Back to Hell
*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*
The past week had gone by fairly quickly. In reality I had nothing to do but sit at home all day and listen to my needy baby sister, my parent's hushed conversations inside the kitchen and my father's and Ron's mindless chatter.
In the week since he's been here it's been different. There's a completely different atmosphere with him in the house and I really couldn't put my finger on it. I really liked having him here though. He's always teasing me or scolding me for some stupid antic I've done. Some days him and my dad would come up and watch me or even help me shoot--not that I needed it--and he would even brawl with me when he had the time. It was actually really fun having him here. I had learned so much from him in a week than I have from my dad in eleven years.
I was currently laying in my bed just staring at the ground. My dad had woken me up about fifteen minutes ago to get ready for school but I hadn't moved at all. It was far too early for this and far too late in the week. I'd never understand why they sent us back to school in the middle of the week. It was stupid. I felt like some sort of zombie. I had no motivation to do anything. My door clicked open and I looked up just enough to see Ron standing in the doorway. He was leaning against the side of the frame with his arms crossed over his chest. My dad probably sent him up here.
"Go away please," I told him.
"I've been sent to make sure that you were up and ready to go to school," he said.
I groaned. "Well, I am. Can't you tell?"
"You're a liar," he replied.
"I suggest you get up," he chided.
I groaned and turned around. "But I don't wanna," I whined.
I cuddled myself into my blankets, the sound of footsteps in my ears. Good, he was leaving. I smiled in content and closed my eyes. Seconds later I was being jerked out of bed. I squealed and hit the floor with a thud. A deep chuckle sounded in my ears and I removed the hair that had fallen in my face and looked up at Ron. He had a smirk plastered onto his face and I glared at him.
"Next time you should listen," he said as he walked out of my bedroom.
I got up off of the floor and walked over to my closet to pick out clothes for school. I grabbed a purple floral top, my army green leather jacket, my black leather boots and a pair of dark jeans. I changed into my clothes and then went to the bathroom to do my make up. After about twenty minutes, I finished. I walked back to my room and grabbed my bag before walking downstairs and into the kitchen. My dad, my mom, Ron, and Annabelle were all at the table. I grabbed an apple and sat down beside my dad.
"Finally, you're up," my dad exclaimed.
I growled. I was not a morning person.
"Don't get too thrilled. I'm only up because I was literally forced out of bed," I said.
I heard Ron chuckle and I shot him a glare. My dad laughed. "Maybe next time you should wake up when I tell you to."
"Bite me William," I huffed. He snickered. My mom quickly got up and grabbed Anna.
"I can't take you to school this morning, Lea. I've got to take Anna to the doctor for a check up and then I have to drop her off at daycare and then go to work after that. I'm sure your father would be thrilled to take you though and hopefully pick you up," she explained as she grabbed her purse.
"You know, I've been wanting to take a ride in that truck for the past week and it's pretty ironic that the only time I'm able to it's taking me to my own personal hell on earth. And being driven to school by my dad is embarrassing," I said.
"Then ask Ron to take you," my mom said.
"But he's mean to me."
"Hardly," he responded. I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Well, I don't have time for this. I have to go. Goodbye," my mom said as she pecked my dad on the lips and headed out the door.
"So, what's the verdict Lea?" my dad asked.
"I don't care."
"Maybe you should just get your license like a normal teenage girl," he said.
I growled again. "Maybe you should shut up. I'll get them when I feel like it."
"Well, until then you're stuck with me and your mom driving you around," he teased.
I groaned. "I'd feel so much better if the truck could just drive itself. Then I wouldn't need you, mom, Ron or anyone else to take me anywhere for the rest of my natural life."
Ron grunted and my dad snickered.
"Stranger things have happened," my dad mumbled.
I looked at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means get your stuff. We're leaving," he said as he got up from the table.
"No. I'm not going," I said and laid my head down on the table.
"Lea," my dad warned. I just mocked him. A silence filled the room and then suddenly I was pulled over someone's shoulder. It was Ron's.
"What the-put me down! I'm tired of being man handled!" I yelled. He didn't listen, he only continued following my dad. "I'll hit you," I said. I heard my dad laugh.
"You'll only hurt yourself, kid," Ron told me as he walked out the front door.
The air was cold against my face, causing me to shiver slightly.
"I'm not a kid," I countered as he sat me in the back seat of the truck.
He raised an eyebrow at me before shutting the door and getting in the driver's side door. I turned to my dad who was in the passenger's seat. The truck started up and soon we were moving. My dad looked at me.
"Put your seat belt on," he demanded.
I crossed my arms. "Probably not."
"Do it before I do it myself," Ron chided.
"What? Do you have automatic seat belts? Last time I checked you can't do much while driving," I teased. He grunted.
I looked out the window and suddenly a fabric strap was being wrapped around my torso. It was my seat belt. I tried to pry it loose but it wouldn't budge.
"What the hell?" I exclaimed as I struggled to get it loose.
