At It Again
*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*
Six o'clock comes early and after being out of school for over a week I was definitely not used to waking up at this time. I laid in my bed just staring at the wall for about five minutes before finally getting up to get myself ready for the day.
I took out a pair of black jeggings and a denim shirt out of my drawers. I quickly changed into them and grabbed my tan and black cheetah print scarf along with my tan ankle boots. After putting them on I walked into the bathroom to do my make up and hair.
An hour later, my hair was curled and my makeup was finally finished. When I walked back into my room I grabbed my bag and shoved all of my supplies inside. I unplugged my phone from its charger and tossed it into my bag before heading downstairs and into the kitchen.
My mom, my dad, and Ron sat at the table. They all looked at me as I walked in. I just strode over to the cupboards and grabbed a granola bar. I sat down at the table beside my mom and began eating it.
"I see you got your brace off. Are you feeling better without it?" my dad asked me.
I gave him a look and took another bite of my granola bar.
"Sure," I answered dryly. He scrunched his eyebrows up at me but I just ignored him.
An uncomfortable tension filled the atmosphere. I finished my granola bar and tossed my wrapper into the trash can.
"What time is Braelynn coming to get you?" my mom asked me.
"I don't know. Probably like seven forty five or something."
"Alright. That's good. I've got to get going now. I'll see you all later," my mom said as she walked out the door.
I sat back down at the table and propped my feet up.
"Why didn't you just ask us to take you? We would have," my dad said.
I scoffed. "I'm sorry. I just didn't feel like being ignored like I have been for the past eleven days. I'm surprised you're even talking to me at all. I mean, Ron's right there. Talk to him, not me. I'll leave," I snidely remarked.
A car horn sounded outside indicating that Braelynn was here. I got up from my chair and headed over to the door.
"Lea," my dad started.
I threw a hand up to stop him from further speaking. "Look, I don't care. I have to go. Goodbye. I love you," I told him and walked out of the kitchen door and then out the front door.
Braelynn's 2008 Chevy Cobalt was sitting in my driveway next to my dad's truck, which I hadn't seen in over a week. I patted the side of the truck before climbing into Braelynn's car. I closed the door and soon we were off.
"What's wrong with you today? You look angry with the world," she teased.
"I'm more angry at my father and Ron than the world," I told her.
She laughed. "Are they still ignoring you?"
"No, but that doesn't mean I'm not still mad about it. They avoided me for eleven days just because I overheard them talking in my sleep and I don't understand why. Men are so stupid, I swear."
"You're not wrong. Eric and I got into it last night," she said.
"What happened?"
"He was talking about the time he went to the beach with this girl named Felicia and it pissed me off so I went off on him," she explained.
I laughed loudly at her statement. "Brae, Felicia is his second cousin."
"That would've been some nice information to know! I cussed him out and everything!"
"It's okay. Just apologize. After all it is your first real relationship. I can understand why you're a little peeved. I would've done the same thing probably," I told her.
"Guess I'll have to do that," she laughed as we pulled into the student parking lot.
She parked and we got out. I pulled my bag over my shoulder and followed her into the building. As we walked to our lockers, people stared at me. I most definitely wasn't comfortable with it either.
"Why is everyone staring at me?" I asked Braelynn.
"Because of Trent."
"Why though?"
She gave me a strange look and walked to her locker. I hurried behind her and placed my hand on her locker to keep her from opening it.
"What's going on? What haven't you told me? You know how I feel about people hiding things from me," I exclaimed.
She sighed and turned to face me.
"Trent came back to school yesterday. He was going around telling people that you practically forced him to have sex with you and that you gave him an STD. Now everyone is convinced that you're some kind of trashy hoe. I think he's angry about what happened with you and Ron. He really doesn't like to be shown up. It messes with his ego," she explained to me.
I could feel the anger boiling up inside me. I was definitely going to kill Trent now. I opened my locker quickly and shoved all of my things in. After grabbing my Algebra and my history book, I slammed my locker shut and turned back to Braelynn.
"Don't do anything too drastic, Azalea."
"Drastic isn't even the word to use for what I'm going to do to him," I said as the bell for first period rang.
As I walked down the hallway to algebra everyone's eyes were still on me. Some people stared at me with pure disgust while most of the girls just glared at me. I avoided everyone's stares and walked as fast as my newly healed knee would allow me to. I approached the classroom and walked in. The students who were already in the class stared at me and some even whispered very vulgar comments underneath their breath. I paid them no attention though and went on to sit in my seat. All I wanted was for this day to be over and then I could finally finish what I started with Trent.
To say my first day back was torture would be an understatement. I've spent the whole day surrounded by people just staring at me and shouting incredibly hurtful comments towards me.
Normally, I was the tough girl and most everyone at this school liked me but now that Trent has started all of this shit, I was now known as the skank of the school as well as Chlamyd-Lea and Gonorr-Lea. They were lame ass nicknames though, which is why I paid no attention to them. The only other problem with today was that I hadn't seen Trent at all. He wasn't even in seventh period and it pissed me off. All I wanted was to bash his head into a brick wall.
Right now, I was putting my books into my locker. I was more than thankful that I didn't have homework tonight. Today has been absolute shit and I was not feeling it at all. After I finished loading up my locker, I shut it and walked down the hallway and outside.
All eyes were on me as I walked out and I tried my best to ignore everyone's comments. I looked around for my mom's Tahoe but instead found my dad's Topkick parked by the curb just in front of the school. I sighed and slowly walked over. I opened up the passenger's side door and saw Ron.
"Hey kid," he greeted me.
I tossed my bag to the floor of the truck and looked at him. "So now you can talk to me, huh?" I remarked.
He sighed. "You really don't understand, Azalea. We're trying to-" I threw my hand up, cutting him off mid-sentence.
