Chapter 10. Possession part two
{Location: Highway 34} (Willow's POV)
Small icicles are in my hair as my feet crunch the the asphalt beneath me. My hands shake as I hold my thumb up to passing cars. Kit had gotten frozen feet and I had to carry her on my back for the afternoon.
"So..Cold." Kit shakes of some melting snow in her hair as she holds her mother's letter.
How builds a highway next to a river? I look to my right as small boat pulls up. A man with a red straw hat has a long cylinder as he brings to the boat to shore, "Where's Kai when you need him?" I stand taller as an airship with mix-matched parts slows down and stops next to the man.
He sees us and pulls his boat into the ship and puts the cylinder in the passenger seat, "You ladies need a lift?" A man with a red straw hat and an eye patch opens the door for us. Then quickly climbs in the driver's seat.
"Y-yes." I attempt to climb aboard when the man moves slightly.
"Sorry, nothing in life is free." The man rubs his fingers.
"This is all I have." I lie as I hand him a few gold coins. It had taken us a day's walk, two Yak rides, three stolen bikes and a lot of effort just to get to the highway.
"Perfect. Come on in." The man lets us board this time. Inside the airship, most of the boat take us room, "Sorry about the mess. I'm still making deliveries to customers." The man pulls back onto the highway as I set Kit down.
"Funny, you don't look like a mailman." Kit finds a blanket and covers herself.
"Honey, I carry better things than mail." The man laughs and points to a shuriken.
He seems familiar. What was his name? Roman? Rylo? Ronin. My mind clicks into place, "Got anything that could dispossess someone?" I let a few seconds of quiet happen, "Ronin?"
"Sorry, just sold all that merchandise. I do have some weapons from other realms you could try." Ronin points to a small stick a little bigger than my fist on his chair back behind him. I take his advice and look at it closely. Fay runes and magic are inscribed on it. It even hums in my hands.
"You must sell some pretty rare things. Where'd get this?" I tilt my head as Ronin turns to Stixs.
"Oh that. It's just a trinket that I picked up in the caves of despair. You can keep it. As a way to remember me by." Ronin winks at me in the mirror.
I growl as I put the stick in my belt next to my sword handle.
"Already got someone, hm? Anybody I know?"
I look back at Kit as the ship bounces from the bumpy road, I follow her eyes to a reflection in the front facing window, a sword hilt was a guard is peaking out through the torn cardboard. "What the heck?" Kit pulls the blanket of as a bigger bump reviles the rest of the Sword of Sanctuary.
"OK. That's high end stuff. I can't have a brat like you touching the merchandise." Ronin whistles at an incredibly high pitch for a man and the airship flip us upside down and lean forward. Ronin catches the sword as Kit falls onto me.
"That my Sword." Kit tries getting off of me but we hit turbulence and she slams back into me.
"Funny, that's what Morro said. And guess who's paying me for it?" Ronin presses a button and the ceiling opens slowly below us. I manage to grab the door's edge and Kit before we fall to our doom over the dark lake. Small weeds wiggle around on the surface as the horrible smell of rotting fish hits my nose. Meaning we're close to Stixs.
"It's nothing personal girls. It's just business." Ronin gently applies pressure on my hand and loosens my grip with his right foot.
"Give Morro a message." Kit's eyes go white as she snarls at Ronin, "He's gonna fail. Spectacularly."
"I'll tell him that I met no one on my way back. Now take a bath." Ronin presses hard against my fingers and I let go. Kit and I fall five feet into water.
"I hate today so far." I surface and start swimming to the dock.
"Tell me about it." Kit sighs and swims to the dock too. She, however, swims with only one arm as the other is raised high. She starts climbing the poles as some kind of weed reaches for us.
"You still have that letter?" I ask as I attempt to wring out my shirt.
"Yeah." Kit holds her left hand up, the only place on her that wasn't wet.
"Good. Read it to me as I find us a ride to New Ninjago City." I lead the way to Stixs, my shoes making a sloppy sound as I do. My eyes drift over the town, not much has changed. Except for one thing, Lover's pawn shop is closed. Echos of what happened there rang in my mind. My thigh ached in remembrance.
"Dear Kit," Kit starts reading the letter as I shake off the memory. "First thing, I love you. You were amazing as I watched you grow up as I used my powers. Secondly, I'm sorry that I couldn't be with you after you were born. But I managed to make sure that you'd have everything you needed in life to succeed. I can't promise happiness thought, no master writer could do that. I see you reading this letter now and am sorry that you missed the Sword of Sanctuary again.(Don't worry, you'll get it the third time you see your father). Speaking of which, please let Willow take care of you instead of him. I didn't realize until he left me alone, that he is a cruel man that cares only for his brother and his goals. You don't need his anger clouding your way as you grow into a beautiful young woman. Take care of Willow and keep drawing(They are amazing.)
In Love,
Destiny, 665th master writer(And mother to the most awesome kid ever.)" Kit finishes as we approach a train station.
