Starry Night
*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*
The sound of the front door slamming woke me up and I groaned in annoyance but still remained on the floor. I heard keys rattling and several pairs of footsteps. My mom and dad were finally home. My dad yelled my name but I just ignored him and snuggled into the carpet.
"Azalea," my dad called as I felt him step into the living room. "Why are you in the floor?"
"Because I can be," I replied.
It was silent for a moment and then Ron spoke. "I have no explanation for her," he said.
"Can you go away and let me go back to sleep please?" I asked.
"No. Get up," he demanded.
I sighed and lifted myself up off the floor, hitting my head on the coffee table as I did so. I heard my dad and Ron laugh.
"Damn it," I exclaimed as I rubbed my head and sat down on the couch.
"You need to watch your mouth," my dad laughed and sat down beside me.
I laid my head down on his lap and propped my feet up on the couch's armrest.
"Constitution, William," I teased him. He stared at me. It was making me slightly uncomfortable. "Could you please not? It's rather creepy, dad."
"Stop being a pest then," he said.
I scoffed.
"So, how was school today?" he asked me.
"Horrible as always. Had to beat some kid's ass but it's no biggie," I told him.
I smirked as I remembered taking down Trent. He was so frightened. It was hilarious.
"You what?" my dad asked.
"Remember Trent?"
"Vaguely," he replied.
"Well, today he tried to ask me out, I said no, he got mad, he hurt my wrist and it pissed me off so I kicked him and pinned him to the fence. It was funny but had it not been for Braelynn, I probably would've snapped his neck," I giggled.
My dad cocked an eyebrow. "When was this?" he asked.
"After school. Ron saw it but yanno, he didn't want to get out of the precious truck to help me," I explained. I heard him grunt and I snickered.
"If you wouldn't have acted the way you did I assure you that he would've been in the hospital," he retorted.
"Wow. You're brutal. But I'm glad to know you care," I said. I could see a smirk on his face. "Where is madre?" I asked my dad.
"She's cooking dinner."
"I see how it is, mom! You can't even say hi to your own daughter!" I called into the kitchen. I heard her laugh.
"Was it necessary to yell?" my dad asked.
"It felt like it to me. I don't know about you though," I replied.
"You're such a smart ass," he said.
"It's just who I am."
"If you say so."
"I want to go shoot," I said.
"Not right now. It looks like it's about to rain," he remarked.
I groaned. "Sometimes I dislike rain."
"Well, it's nature. Deal with it," he said.
"Maybe I could sit inside the truck and do it," I chuckled.
"Not a chance," Ron said.
"You both suck," I exclaimed.
"Not hardly," my dad smirked.
I gave him a disgusted look. "Just please don't."
He laughed. "It's true though."
"I'm going back to sleep. Shut up," I said and closed my eyes.
He flicked my forehead and I sighed and opened my eyes. "What do you want?"
"Do you have homework?" he asked me.
I pursed my lips. "I might."
"Go do it," he commanded.
"I'm not feeling it," I remarked.
"Azalea," my dad warned.
"Dude, it's astronomy. I don't know astronomy. The only freaking constellations I can even think of is the Big Dipper and it's son the Little Dipper."
"Well, just try your hardest. Now, go on," he said as he pushed me off of him.
"You're so rude," I said as I trudged up the stairs.
I went into my room and grabbed my astronomy text book before heading back downstairs. My dad wasn't sitting on the couch anymore. He must've been in the kitchen with my mom. I sat down and opened up my book to the pages we were assigned. I groaned as I read one of the questions: Which constellation has Polaris, the north star?
How was I supposed to know this? I know he told us to read but that was just too many words for me. I closed the book and laid it down on the table. Ron looked at me.
"Isn't that what you're supposed to be doing?" he asked me.
I laid down on the couch. "Yes, but it looks hard. Astronomy isn't really my specialty," I told him as I picked the TV remote up off the table.
I began surfing through the channels, trying to find something to watch, when the remote was ripped out of my hand. I looked to see Ron staring down at me.
"Sit up," he said. I groaned but did as he said.
"What are you doing?" I asked as he sat down beside me on the couch.
He grabbed my astronomy text book off the table and opened it to the page I had been on. He studied the questions and laughed. I looked at him.
"How is this hard?" he asked me.
"I just don't know anything about stars or constellations or anything like that," I told him.
"It might help if you actually read the material, Lea."
"I read it sometimes," I said. He gave me a look. "Fine, I don't read it."
"If you did, this would be certainly easy for you," he said. He handed me my textbook.
"Why are you giving me this?" I asked.
"I'm going to help you but you have to read first," he answered.
"Can't you just give me the answers?" I asked hopefully.
"No," he said.
It was worth a shot. I sighed and sat back into the couch, my text book in my hand. I flipped the page back to 203 and began reading.
Five minutes had passed and I still hadn't finished the first three paragraphs. It was rather boring. I kept getting distracted by the TV and Ron had ended up turning it off, much to my despair. Fifteen more minutes into reading I dozed off which caused me to receive a very painful pinch to my arm from Ron. I knew I would have a bruise tomorrow. It took me almost an hour to finish reading. Mom and dad had called us in for dinner, but I didn't feel like eating at the moment so I just continued reading. After I finished I threw the book back at Ron.
"I finally finished."
"It's about time," he mumbled.
"Shut up. That was absolutely exhausting," I told him.
He scoffed and handed me my notebook and pencil.
