability is evolving?" I take a closer look as I click my locket to stop singing.
"I don't think so. My mom could only see the future." Kit puts her things away as the waves lap on the beach.
"But we don't know what genetics your birth father's DNA could hold." I look at the pictured for anything different but it was exactly the same as we were now.
"I don't think so." Kit says when I hear a poof of magic. "Willow, what was that?"
"I'd prefer not to find out." I get up and pull Kit with me.
Kit whimpers as she manages to grab her bag. She's only got her pencils, so maybe she can draw someone to death.
My eyes dart around while I think about who could possibly be here. Mabey Clouse and I wouldn't discount Jezzie.
"There!" Kit points to the other end of the beach. I've seen a thing or two that classifies as far outside normal but this guy get a place all of his own. The top half of a man has wisps like a tan cloud instead of legs and an extra set of arms. One of which is a hook for a hand. His breastplate is also covered in pirate symbols. In one of his hands is a diamond and in another a golden teapot.
He turns to us and poofs closer, "What do we have here?" His voice has an unusual accent. As he closes in, his face is withered and he has a ponytail. "What are you two doing so far from the city?"
I grab my sword handle and cover Kit, "It's called hanging out. Who are you?"
The creature smirks, "My name is Nadakhan, Djinn prince of Dinjinjago, Pirate captain of misfortunes keep." He flys around Kit and I, "But none of that should matter to you, two lovely ladies. No, what matters is what I can do for you."
I hold my sword, he mocks me by putting his upper hand up but the smirk on his face says that he's already won, "What the heck is a Djinn?"
He snickers as he keeps circling us, "I am like Genie."
Kit stays against my back as he tries to face her, "So three wishes, does that still apply?"
"Yes," Nadakhan holds his lower right hand and a small notebook with a lock on it appears. "Let's see what desires you have."
"My diary." Kit growls and takes a tiny step forward as the stick I stole from Ronain buzzes. Well, at least it serves as a magic decorator so far.
"I see we have affection for a certain football player." Nadakhan holds a picture of Nelson with hearts drawn on it. "How about a wish for the courage to talk to him?"
"I wish we weren't here." Kit backs into me, where she might have been safe.
"Your wish is yours to keep," Nadakhan smirks as a tan cloud cover us. Suddenly we are back in our apartment in New Ninjago City. "Not very big." Nadakhan pokes around in our kitchen. "Oh my, this is a high rent." He holds up a pink bill with many digits on it.
"I-" Kit opens her mouth as I cover it.
Something about this seems too planned. Wishes, why would he tell us that he could grant us anything? He wants us to wish. I shake my head at Kit.
Kit pulls my hand off of her mouth. "Who is this guy?"
I watch him as he looks around in our food, "I don't know. Stay on guard."
"Should I get the fire extinguisher?" Kit smirks.
"Very funny," I know what she's referring to. The in case Willow sets something on fire in the kitchen. "I wish we knew more about this guy.
"Your wish is yours to keep." Nadakhan snaps his fingers
My head starts spinning with information. In my mind, I see flashes of pirates, a black ship chasing the Bounty. Is that Captain Soto? He put this dude in the teapot. I'm guessing that anyone forced to live in a teapot has to be a bad dude. "Kit, how about we stop wishing."
"That's would be smart, but you can't make everything you want happen." Nadakhan floats around me. "Oh, my. So much misery in one person." Nadakhan snaps his fingers and a large mirror appears in front of me. Except my reflection has green dragonfly wings and a happy look. "Perhaps we should get those wings back. Or prepares for a certain ninja's memory to return." Nadakhan snaps his fingers and Lloyd appears at my reflection's side. Nadakhan's magic is impressive, Lloyd in the mirror is dressed in his airjitzu outfit. Mirror Lloyd kisses my cheek as my rage is nearly overtaken by longing and temptation. "I could even make your twin have a change of heart," Nadakhan whispers in my ear as my reflection is joined by Katara, who has a proud smile on her face. "All you have to do is wish away the pain." Nadakhan holds up a teapot and taps his many fingers on the bronzy metal.
I want it, I want to have my friends back, I want Lloyd as much as he made me confused back. But they are so famous and it was hard for me just to get passed their security. But this is what Nadakhan wants. And last I checked I don't give in easily. "You want a wish?" I turn and face his smug face, "Ok. I wish that the Ninja weren't famous. I wish that they were on my level." I snap as animalistic rage pumps in my veins.
"Your wish is yours to keep." Nadakhan disappears in a puff of smoke as I realize the possible consequences of my wish may be.
"What did I do?" How does Nadakhan see me? Wealthy, safe. No, based on my house, I'm scum.
"He's tricky Willow. It's not your fault." Kit hugs me as she sets down her bag. "He knew our weak points and exploited them. We're lucky to be alive. I'm sure Nadakhan won't do anything too horrible. " Kit smiles and pulls me up.
