*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*
I was having a fun time hanging out with Braelynn. Our day was well spent just shopping, talking, laughing and of course eating. It had been a while since we last hung out so I was enjoying the needed time with my best friend very much.
Right now we were sitting in Taco Bell just talking about our lives when we were interrupted by a loud explosion. I watched as dozens of people began screaming and running down the streets in a panic. Braelynn stood up and ran inside the building. I followed her out the front entrance. She came to a sudden stop causing me to run into her. I steadied myself and turned my attention towards the object she was so focused on.
My eyes widened in fear as I stared at the twenty foot tall robot in front of my eyes. It was just like the one Braelynn had described at my house and I was almost one hundred percent positive that it was one of the Decepticons Ron had been talking about.
"Is that. ."
I couldn't even finish my question. I was far too frightened. After receiving a small nod from BraelynnI gulped. The robot cocked its fairly large cannon and aimed it at the boutique next door to us. People were still running along the streets just trying to get away from the menacing monster. Another loud explosion sounded, this time shaking the ground at a momentum great enough to knock my best friend and I to the ground.
"We have to get out of here now," Braelynn exclaimed as she pulled me up with her.
"How are we supposed to do that? You left the keys back there on the table."
"We have to run."
My eyes widened and another shot sounded. "I can't run, Braelynn."
"You have to try! Now come on!" she yelled as she grabbed me by my hand.
She began pulling me down the crowded streets and I tried as hard as I possibly could to keep upbut it just wasn't quite working. A sharp pain coursed through my once injured knee and soon I was on the ground. I had pushed myself too far and there was no way I would be able to get up. This is exactly what I had been instructed not to do since I got my brace taken off.
Braelynn skidded to a stop and I looked at her. She gave me a frightened look and kneeled down to my level.
"You have to get up, Lea."
"I can't. I really can't, Brae," I told her.
A shot sounded causing her to look behind me. Her eyes widened in horror and she began yanking on my arm.
"No. You have to get up. You'll die if you don't and I am not going to let that happen," she exclaimed.
"Listen, I'm going to be okay. You need to go. Now."
The angry, yet sad tears were building up in her eyes. "I can't just leave you here!"
"You have to. I'll be fine. I promise. Now, go!" I demanded.
She hesitated before getting up and running back down the street.
More and more shots sounded along with more and more screams. I turned my head just enough to see three more large robots entering the scene, all of them oddly familiar to me in some way. One was a green-yellow color while the one beside him was all black. The last one was covered from head to toe in blue and red flame decals, very similar to the truck I had seen on my almost fatal run a while back. He was a few feet taller than the other two and seemed to be the leader of the group.
Just looking at them made me feel like my heart was about to burst from my chest. By this point I was beyond frightened.
The black robot, who was armed with two very large cannons on either arm, shot the silver bot directly in the chest which sent him flying through the air towards the direction in which I was. Quickly, I scooted as far away from the middle of the street as I could. The robot ended up hitting a tractor trailer that was parked in the middle of the road along with several other vehicles. I flinched away as a new explosion rattled my eardrums.
By now I was one of the few people left on the street. Everyone in the square had managed to make their escapebut being half crippled didn't help me in that particular department.
The sound of metal scraping caught my attention and I turned to see the silver bot attempting to get up. This was absolutely crazy. An explosion of that magnitude should have killed him on the spot.
Beside me, a large mechanical foot stomped down and I shifted backwards. As I looked up I saw the flame covered bot stalking towards the silver robot. The other two were following closely behind him.
The silver not sat up slowly. For a moment, he met my eyes. His Crimson red optics bore into my light blue eyes and what appeared to be a sinister smile was on his face. I shivered.
He raised his gun and aimed it in my direction though he fired and missed, sending the bullet flying towards the building I was currently hiding beside.
I gasped and tried to scramble away as fast as I couldbut only got about seven feet. I screamed as several pounds of drywall from the building fell on top of me. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt much, but that may have been due to the amount of adrenaline in my system. The only thing that was really bothering me at the moment was the pain in my knee, a strange numbness in the side of my head and the fact that I could hardly breathe.
Mustering up all the strength that I could, I began digging my way out of the small mountain of drywall. I could hear more shots and then the sound of a fighter jet flying by. After that, all was silent aside from hushed voices and small footsteps.
Each breath I took became shorter and shorter, but soon I managed to push away the final slab of drywall, coughing as the fresh air entered my lungs. As I climbed out from underneath the debris, my limbs suddenly gave out on me. I whimpered as I tumbled down to the sidewalk.
The adrenaline was leaving my body by the second and I could now feel everything. My knee was most definitely in need of medical care. There was also a very sharp and almost unbearable pain in the side of my head. I raised my trembling hand up to see if I could find the source of the pain and was shocked to find that my fingers were now covered in my own blood. My body ached all over and I was beginning to get incredibly lightheaded. Instead of trying to get up, I just laid on the ground and stared up, stars clouding my vision.
Very vaguely, I could still see three giant figures cautiously scanning the area around them. I assumed them to be the trio of robots. The black robot turned in my direction and looked up before spotting me down on the ground. His bright blue optics widened ever so slightly and he quickly spoke to the blue and red bot standing next to him.