"She sounds like she really loved you." I stop in my tracks and hug Kit.
"I know. She sounds perfect." Kit sighs in my embrace.
"I know Kit. Maybe someday we'll meet this Kruxs." I watch as an attendant comes to the counter.
"From what my birth mom says, I don't want to." Kit lets go, she is now eye to eye with me and still has plenty of space left to grow.
"Where ya folks heading?" The attended kinda looks like Neal as he points to a train chart.
"New Ninjago City. When the earliest we can leave?" I ask as I fish my pockets for money.
"Ten minutes. Which cart?" The attendant licks his lips, showing off an unholy amount of black teeth.
"Sleeping cart." I pull out a what little very wet money I have. I have close to fifty bucks, that would cover us for two tickets, dinner and two showers. I may need to pick pocket a little for just the food.
"Here's the changes." The attendant prints out receipt and tickets.
"Thank." Kit takes the tickets and walks slowly to the waiting line.
"I'll take that." I take the pennies he offers and follows Kit.
{Location: New Ninjago City train line}[Four days later]
I'm not too tired. I watch my window as small city light twinkle far away. I'm getting tired of being inches away from my 'team' only for them to completely miss me. I miss Aquila too. And in a way, I kinda miss Katara. Sure the last time I saw her she was trying to kill me but she's still my twin. Where is she? She's not this quick to leave me alone..
"Willy, are you ok?" I guess Kit isn't asleep, she yawns and looks down from her bunk as she rubs her eyes.
"Yeah. Go back to sleep." I pretend to get back under my covers and go to bed myself. A gentle thud hits the floor and a warm body lays next to me.
"I'm scared?" Kit whispers.
I swear this little girl can get me to do anything, "Come on in." I pull up my covers and she crawls in. "Bad dream, Kitten?"
"Yeah. And my neighbor next to me snores like a chainsaw."
"I'm not that neighbor right?"
She snickers a little as her tiny hands rest on my back, "No."
"Do you want to talk about your dream." Something tickles the corners of my mind. She dreamed of the near wedding. And that was a disaster, maybe her dream are of the worst to come, "Was it like the one you had at the apartment?"
"No." She gets closer to me. She's super warm. I flip over and look, her blonde lashes has tear drops on them, "I dreamed that we were back with the Ninja. Then I woke up. And them not being here hurt again."
Oh, Kit. I brush her hair behind her ear a little, "Believe me, Kit. I get it."
"Do you ever have this feeling with Katara?"
"Sometimes. You have to understand Kit, Katara is my twin. And I'll always have that connection with her no matter what she tries to do to me." Kit stirred something in me. I thought I tucked it away and locked it but here it is, ready to leave my mouth, "But I miss the Ninja more. I miss Lloyd. I miss everyone." I confess as some lamps turn on.
"Do you miss Lloyd because you love him?"
I flip over to face her, her baby blue eyes twinkle with curious deliot, I do have stronger feelings for Lloyd than the other Ninja but love is a dangerous word, applied only for when I'm certain about something, "I'm still working the knicks out on that, kitten." I breathe as people quietly ask us to be quieter.
Kit smiles like she can read my mind, like Aquila, "Keep telling yourself that." She smirks as she falls back to a land of dreams.
I soon follow her lead as the train rocks me to sleep. What felt like a few minutes later, a train whistle blares. It startles both me and Kit, making our heads bump together.
"Attention passengers, we are arriving in New Ninjago City in an hour. Please make use of the complimentary breakfast." A man blares over a crackly speaker.
"YAY food." Kit roll out of bed and tries to flatten the wrinkles in her shirt away.
"Go get us a table, Kitten. I'll make out beds." I flop out of bed as Kit sprints to the dinning cart. I first make Kit's bed and grab her teal bag and put it on a hook next to my messenger bag, after that, I make my bed and find some sweat stains on the sheets. Once I am finished I grab both bags and go to find Kit. I find her in a booth table around the middle.
"I ordered you coffee." Kit holds up a to-go mug as I sit across from her.
"Thanks. Here's your stuff." I hand her bag over the table as a waiter walks up to us.
"Good morning ladies. What can I get started for you?" The waiter has darker skin and seems to draw shadows to him.
"Hi. I'll take the 2x2x2 breakfast meal with water." Kit hands her menu to the water.
"I'll have the bacon omelet. Hold the peppers." I don't even look at the menu.
"Anything to drink?" The waiter wrote down our orders.
"Just keep the coffee coming." I smile as he takes the menus and places our order.
Kit tries making small talk despite being slightly sleep deprived.
"Gal Gossip here. I'm currently riding a helicopter over Stixs county. And for once, it isn't New Ninjago city that's under attack. Look." The t.v. soon drowns out Kit as we watch. A herd of ghosts is being targeted by water as colorful blobs attack them. "A huge battle between the Ninja and ghost is being waged. But the Ninja appear to be frailing and -AH!" The screen blacks out as a ghost float through the camera.
