*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*
I screamed as a missile flew towards Sideswipe's vehicular mode, barely missing and hitting the pavement beside him. Debris flew towards the car. Most of it hit us and shattered Sideswipe's windshield, causing a storm of glass and asphalt to fly into the car. I hid my face, but felt some shards scrape past my arm, making small incisions in my skin. They cuts stung, but I wasn't worried about myself right now. I was worried about Sideswipe who had just had his windshield blown out.
"Are you okay, Sideswipe?" I inquired.
"Yes. I'll be fine."
We were now driving down the road to make our escape, or at least we were attempting to. There were far too many Decepticons surrounding us. Each and every one of them were trying to find a way to stop us, all while trying to get rid of the Autobots who fought bravely behind us, trying to evade the sinister bots.
The Decepticons were truly the scariest beings that I had ever seen in my life.Their piercing red eyes and their horrendous shrieking made this whole situation far more scarier than it needed to be; not to mention their large guns and cannons that were aimed towards us. Those were the deal breaker for me. I had thought Starscream was frightening, but he didn't compare to the rest of these things.
Another shot fired. I heard the sound of tires screeching as Sideswipe shifted to his side roughly, sending me flying against the driver's side door. The impact was hard enough to pop my shoulder right out of its socket. I seethed in pain before a long strap wrapped around my body in a protective notion. Braelynn was now strapped in as well.
The ground trembled greatly as a Decepticon was thrown to the earth. Sideswipe shifted again, and had I not been secured so tightly, I would've flown straight through his windshield.
"Sideswipe, get out of here!" Optimus yelled as he swung at a bot, knocking the evil mech to the ground.
"There's too many surrounding me. I'm doing the best that I can do," Sideswipe countered rather frustratedly.
More and more explosions rattled my eardrums. Smoke and fire was all that could be seen in front of us, aside from the almost tattered road and the dozens of Decepticons advancing towards us.
"This is crazy," Braelynn whispered.
I grabbed her hand. "Some birthday, huh? I'm so sorry, Braelynn. This was definitely not supposed to happen."
"Don't apologize, please. This is not your fault, Lea."
I frowned and squeezed her hand. Three shots sounded. I felt two of them hit the ground on either side of us while the last one managed to strike Sideswipe. He trembled immensely and before I knew it, he was transforming. Braelynn stared at me with a frightened look and then I was being ripped away from her.
I could feel myself flying through the air. Seconds later I hit the ground, my shoulder crying out in agony. I tightly grasped it with my hand and sat up to see that I was sitting in the grass about five hundred feet or so from the road, while Braelynn sat scared on the other side. Sideswipe was fending off three Decepticons with the help of Jolt. I needed to get to her.
The air was filled with the sound of explosions, angry curses, gunshots and the deafening sound of metal scraping against metal. My nose burned with the smell of gunpowder and smoke. I stood up slowly and watched in fear as the fighting continued.
The Decepticons outnumbered the Autobots by the dozens, but they still fought bravely and strongly. Though I could see everything, I hadn't a clue as to what was going on right now. My mind was everywhere at once and I couldn't exactly focus properly.
I screamed loudly as an explosion sounded beside me, sending my aching body flying a few feet backwards. The sound of metal on metal could be heard followed by the ground trembling with great force. I scooted back in fear as I watched the two bots scuffle around on the ground.
I gasped when I noticed that the bot on top was Ironhide. He turned to look at me, his optics widening in fear before turning back to finish the Decepticon off. He mumbled a few foreign curses before kicking the remains of the bot out of his path.
He turned to me, but before he could even get a word out, he was being tackled to the ground by a different Decepticon. The Decepticon gave Ironhide a swift punch to the face before getting up and turning towards me. My eyes widened at the sight of Starscream in front of me, the same exact smile on his face from the day he tried to kill me.
"Hello, little femme. You're going to be of much use to us," he said in a sickly sweet voice.
