*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*
My mind was running a million miles an hour or at least that's what it felt like. My thoughts were all over the place. I didn't understand how this could happen nor did I understand why it had to happen in the first place. It just wasn't fair.
Ron had come into my life and though at first I showed a certain animosity towards him, he became the best thing that ever happened to me. He protected me and cared for me like no one ever had before and somewhere along the way I had fallen in love with him, only realizing it now.
Everything was now ruined though. The man that I trusted with my entire life, the man who promised to never ever hurt me had managed to hurt me more than anyone in my life ever had. He wasn't a human. . .he was an alien robot. Today could've gone completely different. Ironhide would've revealed himself to me, thus revealing Ron's secret and I would've been shocked, yet I also would've believed the situation to be fairly interesting only that was not the case here.
I was feeling angry, hurt, and betrayed at this new found revelation but that was only because of my feelings for Ron or Ironhide. I didn't even know what to call him anymore and I hated it.
For months now he had led me to believe that he was a living, breathing human being like myself only he wasn't. He knew what he was from the beginning only he failed to inform me of this little piece of important information. Had he done exactly that, this entire situation could've been avoided but no. He let me fall in love with him knowing that the complications he spoke of had to do with the fact that he was an alien robot.
I could never be with him the way I wanted to be. The Ron that I knew was barely even a part of what he actually was and I felt so strange inside just by acknowledging that small detail.
I didn't want this. I didn't want to feel like this, but I was in way too deep; I was trapped. My mind may have registered that Ron was a giant alien robot and I was feeling a ghastly overwhelming amount of emotions right now, but my feelings for the blue-eyed man did not falter; I didn't know what I was supposed to do about it either.
My phone beeped and I sat up to retrieve it. I wiped the tears from my eyes and unlocked the device. A text message from Braelynn appeared on the small, glass screen.
"I'm here," it read.
I sighed and got off of my bed. I headed over to my mirror to see the damage that had been done. Surprisingly, my makeup was still intact. The only thing that noticeably changed regarding my appearance were my red puffy eyes and my tear stained cheeks. For some reason I just didn't seem to care.
The clothes I was wearing were growing rather uncomfortable so I quickly walked over to my dresser to get something to wear. After rummaging through my drawers for about a minute, I picked out a pair of grey Nike sweatpants, a pink v-neck shirt and my plain black Nike hoodie. I changed into them before going over to my closet and grabbing my Nike Free Runs. I slipped them onto my feet and pulled my wavy blonde hair into a messy bun.
I sighed once more and slowly headed down the stairs, silently hoping that Ron wasn't present. I knew that he wouldn't make a scene in front of my parents but I was just being cautious. I didn't particularly want to see him at the moment.
After finding that the house was free of my dad and his partner, I stepped off of the final step and into the living room. The sound of my footsteps caught my mom's attention and she turned around with a smile on her face only for it to disappear as she noticed my disheveled appearance. She got up off of the couch and came over to stand in front of me. I took a small step back in fear that she would hug me for I would probably start crying again.
"What's wrong, honey?" she inquired.
I just looked down to the floor and shook my head. Before I knew it I was being pulled into a pair of soft, warm arms. That did it for me. I let out a sob and wrapped my arms around my mother's body. She just held me as I cried, sometimes stroking my hair to try and comfort me though it didn't work. She released me from the hug and wiped away some of my tears before placing her hands onto my shoulders. She gave me a very stern look.
"Listen to me. I don't know what's bothering you, but you know that you can come to me about anything right?" she said.
I nodded and sniffed. She smiled at me a moved a strand of hair out of my face. I then remembered that Braelynn was waiting on me outside.
"I need to go. Braelynn is waiting on me," I croaked out.
"I'll see you when you get home, honey."
I didn't respond. I only smiled and walked out of the door, hoping that Ron didn't decide to show up during my seven second journey to the car. I was not in the mood for an altercation at the moment. I was far too emotionally drained right now for a confrontation. I sighed and got in Braelynn's car. She immediately pulled out of my driveway and headed down the road. Our destination was a mystery to me, but I wasn't going to ask her where we headed.
"Thank you," I whispered.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see her glance at me.
"You don't have to thank me. You're my best friend. I'd do anything for you," she said.
I smiled. The rest of the ride was silent. We drove through the massive city for about fifteen more minutes before finally pulling up at a restaurant, but not just any restaurant: Marzano Italian Restaurant. It was my favorite place to eat in the entire city though it was rather expensive.
Brae parked and I soon remembered that I didn't have any money. I never thought to ask my mom for any. I figured she would just come and pick me up so we could go back to her house and talk. I hadn't expected this at all. I shot her a look.
"Braelynn, I didn't bring any money."
She chuckled. "I know that, but it's okay. I've got it covered. Now get out," she instructed.
I sighed and stepped out of the small car. I followed Braelynn into the restaurant and the hostess stopped when she saw us, a look coming onto her face when she saw me. I must have looked really bad, but that wasn't my main concern at the moment.
