He slowly opened his eyes, taps to the side of his face. He felt pins and needles accross his body, each movement and touch felt near painful. His skin crawled and his stomach twisted nauseously. His hand clumsily reached up to rub at his eyes, trying to get them to focus.
He opened his eyes again, staring into the face of a man. His hair was black and slicked back, loose strands falling against his forehead. He he had mismatched eyes, one a dark brown and the other pale, a thin scar running down the eyelid. His eyes drifted shut again, only for the taps to return.
"Cmon now, wake up" The voice was unfamiliar. He forced his eyes open again, lips quivering. His thoughts were starting to clear. He felt fear burst in, his body jerking clumsily away from the man before him. On instinct he raised his hands to his mouth, roughly biting into them as he tried to stifle his tears.
"Ah ah, none of that-"
"Tsk, let me see" he watched as another man, scarily similar to the one with the white eye pulled his hands from his mouth. Blood dripped down his bright white skin. Without something to bite his ragged breathing and sobs became audible. He tried to pull away but his weakened body didn't stand a chance.
"Fuck sake, are you that hungry?" The man muttered, turning his hands over to inspect them. He pulled his arms back with as much strength as he could muster but the drugs in gis system seemed to incapacitate him. The nausea in his stomach only grew, his exhausted body sleeping as he gagged harshly.
His mind was a blur, barely registering what was happening as instructions were given. He was carried and carefully sat in a bathroom, a stranger standing in the room.
The stranger bathed him, bandaged his hands and placed him into soft pajamas. They were far too big for him, he was relatively short and very skinny.
Haetsul felt his strength slowly returning, the tremble in his body easing some as adrenaline pumped through him. He was pushed into a room, a large bed sat comfortably in the centre, a sofa and wardrobe lining the outside walls. There was a desk and a chair but nothing much on it. The smooth hardwood floor was cool against his feet as he stepped cautiously inside.
The large open space scared him and the light hurt his sensitive eyes. He felt so vulnerable. On instinct he gripped a blanket, taking it off the bed. With his heart pounding, a fear of someone grabbing him at any second, he rolled under the bed. The bed frame was quite high up and he was small, so he fit rather comfortably. He wedged himself against the wall and the side table, wrapping himself in the blanket. The hiding spot was terrible but gave him some comfort.
He sat there for an untold amount of time. But when the door clicked open he reached his hands up, covering his mouth. His fingers ached under the bandages, the near constant biting leaving painful wounds and bruises. He tried not to bite down, instead clenching his jaw tightly.
"Food is here, come on out now" He made no movement, remaining hidden from sight. He knew he would be found rather quickly if they searched but the thought of such a well lit and open room was somehow more terrifying.
He saw well polished dress shoes walk around the bed, the soft click of the wardrobe and the door on the side of the room letting him know they were looking for him.
The feet clicked towards the bed, stopping at the end. A face appeared, eyes landing on his huddled frame.
"What's wrong huh? Come out and we'll chat about it" He reached a gloved hand out, finger moving in a "come here" gesture. He hesitated, but ended up shaking his head. His mouth opened and he bit down on his fingers.
"No no, you were told not to do that. Come here now" The soft smile he had been wearing disappeared, a hardened expression now darkening his face. Haetsul's jaw slackened, letting go of his hands quickly, thrusting them out to show he had let go. The expression softened.
"L-lights -hic- m-my eyes" Haetsul struggled to get the sentence out, hiccups and stuttering making it almost incomprehensible.
"Are the lights too bright?" He nodded quickly, and in an instant they were dimmed. He had forgot two people were in here.
"Alright, now come out" He hiccuped and sobbed as he crawled out from under the bed. He kept the blanket pulled around his shoulders. The light was no longer stinging and blurring his vision. He could see a lot better, although without his glasses it wasn't perfect.
He flinched back when the man at the door approached him. With a soft motion he grabbed him, lifting him off the ground with ease. Against his better judgment he wrapped his arms around his neck, scared of being dropped. He was sat down in the lap of the man he was holding onto, his hands unwound from around the man's neck, he was turned to face sideways.
"Say Ahhhh" The other man gathered a spoonful of porridge and brought it to his mouth. The smell of food made his stomach twist. He hunched, turning his head away. The gentle treatment seemed to stop there. A hand gripped his chin, fingers digging into his cheeks until his mouth was forced open. The spoon was stuffed in, clanking painfully against his teeth. He couldn't get up, an arm wrapped tightly around his waist, securing him while another held the back of his head. The two seemed to be making a team effort of force feeding him.
"You shouldn't fight it. All you have to do is be obedient" One muttered as he choked down the porridge. After around half the bowl he was full, he couldn't eat anymore. But as the spoon approached he started to struggle.
"F-full" he blurted, his voice muffled by the hand that held his mouth open.
"Two more okay?" the spoon was once again shoved into his mouth. He complied, the sick feeling increasing. His bandaged hands sat against him stomach.
"F-full Ngh... p-please" His words were ignored, the spoon forced into his mouth. He tried to swallow, gagging a little before he managed to get the food down.
"Good boy" the praise rolled off the man who was feeding him's tongue with natural ease, as if he were taking to a normally disobedient dog. The hand left his face, and he leaned onto the man he was sat in the lap of, out of breath and shaky. He was fed, bandaged, bathed and clothed. They hadn't really hurt him...they seemed to be the safest option he had. Not that he really had any options. But it beat having his organs harvested.
"You're very small...how old are you?" He hesitated, something in him reluctant, not wanting share details about himself. But what choice did he really have?
"T-Twenty two" he whispered, picking at his fingers, rubbing the edges of the bandages. The stress of what he been through had left biting them his crutch, a coping mechanism for the fear. A way to stifle the screams that wanted to burst out when he was in that room.
"And what is your name?"
"Haetsul" He responded. His head was tilted up, his eyes unsure of where to look settled gazing to the side blankly. He just didn't want to look into their eyes, look at their faces.
"I'm Heehyun, and that is Haehyun. You are going to stay here now" So Heehyun was the one with the scar. Haetsul felt some relief knowing their names, but felt uneasy.
He didn't understand what was happening. He tried to remember how he got into this mess. He had been grabbed off the street and thrown into a van. After that he was in the room with the others. He wondered if anyone was looking for him...
"Get some sleep" A hand pushed his head into the crook of Haehyun's neck. Haehyun was warm, and Haetsul instinctively nuzzled closer. He felt exposed, the large room suddenly feeling like a dark infinity. He shrunk closer, squeezing his eyes shut tightly. Despite his fear he fell asleep quickly, the warmth of the body he rest against relaxing his body. The sound of steady heartbeats and even breathing pulled him away from consciousness.
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