"Love is missing someone whenever you are apart..
somehow feeling warm inside because...
You are close in heart.."
The dark gray cloudy sky let out the chill breeze of air all around the place.. all along with the needled slow drops of rain that fell over the deep moistured ground..
Abhi was sitting at the back yard of his college under the big tree that filled his nose with its fragrance.. as the white flowers from the tree were scattered all over the muddy wetty ground..
He felt a strong grip over his shoulder and heard the voice sounding.. Thank God you are here..!. I thought you left.. Saying so Sandy stood in front of him with his bag.. where he noticed Abhi's eyes darker and smudged with reddish shade of tears..,
Leaving out a tired chuckle.. He said.. Let it go Abhi..!!.. why are you stressing yourself.. you didn't perform well in match today.. can't you see how much you are affecting yourself..?!.,
Abhi sighted at him with a curve of smile that was clearly visible to be weak.. he cleared his chocked throat to let out his voice of pain saying.. You will never understand Sandy..
I was never like this before.. not even a single word.. for a single second I was rude with her... I always wished for her good happiness..
Don't be silly Abhi..!.. Life will never wait for us.. We should move on along with it.. Staking it for something which is impossible.. will collapse your life.. You are still standing in the phase of the impossibility of your life.. Said Sandy..,
You are right Sandy.. But not exactly.. Falling for someone.. you.. you know.. you shouldn't have.. Trying to fight the feelings.. those feelings.. but I.. I.. just couldn't.. though.. still I'm Falling deeper in each passing day.. and I'm hiding it in every possible way.. I'm not petrified.. or my heart nor my feelings.. right Sandy..!.
Abhi voiced with a shiver and Sandy hugged him tightly as he finally vigoured his voice of cry out..
****At Present****
Fuggy my legs are paining.!..
Abhi pleaded in a state.. with his crossed hands over his ears.. and his shivering legs which were all the while doing sit ups..!..
Let it pain well and more.. You deserve this Abhishek.. do it until I say the word stop..!.. Pragya voiced sternly sitting in front of him..
Abhi continued his work saying..
I said sorry nah.. it's enough now.. I know what is enough and keep your so called sorry with you Abhishek.. Pragya said sternly with a creepy smile..
I never expected this from you.. How could you hide such a big thing from me.. Sandy and Nishu love each other.. And beyond that you have secretly done my own sister's treatment unaware of me.. Isn't a big blunder..!.. how could you...?!., Pragya scowled her voice and Abhi looked on helplessly..,
Yes.. I hid it from you..!.. because you will start with your boring lectures and will not let me to do anything .. Said Abhi while Pragya gave him a shrinking sight
While he continued.. I meant to say that.. you will over think on each and everything.. you will be stressing yourself.. and this is not the time for all this.. I was so particular about it.. that's why I didn't say anything to you..
What ever you say.. I'm not going to listen to any of your cheesy words Abhishek.. What you would have felt being in my place..!?.. I'm sure you would have chopped me into tiny tiny pieces with your anger.. Pragya said with a smirk..
Abhi rolled his eyes with a ray of tired..!!., Okay fine.. you can stop it now.. she voiced softly yet with a stern.. while Abhi ran and sat next to her by hugging her sidely..
Anyway.. Thank you Abhishek..! She said sighting down.. Thank you..!.. for what..!?., he asked.. For Bulbul.. Without you she wouldn't have recovered.. Said Pragya..
Oh.. you silly.. shut up.. I didn't do this since I promised you.. she is my Bulbul and I have all right on her.. did you get that.., Abhi said rounding his hand over her shoulder while she smiled with a gratitude..
By the way.. you should control your temper.. haan.. I don't want my.. before he could continue.. she sealed his mouth with her palm saying.. That's enough.. don't start with your chuk chuks.. and your daughter desires.. I'm tired already.. that's why I stopped your punishment in mid way.. tomorrow morning you should continue.. Is that clear..!.
Abhi gulped his breath and blinked his eyes.. while Pragya stood up and pulled the shall covering herself for the warmness.. Abhi stood upand held her by walking along with her inside the house..,
Days passed quickly ..
As usual Abhi and Pragya's antics irked Tanu.. she often complained to her only man of support.. But Nikhil always convinced her to stay calm and let it go..