The woman led us to a booth at the far side of the restaurant and asked us what we would like to drink. Before I could even get a word out Braelynn ordered me a sweet tea. She seemed to know me better than I knew myself sometimes. I smiled at her and the woman walked away.
Braelynn crossed her arms on the table and looked at me. "What do you need to talk about? I can already tell just by looking at your face that it's something bad. Does it have to do with Ron?" she asked.
A pang of hurt burst through my chest and I frowned. The tears were trying to escape but I held them back. I refused to cry in public. I never cried as it was, but this whole situation had quite the negative effect on me.
"So, it is about him?" she asked me.
I nodded. A different woman returned with our drinks. She set them down on the table in front of us and took out her notepad.
"My name is Angela. I'll be your server today. Can I go ahead and take your orders?" she asked politely, a bright smile on her face.
I didn't even need to look at the menu to know what I wanted. I got the same thing every time I came here. I ordered the shrimp alfredo and handed my menu to the waitress. Braelynn ordered spaghetti and soon the waitress was off to place our orders.
"So, what about Ron?" she asked me.
I took my straw and put it in my cup, moving the liquid around in a circle with it.
"You were right," I said to her.
"Right about what?"
"Right about the way I felt for him. I just didn't want to admit it to myself." I looked up from my cup. She was staring at me with a raised brow.
"Why are you so sad then, Lea? That's a good thing isn't it?"
I shook my head and sniffed. A tear fell down my face but before it had the chance to hit the table I wiped it away.
"That's what you would think, right?" I whimpered.
The tears were starting to flow out at a fast pace. I guess that I was more vulnerable than I thought.
"What happened, Lea?"
"He's not even human, Braelynn."
She shifted backwards, obviously shocked by my statement. "What are you talking about?"
"You know how I went to meet the Autobots today?"
She nodded and I sniffed. "Well, it turns out that he's one of them. I don't understand how it's possible but it is. I'm in love with an alien robot, Brae. Why me? I didn't ask for this. I don't get it. It's not fair," I cried.
I put my head in my hands and just let the tears flow. I probably looked crazy right now but I didn't care. I couldn't help how I was feeling. Suddenly I felt arms around me and I jumped but soon realized it was Braelynn. She held me tightly and I just cried in her arms.
"I'm so sorry, Lea."
I cried harder. "I don't know what to do," I exclaimed.
She pull me off of her and looked me in the eyes.
"Answer this question. What bothers you more; the fact that he's actually an alien robot or the fact that he kept it from you?"
My head was saying one thing and while my heart was muttering another. I didn't think I knew the exact answer to her question. They both bothered me to an extent. I just gave her a troubled look.
"I know you know the answer. You just don't want to admit it to yourself," she said.
"What are you talking about?" I inquired.
She smiled at me and went back over to sit across from me. I stared at her until she answered me.
"You see, I remember a certain conversation the two of us had in your house while you were injured. I told you about the Decepticon my mother and I encountered and after I insulted him because of what he was, you were quick to shut me down, Lea.
"I told you that this creature wasn't my kind of eye candy and you said 'Just because he's a robot means that he isn't good enough for you?' and I had thought you were out of your mind. It was weird listening to you defend him that way but then you said something else," she started.
I gave her a look. I was surprised she remembered that far back. My brain was still very much concussed and that wasn't a good thing. I forgot almost everything thing now.
"What did I say?"
"I don't remember word for word but it was something along the lines of 'You said he acted human more than anything else. Just because he isn't human that doesn't give you the right to judge him'. You called me racist after that, but you had a point.
"I know you Azalea Lennox and I know good and well that his race or species or whatever has nothing to do with your indifference towards him right now. The alien detail may have an incredible effect on your emotions, but it's not because of why you think. You just weren't ready for it so it hit you like a brick in the face. You didn't know what to think of it and I know that you still don't, but you're simply ignoring the real reason as to why you're so upset," she finished.
I frowned. "And what might that be?"
"You're hurt. You're angry. You feel betrayed that he just let this happen without informing you of his little secret," she said.
I sighed. She was right no matter how much I wanted to deny it. Before I could respond the waitress came back with out food. She set the plates down in front of us. I only stared at mine and poked the noodles with a fork. Right now I was too busy thinking about what Braelynn had just said to me.
About half an hour later the two of us were ready to go. I hadn't even made a dent in my food and I felt bad considering that Braelynn was paying for it. She assured me that it was fine though and suggested I take it home and attempt to get my mom or dad to eat it so I took her up on it.
We drove in silence back to my house. The only thing that could be heard was the gentle hum of the radio as we zipped through the city. By the time we got to my house it was nearing dusk. My breath caught in my throat as I noticed the truck-or Ironhide sitting in the driveway.
All I needed was one damn night. .
My hand tightened around the door handle. Braelynn grabbed my arm and I shot my attention to her.
"Calm down," she said.
