Rehaan POV
V all men reached Sara home. Sara Dadi told us to sit on dining table .
Before sitting on dining table.
Y u guys are late ? Dadi jaan asked to Dada jaan.
Men talks. He replied to her
Dadi jaan did not asked much because the way Dada jaan said to her .
Asallaam u Alaikum . I and Hashim said in unison
Walaikum Asallaam bacho. She said by keeping her hand on aur back .
I felt so good with Dadi jaan behaviour. Sara is really blessed with loving family.
Come beta let's have lunch . V went to the dining table. Table was decorated with colourful dishes. Everything was well organised.
Sit Rehaan and Hashim . Sara father said
I and Hashim sat beside Dada jaan and other men occupied their seats. 2 maids came and started serving us . Dadi jaan was giving them directions to serve . I didn't saw any ladies of this house except Dadi jaan .
I think this house ladies are not allowed to come in front of Non Mehrams . Hashim mumble in my ears. ( This guy is really something 😤😤😤😤)
V all had aur lunch and head towards the living room . V all again sat on couch and then Atif bought sweet paan to eat .
V enjoyed the paan . V both stood and ask their permission to leave.
Ok then I think v should leave. It was pleasure to have lunch with u all.I said them
Stay for some hours . Sara chacha said
No sir next time. I even have to prepare for BUSINESS PARTY. Which will be held 2morrow night. I invite Dada jaan , U ALL for business party . Please do come. I said looking at Dada jaan and handing him a box of sweets.
Dada jaan understood what I meant. And said . INSHALLAH
Except Dada jaan,
Sara uncles and her father drop us till gate . I saw Dada jaan he was looking at us from a balcony . I gave him a face expression . And said khudahaphiz to everyone. And drove to my apartment.
Hey Rehaan what was wrong with Dada jaan . Y he was behaving with u like this. He was fine in Masjid and after u both came out of masjid he completely changed . Hashim said
U will get to know soon. I said to him and drop him to his apartment.
I reached home and called Priyanka Rathore ( Sara business partner)
Hey Hi .Rehaan Here. I said
Oh Hi Rehaan . How r u ?? She said
Yah I'm throwing a Business party in my Syed Villa so I m inviting u and Sara in party. I said
Yah sure, you r giving party and I won't come. I will definitely come with Sara . C u 2morrow then. Bye . She said
Sara POV
Today was forth Saturday and my office is having a holiday so I thought to work on my PC.
Hey Sara Dada jaan is calling u . Shehbaz said
Hmm . I knock the door and went inside his room . I saw Dada jaan was reading a book.
Asallaam u Alaikum .I said
WalaikumAsallaam. I called u because yesterday Rehaan invited us to his Business Party which is today . I cannot able to go because there is huge production in aur company . So u can go on aur behalf with ur business partner Priyanka. Ok . Dada jaan said
Hmmm. Ok . I said
I was going to leave his room
Wait . Come back before 10 . He said
I went in my room and saw a msg from Priyanka on my phone.
Hey Sara .
Rehaan has invited us today in his Business Party at his Syed Villa . So I hope u r coming.
Yes I m coming
So i will text you his address u reach there by 8 pm . Ok . She said
Ok . C u in party then . Bye ....
I prayed Magrib Salah and went inside the room to get ready.
What the heck is this?? Y u both are removing my clothes from cupboard. I yelled at Sana and Alina
Ware this Sara Aapi . U will look damn gorgeous. Alina said
Alina, Sara is not attending a wedding she is attending a Business Party . Sana said by showing me a formal dress.
I m wearing a Abaya and a hijab on it . Who knows who i m . So there is no need for me to wear this dresses . You both better arrange my clothes . Ok .
I freshed myself and did some light makeup wore a floor touch Abaya which has small golden stars attached and a peach fluffy hijab on it .
There was knock on door .
Come in
Beta come I will drop u till gate the ola cab has already came. My dad said
Ok . I adjusted my hijab and wore a vail to cover my face . My dad drop me till gate. I sat in cab and went to Syed Villa.
I got out of the car and my eyes were wide open looking at villa .
Is it a villa or a Palace
I called Priyanka as I got down from the cab .
Hey priyanka where r u . Sorry I reached 15 min late. I said
Sorry I was on my way to Syed Villa. But then I got a call from mom . She was extremely feeling pain in her chest because of that I returned home. Sorry for informing you late. . Priyanka said
No. Problem take care of aunty . She will be fine soon . Bye take care . I cut the call and again looked at villa
I think i should leave . I m even not interested in attending this party.