While on the other side it was another torture to her given by dadi.. who never leaves a single chance to taunt or cut her wings in any of her actions..
Even she found Robin laughing at her back.. on witnessing her state of despondency..
Abhi and Pragya often visited Abhi's guest house to spend time with Nisha, Bulbul and Kishore.. as hiding from Tanu..
Nishu's sister informed that their parents are getting off away from the anger and heart -renders.. also soon they will accept their love ..
At the same same everyone pampered Pragya a lot and took the care of extreme on her.. They rejoiced their unity with full of complete joyous jubilation..
Now Pragya was in her eighth month of pregnancy.. Dadi wished to keep a party for this happiness.. as her grandson is gonna become father in few upcoming days.. Though Pragya liked the idea.. She refused.. as their situation doesn't pave way for this happiness.. yet.. they planned for a picnic ..
!!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡¡
No Abhishek.. I'm not going to accept this.. nor I'm gonna come anywhere.. Especially I will not let Bulbul to roam out like this.. you know what is the hazard around us.. I can't afford to suffer her once again for the rest of her life.. just for a day of happiness.. Said Pragya..
Again..!!.. Pragya.. you are over thinking.., See.. Bulbul is fine now.. and there was no hurdle in-between our way so far.. I had promised you right.. please nah.. Abhi pleaded sadly..
Though Abhi.. How can we go like this.. I mean.. Tanu..?!., Pragya stressed.. and he said.. Oh.. so your discomfort is Tanu..!.. Fuggy.. she is not a big deal... and I know what to do with her.. Now no more pauses and clauses.. just get ready for the trip.. Pragya gleed her smile with a nod as he kissed her forehead..
At Nikhil's home..
Now stop it Tanu.. you are already out of your control.. not a drop any more.. said Nikhil and pulled the glass of alcohol from her hand.. Nikhil please.. Don't you dare to stop me.. for now only this is easing my pain.. which even you couldn't understand..
They are partying there.. she is making my Abhi to dance on her tunes... he forgot that I'm his wife.. Now I'm just a joker in that home.. That hell.. How.. How can I tolerate all this..?.,
But yes.. it was all my mistake Nikhil.. I'm worth for this state actually.. I shouldn't have brought that Pragya to my home.. I shouldn't have chosen her.. and my biggest mistake was.. I must have kept her in the place of slave which she deserves in real..,
Tanu grudged her voice and threw the glass away on the floor.. Which broke into pieces..
Done with your nonsense Tanu.. will you please stay quiet for sometime..?!., Nikhil said sitting next to her..
Why the hell you are pointing for my calmness.. and whatever happened so far.. it isn't for good.. well you know that.. right..!.. Tanu said..
I know sweety.. but.. you are complicating yourself.. this is not going to continue any more.. why don't you get that.. when I'm here.. I will not let that happen.. as tomorrow is the last day for their so called happiness.. my game is on and ready for tomorrow.. you will not forget your tomorrow Tanu and that Pragya too..
She is gonna taste the most disgraceful moment of her life.. she will regret for all the deeds she has done to you.. This is my promise.., Nikhil voiced with determination..
In Abhi's guest house..
Don't you think everything is very late.. By the time it must be Mrs. Pragya Abhishek Mehra.. Isn't Nishu di..!?., Bulbul said sipping the drops of milk..,
Yeah.. you are right.. But he never got the right time to spill his heart out to her.. all the days.. he was sinking with the fear.. what if she dissipates his friendship.. at the same time.. Abhi longed to concede the same feeling to her.. time has travelled this much.. still he is in the same state of his confliction.. Said Nisha..
And this is a big question mark.. from where did this Tanu come from.. as his wife.. I heard from Harish bhai that Abhi loved her and proposed her for marriage.?!. Was that true Nishu di..!?.,
Well.. Not exactly Bulbul.. Abhi was all alone at that time .. he was filled with the success of his carrier.. dadi was forcing him to get married soon.. he didn't exactly fell in love with Tanu..
But he was attracted by her nature.. which was not her's truly.. she was like a support system for Abhi in his life and later he thought of getting married to her.. since dadi too was insisting him to get married..