He lunged for me, but Ironhide quickly retaliated and knocked him down with a single shot from his cannon. He grabbed at Starscream's arm, which was raised to shoot, and curved the metallic ligament at an unnatural angle just before he could get the shot off. His rocket ended up hitting one other Decepticon right in the chest, ending its life.
Ironhide raised his leg and kicked Starscream directly in the face. The force of the action sent the bot flying directly toward me. I ducked down just in time and watched as Starscream slid through an entire line of trees. I backed towards Ironhide as Starscream got up, his optics set right on me.
"Get out of here," Ironhide instructed me.
I knew I needed to listen to him; I knew I needed to get to Braelynn, but I was too frightened to even think about moving. Starscream was getting closer and closer the two of us. No one else seemed to notice the predicament going on over here. I hadn't realized how far I had been moved away from the makeshift battlefield until I noticed that the gunshots and explosions were slightly distant.
Starscream cocked his gun again and Ironhide wasted no time in stepping in front of me.
"Azalea Lennox, so help me Primus if you do not get out of here right now-" he started.
I didn't wait for him to finish the rest of his statement. I was fast on my feet as I ran through the field, ducking and tripping every now and then when there was debris, missiles and even a certain Autobot flying in my direction. The adrenaline in my body had taken away most of the pain from my dislocated shoulder, but not all of it. I still treaded on though.
I ran about three hundred feet before finally coming to a stop. I was now back in the general vicinity of the battle. I couldn't see Braelynn anywhere. The only thing that I could see was the blinding cloud of smoke in the air and several Autobots and Decepticons fighting. A fighter jet could be heard flying over head. The earth beneath me trembled and I turned around to see Ironhide racing toward me.
He looked pretty beaten up, but it didn't seem to affect him very much. His right arm was sparking up a storm and he was limping. It wasn't extreme but it was noticeable at the least. I went to rush over to him, but stopped when I heard the sound of a very familiar shrill scream. My breath caught in my throat and I shot my attention towards the direction it had come from.
A small whimper escaped my throat when I saw Braelynn on the other side of the street, struggling in the hands of a Decepticon. She kicked and punched, but the Decepticon only squeezed her body tighter. Before I knew it I was running like I had never ran in my life. My shoulder and my weakened knee forgotten.
"Azalea, don't!" I heard Ironhide yell.
I knew he was running after me but I didn't care; I didn't stop. If no one was going to help my best friend, then I definitely would. It seemed as if she was getting farther and farther away but I kept my pace. It never once faltered. The gunfire and explosions continued, and Ironhide continued running after me. I was surprised he hadn't caught up to me yet, even in his injured state.
She was only feet away from me now. All I had to do was cross the four lane road and I'd be there. Her tearful eyes met mine for a fraction of a second before switching over to something in the distance. I could hear a faint humming noise getting louder and louder but I kept running.
"Lea, watch out!" Braelynn choked out, the sound of her voice making me cringe.
I paused just long enough to see a car racing abnormally fast towards me. This wasn't just a regular car though. There was no driver inside the car and the vibe it set off just screamed Decepticon. My eyes widened and I moved to shuffle out of the way, but it was too late.
Every single part of my body screamed out in pain. The air was cool and refreshing as it blew across my already bruised skin, though it was short lived when I landed on the hard and uneven surface of the road. The impact sent a new wave of pain into my body and I rolled twice before coming to a complete stop.
More jets and vehicles could be heard, as well as the gunfire that had yet to stop. I was in pain, great pain. I had never felt pain like this before in my life. I almost felt as if my body was paralyzed; it was almost as if I were dying. It certainly felt like it.
No matter how hard I tried to keep my eyes open, it wouldn't work. I was losing consciousness and I was losing it fast. I knew that I was dying, I just couldn't bring myself to believe it. All of the pain was now beginning to subside. There was very little that I could see and hear though I could still very faintly make out the sounds of loud footsteps and frantic speaking. The last thing I saw were the scared and worried bright blue optics of Ironhide. With all of the strength that I could muster, I smiled at him before letting the darkness consume me once and for all.
*Please vote and comment. It'd mean so much to me. I wanna know what you guys think.*
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