Level 3
~Just a small time skip toward night~
*Long chapter*
Terrors PoV:
"So, we all got what we need?" I said, looking around as Timid began to make the circle. Everyone nodded, some held items close to their chest and others seemed to be thinking. I nodded and glanced over. "Almost ready?"
Timid nodded and reached into a bag, taking out candles and placing them down. Then he took out a skull and a bowl, before placing it down too. I grabbed Y/Ns body and placed it down in the middle. We all sat down in the order I assigned. I reached into my back pocket. "Everyone, please hold out your dominant hand.."
They did as told, obviously confused. Except for 2p Wildcat and Timid, whom I told what we were doing. I pulled out the demons hunting knife, everyone's eyes widened. "To start the ritual, everyone must allow their blood to mix into this bowl!" I held it up, they slowly nodded.
I went in a circle, slicing their palms and placing the bowl under their hands, letting at least 10 drops go in before going to the next person. I then mixed the blood before dumping my finger in. "Now hold out your other hand..."
I walked around and wiped the blood on their wrists, writing the first initial of their names. I nodded while placing the bowl away. "I will start..." I said. I stood up and put a hand over my heart, the lights slightly flickered. "I come to present my deepest secret.." I started.
Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. "I'm a witch, but a good one! I have been for the past years, ever since I started middle school. The reason being, people would make fun of me for the way I act. So I resorted to witchcraft and killed them all..."
I opened my eyes and saw a candle light itself. It has begun.. "Who's next?" I asked. Mini raised his hand. I nodded and took my seat between Timid and Delirious, observing Mini with a smile.
Minis PoV:
I stood where Terror was before. I took a deep breath and held out a picture, placing it down on Y/Ns chest. "I present a picture of my family.. A happy one we used to be. Before my dad became an alcoholic after my moms death in an accident.. He blamed me, and I killed him after I snapped. I then killed the rest and gutted them like a fish..."
"I then chopped their limbs off into tiny pieces and fed it to my ex without them knowing. She was a bitch anyway so it doesn't matter, and I didn't care.." I finished and watched as the picture teared itself slowly. I looked around and nodded at Wildcat.
We switched places as I sat back down while staring at Y/Ns body. Please, let this work...
Wildcats PoV:
I looked at everyone before closing my eyes. "I came here tonight to tell my weakness... I'm too scared to admit I care for Y/N and my opposite, if anything bad happens to them.. I wouldn't know what to do, I'll feel helpless just watching them die right in front me.."
"He may be so quiet sometimes, but he's like a brother to me.. And Y/N, I care about you too much to let you go.. And after this, I hope it doesn't happen again.." I slowly opened my eyes, to see another candle had lit. "My turn!" Delirious said. I went to sit down where he was and watched.
Delirious PoV:
I cracked my neck before holding my arms out. "I came to give something very important to me... My mask!" I reached up and took it off, placing it down in Y/Ns hand. "I've had this with me ever since I started 5th grade. People would make fun of me and the teachers did nothing about it.."
"It reminds me of my childhood and how I met my friends, it shows how crazy I am.. yet I was always afraid of how people would react to see my face, but now I don't care..." I watched as the mask shook a bit, before it vanished in F/C smoke. "My turn!" Lui shouted.
I sat in his place and watched, feeling weight being lifted off my shoulders.
Luis PoV:
"I came here to give something very important to me.... My stuffed gummy worm! I've had it with me since birth! It reminds me off all the good memories and candy I had.. As well as when I started getting my squeaker voice.."
"I was always afraid I would be made fun of for having it, but now I don't care! I'm letting my true self out!" I placed my stuffed gummy worm in Y/Ns arms and watched as it turned into a real worm, which then went into the ground. "Me next..." Vanoss said, taking my place.
Vanoss PoV:
I held up my owl mask before placing next to Y/Ns head. "I came to give away my mask, Its really special to me since Del gave it to me during high school. It also reminds me of my mom who is now in peace.. She loved owls and would call me her Little Owl Boy.."
"My mask is what makes me.... me!" I said, watching as it turned into an actual owl. It stared at me, before flying away. "Our turn!" Nogla and Terroriser said, I sat in their place and sighed.
Noglas PoV:
I placed my pancake shirt on top of Y/N as Brian put his sunglasses on her as well. "I came to give you my favorite shirt! It brings back so many memories and how it all started! Its probably my last pancake one, so take it!"
Brian then spoke up. "Take my glasses, they are what complete my look! Vanoss gave these to me on our second year of high school... They bring some good memories.." I watched as the shirt began to burn and the glasses shattered. "My turn!"
Moo PoV:
Brian went to sit in my spot as Nogla went to sit next to Vanoss. I frowned before placing down a picture of my baby girl, who is now 4. "I sacrifice a picture of my baby.. My ex took her after birth and left me for my ex bestfriend..."
"My baby was so precious to me and this is the only thing I have to remind me of her.." I stared as the picture folded itself into a heart, then it dissapeared into F/C smoke. "My turn!" I sat in Timids place and frowned more.
Timid PoV:
I sighed while placing down my headphones. "Please, take these! They are very important to me because Terror gave these to me in middle school after my sister c-committed suicide..."
"She never told me the reason and I never found out but, these remind me of her..." I watched as the headphones turned to mist, then it formed into a broken heart, and vanishing. "Now m-me.." I sat in 2p Wildcats placed and waited.
2p Wildcat:
"I don't have a-anything to give, but I have something to share..." I started, looking down. "My weakness is being left alone or forgotten! It's happened many t-times before and I'm scared it'll happen again! I don't want it to, but I know it will.."
One of the candles then quickly lit, showing they were okay with my answer. "And finally me!" I switched with Basically and sat down, waiting.
Marcel PoV:
"I, too, have something to share! My deepest secret is I used to be gay.. Me and Mini dated for a while in middle school, but his parents didn't like it and had us break up. It was hard at first, but we came to an agreement that Mini was actually straight..."
"I was hurt yes, but not enough for it to actually break me!" The rest of the candles lit and Y/Ns body began to float. "Stand up and hold hands!" Terror said. We did as told. I watched as her body began to glow and the ground shook a bit, the candles turning red.
Then they blew out one by one, and Y/Ns body was standing up on its own. We all let go and stayed silent, then we heard groaning.
Your PoV: (Dun dun dun!!!)
I groaned a bit as I had a small migraine. I rubbed my head while cracking my neck. Then out of nowhere, I was tackled to the ground. A lot of weight was on me. "C-can't breathe!" I wheezed out.
The weight was lifted off as I sat up and coughed. Then someone's hand was held out in front of me. I took and stood up. I stared at the person as tears fell. I hugged Zippy while sobbing. Soon everyone joined in, never letting go.
"Its good to have you back Y/N..." "Its good to be back.."
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