My dad and Ron chuckled.
"Next time you need to listen," my dad scolded me.
I groaned and sat back in the seat. At least I was finally getting to ride in the truck, I thought. The cold air from outside had managed to make its way inside the cabin of the truck and I shivered again. Soon enough heat radiated throughout the inside of the truck, but it was odd considering I hadn't seen Ron or my dad touch the heating dial at all. I shook it off though and stared out the window.
The trees moved past in a blur. Five minutes later we pulled into the school's lot. Students strode around, the look on their faces made it clear that they didn't want to be here. I sighed and opened the truck door. I went to step out of the truck but since I wasn't paying much attention to the distance from the truck to the ground I fell flat on my face. I heard two car doors slam shut. I groaned and looked up at my dad and Ron. The other students weren't paying much attention and I was thankful for that. My dad held a hand out to me and I took it. He pulled me up and I grabbed my bag from the ground.
"Are you okay?" my dad asked.
"Yes. I'm fine. The concrete broke my fall," I said grumpily. I heard Ron laugh but I ignored him and leaned against the truck.
"Well, you better get going. Hell is waiting," my dad chuckled.
"Ha ha. Very funny. Thanks for the ride though. I'll see you two later," I said and began walking away.
"See you later kid," Ron said. I turned and glared at him and he laughed.
"Bye Lea," my dad yelled.
I waved to them and continued on towards the school doors.
The inside of the building was the same it had been when I left over a week ago. It was freezing cold and still disgusting. I walked down the hallway and to my locker. Taking my books out of my locker, I shoved them into my bag and then closed it, only to be met with the face of my best friend, Braelynn. Her straight black hair cascaded down to her waist line and her bright blue eyes still shone underneath the dim school lights.
"How was your break?" she asked cheerfully.
I chuckled at her tone. We were so different, I didn't even know how we were friends. She was what you would call a good girl, while I always got into trouble. I loved guns, fighting and big trucks and the thought of all that stuff made her cringe. The only thing that was basically the same about us was the way we dressed.
"It was boring to say the least. If only you and your family hadn't went to Los Angeles for the week we could've hung out," I told her.
"Well, I'm back now so we can hang out whenever you want," she smiled.
"Sounds lovely. I'll have to text you sometime. So, how was LA?" I asked her.
She squealed. "AMAZING. I know that you saw that picture on Facebook! He's so sweet and so nice Azalea! Like, I cant."
"I bet. Next time you'll just have to take me with you," I chuckled.
She threw a hand to her hip. "Duh."
The first period bell rang and I said goodbye to Braelynn and made my way to Algebra class. Sadly, Braelynn and I only had one class together and it was the last one for the day, so during my six classes alone I had no one to talk to. I got to the classroom and walked in, everyone's eyes turning to me. My teacher, Mrs. Henderson, gave me a hard look.
"You're late, Miss Lennox," she chastised.
"I'm here aren't I?" I remarked as I made my way to my seat at the back of the class.
A few students laughed at my comment but Mrs. Henderson just sighed and went back to teaching. All she really talked about was factorial equations and the Pythagorean theorem. I thought it was all stupid. The bell soon rang and we all scrambled out of the classroom so we could get to our next one.
Today went by fairly quickly but I still had one more class left to go and that was Astronomy. I grabbed my astronomy book from my locker and made my way up the stairs. When I got into the classroom Braelynn was already sitting in our spot in the back. I smiled and sat down beside her as the class begin.
"Alright students. If you will, open up your text books to page two hundred and three," our teacher Mr. Hamilton spoke.
I groaned and flipped my book open.
"I'm sure you're all familiar with constellations. For your homework tonight I want you to read pages two hundred and three to page two twenty. At the end of the lesson you're to do questions one through fifty and find at least five constellations and bring them to me tomorrow," he explained.
The class groaned. Of course I'd have homework in this class as soon as I come back to school. We normally never got homework in this class so I was a little surprised at the fact he had actually given us some.
"So, are you expecting us to actually take the constellations out of the sky and bring them here to you tomorrow?" I heard Trent ask.
The class laughed but I just scoffed and rolled my eyes at him. He was such an airhead and one cocky little bastard. He had transferred here from somewhere in California and he was a major jerk. I wasn't very fond of him at all, but he seemed to be very taken with me. I looked over at him and he winked. I gave him a dirty look and turned back to Mr. Hamilton.
"Trent, there's no need for your smart comments. You know exactly what I mean," he scolded.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Trent smirk. Sometimes I just wanted to hit him.
"He's staring at you," Braelynn whispered to me; I knew exactly who she was talking about.
"I'm not really worried about it. Let him stare all he wants. He's still not getting any of this," I told her. She giggled and sat back in her seat.
The final bell rang and I sighed in relief. I got up out of my seat and quickly made my way out the door, avoiding contact with anyone. I walked back downstairs and to my locker. Braelynn came up behind me shortly. I placed my history book on the shelf and closed my locker door before turning to her.
