Chapter 2: Meet You Again
"Hey, Kirishima do you want to go to a movie with us?" Kaminari, Sero and Mina came to ask him, but he couldn't hear them— his mind was on something else.
He turned around and drowsily looked out the window. Something continued to bother him but he couldn't remember quite what. There wasn't really anything that had happened this week, let alone something bad. He continued to think about it until he finally heard the 3.
"Kirishima! Are you okay??" Kaminari started to say.
"Hmm?" Kirishima asked, surprised. "What's up?"
"Oh my gosh were you listening to anything?"
"S-sorry no..."
"Do you want to go to a movie with us?" Kaminari repeated for what was probably the 5th time.
"Yeah sure, sounds fun. When and where are we going?"
"Friday..." Kaminari said, tiredly. "You really weren't listening were you."
"I said I was sorry~," Kirishima said.
"So?" Kaminari asked.
"So what?"
"What were you thinking about?"
Kirishima hesitated for a moment and turned his head to look out the window again.
"That's the thing," he said. "I don't know. Something's been bothering me but I don't know what." He let out a sigh and continued to look out the window as he tried to find something that might trigger his memory.
"Oh yeah, so we're meeting at 7:30 by the park on Friday, okay? Don't be late!" Kaminari said.
"I won't, don't worry,"
7:30 pm, huh? That's a little late for a movie... I guess it's alright— it's a Friday after all.
As he continued to go about his day, he started to realize that it was a little chilly to sit next to an open window. It's a little cold today. It didn't really mind him though, he never really minded the cold.
He continued to think about it and the more he thought the more bothered he became, not because he doesn't know what it is, but more because he was so bothered about it. Why do I care so much? It'll come to me when it comes to me... He let out a sigh, it wasn't like him to be stressed out, let alone on something probably very meaningless.
He took a deep breath in and out and decided to smile. The cool breeze felt good against his skin and it calmed him down. He was so close to figuring it out— he knew he was— but he just couldn't do it. He started to give up and tried to forget about it, there was no point in trying to figure something out that he couldn't remember so instead he decided to pay attention to the scenery instead and as soon as he did, his eyes widened.
"It's... such a beautiful day today,"
It was Friday night before you knew it and you were getting ready to go your interview. Your lips curved up into a smile as you got into some proper clothes. The excitement was apparent on your face and you were aware of that, but how could you not? Your dream was in reach, what could stop a smile on your face? Nothing, nothing at all. At least, not then.
You ran your hand down your freshly ironed blouse for the third or fourth time to make sure that it stays that way until you get there. Although you were excited, you were also very nervous. Although it was only a part-time, this was your first time going to a job interview and if you do well here, it's bound to open up more paths to your future.
You were only supposed to meet them but just in case, you decided to bring your hero costume. There's never any harm in being over-prepared.
I'm nervous but after all there's something exhilarating about new experiences. The door to your room closed behind you as you left with a smile on your face.
The agency was within walking distance so you decided to head out a little earlier, just to be sure.
It was a very humid night but there would be a gush of wind from time to time, cooling down the air around you. The silence of the night calmed you down and you looked up at the sky, only to surprise yourself.
"I— I can see the stars tonight," the words slipped out of your lips. To see a single star in the city was a miracle, let alone see multiple. Your eyes shined just as bright as the stars and lit up your heart. What a perfect night for such a special day.
7:25 pm and you were already there. The walk was a lot quicker than you had expected and you now had time to kill. You were going to simply walk into the agency but the lights were off and it seemed like no one was there so you decided to wait at a park nearby until 8 pm. It indeed was a beautiful night to simply watch the stars after all.
7:25 pm. 5 more minutes until 8:00 pm and considering that Kirishima liked to be 5 minutes early, he was perfectly on time.
They'll probably be here soon. He walked into the park and checked his phone for any messages he may have gotten from the other 3. Nothing.
He looked up at the sky and finally noticed the stars that night. "Wow, I wonder how long it's been since the last time the stars were visible here..." he whispered to himself.
That caught your attention and you whipped your head over to see who this person was. Your eyes widened as soon as your eyes landed on him. Too shocked to properly process this amazing coincidence, "Ah," is the only thing that leaves your mouth. This one boy had been on your mind for the whole entire week, and you're suddenly together with him in a park out of absolutely nowhere.
He looked over to you after hearing your voice and as soon as your eyes met his, his eyes widened too but for some reason, he looked far more surprised than you.
It was suddenly all so clear to him. All week long, you were what was on his mind for the whole entire week. Your smile that he saw in the split second at the beginning of the provincial license exam was what bothered him for what seemed like forever.
"Oh, um, I don't think you remember me, but I'm from the provincial license exam," you told him quietly.
"No, no, I remember you," he said. "I'm surprised you remember me though... were you able to get it...?"
"Fortunately," you said. "How about you?"
"Same here," he said. "What are you doing here? So late?"
"I could ask the same thing right back at you," you said with a little chuckle. "I'm here for a job interview at that hero agency over there," you pointed to the building across the street. "I mean it's only a part-time but it's a step."
"That's so cool!" he said, genuinely. "Man, I want to look for a hero part-time too, now..."
"Yes! Do it! It's never too late to try something," you said. "So? What are you doing at a park this late at night?"
"Oh, um, uh, I'm going to watch a movie now with a few friends. They're not here yet but they should be here soon..."
"That sounds so fun, I'm a little jealous to be honest," you told him. "Oh, right, uh..."