I heard an all too familiar voice and turned around. In the school courtyard, Trent stood with his friend Chase and his gang of gorillas. Once again the anger inside me surfaced.
"Excuse me," I said to Ron and slammed the door shut.
I walked through the mass of students and towards Trent.
"She's going back for more. Better hope she has insurance on that thing," I heard someone say.
"Don't stand too close. You might catch something."
My eyes pricked with angry tears. I choked them back as I approached Trent and his friends. They all looked at me as I walked over.
"She can't seem to stay away," Chase said.
I stopped in front of them. "You must be feeling great about yourself right now," I started.
"Of course I am. I've finally got my pride back," Trent said.
I rolled my eyes. "And you thought that this was the way to get it back?"
"At first, I thought it seemed kind of mean but then I remembered that I didn't give a shit about you or your feelings. It turned out to be an incredible option," he said confidently.
"I know that you're mad because I kicked your ass and rejected you, but you really shouldn't have started this."
"What are you going to do? Get your help on me?" he asked as he nodded behind me.
I turned to see Ron leaning against the truck. His eyes were fixed on Trent. There was also a crowd gathering around us, so I turned back to face him.
"He's not my help," I said softly.
"Oh that's right. He's your own personal toy. You need to be careful, Azalea," he laughed.
I was getting livid. I could feel the tears making their way back into my eyes. One fell down my face but I quickly wiped it away hoping no one would notice.
"She's crying," Chase said. Trent just shrugged.
"You are the saddest excuse for a human being."
"Just let it go. It's over, Lea. I won!" he exclaimed.
I chuckled at this. He didn't know the half of what I was about to do to him. Ratchet had told me not to fight anyone but I was far too angry right now and Trent needed someone to teach him a listen.
"Not quite, sweetheart."
In one swift movement I kicked my right leg up and hit him in the face. He stumbled forward, reaching his arm out to steady himself. I grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm around. Quickly, I took the palm of my hand and forced all of my strength onto his elbow. A loud snap was heard followed by Trent's cries of pain.
I heard multiple gasps around me as I grabbed Trent by the collar of his shirt. He had tears streaming down his face and I was feeling very satisfied with myself.
"It's very different when you don't have me pinned up against a fence in a chokehold, now isn't it?" I baited.
I turned to face the crowd, Trent still in my arms. Ron was walking over towards me, an annoyed look on his face.
"Look. I never ever had sex with Trent nor did I give him an STD. If you all must know, I'm a virgin and completely STD free. You can all quit with the name calling now. It isn't necessary," I told the students in the crowd.
I turned back to Trent who was tightly gripping onto my shirt.
"As for you, I told you not to mess with me. My 'help' even told you not to, but you don't seem to listen. Keep it up and you might possibly end up on life support. You got it?" I snapped.
He nodded vigourously, the tears still streaming down his face. I removed his hand from my shirt and shoved him to the ground. He cried out in pain as he landed on his now broken arm. I smirked and turned back to face the crowd. Majority of the students had left while others, including Trent's crew, were watching the ordeal in horror. Ron was standing behind the students with his arms crossed.
I gave Trent one last look before walking back towards the truck. Ron gave me a look but I ignored him and opened the door to the passenger's side. I climbed into the truck and moments later Ron hopped in. The truck started almost instantly and we drove out of the school lot.
"What the frag was all that back there?" Ron asked.
"Trent started a rumor about me and it pissed me off."
"You could've told me. I would have gladly taken care of the issue," he stated.
I scoffed.
"I didn't find out about it until today and if you don't recall I'm not particularly fond of you at the moment. Also, I can fight my own battles. I don't need you to do it for me. I don't need you to do anything for me," I remarked.
He looked rather hurt by my statement, but I didn't care. "Like I said. .you don't understand."
"I don't understand what? Why you and my dad avoided me for over a week for no reason? You're right. I don't. I hate being ignored by the people I care about. It doesn't happen very often which is why I was so upset when you two did it," I explained as we pulled into the driveway.
I pulled on the door handle but it wouldn't open. I growled and turned to Ron.
"Let me out," I demanded.
He just shook his head. I sighed and leaned my head back against the headrest.
"We were trying to protect you, Lea. We know how incessant you can be, which is why we would stay far from you. We wanted to keep you from asking questions because we knew that if you did, we'd end up answering every single one.
"It's not the kind of information that you need to know. It isn't safe. There's honestly nothing that you need to worry about. I promise," he explained to me.
"Well, I have two questions and you are going to answer them," I told him.
He sighed and nodded.
"Does this have anything to do with this whole alien thing? The decenticones and Megatron and Starscrew or whatever?" I asked.
"Yes. But, it's pronounced Decepticons and Starscream. That's all that I can tell you, Lea."
"Fine. But, we haven't gotten to my other question yet," I started.
"What is it?"
"What are they looking for exactly?"
"Us," he replied.
He nodded. Fear suddenly radiated throughout my body.
"Are we in danger, Ron? I don't like knowing that these things are still out here terrorizing people. They need to be stopped," I said softly.
Ron looked at me.
"I'm not going to let anything happen to you, Azalea. I promise. You can bet your life on that. You're safe with me," he reassured me.
I gave him a small smile.
"Thank you. And I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I really didn't mean it. You know that I appreciate everything you do for me," I told him.
"I know you do. It's okay, Lea."
"Good. Now, can you let me out please?" I chuckled.
The doors clicked to indicate that they were now unlocked. I scrunched my eyebrows though because I hadn't seen Ron even move to unlock them. I shook it off and hopped out of the truck. Ron was beside me in seconds and we took off for the front door.
*Please vote and comment. It'd mean so much to me. I wanna know what you guys think.*
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