I was going out of the Syed Villa gate . From nowhere Mr. Hashim came.
Miss Syed . He said
I turned around and saw him .
Hashim Attire
Asallaaam u Alaikum
Walaikum Asallaam . He replied
I have still having my vail covering my face .
How did u recognize me?? I asked
U r the only one who can come here with a vail which has covered your face. He said
I was blushing so much. 😳😳😳😳 Allhumdullilah my face was cover
Where is Priyanka?? He asked
Her mom is not well . That's Y she didn't come. I said .
Ohh ok . Come let us go inside . He said
I really wanted to go home .
V both went inside I was standing at the main door of villa . I was staring at the infrastructure. Mashallah it is so beautiful .
He was still standing beside me . I can feel people staring at me. There was no partition between men and women . Allhumdullilah I m covering my face . Girls and boys were busy enjoying talking with each other.
Sara this is not a wedding hall.
I looked around and saw everyone was looking at me . I was feeling very embarrassed.
I really wanted to go home.
Come Miss. Syed I will take you to the host. He said
People were still staring at me . Due to embarrassment I was still looking down and walking . Mr. Khan was leading me to Mr. Syed .
I can see a man back which was looking like Mr. Syed . V stopped behind him .
Rehaan . Mr. Khan said
My gaze was still down
Mr. Syed turned and looked at us .
Rehaan attire
Asallaam u Alaikum . Mr. Syed said
Walaikum Asallaam. I said
Wait let me introduce u to my new Business partners of USA. Mr.Chris and Mr. Peter . V did merger and acquisition of our companies. Mr. Syed said
Good evening Mr. Chris and Mr. Peter . It was my honour to meet u both . I said
Miss. U really have a good accent of speaking . It was aur pleasure to meet u . Mr. Chris said and he came forward to give me a hug
(This is the way, Rehaan saved Sara 👆)
I stepped back and Mr. Syed came in front of me and took his hug on my behalf .
I rubbed my temple and said Allhumdullilah.
Sorry Mr. Chris and Peter. Hope u understand. Mr. Khan said .
No problem. Mr. Chris and Mr. Peter excused themself.
Now I was not comfortable with this environment. I really wanted to go home.
I was standing between Mr. Syed and Mr. Khan .
Miss. Syed where is your family and Priyanka?? Mr. Syed asked
Dada jaan has some business work and Priyanka mom was not feeling well. I said
After some time a girl came and stood next to Mr. Syed .
Who is she???
Hey Rehaan ?? Come with me . My friends wanted to meet u ??
By the way who is She?? She asked by rolling her hand on Mr. Syed arms
I rolled my eyes and ignored that behaviour of her.
Miss . Syed meet her She's aur friend Saima.
Saima she's Syed Sara . Mr. Hashim said
Ohh !! She is the one whom u donated a apartment. If u need more, u can ask me . Even I can donate as much as u want . Let's go Rehaan my friends are waiting Saima said in attitude and grabbed Mr. Syed with her .
Miss. Syed don't mind her. Mr. Khan said
No. Problem. Mr. Khan . I will excuse my self. I said and left
I went in a corner where people cannot c my face and took a glass of water , drank and calmed myself .
I really wanted to cry and wanted to go home . Y i came in this party just to embarras myself.
R u alright Miss Syed. Mr. Khan said
Yes I m fine.
Suddenly I heard Isha Azaan.
Mr. Khan can u tell me where is prayer room . I wanted to pray My Salah. I said
Yah come I will take u .
He leaded me to prayer room .
Miss Syed u pray your Salah I will come after some time. Mr. Khan said leaving me Alone in prayer room
Allhumdullilah, before leaving home I always do my ablution so I don't need to do. I removed my vail, kept aside and started praying my Salah. I cried in my Salah because I never felt this much embarrassment in my life.
Allah plz let me out of this party. INSHALLAH I won't ever dare to attend any business party in my life
Ameen .
I made my dua said Ameen covered my face again with my vail.
As soon as I opened the door . I saw Mr. Syed standing in front of me.
I m sorry for what happened before . I will explain. Mr. Syed said
No need to be sorry and I don't even need an explaination . I said
Miss Syed . He said and stopped as his phone started ringing
Wait here. I just come in few minutes. He said and went.
Y should I wait for him . Sara this is good time for you to escape from this damn party.