Slowly, I could feel myself losing consciousness but I fought to keep my eyes open. The black robot spoke frantically to the other two bots and soon he stalked over to me. I was far too weak to show how frightened I was. I could barely even keep my eyes open, so I just continued to lay there. Suddenly, I could feel myself being lifted. With what little vision I had left, I managed to make out the very faint image of the dark colored robot's face getting closer and closer to my own. Hoping that I was now in safe arms, I let the darkness consume me.
I opened my eyes and shot up. There was an eerie pain in the center of my head but I ignored it. I looked around at my surrounding and saw that I was in the living room. I rolled my eyes. Ron must have been feeling really lazy last night. The TV was on, the midday sun giving the picture a small glare. The rest of the house was silent. There wasn't a sign of my mother, my father, my sister or Ron. I assumed that they were all working, aside from my sister of course.
I ran a hand through my hair and leaned my aching head against the couch. It had been a few days or so since I've had a dream but this dream wasn't like the others I had been having. This one spoke to me in an odd way that the others didn't and I was almost certain that this one was far more significant than the others had been. It was almost as if it were a memory. .
First and foremost, the only thing I remembered from that day was eating at Taco Bell with Braelynn, just like we were in the dream, but that was it. Nothing else showed up after that. It was just blank, so I was left to figure this out with the help of my other dreams.
They were almost all the same. The black robot and the silver robot showed up like they normally did in my other dreams, the scenery was the same and the situation was the same. They only thing that was different was the fact that in this dream there were two other robots instead of just the two individual ones. I began thinking about every single way that the dream I just had was similar to those of my past ones and I came up with a lot of different things.
First, there was the strange vision I had while watching Fantastic Four followed by the dream I had of myself being trapped underneath rock. In my dream, the silver robot had blown up a building which caused the drywall from the structure to fall on top of me, leaving me trapped underneath, fighting desperately for air.
Secondly, there was the understanding as to why Braelynn always seemed to disappear in my other dreams. I now knew it was because I was injured and instead of allowing her to risk her life to try and help me, I sent her away, much to her disapproval of course.
My mind's ability to single out the silver bot was understandable as well. In this dream he hadn't once went after me but I assumed that in my previous dreams that was the way my mind had depicted the way things were happening.
Lastly, there was the black bot. In each of my dreams he had saved me from a tragedy that the silver bot had always threatened me with, much like he did in this one. I didn't understand why the other two were there. My guess was that they were trying to help fight off the silver bot.
All of a sudden, something clicked inside my brain. Everything was beginning to make so much more sense to me now. The thoughts in my head flowed so freely now and I could recall almost everything. The night I woke up, Ratchet had told me all of my injuries but Ron refused to let him inform me on how I acquired them. Nobody needed to tell me now though because I knew.
I now knew how I got all of my injuries. My knee was a result of trying to run away from the bot after being told days before not to do so. My head injury happened after the mountain of drywall fell on top of me, as well as the two day bloody nose and sore throat from inhaling the dust.
Now, I understood why I was denied the truth. It was as bad as everyone let on. The visions, the dreams. .everything. They all meant something just like I had predicted. They were there to tell me why I was the way I was; to give me insight on what everyone was keeping from me.
My injuries didn't happen because of a minor fall to the ground. I did not suffer through a concussion for over two weeks because of a little bump on the concrete. It was far worse than that. I was the victim of a Decepticon attack on Town Square and right now I didn't know how to feel about it.
Another thing that got to me was what I was told the night that I woke up. Ratchet had said a few choice words to me, those being: "Just know that without a very special person on your father's team, you would not be sitting here right now." I never forgot those words because I was hoping that one day I would get to meet this person and thank them for what they did for me, but right now I was confused.
In the dreams, I was always saved by the same thing: a black humanoid robot. Now that I could recall the incident, I very distinctly remembered that there wasn't a human anywhere in the vicinity after the attack. It was just me and the three robots, and I may have been on the brink of losing consciousness but I was still very well aware of what was going on around me; aware enough to know that I was not saved by a human.
This was the part that confused me and angered me. Everyone knew what happened to me, and Ratchet obviously knew who or what saved me and I was almost sure that the others did too. The thing was that Ratchet told me I was saved by someone on the team. If that was the case then that robot was the 'special person' on the team.
Awhile ago, I had talked to Ron about these things. I had been freaking out at the time because I didn't know how an army of humans was supposed to take on these Decepticon shits and he told me that it was complicated, only now it actually made sense to me. The team consisted of not only humans, but humans and these robots. It was simple. There was no way that an army of humans could defeat the Decepticons. They could barely even take down one of them.
I sighed and sat back, letting all of this new information soak in. There were so many different emotions flowing through me right now. I was happy that I finally remembered what happened, yet I was angry that it and the knowledge of the good alien robots had been kept hidden from me even when I talked about them.
There were still a few things that I was a little bit uncertain about and other things that were still just so cloudy to me, but in time I'd figure them all out. I had too much on my mind as it was and I didn't need to overload. . .
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