"I just want to go home, stuff my face with food and go to sleep," I told her.
"I totally understand, Lea." Braelynn put her books inside her locker before shutting it.
"You ready?" She nodded. We made our way past multiple students and down the long corridor. After shoving through many teenagers we finally managed to make it out the front doors of the school. I spotted my dad's truck sitting by the curb and turned to say goodbye to Braelynn when a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned around to see Trent smirking at me. I tried to yank my wrist away but it was no use.
"So, what do you say me and you go out sometime?" he asked confidently.
I raised a brow and tried to remove my wrist again.
"I'd actually much rather stick needles in my eyes," I spat and turned to walk away only to be yanked back.
"Don't be like that. No one tells the Trentster no," he said.
I chuckled. "I believe I just did," I smirked and turned around again but he wasn't letting me go.
"Trent just go," Braelynn instructed him.
He completely ignored her though. His grip only got tighter and I was getting more than frustrated.
I growled and quickly grabbed his wrist. I kicked him in his shin, causing his grip to loosen enough for me to remove his hand from my arm. I twisted his arm behind his back and pinned him up against the fence. I was starting to draw a crowd and Trent looked rather shocked. I smirked.
"I guess nobody told you about me, huh?" I snapped.
I felt a hand on my shoulder followed by the sound of Braelynn's voice.
"Don't you dare do it, Lea."
I looked at her before turning back to Trent. "Next time I say no, I mean it. Got it?"
He nodded quickly and I let him go before turning around to face Braelynn. I smiled at her.
"Thanks a lot. I needed that."
She gave me a one arm hug. "If I don't keep you in check, who will?" she teased.
I laughed. "I'll see you later, Brae."
She smiled. "Bye, Lea."
I waved at her before walking to my dad's truck. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I retreated but I didn't pay them any mind. I opened the passenger's side door and was shocked to find Ron in the driver's seat.
"Hey kid," he greeted me.
I smiled. "Hey. Where's my dad?" I asked as I stepped into the truck. I shut the door and we were off.
"He got stuck at the base, so he asked me to come pick you up since your mom was at work," he explained. I nodded my head.
"So, who was that boy back there that was harassing you?" he asked.
"Oh, you saw that?"
"Distinctly," he replied.
"His name is Trent. He's a cocky bastard and a major jerk. He's been crushing on me, I guess, since he transferred here but I never liked him much. Today, he decided it would be smart to put his hands on me," I explained.
"Yes, I was more than ready to interfere until I saw that you and your little friend apparently had it all under control. You're a strong femme, I'll give you that. Those fighting sessions are really paying off," he said.
I raised my brow. "Femme? And since when are you ready to jump up and protect me?" I laughed.
He shifted in his seat. "Femme is simply a term for female. Anyways, it's my job to protect you. I am your guardian after all," he explained to me.
"Guardian? So, that's why you're staying with us."
"Yes. My boss assigned me to be yours and your family's guardian," he replied.
I was getting confused though. "But why?" I asked.
"That part is rather complicated," he said.
Why would he be assigned to protect us?
"Is it something bad?" I asked.
"It's nothing you need to worry about," he responded.
I groaned. "Fine. This is getting nowhere. I'm just going to shut up now."
"That's probably the wisest thing to do," he said as he pulled into our driveway.
I opened the door when he came to a stop and jumped out, this time thankfully not landing on my face. I grabbed my bag from the floor and followed Ron into the house. I walked past him and trudged up the stairs to my room.
I opened my bedroom door and tossed my bag to the floor. The TV was still on, playing an episode of CSI: Miami. I walked over to my dresser drawers and grabbed a pair of underwear, a bra, a pair of grey sweatpants and a baggy long sleeve white shirt.
After getting myself situated I walked to the bathroom. I turned on the shower faucet and threw my clothes into the hamper. I stepped into the streaming water and scrubbed myself clean. The encounter between Trent and I made me feel rather filthy so I made sure to scrub hard. After washing my hair and rinsing myself off, I got out of the shower. I left my blonde hair down to dry and dried the rest of my body off. I grabbed my clothes off of the counter top and quickly changed before heading back downstairs.
Ron was sitting on the recliner watching TV. My mom and dad still weren't home. I sighed and boredly flipped over the back end of the couch which didn't go exactly to plan as I ended up in the floor. I didn't bother moving from my spot though. At the moment it was just too much for me to even consider. I would probably end up falling asleep down here.
"What's wrong with you?" Ron asked.
"Nothing much," I replied. He grunted. I was beginning to think that was his response to everything.
I tried my best to focus on the TV screen. I could very faintly make out Tobey McGuire's figure on the screen. He was dressed in the all too famous Spiderman costume. I've seen this movie so many times and quite frankly I was getting tired of it. As Peter gushed to Mary Jane, I began drifting off. It wasn't long before I was fast asleep.
*Please vote and comment. It'd mean so much to me. I wanna know what you guys think.*
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