Level 5
Terrors PoV:
I rushed to Spikes side while handing Y/N the supplies, she got right to work. His skin was slowly turning pale and his breathing was slow. Come on Spike, don't die.. I can't lose you guys again.. I bit down on my lip to stop myself from crying.
"He'll be fine, as long as it didn't hit his stomach or his chest directly.." I heard Y/N growl as soon as Ohm spoke. I glared hard at him. "I didn't ask for you fucking opinion did I?" He glared back and scoffed. "Your just mad because your going to lose your fucking family!" That's it!
I stood up and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. He tense. I pulled him up to eye level as I felt my fangs growing in. "I won't hesitate to bite down on your neck and release my fucking venom into your flesh!" I said, smirking. Ohms face paled a bit, but then he kicked my stomach. I released him and fell on my knees.
I heard Y/N gasp as she got up and shoved Ohm. "What the fuck was that for?!" "He threatened me! What am I suppose to do?! Huh?!" "Oh I don't know, maybe stop whining and take it like a man!" "He should be the one to stop whining!" Y/N held me back as I tried to tackled him.
"If you don't fucking stop arguing I won't hesitate to kill you like I kill my victims.." Hell no! We both backed away, she smiled in satisfaction and went back to Spike. I frowned a bit. "Hey look, I'm s-" I walked past him and into my room, slamming the door behind me.
Your PoV:
Classic Hunter.. I shook my head as I finished stitching Spikes wound. I then tried to sit him up, but it was hard. Then he suddenly got lighter, which made me look up. Ohm stood there, keeping him up. "Hey.." He said. I rolled my eyes and started wrapping Spike in bandages.
"Can you go lay him down on the couch while I clean this up?" I asked, Ohm nodded and did as told. I started picking up the towels. But as I reached for one, another hand went for it. "Need help?" I looked up and smiled, nodding. "I could really use it, thanks Lui!"
He smiled and helped me clean up. I put away the towels as Lui put away the supplies. When we were down, we sat in the kitchen playing Uno. "Oh! Can we join?" I looked over, seeing Mini and Terroriser. I nodded and collected the cards, shuffling them.
I passed out the cards and we started playing. I got skipped at least 6 times, including reverses. I was still stuck with my starting han- "+4 bitch!" I glared at Mini, he laughed. I picked up four cards before slamming my head on the table, hearing a crack.
We continued, and the guys seemed to like pissing me off. Soon, the rest of then came and watched us play. Mini looked at me and smirked. "Don't you fucking da-" He placed down a skip. "Fucki- LET ME PLAY!!" "Don't worry baby I got you!" Lui said in his squeaker voice.
He placed down a reverse and I smirked at Mini. His face changed from happy, to scared. "TAKE THIS YOU FUCKER!" I placed down a +4 and changed it to red. "Ah yes, the color Mini doesn't seem to have!" Terroriser said. We all laughed.
And soon enough, we realized Lui had all the reverse cards. Explains why he picked up so much and I didn't even make him draw.. Does he want me to win? Lui then placed down a reverse. "YOU FUCKER LUI!" He just laughed. "KARMA!"
Mini placed down a +2, so did I, then Lui, then Mini again. It went on since we all had so much, then I realized I had none left. Mini seemed to have noticed my sad face. He reached for the deck, then placed down the +2. I had to do the math, then I banged my head again.
"Ha! Hahaha! She has to pick up 22 cards!" All the guys laughed as I kept my head on the table, trying to act like I hit my head to hard. I did feel my head bleeding a bit. "Uh, Y/N? You okay?" Someone poked my hand with my cards in it, which fell. Then another poke on my head.
I leaned my body to the side as I fell to the floor. That fucking hurt.. Your planning something aren't you? Yep. "Y/N!!!" Everyone gathered around me and gasped. "Her head is bleeding!" I tried hard not to smile. "Is she dea- wait.." I opened my eyes and laughed. Hunter joined in.
I sat up and held my head. "That was so fu-" I fell back and groaned, getting a migraine. "Sit still, we're going to fix you up okay?" I only hummed weakly in response and looked up at Hunter. He only smiled.
My head was placed on someone's lap, I didn't care whose it was. Something was then poured on my forehead, the cold substance dripped down the side of me head.
Then it started to burn, I bit down on my lip and held back a small scream. "Hey, it'll be okay!" I growled and glared up at Ohm. He flinched. "Shut the fuck up..." I hissed, then screamed a bit as I felt something pierce through my skin. "FUCK! FUCK!"
"Calm down, I'm only stitching your forehead so your skin doesn't peel off too early!" Hunter said, sounding sorry. I clenched my teeth together and took deep breaths. After a few more minutes, he finished.
"I'm just going to bandage it now and have you rest for a few okay?" I nodded just a bit as he started wrapping my head. Hunter then picked me up and handed me to someone.
I slowly looked up at smiled, leaning my head on his chest. "Zippy~ I'm so happy to see you.." I said, yawning. His face flushed red before he started walking, holding me close. "You need rest, so I'm taking you to your room okay?"
Fuck, I still sleep with Ohm don't I...? I frowned but nodded. Zippy then placed me down and grabbed a pair of clothes for me. I gave him a quick hug before he left. I closed the door and started changing. Shorts and a tank top.. Not bad..
I climbed into bed, being careful and hugged a pillow close. The door then opened, I growled. "He-" "Don't..." Ohm sighed before climing next to me. I flinched when he wrapped an arm around me.
"I don't need you falling off the bed and opening your stitches..." He said. I huffed and turned to face him, head on his chest. He seemed shock. "Shut up and go to sleep before I knock you out..."
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