When Haetsul awoke, he found himself alone. He had been left on the couch, the blanket he had draped over him. His hands ached, dull and uncomfortable throbbing radiating from his fingertips up to his elbows. A deep nausea settled in gis stomach, the feeling almost dizzying.
He quietly stood, walking to the slightly ajar door. He cautiously pushed it open, relieved to see a bathroom. As he stepped in, the need to vomit hit him. He crouched heavily over the toilet, emptying all that he had been force fed with painful and exhausting heaves. He remained gagging for a while, nothing more coming up. He rested his head on his arm, gasping for oxygen, his throat burning and raw. His nose was dripping and stuffy, tears stained his cheeks.
He sat for a while, steadying his breathing and regaining his bearings. He washed up quickly, the sound of the toilet flushing and the tap running broke the complete silence. The noise made his heart pound and his movements fumble. In a panic to get away from the noise, he stumbled back into the main room, diving under the bed. The second he was pressed into the tight space he felt his tension ease.
Perhaps it was due to the fact he had been confined in such a small room prior to coming here that he felt so scared of the space, or maybe it was because hiding between the bed and wall is what made him feel the safest during his time in that room? Regardless, his little spot under the bed was a small illusion of safety that he clung to.
There were no windows in the room, nothing to indicate the time. He simply sat, devoid of thoughts as time blurred by. He couldn't help but disassociate, his mind shutting down in an instinctive effort to protect. Occasionally he would hear footsteps, a sharp and painful jolt would flash through his whole body, as if he had been struck by a car. And yet as quickly as it came, it would subside.
He couldn't sleep. He had always had difficulty sleeping but there was zero chance he could when he felt so exposed and unsafe. He pondered why he couldn't plan an escape, why he had just accepted this as his fate. He had decided that there would be no escape, the fact he was alive right now was due to the decision of others. He had no say and therefore could make no moves, nothing was his in this game, not even his life. And so he sat under the bed, waiting for those in charge of his existence to return.
The soft click of the door sounded, his body tensing. He peeked a little, not moving from his spot. His safe little space. Two pairs of shiny black dress shoes.
"Are you under the bed again?" An amused voice ensured.
"Y-yes" Haetsul said, his voice soft and worried. He was certain compliance with whatever they did and said would be best, if he wanted to end up getting an opportunity to escape. But laying down belly up felt wrong. He felt his jaw itch, wanting to bite down on something.
"Come here" the voice was empty of emotion. His stomach turned with uncertainty. His whole life was saved due to his appearance. He didn't know what he had done wrong. His hands twitched, as tho g to cover his mouth. Instead he did as he was told. He crawled out from under the bed, sitting on the door with his blanket hugged to his body.
Before him stood the twins. He held the blanket closer, looking at the ground. The smell of porridge made his stomach turn. Haetsul didn't want food, he wanted to curl up somewhere dark and warm and safe. He wanted to go back to his crappy little apartment and his job at the Cafe, he wanted to go back to his tedious and boring classes.
Tears welled in his eyes and spilled over, dripping down his face and pooling under his chin. He flinched when the twins approached, falling back against the bed.
"Time for dinner, up you go" Gloved hands gripped under his arms, pulling him up with ease. He was guided to the couch, and sat in Haehyun's lap. Fingers ran through his hair, and against all better judgment, Haetsul relaxed into the warm body.
He heard the quiet clink of the cutlery, his body beginning to tremor. He didn't want it. Images of drugs in the food had filled his head, the idea of something in the food scared him. He didn't trust these men, whilst the offered shelter and hadn't hurt him to his knowledge didn't mean that they wouldn't. But he couldn't resist, the potential of being harmed if he stepped out of line also a possibility. He didnt know what to do.
"Say ahhhh" there were no hands forcing his mouth open this time, perhaps they were testing his obedience. He with trembling lips he opened his mouth. The spoon was pushed into his mouth, and he bit back the gag that tried to take hold.
"Good boy!" The statement was strangely excited. He managed to eat around half the bowl, his stomach tensing painfully. He truly couldn't fit anything more in.
The spoon reached his lips and he quickly turned his head. Porridge spilled on his cheek, splattering into his pajamas. A tsk sounded and immediately Haetsul was crying.
"I-I'm s-sorry Ngh I-I" his words were wet with tears and emotion. His hands sat over his mouth, slightly muffling his words. The twins silence pushed him, his mouth opening as he bit his fingers. The pain that rushed in distracted him from his dread, like a weight lifted.
His head was yanked back, a sting hand fisting his hair tightly. Haestul let out a pained whimper, biting harder onto his fingers. He wanted to throw up. He wanted to run away and hide.
"Hands" Heehyun stood above him, his gloved hand outstretched. The command was spoken with a calm and indifferent tone. When Hatsul hesitated, Heehyun's face turned from soft to hard in an instant. Haetsul regretted not doing as he was told immediately.
He released his hands, thrusting the now bleeding hands forward. He was incoherently sobbing out apologies. His body tremored in Haehyuns hold, the grip on his hair remaining steely and immovable.
"You have been told 3 times, you need to be disciplined" Heehyun said sternly. Haehyun hummed in agreement.
"Oh no n-no no no" he shook his head, strands of his white hair ripped out as he fought against the hold Haehyun had. Haetsul could no longer breathe, each gasp seemed to leave him more breathless. Starts and dark splotches painted Haetsul's vision, distorting the twins faces. The grip on his hair was released as firm taps to his face grounded him. For a moment he felt it, all of his desire to run and escape built up into one big burst of desperation.
Despite how weak he was, pure adrenaline coursed through him as he ripped himself from their grasp, diving under the bed, bailing himself up In the one safe spot. The second he was in the small and familiar space, he could breathe again. The relief was short lived.
"Come here Haetsul, now" the voice was stern, and yet Haetsul could t move. Instead he whimpered, cornered and afraid. He knew that some sort of pain was inevitable, he knew he had only made it worse for himself. And yet knowing that he couldn't move his body, he couldn't adhere to the command given.
Foreign language hit his ears, a conversation occurring between the two that he couldn't understand. Footsteps retreated from the room, the door clicking open and shut. Haetsul remained frozen under the bed. Shaking and nauseous, he stared at his hands. They were dripping blood, aching and burning. The sight of the blood scared him.
His sobs were filled with whines and whimpers, he sounded like a child crying for their mother. The door clicked open again, and a quick peek revealed three pairs of feet. It was as if his heart stopped beating, his body completely rigid. Who was the third person? He choked on the air, shoving himself harder against the wall.
"You have til the count of 3 before you get dragged out from under there. And if we have to force you out, you will regret it" the voice was chilly, a promise in ever word.
"One" Haetsul squeezed his eyes shut, desperately contemplating. He knew that regardless he was going to be hurt.
"Two" his heart thundered in his chest, the sound of his loud heartbeat filling his ears. He began to move, wincing as his bleeding hands pushed against the floor to support his weight. He had nearly started to crawl out.
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