"So darken your clothes, I'll strike a violent pose. Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me!" I sang Teenagers by MCR over and over again while getting ready for the party. While dancing in the mirror and being distracted by a splatter of makeup on it I didn't notice that my compact was falling. "No!" I yelled as I ran to my shattered powder.
"This was $28!" I said in a miserable voice. "You know what, I'm a beautiful smart girl that doesn't need that mattifying powder to look fabulous at this party! Actually I'll just borrow Karen's powder." I said in an optimistic voice. I called Karen's phone and got answered to "Sorry but I can't come to the phone right now bu-". I closed my phone "It's cool I'll just be oily." Every year you would see the classic Minnie Mouse and cat costumes at Gamma Kappa's annual Halloween party. I used to partake in that, but this year I wanted to be different, and no I don't mean the slutty version of costumes at Party City™ as "different". I wanted to be the Greek Goddess Nyx, she is the goddess of night or what I like to call myself when I'm being anti-social.
I got to the party early as early to help set up decorations and food. I saw my boyfriend awkwardly leave the door to the study and looked at me with shame in his eyes. "Sam! Come over here" I yelled waving my arm. He walked over with his gaze at the floor and said "Hi what's up?" "What's up? You never come to parties early" I said confused. I had noticed he had been a little strange lately, now I'm even more concerned. He ran outside and looked scared. "I guess he's on crack now" I said jokingly. I never really liked Sam, but people liked the idea of the two most sporty people in the university to be together. I guess that makes sense. "When people started arriving I went for the keg and started drinking like crazy, for a petite girl like myself I had a very high tolerance for alcohol. I drunkenly looked around for Sam and started opening all doors in the house. I started to lose hope. Then I opened one door and saw symbols everywhere. I looked up and saw someone with a black robe, that was covering their face levitating in mid-air. There was a table with sheet underneath the clocked person. I stood in the doorway staring at the robed figure and unknowingly said "Sam?" "No, it's me. The cloaked figure removed their hood and revealed their identity. "Karen? What the hell!" I screamed. Karen was under the hood with a steady face and lifted the sheet on the table. I started sobbing when I saw what was under the sheet. It was Sam tied up and squirming. "No stop, why are you doing this?!" I screamed. "I'm doing this because I can darling" Karen said. She pulled out a sharp dagger and pierced it into Sam's neck. "Oh my god!" I screamed trying to open the door. The door opened and I ran as fast as I could. Everything went in slow motion. In reality I was sprinting, but in my mind I was slowly being chased. I got into my car and started driving 80m down the highway. I started to think out loud. "What is happening? Not only did I just lose my boyfriend and my best friend but I lost the-" My car crashed into a broken down car and lost all sense of reality. I could see myself going several feet in the air and then crashing down slowly. I felt my soul start to leave my body. I saw a figure with black wings and horns fly in front of me. "Ka-Kar-"I tried to speak. "Don't hurt yourself honey" Karen said as she flew up to me, she pressed her lips against mine and said "What else did you lose?" "I lost the love of my life." I said and saw Karen sink into the ground and go into the underworld. My body slowly faded away as I tried to become the goddess of darkness that I was pretending to be.
Thank you for reading! Please remember to never drink and drive and I don't think I have to tell you to avoid demons. Happy Halloween! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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