He looked at you questioningly.
"C-could I," you started, "ask for your name?"
Your sweet voice cracked a little as you asked for his name with your cheeks painted a faint pink, (though it was impossible to see it in the dark). He opened his mouth to say his name but the words wouldn't come out.
Since when had telling someone his name become so nerve-wrecking?
"I'm K-Kirishima," he was finally able to say. "Kirishima Eijirou."
"A-and I'm (L/n)," you said. "(L/n) (Y/n)."
The night was silent but the wind was still there, making the leaves on the trees rustle from time to time. For some reason, the two of you felt unbelievably nervous but everything was calming and perfect. What was it? Why does he make me so nervous? Nothing really made too much sense but it wasn't an uncomfortable nervous but more of an exciting nervous. You were anxious, but you were even happier to see him.
The quiet moment for the two of you soon came to an end as soon as 4 voices came closer and closer to the park.
"Oh, are those your friends?" you asked him.
"Yeah," he said softly.
"Okay, well, I'll be waiting here for a little longer," you told him. "It was nice talking to you."
"To you too," he said. "I hope your interview goes well!"
You smiled at that and said, "Thank you. I hope your movie is also a fun watch!"
"Thanks," he said and smiled back at you. "I'll get going then..."
"Yeah, you don't want to be late for your movie!" you said. "But... but I'm so glad I was able to see you again."
He looked a little surprised at first but that expression soon melted into a soft smile.
"Me too."
You watched him walk over to his friends and head off to the movie but before he turned the corner, your eyes met his one more time. It was dark and neither of you could see too well, but you were sure your eyes met for another split second and then he was gone.
Your heart was fluttering and you were unbelievably nervous for no reason at all. You calmed yourself down and looked at the sky again while you waited for your interview. Before you knew it it was 7:55 and you decided to start heading over to the agency again. The agency was still dark but you decided to enter anyway since it was the promised time.
Mistake no. 3 was made here.
The door creaked open and it was oddly silent inside, there seemed to be no one at all. The whole room was covered in dust and it seemed like the whole building was unused. Am I at the right place? You checked your email and your note from your teacher multiple times and it was the right place and time.
I wonder if they made a mistake...
You decided to walk into the building a little more and called out for someone. "H-hello.... is anyone here...?"
And soon enough a tall woman in a dull, old and worn out jumpsuit came to greet you. "You must be (L/n)! I'm the one that you were on a call with you. My name's Kanamiya but you can call me Kana if that's easier to say."
"Yes! I'm (L/n) (Y/n), thank you so much for having me!"
She smiled softly at me but that soon turned into a frown. "(L/n), I see you've dressed up nicely for this."
"I'm sorry, I wasn't sure what to wear... I have brought my hero costume too just in case though!"
She let out a quiet laugh, "Did you think this was like a job interview?"
"We've been planning to have you since the first phone call as long as you were okay with it," she explained to you.
"(L/n), I don't have too much power in this agency so I can't tell you much, but I want to confirm with you. Are you ready for any job? I can't give you any details but there's no turning back once you join this agency."
You gulped but soon looked at her with serious eyes. "Yes. Yes I am."
That was mistake no. 3. Given the warning from multiple different indications, there should have been no reason for you to say yes, but you did anyway.
She smiled at you sadly. "Alright then. Here, change into this real quick," she said and gave you a worn-out jumpsuit your size. "You don't want to be wearing pretty clothes in this building. Not now, not ever. After you try it on and make sure it fits, you're free to go home for today. We'll give you a call or an email later on."
"Alright, thank you so much," you told her and quickly ran over to the change room she motioned to. You were able to change in and out of it very quickly and confirm that it was the right size. You carefully left the changeroom with all of your stuff and went to go see Kanamiya.
"It's a perfect fit! Thank you so much," you said and returned the jumpsuit for now. "I'll be waiting for your contact then!"
"That's perfect! I'll see you soon," Kanamiya said to you and waved goodbye. "Take care and get home safe, okay?"
"I will!" you said and left the building. Many things were still in the dark (quite literally in fact) and you were now aware that this wasn't going to be your normal, everyday, hero agency, but what you had ahead of you was nowhere near what you could have possibly imagined.
Kanamiya stood there and looked out the dusty old window. "She's still so young..."
"Oh, so this is where you've been," another voice came to greet her.
"Koumata," Kanamiya said.
"So? What's with the frown?"
"The new girl..."
"Oh right. It's such a shame, she's still so young."
"Yeah," Kanamiya replied. "I wish I had the power to stop her without getting caught."
"That's impossible. Not with her around— that quirk is terrifying. You know that."
"I know, I know..." Kanamiya said.
"The least we can do is welcome her here, but considering her hopes and dreams as a real pro-hero there's no place closer to hell than this agency," Koumata said while untying her ponytail.
"Welcome... welcome to hell," Kanamiya said quietly.
"Welcome to hell, huh?" Koumata repeated and looked up at the ceiling. "Welcome to hell."
(A/N Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I'm so sorry, this is a little late for an update but I'll have another chapter up hopefully next Saturday! It's a little on the long side so I'm very thankful if you took the time to read the whole thing! Longer chapters are more fulfilling to both read and write in my opinion so I'm sorry if they're a little too long for you liking from time to time but I promise the next chapter will be much shorter! Again, thank you so much for reading and I hope to see you next part! PLUS ULTRA!!!!!)
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