The Nightmares Return
*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*
Every horrible event from that day played over and over again in my head, only this time were the very gruesome images of my best friend's bloody and lifeless body flashing throughout my mind.
It had been two days since then and I feared that I was losing it. Every time I went to sleep I came face to face with the most tragic event of my life.
This was different though. I had nightmares, much like the nightmares I had had after my last accident. Everything was depicted so much differently than what it was when it actually happened. It got to the point where I didn't want to sleep at all because I was too afraid to dream.
One last image of Braelynn's body did it for me. I let out a shrill scream, the hot tears streaming down my face. Suddenly, I was being shaken. My eyes shot open and I darted upward, a sharp pain erupting through my abdomen. I whimpered and clutched my stomach.
There was a comforting hand on my back and I turned around to see Ron. I sighed in relief and leaned into him. He wasted no time in rapping his arms around me.
"You're safe, Lea. Everything's going to be okay," he told me.
I cried and took his shirt in my hand. No one knew how much I wanted to believe him but I just couldn't. Everything was so different.
"I wish I could believe you," I whispered.
He kissed the top of my head. The door clicked open and I moved so I could see who it was. My dad gave me a small smile and walked into the room.
"Hey. There's somebody here who wants to see you," he told me. I gave him a look and wiped my eyes. For the past two days I had only seen him, Ron, and Ratchet and aside from the few visits from my mom, Optimus, the twins and the other Autobots who held a lesser form, no one else came in to see me.
"Who?" I squeaked.
He gestured to the door where a very familiar woman walked in. An abundant amount of happiness coursed through my body when I saw her. Her eyes were tear-stained but she held a small smile on her face as she looked at me. She rushed over and engulfed me in her small arms. I cried with happiness, never wanting to let her go.
"I'm so happy to see you," I told her.
She chuckled and let me go, wiping the tears from her eyes before she spoke.
"It's so good to see you, Lea. I'm so happy that you're okay."
I frowned. "How are you doing?" I squeaked.
"It's hard but isn't it supposed to be?"
She tried to smile but failed.
"I'm so sorry, Lora."
She rubbed my arm.
"It isn't your fault. I assure you of that, Azalea. There's only one single being at fault for this." Ron stiffened behind me and I pursed my lips.
"How is Ron doing?"
Strangely enough, Braelynn's father and Ron shared the same name. .technically, I guess you could say.
"He's not taking it okay. He won't leave the house," she told me.
I squeezed her hand. "Tell him I said that I'm thinking of him."
She smiled at me.
"I will, sweetheart. But I just thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing. I'll call your dad in a few days and let him know about funeral details and what not," she told me.
I nodded and she gave me a hug. "I love you, sweetie."
"I love you too, Ma."
She released me and looked at Ron. I grabbed his hand.
"Please do everything you can to get rid of these Decepticons," she told him, a single tear falling down her face.
Ron squeezed my hand. I didn't hear a response come from him, but I felt him nod. She smiled before quickly walking out of the room. I scrunched my eyebrows and looked at my dad.
"Does she know?" I asked him.
He gave me a dumb look and nodded. "What was I supposed to say killed her daughter?"
I frowned. "Does she know about them?" I asked gesturing to Ironhide's lesser form.
He shrugged. "Mother's intuition or something. I have no clue," he said.
I sighed and laid down. "I love you both so much. Thank you for being here for me," I whispered.
My dad smiled at me while Ron rubbed my cheek. It was unbelievable that he was still completely oblivious to mine and Ironhide's relationship or even the idea of it.
"We love you too, Lea," my dad said.
Maybe he actually did have an idea or maybe he even knew, but wasn't saying anything about it. I'd ask Ron about that when he left.
"You better. I wouldn't put up with these damn Decepticons for just anybody or in your case any bot," I remarked.
Ron chuckled. "Shut up, kid."
I glared at him before turning to my dad. Before I got the chance to speak, the door opened again and Ratchet walked in. I groaned. He was going to try and make me take some more medicine.
"How's my little soldier today?" he asked me.
I pouted. "She's the same as she's been for the past two days: both physically and emotionally in pain."
He instructed Ron to sit me up so he did as carefully as he could. It didn't help much though. Ratchet examined me much the same as he's been doing for the past two days. Now here came the pain medication, which put me to sleep and also came packed inside a syringe.
"I'd rather not," I stated.
Ratchet gave me a look. "And why not?" I scooted closer to Ron.
"Nightmares. She's too afraid to go to sleep," he told him.
Ratchet sighed and put the syringe back in his bag.
"Your condition is much the same. Nothing has gotten worse, though you're healing fairly fast. It may have something to do with the medicine I inject in you twice every day but who knows," he told me with a frown.
He was only saying it to make me want to take the medicine, but I refused. Sleeping had never been so frightening in my life.
"Nice try, Ratch. I love you and all, but your guilt trips don't work on me," I smirked.
He gave me a look before closing his bag.
"I'll be back later, Lea. I would advise you not to be asleep when I get back either."
He raised his eyebrows smugly and exited the room, my dad following closely behind him. I groaned and threw a pillow over my head.
"Sometimes I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up. This just so happens to be one of those times," I whined.
Ron grunted and ripped the pillow away from me. "Stop talking that nonsense."
I frowned. "Sorry."
"Also, you need to quit apologizing. You have nothing to apologize for," he chastised me.
I sighed and turned as much as my body would allow me to. "Okay, I'll stop. But I have a question."
He raised his eyebrows. "Hm?"
"Does my dad know?" I inquired.
He shook his head, knowing exactly what I was referring to. I sighed in relief.
"He doesn't know but he seems to realize that I have quite the effect on you," he chuckled.
I smiled. "Most of the times you do."
He grunted and before I knew it his lips were on my own.
"Okay, maybe all the time," I said as he pulled away.
He smirked and I yawned. This is what I get for refusing to take my medicine.
"Go to sleep, kid."
I grunted this time. "No. Stop calling me kid, you old rust bucket."
He gave me a stern look. "I don't know who you think you're talking to, punk."
I laughed, ignoring the pain in my abdomen. "I believe I'm talking to you."
He shook his head at me. "Just wait until you've healed. You'll most certainly learn," he chided jokingly.
I just laughed and yawned again, snuggling into his side.
"Go to sleep, Lea. I'll take care of Ratchet."
He rubbed my arm. I wasn't worried about Ratchet and he knew that. He knew the real reason as to why I wasn't particularly fond of sleeping. I just shook my head but the next thing I knew I was pulled into a realm of sleep.
*Please vote and comment. It'd mean so much to me. I wanna know what you guys think.*
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