Good News
*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*
An ocean of black clouded my vision. I didn't want to do this at all and I shouldn't be doing this, but I knew that I had to. I needed closure and I needed it fast.
The past week or so had been fairly long and also very difficult to endure. The only reason I was still sane was because of my dad and Ron; not to mention Braelynn's family and the Autobots. Had they not been there for me, I don't know what would've happened.
The service was stretching on and on but I paid no attention to it; I was far more busy staring at the casket of my late best friend.
I was glad I had been released from the base to come to her funeral, but at the same time I also wished Ratchet would've disregarded the event and kept me locked inside my room or at least sent me home so I could grovel in pain in the comfort of my own bed. I really didn't want to do this.
Ron gave my hand a gentle squeeze and I jumped up, slightly startled by the gesture. I gave him a small smile and rested my head against his shoulder.
Thankfully, he was on my right side. I truly couldn't wait until I was completely healed. These injuries were very inconvenient for me.
I continued to gaze at my best friend's casket, a few tears slipping out of my eyes.
This still didn't feel real. It seemed like it was just yesterday that she was at my house informing me on the existence of Decepticons only to have one rip her life away from her just a few months later.
She was my best friend, my other half, my little sister; she was my family. I needed her in my life and though I knew I needed to do it, letting her go was just so hard and it seemed so impossible.
Things were definitely going to be so different and so incredibly hard without her, but I knew I would get through it somehow.
Before I knew it, I was being shaken out of my trance. I turned to see Ron looking down at me. Around him, people were standing up and heading out. I sighed and Ron stood up to help me.
A pain shot through my body but I ignored it and continued on, with Ron's aid of course.
I stopped to talk to Braelynn's parents for about five minutes before leaving. My plan was to have stayed longer but I just couldn't take being inside the building anymore. The air just held so much grief and despair. It was too much for me.
"William riding with momma this time?" I asked Ron as he lifted me up into the cabin of his alternate mode.
"Yes. I believe they just left," he told me. He closed the door and walked around to the driver's side. It wasn't long before we were off. "How are you?" he asked, his voice breaking the silence.
I simply just shrugged. "I don't even know to be honest. All I know is that eventually it'll get better. As long as I have you and my family and the rest of the Autobots, I'll be okay."
"I'll always be here for you, Lea." He grabbed my hand and I smiled.
"I know you will be. I love you, Hide." I patted the dashboard and he laughed.
"And I, you."
The rest of the ride back to the base was silent but also very comfortable.
He soon pulled onto base and as soon as I was on the ground, I was met with the face of Ratchet's very concerned lesser self. Before I could speak, a needle was being shoved into my arm. I squealed in pain and Ron was instantly at my side.
"Ratchet, what did you do?" he growled.
Ratchet smirked. "She's refusing to take her medicine so I had no other choice but to force it into her," Ratchet answered.
I frowned and the three of us began walking up to my room.
"Inform me on your intentions before you decide to stab my mate with a medical syringe," Ron chided.
Ratchet chuckled. "I'll take it into consideration, Ironhide."
We reached my bedroom and Ron opened the door. I quickly limped over to my bed and carefully lay down so not to disturb my broken ribs. Sooner or later I would need them to leave so I could change out of this dress.
"I have good news," Ratchet told me. Ron sat down beside me on the bed.
"What may that be?"
"Your condition is looking better each and every day. I was considering allowing you to return back home," he told me.
I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God. No offense, but I'm quite sick of this place."
Ratchet laughed. "That's understandable. We've grown tired of being here constantly as well but we have duties here to fulfill," he stated. I chuckled.
"So, how was today?" Ratchet asked me.
I frowned. "Depressing."
"You weren't gone very long. Isn't it customary for humans to bury the deceased after the funeral?" he inquired.
I nodded. "I couldn't do it though."
He gave me a small smile and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. I smiled.
"I am truly sorry, Lea. We all are."
"I really do appreciate that, but don't apologize. None of you are at fault," I assured him.
Ron squeezed my hand. "Maybe you should take your own advice," he baited.
I grunted. "Shut up."
Ratchet chuckled.
"Not to be rude or anything, but I need you both to leave so I can change out of this dress and into something a lot more livelier; perhaps a pair of pajamas."
Ron chuckled and got up from the bed. He and Ratchet stepped out of the room and I ushered myself out of bed. To my surprise there was a pair of sweatpants and a shirt laying on the desk.
I grabbed the bundle of clothes and started taking my dress off. The process was very difficult but after about four minutes it was finally off and I was left in the middle of the room in my bra and underwear.
I maneuvered the large sweatpants over my bulky ankle boot before putting on my shirt.
This was the hard part considering I had to remove my sling, place my arm precisely through the sleeve without causing any excess damage to my already torn ligaments, and finally I had to put my sling back on. It wasn't very easy with my right arm being disabled as well.
I sat back down on the bed and made myself comfortable.
"You can come back in now," I called. The door opened seconds later to reveal Ron but no sign of Ratchet. "Where's Ratchet?" I asked as he sat back down on my bed.
"Fulfilling numerous duties," he chuckled. I laughed, followed by a yawn. Damn Ratchet and his stupid narcoleptic medications.
"I hate him sometimes," I groaned, another yawn escaping
Ron chuckled. "Go to sleep."
I frowned. "But, I'm actually scared to. What if I actually have another nightmare?"
I had been nightmare free for about three days, but given what today was I wouldn't doubt getting one as soon as my head hit the pillow.
"It'll be okay. I'm here, Lea." He took my into his arms and I smiled in content. "I love you more than anything, Azalea."
I giggled. "I love you, Hide."
"Go to sleep, punk," he instructed.
I just chuckled and shook my head before closing my eyes. In minutes I was drifting off into a peaceful and sound sleep.
*Please vote and comment. It'd mean so much to me. I wanna know what you guys think.*
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