New home
Melody p.o.v
"Are you sure he won't hurt me?"I asked looking up at daddy."I promise.How old are you anyway?"Daddy asked."Three months old."I say holding up three fingers."But you look five."He says in disbelief."Well my mother was human and my dad is a cold one but I came out different.I came out like you instead of them."I say grabbing his hand.He nodded and walking into the house.I walked behind him and saw a man.He had black hair and icy blue eyes. I hid behind Stefan."Brother you brought me a snack!"The man exclaimed and my eyes widened and I started whimpering."No!You are not going to hurt her."He said standing in front of me protectively.
"Don't tell me you've attached to a human?"The man said groaning."She's my daughter Damon.Your niece."Daddy said picking me up and placing me on his hip.I clung to him and put my face in the crook of his neck."I see she's grown attached to you too,but still doesn't mean I can't feed from her."The Damon guy said and I whimpered as he came closer."Damon I'm warning you.Stay away."Daddy said threateningly."Come on brother.She's just your attachment.Just one little taste wouldn't hurt."Damon said and I whimpered.I was a submissive so I couldn't do anything.Nessie was the dominate one.I was grabbed and fangs were in my neck.I screamed and thrashed around until I was dropped a few seconds later.I almost hit the floor but felt hands catch me.The Damon guy was on the floor coughing up blood,my blood.I held my hand to my wound and looked up at daddy while crying."Why did he do it daddy?"I asked sniffling."Don't worry about it.He isn't going to hurt you.Not while I'm around."Daddy said holding me close to him.I hugged him with my free arm and cried in his shoulder.I cried so much that I fell asleep in his arms.
*The next day*
I woke up in a room.It was huge.I think if I stood in the middle I would look like a baby.Well I think it's because I'm like 5 feet tall.I touched the place where I was bitten at and felt nothing.Just skin.I walked to the door and opened it to see a dark hallway.I walked out the room and to the left of the hallway.I found a set of stairs and walked down them.I found a kitchen and saw daddy cooking something."Hi daddy."I said in a whisper."Hi melody.I thought you would be up later."He said turning to me."Who was that man?"I asked and he sighed."That was your uncle Damon."He answered."Why did he do that?"I asked walking to him and hugging his leg.He turned off the stove and picked me up."He is going through a ruff time right now so he will be unpredictable but once you get to know him he will be a nice person."He tried to explain to me.I only nodded.
"What are you cooking?"I asked looking at him as he turned the stove back on."An omelet.Have you had one before?"He answered.I shook my head no."My sister had but I was never aloud to eat."I said sadly.He looked at me with surprise."Really!Why?"He asked."It was the orders of my mother.The only people who cared for me protested but she threatened to take my sister away and they knew they where going to lose me at one point or another so they had to give in."I said and cut him off before he got angry."Don't worry.I wanted it."I said soothingly,rubbing his back."Why would you want that?"He asked placing me on the counter and continued cooking."I wanted my sister to survive.When you never had someone to care for you your only worry is survival.A person's natural instinct is human contact.When that contact is broken you try and try to get it back until your affection is burned out and all you think about is survival."I said hugging my knees to my chest(That is a true fact)."How did you know all that?"He asked looking at me astonished."I never really watched tv.So I got the next best thing,books.Yippee."I said dully doing jazz hands rolling my eyes."Ok food is done so..try this."He said putting the omelet on the plate and cutting it in half.I cautiously picked it up and took a bite.I swallowed it and I ate the thing in about 5 bites."I think that is the best thing I have ever tasted."I said looking at him."Well Italians are supposed to be good cookers."He said shrugging.We laughed and played for a couple more minutes before I thought of something."Dad what's an attachment like uncle Damon said?"I asked.
"An attachment is someone who you've grown attached to.You want to protect them and love them at any and all cost and vise versa.They are very rare and have only little in the world."He said sighing.I let this all sink in before my eyes widened."I heard my uncle talking about it.They said one of us would have one but I thought it was always Nessie since she's the dominant one and I was the submissive.I had to do what everyone says or something bad happens to me."I said looking down."It ok Melody."Daddy said picking me up in his hand and pulling me to his chest.I was that small.I put my head in his chest and we stood in a comfortable silence.
There was a knock on the door.Daddy kept me in a firm but not tight grip on his hand and walked to the door.He opened the door and there was a no one there.Daddy looked down and saw a note."Daddy what is it?"I asked looking at the note.It name on it.Daddy opened it and it looked like it was hand-written but I know that hand's-it's Nessie's."Daddy can I get the letter please?"I asked reaching for it."Do you know who it's from?"He asked cautiously."Yes daddy."I whispered.He gave the note to me and I read it.
Dear Melody,
I know your probably thinking 'Well how do you know where I am?'.Well if so I found out through the link.We all miss you and by we I mean me,daddy auntie rose,uncle emmet,uncle Jasper and grandma Esme.I hope you have a happy life twin and I hope we can meet each other someday.You're the best little sister ever and we found out what grandpa did to you.Well me and daddy and aunt Rosemary did.We wanted to report to Voltury but we couldn't because 1:Mom threatened to take me away from everyone and 2:Esme is still in love with him.So in hope of you coming home someday we all listened.I hope you live a happy life.If you change your mind on coming back please let me know.
I miss you and love you,
Your sister Nessie.
By the time I finished the note I had tears in my eyes.I knew dad had read the note because he held me close to his chest."The..The sad p-part is that..I don't wanna go-go back,but-but they think I-I am."I said sobbing into his shirt."It's ok.You're going to be ok."Daddy said soothingly.I calmed down and he kissed the top of my head."I don't want to go back but I want to see some of them again."I said wiping my tears away."I know Melody."He said soothingly.I cried so much I fell asleep from exhaustion
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