Sasori POV:
It's a rather well known fact that birds and scorpions don't get along. Neither do scorpions and large cats. This is probably why Deidara and I fight so much; It's in our blood. Even though he is made from a bird that resides in the rainforest, it's still in his blood.
That being said, why did I have to get stuck with a hybrid of both main predators of my kind. I don't hate her for it because it's not her fault, but I know in the future we will have a few fights from time to time. Though it may also be because we're brother and sister. Deidara and I share a mutual like/dislike relationship, but I doubt that will be the case with Sakura.
I looked at her as she sat on a play mat. She was happily playing with a small fox plushie, something Naruto had insisted on getting. Since she hadn't grown into her wings, she almost always stays in her feline form. Sakura noticed my gaze and giggled happily. I would've had the heart to give a smile back if she hadn't chosen that moment to grab her own tail and start chewing on it. I recognized the act as her going through the teething stage of infantry. Naruto and Neji had gone through the same thing.
Sighing quietly to myself, I made my way over to my new baby sister and gently took the tail out of her mouth.
"Don't chew on your tail", I scolded. "You may be mostly human, but you can still damage your internal organs and get a hairball. The same goes for your wings, also. Do you understand?"
"Bah bah sooya!"
I think that's the best response I'm going to get out if her. I wonder why I actually scolded her? I didn't even do that with Neji much less Naruto. So why would I do that to her. Maybe it's because she's the only girl in our family. I've read from books that brothers treat their sisters differently than they would a brother. Especially if said sister is younger.
Now that I have a sister of my own, I understand. There was always a sense of pride at having a younger sibling. You could be someone for them to look up to. I'd never admit it out loud, but I do actually care about my little brothers - and new sister. I've always wanted to be someone for them to look up to just as I had looked up to our elder brothers. Hopefully, Sakura will one day look up to me.
In my thoughts, I hadn't noticed Sakura trying to get me to talk to her. She made small whining noises and tried to crawl towards me, only to fall towards and hit her face on the ground. I stayed where I was, closed my eyes, and rubbed my temple, preparing myself for loud cries and screams. To my surprise, she didn't make a sound. She somehow managed to push herself up and roll onto her back, giggling happily. Then she put her tail in her mouth.
Quickly growing agitated by the unsanitary habits of this child, I sped towards her and held her in front of me.
"You will listen to me, little girl. What you're doing is extremely unsanitary. You'd better not whine and cry when you get a hairball. And if you do, you'd better not hack it up in anyone. Except Deidara; he's an exception.", I added quickly.
Once more, my lectures fell upon deaf ears. She gurgled mischievously, before shooting a sad of saliva.
On my face.
I closed my eyes and scoweld in disgust.
I took a deep breathe to calm myself. She's just and baby and doesn't know any better, but she will learn as she grows older. Just as Naruto had. Though I shouldn't complain; even though she spit on me, she is still more well behaved than Naruto.
I placed Sakura in the ground and used the back of my hand to wipe her spit off of my face. I should also be thankful she didn't vomit on me. Either way it's nasty.
I'd rather not be doing this, but at least she isn't chewing in her tail.
Or spitting on me.
Currently, I held Sakura in my lap. I could tell she was getting tired, but still had some energy left. She was fighting sleep as of it had done her wrong. She kept moving around trying to get out if my arms to play, but I wouldn't let her go. The sooner she fell asleep, the sooner I got to leave.
Since she wouldn't stay still, her tail was flinging around wildly. So far, she's hit me in the face with her tail five times. Each time I shivered in disgust. It was still damp from her chewing on it.
I soon grew tired of her games. I grabbed her underneath her arms and placed her in my lap in a position for her to sleep. I then held her down that way. If she wouldn't sleep on her own, then I would force her to. She seemed to not like what I was doing because she started whining weakly.
I felt a small prick in my upper thigh. She's tried to bite me with her baby fangs in an effort to free herself.
How cute.
However, I still refuse to release her. The bite didn't hurt. Mostly because of the small size if her fangs and also because of my pants. Though it could also be from my high tolerance of pain. All are reasonable answers.
I watched I she continued to try her best at gnawing on my leg. The bite were getting softer which meant she was falling asleep. All I had to do was wait a few more moments. Soon, I heard her soft snoring.
Maybe I won't get in a lot of fights with her after all.
Just then, I felt her damp tail hit me in the eye. I hissed in pain and even more disgust.
Or maybe not.
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