And once he got married to her.. he saw another side of her.. which was truly her's.. she was dancing on his money.. She acquired her fame through his popularity and wealth.. when it came for a perfect family.. she started to avoid him and the topic completely..
Infact Sandy said that she used to distance herself from Abhi in reason of her carrier.. and she would stay out in abroad pointing the same..
We know well about dadi.. she wished only Pragya to be his life partner.. everything got collapsed because of your aunt.. she was the biggest hurdle for you both.. that one day changed all our life upside-down..,
Coming to Pragya.. do you really think that she had such feelings for Abhi.. as far as I know.. she treated him as her close friend.. oh yes.. Of course.. her special friend.. but not even once she has shared such talks with me.. nor she by mistake too spitted something like that.. Said Nisha..
Even I'm consfused Nishu di.. you know.. I always pull the fun of her in name of Abhi.. but she avoids it.. or sometimes she scolds me.. saying that they are just good friends.. And sometimes to the extreme she doesn't talks with me too..
I don't know what to or how to explain..!!.. I feel like she was acting at that time.. because I had seen a sort of freshness.. a kind of josh.. a cornering happiness on her face.. whenever I address her like that.. haan.. she does that secretly..!!
Now I think.. It's not too late..
How it will be.. if we unite them..
I mean.. it will look good to see them as partners along with their cute kid nah..?!.,
Nisha smiled brightly saying.. infact I was thinking the same.. that will be beautiful.. but the only hurdle is that Tanu..
You no need to worry about her Nishu..!!.. A stern voice came from back and both the girls turned to see Sandy standing there with a wide smile..
Sandy.. You are here at this time..! Asked Nisha.. Haan.. I came to spend some time with you.. But here something very serious discussion is going on.. Shall I join you both..!?., Sandy said walking towards them..,
Sure.. Why not..!?., by the way.. How can you say that.. Tanu isn't a big deal in-between Pragya di and Abhi..!?., asked Bulbul..
That's the truth Bulbul.. Because Abhi never loved Tanu.. He was just wanting a girl to be beside him to show the world that he is family man too..
But the terrible thing is... He was smartly trapped by Tanu's good looks.. Though.. Abhi doesn't want to open up about this to anyone.. But.. he is still with the same feelings which he had for Pragya years ago..
After all.. He only loved her.. Tanu can never fill his heart in any means.. Even after knowing that she cannot give him a child.. Abhi tried his best to make her come out of it.., But.. Tanu.. She is such a bloody witless creature..
She all the time was particular in avoiding Abhi.. Isn't that unfair..?
A man like Abhi deserves true love.. More than true.. He needs someone who is honest to be at his side.. Tanu cannot be the person.. She.. She.. is just a shit..!
Before he could continue.. Bulbul said.. What do you mean by Tanu cannot be the person..!?., I mean..
May be she isn't loving or in good terms with Abhi.. But she is now
Mrs. Abhishek Mehra.. Isn't!?.,
Mrs... my foot..!.. she is not fit even to be a girl.. You know what..!?., She is having an affair.. Affair with that useless producer Nikhil.. I.. I just saw everything with my bare eyes and heard them stating that.. They are in need of Abhi's fame and wealth..
Bulbul and Nisha were stupored at his words.. as he continued.. I heard her talking with that Nikhil in mobile.. she is cheating on Abhi.. and that too in name of his wife..
I was shocked.. Even I thought of informing this to Abhi.. but something is stopping me.. well.. everything is for a good.. Now we should take the authority of exposing Tanu and Nikhil in front of Abhi.. Only that could unite Abhi and Pragya..
Are you serious..!!.. this is really shocking.. Abhi's wife is having an affair with another man..!..
I can't trust my ears... she is having an affair..!!.. Voiced Nisha with a stumble..
I'm totally in utter shock.. She is having an affair.. how could she.. It's outrageous..!!.. said Bulbul accompanying Nisha..
Arey.. haa..haa.. she is having an affair.. that's what I said nah.. you girls nah.. always over reacting for each and everything.. Settle down girls..!!.. She is just having an affair.. and she is not a terrorist.. !., Sandy said casually.. while the girls gave a peculiar questionable look..
