Of Sharks and Plants
If anyone had told Kisame and Zetsu that they would have to share their bonding time with their new baby sister, they would've fought and raised hell against it.
Which is why they didn't tell them.
However, when they were told of the circumstances, it was already too late. They had a schedule after all.
Now, that bring us to the current situation at hand: Who was going to hold her first?
Sakura sat up, chewing on her tail and watching her odd-looking brothers. They were on their 13th match of rock-paper-scissors and it was going no where. Each time someone won, the other would accuse him of cheating.
In the end, Kisame got to hold her first. Mostly because Sakura crawled to him and started to chew on his pant leg. Though he would boast that she liked him best. Who knows?
He held the small child in front if him expertly, having previous experience with his younger brothers. His large blue hands looked someone odd around the small being with pink hair. Like something rough and destructive trying not to hurt something so fragile and delicate. A shark trying not to destroy the flower.
He gave his usual toothy grin to his baby sister. "Hey, Sakura. I'm Kisame. You're second oldest brother and your soon to be favorite one too."
Sakura smiled in reply. Her only indication towards him was a babble and a quick chomp on his hand. Kisame hissed and pulled his hand back quickly, holding her in the other. "Now that's not nice. You're a biter like Naruto, huh?", he joked. "Well, ya better learn not to bite me or I might just have to hurt ya."
Her only respond was a giggle as she clapped her hands happily. He released a toothy grin. She already had him wrapped around her little finger. He just couldn't be mad at her. The feeling was short lived as she was plucked from his large blue hands by smaller black and white ones.
Sakura found herself now facing the strangest looking person in the facility. Zetsu. His yellow eyes scanned the girl taking in every detail with a small ghost of a smile. While he did so, Sakura conducted her own investigation. As usual, she wasn't phased by the strange looking man.
Her small hand reached our and latched onto one of the plant like spikes on his sides. He winced as she pulled foward harshly.
'She's strong for her age.', both Zetsus thought. They managed to pry her hands away and held her at a safe distance. "You shouldn't pull us like that", they scolded lightly.
Sakura's smile faded as she heard his voice each different from one person. Zetsu prepared himself for loud crying from the child, but she only smiled once more and squealed happily. He let out a sigh her hadn't realised her was holding in and smiled a rare smile at her.
"Would'ya look at that Zetsu? She's not scared of either one of us. Shocker, eh?", Kisame piped in. Zetsu nodded in agreement. She was definitely an interesting one indeed
The dual colored man set the child back in the ground. She tried to stand as any baby her age would, but plopped to the ground. As usual, she wasn't phased by it and remained happy.
The two sat near her, tired of standing. They were gonna be here for hours anyways. Sakura chewed on her tail and looked at them curiously. The two stayed silent and smiled at her.
Suddenly, she let out a loud screech. The two males furrowed their brows as their smiles dropped. That wasn't like one of her usual squeal of happiness and was one unheard of for her. She sounded distressed.
Her lips trembled and eyes watered before tears started to stream down her face. Her whimpering turned into full blown crying. Kisame and Zetsu immedietely shifted to grab her, each one managing to get an arm as they panicked.
"Hey, Sakura, what's wrong with you?", Kisame asked frantically as if she could respond. "Zetsu what happened to her?"
"How the hell should I know?", he replied as calmly as he could. It didn't really work since he spoke faster than normal with panic laced in his voice.
Zetsu ran his hand over her skin checking for any injuries. He didn't understand, she was fine just a few seconds ago. He and Kisame both had hoped they weren't the cause of her distress. As far as they knew they hadn't done anything to hurt her. But sometimes, they forgot their own strength.
A couple of minutes passed before Zetsu felt the problem. A small bump was on her ankle. He rolled up the left pant leg slightly to get a better view of the issue. Her ankle was slightly swollen with a large red bump on it. He tapped it slightly and watched her expression. He wasn't disappointed as she let out a louder cry along with the rest of her sobbing.
"Oh. This is what she was crying about.", he finally said. All he did was slightly sigh and shake his head. Of course his little sister would would worry him half to death over this.
Kisame peeked over and looked at the ankle. His beady blue eyes rolled dramatically. "At least we know she'll be a little drama queen once she's older. She's already crying over tiny little things like an ant bite. Damn near gave me a heart attack.", he laughed.
They stayed with Sakura until she felt better. Her loud sobs had turned into quiet hiccups and the final tears had dried. She leaned between the two of them before eventually falling asleep. The two males shared a look before signing tiredly.
"Haven't been this tired fro. Taking care if a baby in a while.", Kisame joked.
"Yes. Naruto was quite the handful.", Zetsu agreed.
"Fuck Naruto. I'm talking about Neji. He hit a pressure point on my knee when he was about Sakura's age and my entire left leg was paralyzed for a week."
All Zetsu did was laugh.
"I'm sure Sakura will be her own little troublemaker soon."
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