I could feel the adrenaline in my blood flow. The beating in my heart. The ambition to stand up and fight, never giving up, never backing down. The reason I chose to do this since I was ten.
I smirked to myself, and opened my eyes to see the faces of my enemies that stood before me. One standing in front of me going on about crap I've heard time, and time again. What they all wanted, information-information is everything in this life.
I could feel the blood that trickled down my forehead to my cheek. It's become easy, with every battle I fight, to ignore pain and the feeling of it...
I was brought out of my thoughts when my head was jolted back by the grip of my attackers hand on my dark, brunette hair.
"You will answer me, and you will comply..." he trailed off as I looked into his hazel eyes, his height making him have to kneel down to look me in the eyes as I sat in the cold steel chair with my hands cuffed to its arm rest. "Or suffer the consequences." He smirked, making me shiver at his breathe next to my ear.
I stayed calm as I looked him in the eyes, knowing I could so easily snap his neck right now if I really wanted to. I continued to keep my smirk,"What was your question again? So sorry, I was busy figuring out where to kick you next." I said calmly, sarcasm lining my tone.
"Why you little-" He said but I cut him off.
"Marvelous, splendid, lovely, darling. Yup. That's me. Guilty as charged." I chuckled, knowing I was getting him fired up, as I looked into his eyes full of frustration, and annoyance. His look made me smirk even more, he might think he had the upper hand here, he might even think because he's bigger, and more muscular than me that he can beat me, he might even think he was the smarter of us both, but he was wrong, and underestimating one little thing: I'm a girl-a girl who's ready for action. Who's eyes had already spotted her first target with, and didn't plan on losing.
Before he had a chance to respond I brought my leg up fast and hard, kicking him where it hurt most, making him fall to the ground in pain. The two guys behind me, I had noted earlier, immediately headed towards me as I struggled against the cuffs to get free, but the guard manage to bring his fist up as I felt immense pain shoot through my cheek and wince, the impact making the unstable chair I was in fall to the side with me in it.
I mentally groaned from the pain I received, but continued to try and get out of the cuffs, I glanced around noticing the other walk towards me, smirking.
Laying in a sideways position was not helping my case, but I'd have to deal. I heard my wrist pop, and cringed, that was gonna hurt later. Well managing to get my right wrist out of the cuff, with cuts and bruises, I felt something jerk my hair, and stand the chair I was in back up with me in it.
I winced and grit my teeth, ignoring the pain as I looked up at the other guard who glared at me. I kept my confident attitude, not showing sign of weakness, before using my head, and throwing it back to make him lose my grip on my hair.
I quickly took that moment to stand up, my left wrist still cuffed to the chair as I brought my leg up to the side of his ribcage, kicking him hard, and making him stumble as he tried to throw a punch of me. Immediately, I ducked, dodging it, and then with all the strength I had left, I used the chair I had vacated, and threw it at my attacker, making him crumple to the floor unconscious.
My heart was racing, my adrenaline pumping from the fight. I took a deep breathe, preparing for my next attack as the guard had stood to the side watching me take his buddy down. I looked directly into his eyes, and he looked right back; he ran towards me about to kick me, but I grabbed his leg and twisted it putting my leg up and pushing him forward with my foot.
I grabbed his arm and turned him around so his back was to me, and tightened my grip on his arm as I twisted it. I could hear him wince in pain, that only making me smirk more. I was winning. But the third guard in the room-the one who had talked to me early- was using his arm to throw a punch at me. I grew worried about this after seeing it from the corner of my eye, and used the partner who arm I held, throwing him into one an another.
They both laid on the ground, groaning. I rolled my eyes, and pressed a button that was next to the door. Then let my body lay against the wall, and sink to the floor.
The next thing I hear was the sound of an alarm after I had pressed the button. The sound signifying-it was over. Then the door opening next to me, and a brown haired, teenager-who was my age- looked down at me with a grin and held out a hand. He looked at me from where I sat and I smiled back. "Mission Successful, again." He chuckled.
I took his hand, and he pulled me up.
My advanced training session was completed.
I had won. I had completed every lesson, I had been taught every move and strike needed-I had made. I was done.
My training was over.
First chapter out!
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