How it All Began
Danielle Campbell and Cody Christian as Alison and Eric Fitzgerald.
Sit back, relax and enjoy the chapter.
Before I could say anything, I heard the voice that I had missed so much.
"Allie, I've been expecting you."
But along with my brother, there was someone else. I saw that person step into the light. As soon as I saw the person's face clearly, I gasped.
"MOM?!" My mom smiled at me.
"Hey honey."
Alison's P.O.V
"What is she doing here...what are you doing here?" I asked, not believing my eyes. My mother, the woman who betrayed me and left was standing right before my eyes, in a room with none other than my dead brother, in his own flesh and body.
"Look, I can ex..." I put up my hand in front of her, shutting her up. It felt like deja vu. A few months ago, my father stood there and asked me to let him explain why he had left me all by myself and now standing here is my mother, saying the exact same thing.
"No, mother." Eric got up and came forward. I moved a bit back.
"Stop!" All the excitement that I had for my brother was now replaced with anger. I took a step forward and released all the anger I had inside of me.
"You don't get to tell me what to do. You were dead. You left me all alone." I took my necklace off and threw it at him. "This. You gave me this and made a promise. You promised me that you wouldn't leave me but you d-did. You broke that p-promise." By now I was sobbing.
"I'll leave you two alone." I turned to look at my mother.
"Yeah, you do that. Leaving your children, it's what you do best." I scoffed out. My mother chose to ignore me or what too tried to do so. Now, that I looked properly, her clothes were ragged. My brother diverted my attention from my mother to himself. He held my shoulders to in place.
"I'm so sorry, Al." I kept quiet.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to leave like that. You must've been torn." I scoffed.
"TORN! I was devastated. Then, as if your death wasn't enough, grandma died. Then, mother left and a few months later, dad left. I was sent to Aunty in San Francisco who made me her servant. I wasn't just torn, Ric. I was emotionally scarred for life."
To my dismay, Eric didn't say anything back. That made me more angry. I started to punch him.
When we were kids, Eric would make me angry sometimes so I used to punch him and he would let me. That's exactly what did now. He let me punch him.
"You *punch* broke *punch* your *punch* promise." Then, my brother held my knuckles in his hands and hugged me. I let my tears flow. I cried in his chest for what felt like hours but only fifteen minutes had passed by.
I backed away gently and wiped my tear-struck cheeks. Eric laughed.
"What?" He laughed again, pointing to a huge wet stain on his shirt. That made me laugh too.
"You'd always wet my shirt leaving a stain when you cried." He said. I nodded, remembering all the times I had cried in his arms over the smallest things.
"I see you're still emotional as ever." I frowned. "Don't make me punch you again, Eric." He put his hands up in surrender. "Chill, sis."
"Okay, so now that you've poured your heart out. How may I make it up to you?" I tapped my chin gently, thinking.
"You have to tell me everything from A to Z." Eric nodded taking a seat.
"Then you have to listen carefully and quietly."
I nodded, afraid of what Eric will say next.
Walter's P.O.V
The girls and I were gathered here, at my house, while my parents were away. We decided to meet at around 8 o'clock to discuss about the Jennith situation. There was only one problem.
Alison wasn't here yet. We tried her phone and her house phone but no luck.
"Let's start without her. What if she's asleep or at someone's house?" Callie said. I shook my head. "I'm going to try to call her father." I said, taking my phone out.
"And what exactly are you going to tell him? That we are hanging out?" I shook my head again.
"No, I'll just tell him that I need to ask her something regarding history." I dialed her father's number and fortunately he picked up.
"Hey Mr. Fitz. Can I talk to Allie?" I hoped the answer would be yes. "No, I'm afraid not. She isn't at home. She went to that Gala that you all went to every year."
"The Winter Gala?" I asked. I saw three pairs of eyes staring at me, waiting for me to explain to them what was going on. "Yes." I nodded even though he couldn't see me.
"Okay, thank you." He cut the call.
"So?" The girls asked. "She went to the Gala." I replied. Kennedy spoke first.
"Alone?" I shrugged. "I'm not sure. Maybe she went with Hayley and the girls..." Tris cut me off.
"Or maybe she went with that Nathaniel guy. She was hanging out with him yesterday and today. I don't know what she sees in him 'cause all I see is a creepy kid." She said. I laughed at that.
"Just because he's new, doesn't mean he's creepy." Tris shook her head. "No, there's something off about the guy. He always smirks at me everytime I passed by him in the hallway. He even personally requested Mr. Cuff to let him sit beside me." I just shrugged it off. "It's nothing. He probably has a tiny crush on you."
"Whatever. So what are we going to do about Alison. Should we start without her?" I nodded. "Yeah, we'll let her know when she comes back."
I led the girls downstairs and turned on the light. I unlocked another room where I held Jennith. As soon as I opened the door, I saw a trail of blood leading towards the bathroom.
"Is that..." Callie started. I finished off for her.
"Blood." We ran towards the bathroom to find the door ajar. I asked Kennedy to go in to make sure she was in appropriate clothing.