Fine.., Now lets come to the point.. We cannot let her cheat Abhi like this.. As I said before.. we should do something and let Abhi know about her as soon as we could.. Before she could do something big.. we should save Abhi and his reputation.. And I know that's not so simple.. Sandy said with determination..
You are right Sandy.. how about we talk about this to Abhi directly.. We are his friends.. and he will surely believe us nah.. Said Nisha..
Bulbul interrupted saying..
No Nishu di.. atleast we should have something strong in our hands against Tanu.. so that we can even make her confess her true self with that evidence..
Do you really think she will Bulbul..!.. A girl like Tanu can go to any extent to prove her no called innocence.. We should think of something better..
How if we tell this to Pragya.. We all know how much she is meant to Abhi.. So if Pragya says.. Abhi can never deny her.. He will blindly believe her.. Isn't it..!?.. Nisha said winking her eyes with a broad smile..
Wow di.. That's a super cool idea.. You are absolutely right.. Abhi will surely trust Pragya di's words.. This is superb.. Bulbul said happily..
Shut up both of you.. With your half-baked plans.. Be matured girls..!!., Sandy shouted.. as both the girls sighted irk fully..!
Better keep quiet and listen to my plan.. He ordered them.. who were mouting at him pity fully..
!!! ¡¡¡
Next day.. Around 6 pm..
Abhi was on the way to Pragya's room with her bowl of fruit salad and milk.. He slided the door.. to see Pragya sitting on the couch with her hand over her forehead..
He panicked and placed the tray over the bed and cupped her face asking.. Are you fine fuggy.. What happened..!?., why are you looking so pale.. Shall I call the doctor..!?.,
Hello Abhi.. How are you..!?..
A voice came from no where.. He looked around the room with a kooky eyes and gulped his breath saying.. Fuggy.. Where is this voice coming from.. There is no one here other than you and me nah..!..
Pragya chuckled with a irritation and pulled the mobile which she was hiding under the pillow that was side by her..
Abhi blinked his eyes looking at Bulbul who was on the video call.. Where she was waving her hand and smiling with her usual josh..
Just then she was pushed by someone.. And he saw Nisha along with few clothes in her hands.. Who said.. Hello Abhi..!. it's good that you are here.. Help me in choosing some dresses for the trip.. Your choices are better than Pragya..!.,
Bulbul pushed her aside saying..
No.. First mine.. I did the video call right.. And from yesterday night we are struggling with this confusion..
Both of them started to quarrel with each other and pushed each other aside..!
Abhi shooked his head with a dreadful sight.. And Pragya noded her head dismally.., Abhi stayed silent all the while.. and saw Sandy.. who was looking unease..
As soon Abhi ended the call..
And paid attention to Sandy..
Abhi.. there at .. downstairs..!..
he breaked his voice as he gulped his breath continuously.. while Pragya and Abhi where cluless..,
Haan.. tell nah Sandy.. what it is ?.. what happened..?!.. asked Abhi.. and he replied with the same manner.. Abhi.. there Tanu.. Tanu is..!.. he paused.. as they saw Robin walking towards them with a doleful face..
Who said.. Sir.. Tanu ma'am is calling you immediately..!
Abhi walked down followed by the others.. as he was stepping down.. he saw a huge gang of press and media people standing ready with their notes and mikes.. and Tanu was speaking to some of them happily..
One of them among the press raised a question.. as everyone neared Abhi..
Many Congratulations ..
Mr. Abhishek Mehra.. you are gonna become a father.. how do you feel ?.,
Abhi gasped in shock as he was felt himself numb for the each passing fraction of seconds.. as well as Pragya and Sandy were startled on seeing and listening to everything..,
While the other one asked..
Can you tell us why did you hide this news from your business partners and the media..?.. A great successful business man you are.. what is the need to hide this happy news from all of us..?!.,
Can you tell us about the expedient mother of your child..?!., What is the need to hire for such a person.. when you have a lovable wife..?!., Questioned another person..
Abhi was looking lifeless hearing all the heart pricked questions.. while Pragya was trembling in tears.. as Sandy gripped his hands around her arms comfortably.. Tanu was enjoying all the scenes and sniggered her smile...!
Will be continued ..,
Hope the update wasn't boring.. If so.. I'm sorry..
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Thank you for reading..
With much love..
Suba ❤️
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