Izuku POV
I woke up bright and early to go meet All Might. I still couldn't believe it. And not only that Naru is going to help me out too.
Running down the stairs I inhaled the breakfast my mom made me which consisted of Salmon with some rice and miso soup on the side. Kissing my mom on the cheek I went down to the location All Might told me and Naru to meet at.
Jogging there I saw a Landfill. I scrunched you my face in disgust, I walked closer and saw Naru and All Might there. I jogged up to them and wave.
"Hello young Midoriya, young Uzumaki and I were just discussing your fitness regimen" All might said.
"Mhm what we discussed is that no offense but your gonna need to buffen up, unless you want to die an excruciating death of your limbs being exploded off your body." Naru responded, which made me go pale. "And by the way if you do die like that, I will bring you back to life and kill you myself" Naru added making All Might sweat nervously, and making me go white as snow.
"Anyway... We decided the best way for you to get fitter is by following this schedule, and by getting you umm stronger you will need to clean this" All might pointed you heaps and heaps of trash on the use to be clear beach, "it will be the fastest way to get you ready for the entrance exam."
And so the hell began, it took a lot of hard work, but it finally paid off. All those years of feeling like a freak, a leech of a friend who can't do jack to stand up for themselves. For the guilty feeling I get when I can't help my friend who is being molested and cat-called and all I can do is watch. A big baby, who cries when things go wrong and need their mommy (Naru) for help. Know, I can help people who are like me, know that it's ok to be different cause in the end we are all people.
Naru smiles at me proudly. I stand up at the mountain of trash and yell at the top of my lungs. I fall down in exhaustion feeling my body fail to keep me up. I feel my body being carried I look up and see All Might giving me a smile like a proud father. He set me down on the know clean beach, Naru jogs over.
"Zuku! That was amazing!" He said hugging me. I gave him a weak smile.
"Young Midoriya, you have made great progress and have made actually completed this a week earlier. And Midoriya I proudly say you are the holder of One For All." All Might said. He reached up and plucked a hair from his head.
"Eat this!"
Two weeks Later
I walked next to Naru to the entrance of the building. I look up at the big sign that said 'UA'. As We were about to step in I heard a familiar voice.
"Move Nerd", I look behind me and saw Kachaan, he has scowl on his face.
"K-kachaan! H-hi" I said stumbling on my words. Naruto's face turned sour and he looked away, his long blonde hair down for once- blowing in the wind.
Kachaan rolled his eyes and continued walking, but not before he winked at Naru.
"Ugh! I can't stand him! He thinks he's the king of the world, well news flash your not!" Naru complained before he grabbed my hand dragging me in to the building.
Making our way through the halls we finally got to the stadium. We checked are seat numbers and we walked in.
Naru said a silent "dammit" before taking his seat which is quencidently next to Kachaan's. He put his book bag down sat down, me following his movements.
"What are you doing here damn nerd." Kachaan said growling.
"He's here to take the entrance exam, just like the rest of us." Naru said taking off his scarf and putting his long silky hair in a braid. Kachaan looked entrance for a second before snapping out of it and sneering. He turned away from me and looked at the stage.
The lights turned off and the curtains opened.
"HELLO EVERYONE CAN I GET A HEYY" Pro hero Present Mic yelled. No one answered.
"Tough crowd." He said. He then started to explain about the robots and I started muttering. Naruto looked at me with a fond amusement looking eyes while Kachaan scowled at me in envy. Suddenly someone's hand raised.
"Yes number 43"
"As the most prominent school in Japan, you should be ashamed of that foolish mistake. We examines are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes. In addition you over there with the curly hair." The blue haired boy with spectacles pointed at me which led me to squeaking and Naruto scowling.
"You've been muttering this whole time! It's distracting! If you're here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately." I blush in embarrassment, and I feel killer intent rolling off Naru like a tsunami.
"Sorry!" I said my voice squeaking. Kachaan I saw in the corner of my eye rolled his eyes in annoyance.
Present mic continued his explanation, while Naru shakes his head and gave me soft smile.
—— at the start of the entrance exam ——
Naruto changed out of his jacket and wore some skin tight grey leggings, he is also wearing a skin tight black shirt. He had is senbon pouches attached to his legs and also had some shurikens and kunai also attached. His long blonde hair is put up in a bun.
I looked around nervously before walking to Naru. I was about to say something when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"You shouldn't disrupt him, he looks like he's focused." Same boy from before was glaring at me before he walked away. I looked down before I heated present Mic's voice.
Everyone looked at him confused, and the only one I saw actually running was Naru who already destroyed three robots!
Narutos Pov
I ran. And I randomly fast. I jumped from one building to the next rapidly doing hand signs that destroy around 5 or 6 robots at a time. I felt my Chakra and checked it. I still have enough.
I jumped over the roof and did a front aerial over to the top of a robots head. I did hand signs and yelled "Chidori!" A big lightning looking ball formed in my hand. I thrusted my self forward helping the arm with the chidori forward destroying 10 robots.
When I landed I checked how many I destroyed... 80 Robots! Jesus. I shrugged and continued plowing through the rows and rows of robots.
I was caught up in my own world of pieces of machinery flying everywhere when I heard an ear-piercing scream. I looked over and saw a Giant robot that looks like it can anyone of us like bugs. I was about to run away when I zuku looking at something. I run over and see a girl stuck in the ruble. I look at Deku who gained a serious face. I nodded to him. I bit my thumb while I did hand signs.
Suddenly there was a poof and a giant Foc with nine tails appeared. He bowed down and I grabbed Deku's hand dragging him. One we were on Kuramad head I spun him around before using chakra to throw him to the giant robot. I then jumped down running to the struggling girl.
I pulled her out of the rubble carried her over to safety. Kurama already proofed away but then I see deku falling, my face pales. I give the girl to the kid who called out Deku.
I see that my chakra is running low, so I just ran and jumped to the top of one of the prop houses and powered through the ruble. I looked back then forward, I walked backwards before running and using the little bit of chakra left in my coils before pushing off the concrete ruble and tackled Dekus limp body. Seeing the ground I did a somersault and landed safely on the ground with Deku's broken arm laying like a rag doll.
It was purple and looked like it hurted. I bit my lip and knelt down. I rested his head on my lap. I looked up and saw an old lady with a nurse outfit walking over. She came close and kissed deku on the forehead which, healed him?
Deku Pov
I fluttered my eyes open looking at Naru's Angelic face in my vision. I shot up and started coughing.
"Are you okay?" Naru asked worriedly. I nod as my mouth felt parched. He let out a breath of relief until he smacked my arm. "How many times do I have to tell you to be careful!" He exclaimed. Everyone sweat dropped.
He got up and held a hand to me, I took it. He helped me up and he let me swing my arm over his shoulder and we started walking home.
I updated!!! yay bye
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