// allegiances //
// rockclan //
leader // Sprucestar // black she-cat with green eyes
deputy // Oakshade // brown tabby tom with amber eyes; apprentice: Antpaw
medicine cat // Mothpelt // grey tabby she-cat with green eyes
warriors // Thistleshade // dark grey she-cat with copper eyes
Beavertail // brown tom with amber eyes; thick tail
Minkfur // brown tabby she-cat with copper eyes
Cinderblossom // grey she-cat with hazel eyes
Shademask // black tom with green eyes
Stormfall // dark grey tom with amber eyes
Lightchaser // cream and blue tortoiseshell with hazel eyes
Dewheart // grey tom with hazel eyes; deformed back leg and crumpled ears
Robinflight // brown tabby and white she-cat with copper eyes
apprentices // Antpaw // small black tom with yellow eyes
queens // Rainheart // grey tabby she-cat with amber eyes; expecting Stormfall's kits
elders // Rowanstorm // brown tabby tom with green eyes
// seaclan //
leader // Gannetstar // black and white tom with copper eyes
deputy // Shardtooth // black and grey mottled tom with dark amber eyes
medicine cat // Lilyfeather // dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes; mostly white, with the
exception of a coloured patch on her left flank, lower back and right ear
warriors // Cobaltwing // dark blue-grey tom with copper eyes
Pearlfur // fluffy white she-cat with blue eyes
Dunerunner // cream tabby tom with amber eyes; apprentice: Skypaw
Tawnybreeze // dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with copper eyes
Flamestrike // ginger tabby tom with amber eyes; long scar from ear to jawline and stunted back leg
Russetheart // russet she-cat with copper eyes
Fleapelt // small black she-cat with copper eyes
Beetlefang // black she-cat with amber eyes
apprentices // Skypaw // fluffy grey and white she-cat with blue eyes
queens // Pigeonfang // grey and white she-cat with amber eyes
kits // Flykit // small black tom with hazel eyes
Windkit // grey tom with amber eyes
Birchkit // black and white tom with amber eyes
Specklekit // dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
// moorclan //
leader // Tallstar // dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
deputy // Jaystrike // dark grey tom with amber eyes
medicine cat // Crowleaf // black tom with golden eyes
warriors // Roxanne // brown tabby and white she-cat with amber eyes
Lionfang // ginger tabby tom with green eyes
Bramblefire // brown tabby tom with green eyes; torn ear
Olivepool // light brown bengal she-cat with green eyes
Hazelstripe // light brown tabby she-cat with green eyes
Webclaw // grey tabby she-cat with hazel eyes
Creamfoot // cream tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Oatheart // cream tabby tom with green eyes
queens // Dapplefrost // tortoiseshell she-cat with hazel eyes
kits // Spiderkit // black she-cat with hazel eyes
Rosekit // ginger tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Stonekit // grey tom with hazel eyes
elders // Condoreye // giant brown tabby with an amber eye; missing one eye and maimed back leg
// cats outside of the clans //
// loners // Harlow // old grey tom with white markings on his chest, face and paws; amber eyes
Nightchaser // black tom with golden, white-rimmed eyes
// rogues // Ace // blue-grey tabby tom with dark amber eyes
Chrome // dark grey tabby tom with amber eyes; very defined black stripes
Killian // fierce dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes; cast out for being a spy
Shadowpelt // black she-cat with green eyes
Skunknose // black and white tom with hazel eyes
Smoketalon // dark grey tom with hazel eyes
Queenie // pretty silver she-cat with hazel eyes
Birdie // silver she-cat with hazel eyes
Gloss // black she-cat with hazel eyes
Grommet // small black tom with hazel eyes
// kittypets // Minerva // grey she-cat with wise amber eyes
Charlie // fat brown tabby tom with green eyes
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