"I hope they're having better luck than us." I sigh as our food comes. Then a pitch black portal with blue trimming appears on the ceiling above us as well as on the floor. Two people are fighting over a diamond as they fall. One looks like a ghost with a green hair strip. The other makes my heart twist as he falls and the portal closes.
"Lloyd?" Kit speaks my thoughts as the train car is silenced.
OH COME ON! HELP A GIRL OUT OLIVER! I bite my lips as I mentally cuss at the fate writers. Our train pulls into the station and our waiter bags our food for us as we left. About a block out, I fumble my pocket for keys.
"I've got them." Kit unzips one of her cargo pants pockets and opens the door for me. The apartment was exactly as we left it a week ago.
"What a morning." I toss my bag on the couch and stretch. Kit follow suit as we turn on the T.V. and watch the news. Kit draws a picture of the ghost we saw on the train, handing the diamond to Wu, then getting pulled into the lake and dissolve.
"So, that's how Morro looks outside of Lloyd's body." I click the t.v. off. I hate ghosts. They were always sad for no reason, moan and cry like a pouty child and if you make on mad, they might possess you just for kicks. "He looks like a hippy punk combo."
Kit snickers at my humor as I hear a knock on my door. "Come in."
Skylor appears while carrying leftovers from her day. "Hey. I noticed that you didn't pick up your last check." Skylor smiles as I notice a small pile of luggage behind her. "So I decided to swing by and give it to you." She has her Mister Chen's uniform pants on with an orange tank top and a denim jacket.
"Thanks." I get up and take the small but uber important piece of paper. "So what's with all the stuff?"
"Oh, my place got fumigated...I had termites." Skylor sighs at the thought.
"Do have a place to crash?" Kit pulls off some kind of upside down position on the couch.
Skylor frowns, "I'm spending the night at a hotel."
"From the looks of things," I eye her luggage,"It'll be more than a day."
"Hotels suck." Kit smiles as I jump a bit from her language. "Can she spend the night with us, Willy?"
I sigh, "She technically pays for the place. She might as well live in it."
Skylor smiles, "Thanks." She grabs a small luggage as the motion reveals a small scar over her right collarbone. It's actually pretty long and thin like a knife was dragged over it a long time ago. I watch her carefully and see similar cuts and pale bullet holes. "It's nice to have something of a friend to rely on."
I smile, I need to know about those scars on Skylor, "Even a friend who ruins the party, is still a better than having no friend."
She looks a little down as she picks up a small orange bag.
Kit looks for something in the kitchen to eat, "Is something wrong?"
Skylor adjusts her jacket, pulling up her sleeves and shows of little cuts on her wrists, "Nothing. I just said something similar to someone else pretty recently."
I grab a bright red piece of luggage and bring it inside as I close the door, "Timing is everything in life isn't it?"
"I suppose so." Skylor observes our apartment as I tuck her things just under the arm of the couch, "I guess I need to start paying you more."
Kit finds some ramen noodles and simmers water slowly, "I wouldn't mind a little extra greens."
I shake my head, "We're fine actually," I'm watching Skylor intensely, waiting the right moment to ask my growing questions. "Hope you like ramen noodles."
Skylor giggles like a had I made a joke or something, "I spend all day every day surrounded by noodles, I'm sorta noodled out."
Kit pulls out bowls as the water boils slightly harder, "Hang with us long enough and we'll convert you to the noodle side."
We laughed as Kit pulls our noodles from their plastic prision.
Skylor notices how slow the water is simmering and uses the power of fire to help heat the water with a smile, "Let me help with that."
I watch carefully as little white marks coat the underside of her wrists. "Note to self, get the heater fixed."
This makes them giggle more as Skylor accidentally overheats the water. The water springs up and sizzles her forearms. "OUCH!" She jumps back. "I hate burns."
This is my change, I walk closer to her, "Let me see that." I roll up her sleeves showing of hundreds of little pale cuts. "Hold still."
Skylor looks horrified as I let little tendrils of white light heal the burns from the hot water, "I-. You shouldn't be seeing these."
"Skylor," I let go as fear flickers in her green eyes, Not fear. Shame. I don't know where those scars came from or who did them, I just know that Skylor is hurt, "Where did those come from?"
Kit watches as Skylor's sleeves are rolled down, "Chen.....did he."
Skylor lets random bursts of elements out, the power of gravity lifts me off my feet for two seconds, she turns invisible with the power light and freezes the stove top with ice, "I made a mistake coming in here." She walks past me, grabs her luggage and uses the power of gravity to open the door.
"No," I reach and manage to grab her shoulder, "Skylor, if you're my friend, please tell what those are."
I think I see Skylor let down a single tear before blasting my hand away with the power of energy, Lloyd's element. Skylor counties her path, "I can't...I don't know how to say it." She walks out into the hallway, closes the door, and I hear her loud footsteps go down stair.
"Great." Kit looks at the stovetop as it resembles more of a glacier than a tool in the kitchen, "Now we can't have noodles."
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