The tears were almost impossible to prevent tonight and I despised it. I felt like a whiny baby. Wiping my eyes didn't even help to calm them. I took a deep breath and looked her in the eye.
"Thank you," I told her.
She smiled at me. "You know that I'm always here. Do you remember what I said?" I nodded and sniffed. "Good. Now get inside," she instructed me.
I grabbed my box of food and opened up the door. The air outside was warm as I stepped out and I soon became aware that I was being watched. I shut the door to Braelynn's car and quickly headed to the front door, not bothering to even glance at the Topkick.
I wiped my eyes as best as I could before quietly walking into the house. My mom, my dad, and Ron were all sitting in the living room. I swallowed and shut the door, their attention turning to me when they heard the door click.
I looked solely at my mom and dad, trying my best not to let the unwanted tears out of my eyes. My dad frowned when he saw me and I sighed. I knew I looked bad but he didn't need to make it known. He stood up and walked over to me.
"Azalea, are you okay?" he asked me.
I nodded and smiled. "Yep. Hungry?" I inquired as I held up the styrofoam box to him.
He squinted his eyes at me. "What's in the box?" he asked.
"Shrimp alfredo from Marzano's," I answered.
His eyes brightened and he took the box from me and opened it up, a frown settling onto his face before he looked back at me.
"This is an odd bunch of shrimp alfredo. You normally finish most of it," he said, a skeptical look on his face.
I shrugged. It was becoming strangely hot inside the house. I moved away from my dad and started to remove my sweatshirt. I threw it on the back of the couch and turned back to my dad.
"Guess I just wasn't up for eating today."
He wandered into the kitchen and I turned away, squeezing my eyes shut.
Fucking stop crying damn it. .
"Lea?" my mom called.
I turned to face her. "Huh?"
I was aware of a certain pair of eyes on me but I didn't dare look over.
"Are you feeling okay?" she asked.
"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"
"Well, probably because you look just as bad as you did when you first left," she exclaimed.
I frowned and scratched the back of my head. Way to boost my self-esteem, mother. My father came out of the kitchen with a fork and the box I handed him.
"Well, I'm fine. No need to worry," I assured her.
"You're such a shit liar," my dad said with a mouth full of food.
I rolled my eyes and headed into the kitchen to get something to drink. Smirking, I grabbed a bottle of lemonade and headed back out into the living room. The sound of the pop capping caught the attention of my two parents and Ron. I took a sip of it. For my first time having even one sip of alcohol, I was enjoying it. It was rather delicious.
My dad's eyes widened and he nearly choked on his food as he realized what I was drinking. He made a move to get the bottle from my hand but I was too fast for him. I walked around the couch and sat down in the recliner opposite of Ron. I still refused to look at him.
My dad was now staring at me with fury yet amusement in his eyes.
"Azalea Lennox," my mom chided as I took another sip.
"What is wrong with you?"
"A lot of icky shit."
I heard a grunt and then suddenly the bottle was snatched from my hand.
"I'll take that," my dad exclaimed as he walked back into the kitchen.
I pouted and threw my hands up in exasperation. Well, there went my potential stress reliever.
He walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch beside my mother. Annabelle was in her playpen beside me sleeping. I smiled at the little girl and turned to my parents.
"So, I never got the chance to ask you or any of you for that matter. How did today go?"
There was an awkward silence.
"Um, well I got an A on my History test," I made up.
I kind of didn't want to talk about today. It had been the longest day of my life and all I wanted was for it to be over.
"You know that's not what I'm talking about. Will?"
He shrugged. "From my perspective it was exceptional. I don't know about that one over there," he told her.
I chuckled and looked down at my lap. "There's quite a lot you don't know," I spoke absent-mindedly.
"Oh really? Care to elaborate?" my mother said.
Shit. I did say that out loud.
I looked up. "No. Not really," I said.
"Lea, you're crying."
I reached a hand up to my face to feel that it was wet. I wiped them away and laughed.
"Yeah. It's been happening a lot lately," I said. I stood up and started walking towards the staircase.
"Where are you going?" my dad asked.
I stopped and turned to face him. "To sleep," I answered him.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked me.
I sighed. "No."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not particularly. I'll see you guys in the morning. I love you," I said to the three of them only one of them was completely oblivious to this.
I walked up the stairs without waiting for a response. Once I got into my room I got into bed. I stared at the ceiling for what seemed like hours, just thinking about everything.
Braelynn had been right about everything she said tonight. It did bother me that Ron just so happened to be an alien robot but the thing that concerned me more was the fact that he had failed to inform me about it. He had let this happen without even telling me. Part of me felt that he had taken advantage of me though the other part of me knew that he wouldn't do such a thing.
I sighed and closed my eyes. Crying all day had wore me out so I believed it was time for me to head to sleep. After a few more minutes I was sound asleep.
*Please vote and comment. It'd mean so much to me. I wanna know what you guys think.*
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