I walked fast to the main door of villa. But my luck. I bumped with a guy.
I bumped with a guy . I said sorry to him and took my step back as he was blocking my way. Again my back collide with someone who was behind me.
It was none other than Mr. Syed 🤦♀️🤦♀️
Asallaam u Alaikum Arham. Mr. Syed said
Walaikum Asallaam. Congratulations. Arham said
Thanks for coming. Mr. Syed said
Ya. Arham said by looking at me
Miss. Syed he is Arham Shaikh . My friend and he is also a Business man. Mr. Syed said
Shaikh Arham attire
Sorry Mr. Shaikh I collide with u hope u did not got hurt . I said to him without meeting his eyes.
No it's fine but Mashallah. Miss . U are the only one who has covered your face. Inshallah looking at u I think each girl who is present over here must have learned a lesson.
Ameen . Ameen Mr. Shaikh and I made an eye contact and said in unison .
Bibijaan ( personal maid) . Mr. Syed shouted
Current passed through my body . The way he shouted bibijaan
Within a minute a old lady came and stood next to Mr. Syed
Take her in study room . Mr. Syed ordered bibijaan
Come beta . I will take u to study room. She said to me .
Wait . Mr. Syed I need to leave. I promised Dada jaan that I will be back before 10 . I said
The way he was staring at me . I thought he will eat me know.
Come with me . Miss. Syed . Bibijaan bring her dinner in study room. . Mr. Syed said looking at me.
But. I said . But he didn't listen to me and started walking. I also started walking behind him.
V both reached study room and both went inside the study room
Miss . Syed did not I told u to wait in prayer room. Y did u leave the room. Mr. Syed said
Mr. Syed I already gave u an explanation for this. I need to reach home before 10 .Ok
Knock knock
Come in . He said
Bibijaan came with a waiter who was holding food trolley.
Bibijaan make sure she eats . Ok . And let me know when she is done with her dinner. He said
Miss. Syed trust me you will reach at 10 . But don't leave before telling me. He said looking in my eyes and left.
Y this guy is so difficult to understand . What he wants from me.
Beta come and have your dinner . Bibijaan said
Pls u also have with me . It's too much for me. I said her .
Bibijaan and I both had dinner together. And then she took the food trolley and left study room.
I looked at time it was 9:30
Ya Allah plz help me to reach on time. Ameen.
I walked outside the study room. My eyes were searching Mr. Syed. I looked at him . Our eyes made an eye contact.
With his eyes expression he called me down. I was happy at last I m going home.
I hold my Abaya from the both the side and ran downstairs towards Mr.Syed.
Mr. Syed started taking steps with me. V both were walking together towards the exit. I saw Mr. Khan throwed keys to Mr. Syed.
Mr. Khan waved his hand to me with a smile. I returned him with same.
Come on Miss. Syed other wise u will be late . Mr. Syed said
He sat on a bullet ( bike)
Come. Miss Syed sit
Do u think Mr. Syed I will sit behind u .
Then with whom u wanted to sit. He said in mischevious way
Listen Sara I know u better . There is only 20 min left for 10 pm . If u don't want to break your trust to your dada jaan so you......
I hope u understood. Don't worry I won't do anything.
I trusted him . I took the support of back holder of bike and sat on one side. There was little space between us . Allhumdullilah aur body was not touching each other.
He drove fast but smoothly. He stopped his bike and told me to get down . He leaded me towards a Ola cab .
Get in Miss. Syed. Sorry before I called u by your name. He said
No problem. I said and sat in the cab .
He said the driver to drive me safe. And then he said Khudahaphiz to me and closed the door.
I looked at driver and then I remember he is the same driver who drove me when I was at Mr. Syed apartment. He drove me till office.
I was curious who this driver is and Y he always drive me .
Excuse me U r the driver who dropped me last time from Mr. Syed Apartment to my office. I asked
Yes . Plz don't ask me more questions I m not answerable to more questions. He said .
He parked the cab exactly in front of my house. I got down from the cab and went inside my house. As soon as I entered my house I heard the Clock ringing at 10 . Allhumdullilah I reached on time.
I went fast in my Dada jaan room and greeted Salaam to him.
Good u came on time Sara . Dada jaan said looking in the paper.
I went inside the room . I got text from unknown number.
Asallaam u Alaikum
I hope i didn't made u bored with this chp
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Stay home!! Stay Safe !!!!
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