"Why are you helping me anyway?"
"To keep you from failing," he answered.
I nodded. "Do you know all of this?" I asked him.
"Well, that's fantastic. Okay, first question: Which constellation has Polaris, the north star?" I read.
I looked at the answers and groaned. I wrote down the answer Pegasus but Ron grabbed the pencil out of my hand and quickly erased it.
"Think about it," he told me.
I remembered back to the first chapter. I wrote down Ursa Minor and looked at him.
"Good job, kid," he said.
I smiled at him and wrote down question two. "One down, forty nine to go."
"Finally!" I exclaimed as I closed my book and laid it on the table.
I had finally finished the written part of my homework. It had taken like two hours and without Ron's help I probably wouldn't have done it at all, but thank god for him. My dad had come into the living room about half an hour after I had started. Mom took Annabelle up to bed and even went to sleep herself.
"That wasn't so hard," Ron told me.
"Thank you for helping me," I replied.
He gave me a small smile and ruffled my hair.
"Anytime, kid," he said as he got up.
He wondered off down the hallway and I turned to my dad.
"Alright, I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Lea," my dad said.
"Goodnight, daddy," I replied. He kissed my forehead before walking up the stairs. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was eleven sixteen. I sighed.
Guess I better go find these stupid constellations, I thought.
I slipped on my moccasins and quietly headed out the front door. The air outside was cool and windy.
"Should've brought a jacket," I mumbled to myself.
I walked over to the truck and sat down against the side of it. "Hey, Ironhide. Happen to know anything about constellations?" I giggled.
The exterior was particularly warm. I found it odd considering the temperature outside and the fact that the truck hadn't been used in hours. I shook it off though and leaned my head against the side.
The night sky was filled with hundreds of stars and the full moon illuminated brightly in the west. Off in the distance a shooting star soared across the sky. I smiled. I always loved shooting stars. It was so rare to see one, so when you actually did it was like the best thing ever.
The sound of the front door opening caught my attention. I looked over and saw Ron walking towards me.
"What are you doing out here, kid?" he asked me as he sat against the truck.
"Looking for stupid constellations and hanging with Ironhide," I chuckled.
"Where's your jacket?"
"I didn't feel like going all the way upstairs to get one and anyways, I'm not even cold," I explained to him.
"Which constellations are you looking for?" he asked me.
"I don't know. I have no clue what to even look for. It just looks like a bunch of random stars to me," I told him.
He chuckled. "You have to know what to look for. Look right there," he told me as he pointed to a group of stars in the sky.
There were about four large bright stars surrounded my smaller ones. "What am I looking at?" I asked him.
"The Orion constellation. If you connect that cluster of stars together then you have the figure of a man. It's named after a hunter from your Greek mythology," he explained.
"Well, that's three constellations. Just two more," I sighed. He laughed. A cool breeze whipped past, causing me to shiver. I heard Ron chuckle.
"Seems you're quite the little liar," he said.
Something heavy and warm was placed over my shoulders and I noticed it was Ron's jacket. I pulled the warm fabric around me and smiled.
"Thank you," I told him.
"You're welcome, Lea," he responded.
"You know, I've always wondered if there were other beings out there besides us," I thought out loud as I stared at the starry sky. "Like, do you ever wonder? I don't believe that we're the only creatures in the universe. There's an endless amount of space out there that still has yet to be discovered. It's something that truly interests me."
"There are so many things about the universe that just can't be explained," Ron said.
"I know that, but it'd still be nice if someone could at least try to explain them to me," I said.
"But to answer your question, I know without a doubt that there are other beings out there besides human," he explained.
"Oh, so you're sure? Have you ever actually seen an alien before?" I chuckled.
He grunted. "Like I said, some things just can't be explained."
"Well, I want to meet an alien," I said.
He chuckled. "Maybe someday you will," he told me.
I giggled. The wind was getting stronger and I was getting colder.
"You should go inside. You're freezing," he said.
"No. I'm fine. I still have to find two more constellations anyways," I told him.
"Draco and Cepheus, now get up," he told me as he stood up in front of me.
"No. I don't wanna go inside," I retorted.
He walked closer to me and I looked up at him. I squealed as he yanked me up over his shoulder. "No. Put me down, please."
"What did I tell you this morning?" he asked.
I groaned. "You're so annoying," I grumbled.
"Get used to it, kid," he told me as he walked through the front door.
He continued on up the stairs and to my room. He dropped me onto my bed.
"I don't want to go to bed," I told him.
"Quit being a brat," he countered as he walked to the door.
I scoffed. "Wait, do you want your jacket back?" I asked.
"Keep it. I've got plenty," he said and closed the door to my bedroom. I sighed and laid down.
The TV screen illuminated through the room. Pirates of the Caribbean was playing yet again. I laughed at Jack Sparrow's antics. Johnny Depp was a fantastic actor and I still couldn't believe that Braelynn actually met him. I grabbed my phone off my bedside table to text her.
'So, we're hanging out on Saturday. Clear your plate.' I sent her.
About two minutes later my phone vibrated.
'Okay girl. Just let me know when and I'll be ready. I'll see you tomorrow at school. Goodnight. I love you, Lea!' she responded.
I smiled and locked my phone before sitting it back on my side table. I turned my lamp off and snuggled into the covers. Before long I was drifting off to sleep.
*Please vote and comment. It'd mean so much to me. I wanna know what you guys think.*
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