Kennedy went in and screamed. "JENNITH!" The girls and I went in. "What's wrong?" I said as she pointed towards the bathtub. Tris immediately shrieked. Lying there, in the bathtub, was Jennith lifeless body. This time we were completely sure it was lifeless. On the wall there was a message written in blood.
"This time, I made sure she was dead."
Eric's P.O.V
"You have to tell me everything from A to Z." I nodded, taking a seat. Here, I sat in front of my twin sister, my Alison. She was my sister, my best friend and my life. I couldn't imagine my life without her. She quietly pulled out a chair and sat in front of me. I took a breath and started.
"It all started a year ago, back in Canada. Remember when we went there because grandma was at the hospital because of the accident." She nodded. "So, the day of her operation, I was so angry. I just wanted to know who would do something so inhumane. Like hitting an old woman with a car and just leaving her there to die. I was furious."
"Remember when I almost punched the doctor when he told me that the chances of her surviving were very slim? So, dad asked me to go outside and take a walk, to clear my head." Allie nodded.
"I decided to take a ride in the car, even though I only had a learner's license. So, I was about to sit in the car when I saw a note, lying there on top of the car. The note was from anonymous. It said that he knew who hit grandma and for the name, I needed to do something for him." I saw Allie bite her inner cheeks as she waited for me to continue.
"I...umm...I delivered a few drugs." I said, looking at the ground in shame. "You WHAT?" She screamed. I asked me to quiet down and let me explain.
"I was desperate, Allie. I needed to know. I couldn't let grandma die without finding the man who did this to her. So, after delivering the drugs, I met with the guy who wrote that note. I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a hood but he was tall and muscular. He looked about my age or maybe a few years older. So, I asked him for the name of the person who hit grandma. That's when hell went down."
She waited patiently for me to continue.
"He had video-taped me dealing drugs. He had it all on tape and threatened to go to the police if I didn't do as he said." I paused, taking a breath.
"What did he ask you to do?" Allie asked.
"He asked me to hand you over to him. I asked him why he wanted you but he told me that it wasn't my business."
I paused, remembering that night as if it went down just yesterday.
It was almost sundown as I waited for the note guy to show up. I had just finished delivering the drugs that were in the trunk of my dad's car. I wonder how he opened the car without the keys.
"Eric." I heard a deep voice, breaking me from my thoughts. In the shadows, was a guy, maybe a college student. He was wearing a black hood, making it impossible to see his face.
"I did it. Now, tell me who you are and who hurt my grandma." The guy chuckled, making me frown. What was so funny?
"To answer your first question, I'm nobody. And here." The guy handed me another note. It read, Xavier Brown.
"What is this?" I asked.
"The guy who hit your grandma." He replied. The guy came closer to me and held something in his hand.
"Now, you must give something to me in return." He said. I could see the sly smirk plastered on his face.
"I already did. I delivered those drugs for you." I exclaimed, not knowing what was about to come.
"You mean these." He came forward, showing me a video of me. I was delivering those drugs. I felt a rush of rage.
"YOU were FIlMING me?" I yelled. He nodded. "What do you want?" I sighed.
"Your sister." That got me listening. "My sister? Why her?" He shrugged.
"None of your damn business." I clenched my fists. He was talking about my sister. How could that not be my business?
"So you really think I will trade my sister for this stupid video." He nodded. "You're a smart boy. You should know that if you don't cooperate then the police will be getting a gift from me. Give me Alison and I will give you this video."
"How the hell do you even know her name? Have you been stalking us? Who the hell are you?" I asked him every question I could think of, yet they were still not enough.
"Stalking you? I'd like to call it keeping an eye on you guys. I've been doing that for a long time. A long long time. I know everything about you." He retorted, acting all smart. As soon as the idea popped in my mind, I smirked.
"Well then...I guess you know that I have a black belt in Karate." I said. I didn't give him a chance to reply because I kicked him in the stomach making him drop the phone. As soon as he let go of my ticket to prison, I ran off, taking the phone with me of course.
***Flashback ended***
Alison's P.O.V
"And when you came back to the hospital, you weren't alone. You came along with two police officers who gave us the news of Xavier's arrest." I completely for him. He nodded.
"As soon as I made sure I wasn't being followed by that creepy stalker, I went to the station to give them Xavier's name. Turns out, he was the one who hit grandma and also had previous criminal record. Thank god, grandma survived that accident..." He said, trailing off.
"Only to end up dying after the news of your death." He didn't reply back. I took his hands in mine and looked at his grown mature face. He wasn't a kid anymore.
"Why didn't you tell me this before? We could've gone to the police, together." I said, softly. Eric shook his head.
"No, I thought that he might still have a copy of my video."
"But if he did, why not leak the video?"
"I don't know but it wasn't over in Canada. When I came back, he used to leave threatening notes for me. Since that trip, I was scared to go out. I'd get messages on my phone and mails from 'you know who'. He said that if I told anyone then he'd leak a video that he had."
I looked at him, confusingly. "The drug dealing video?" Eric shook his head. "No."
"Another video. A video of dad."
Hey guys. Another chapter full of suspense. Please vote and comment.
Sooo... Who do you think the anonymous stalker is? What happened to Jennith and how will Walter and the girls handle the situation. What is Eric's mother doing with him?
Find out in the next chapters.
-Love Amy
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