"Mabey. Go change, I'll get ramen noodles ready." I wear a painted smile as Kit goes to change. I click on the T.V. to the news.
"This just in. The Ninja have turned their backs against the people of Ninjago. As you can see here, Lloyd is stealing from the bank, Zane is causing chaos at Mega Monster Amusement Park. Kai has set fire to a small forest. Jay is messing with the banking systems nationwide. Nya is flooding small animals out of hibernation. And Cole is causing small earthquakes all over the city. As of now, we have no idea whether this was a part of their manager's plan or if we've been fooled this entire time." Gal Gossip chatters on as images roll over the screen, each ninja doing a different crime. "The police commissioner has put them at number one and has hired much outside help for arrest them as the once trusted Ninja have become the number one enemy." Gal shuffled her papers as I pull out a pot.
"We are investigating many leads. Please call nine-one-one if you know anything about their where abouts." The commissioner speaks as camera flashes go off.
"And now to the weather." Gal points as the T.V. click off.
"My wish," I whisper as tears sizzle in the pot. "I'm such a dolt."
(Kit's POV)
"Oh geez." I flop on the bed as I hear the horrible news through the door. I rake my hands through my hair. "I could be wrong." I watch the fan above me spin as it reminds me of the ninja's tornadoes. "I don't care who this Nadakhan is." I sit up and pull out my art supplies. Most of my pencils are stubs at this point but we can't quite get new ones just yet, "He will not hurt my sister." I feel the edges of my vision go white and my hand start to draw. In front of me, a wedding is being held as Nya walks up the aisle slower than molasses dripping uphill. At the end is Nadakhan and a green snake with a wooden peg leg. I wait and watch as loud fighting happens outside. For some reason, Nya is wearing a wedding dress and looks sick as Nadakhan looks impatient. Or I guess she will be wearing a wedding dress. I thought Nya loves Jay. I watch as the snake starts reciting a very strange wedding vow. I look for more clues, outside the tiny windows the sun is high and there are very strange looking people here. Case and point being the dude who's face makes a one hundred and eighty-degree turn to show a smile. Gross. I feel like throwing up as I watch that. Nya takes more slower steps as Nadakhan looks red from waiting.
"And, and, and," The snake has a high pitch voice with a stutter as he repeats the word.
Nadakhan growls as the people inside move pews to block the doors as what sounds like five elementals start blasting it.
"And by the power vested in me," The snake whimpers in fear as he recites a very lengthy title. "I now pronounce you wife and Djinn."
I snap around to see the Ninja glaring then becoming shocked as Nadakhan chuckles evilly and shines bronzy-gold.
"And all powerful." The snake jumps behind something as the Ninja pulls out their swords.
"I wish.." Jay tries to make a wish as duck tape covers his mouth. "MM!"
"Oh please." Nadakhan snaps his fingers and the swords disappear. They charge up their elements as Nadakhan does his villain rant thing.
I watch carefully as the Ninja run to make another plan as multiple Nadakhans follow them out. Then watch as he makes the witnesses disappear. That is a stupid idea. I frown as he makes Nya fall asleep and floats in mid-air. I watch as the two disappear and my vision ends. "Wow. Ok then." I look down, excepting the seance I just witnessed and instead find the paper like the one I drew at the beach. Willy was leaning against a rock as I bent over and get ready to draw. "That doesn't make sense."
My voice apparently can summon Willow now as she bursts through the door. "Oh thank goodness." She grips me in a tight hug as I notice that outside the window is night, not mid-afternoon. "I thought you were stuck."
"What'd I miss?" I watch as my hands hurt from drawing too much. "Why is it nighttime?"
"Kit," Willy sits on the bed as she lets go. She is currently wearing a black night gown with green trimming, "How long do you think you were drawing for?"
"I don't know." I frown. I hate it when people answer questions with questions, "Maybe an hour. An hour and a half?"
Willy shakes her head no, "Kitten, you had that vision for almost six hours." She points to a clock reading, 10:29 P.M.
"I've been in that fraction of a moment for six hours?" This is strange, first the painting of the present than seeing a future that takes forever. I never had a vision longer than thirty minutes. "Why?"
"I don't know." Willy rushes to the kitchen and brings back cold ramen noodles. "But I have a feeling you are hungry."
"Starving." I reach for it. "And thirsty."
"On it." Willy grabs a water bottle and hands it to me. "So what'd ya see?"
"I'm not entirely sure," I say in between bites of food. "But it wasn't that." I point to the drawing.
"This is from earlier." Willow inspected it as the lateness of night gets me tired. "But," She yawns as I quickly finish off the bottle. "Why?"
"I haven't a clue." I almost wish that Nadakhan was still here, so I can wish away our confusion, "But I am tired." I curl under the covers and quickly fall asleep as no dream come.
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