Chapter 34
"Catherine is what?", I asked in a loud tone. Mark tried to sush me as Jacob tried to explain everything.
"Dylan sure has an ugly gut to begin with. Screw you Dylan.", I said. I was so freaking mad at him! I mean, who wouldn't? I haven't even laid a finger on Catherine when we were together and now, he's already a dad? Fuck him!
"Michael, calm down.", Christine said as she held my left arm with a concerned look on her face.
"How can I calm down after what happened? Catherine is freaking ill and he had the nerve to make her pregnant. Catherine's life is in danger here!", I told them.
"The doctor said it is.", Jacob said. Mark and Christine looked at Jacob with shocked faces.
"See? It's really obvious it would be in danger since Catherine is really ill.", I told them and they all went silent. I broke the silence when I turned around and walked away.
"Where are you going Michael?", Christine asked as the three of them followed me. I arrived at my car and I opened the driver's seat.
"I'm gonna give someone a sandwich for snacks.", I told them as I went in my car, turned the engine, and drove away as fast as I could. I can't accept this. This is just too ridiculous! I mean, this is a joke right? It's totally impossible for Catherine to get pregnant since she's really sick. Besides, if she really is, the baby would be in trouble. I arrived at the hospital twenty minutes later and I hurriedly went out of my car. I was about to make my way to the hospital entrance when Mark's car parked beside mine. Christine, Jacob, and Mark came out and blocked my way. I didn't have time for them so I tried to shove them but Mark got hold of my arm.
"You're just going to make things difficult for Catherine.", Mark said.
"I'm just going to talk with Dylan for a bit.", I told them. I tried to get away from Mark's grip but it only tightened.
"Let go of my arm Mark. I don't want to hurt you.", I told him.
"No. I don't fucking care. You'll only talk bullshits there. So stop it. Stop even trying to win Catherine back.", Mark said. Okay, now I'm even pissed off. I punched Mark really hard and he fell to the ground.
"Mark", Christine screamed as she knelt down and help Mark.
"Michael stop it!", Christine said. I clenched my fists and punched the wall behind me.
"Damn it!", I screamed, "god damn it!", I screamed again. I felt two arms wrap themselves on my waist. I turned my head a bit and I saw Christine.
"Calm down.", she whispered. I began to tremble and I finally fell on to my knees. Christine was still hugging me from behind and I held her arms that were wrapped on my waist.
"Why am I the one who's always hurt in the end? Can't I be happy for once?", I whispered to myself. I felt Christine's hug tightened.
"You can be happy with someone else. There are still people who can make you happy.", she replied. Christine loosened her hug and I turned to face her.
"You think so?", I asked. She smiled and nodded. I composed myself and I stood up and approached Mark who now had a bruise on his left cheek. I lent a hand to him to help him get up.
"Sorry man. I was just out of control.", I apologized. He took my hand and he stood up. Mark walked away and I took that as 'apology accepted'. Mark wasn't really good at situations like this though so I understand that dude.
"Let's go in.", Jacob said. I followed him as Christine was walking behind me. We arrived outside of Catherine's room. Jacob went in first as Mark and Christine followed. I didn't go in but instead I just sat outside. I didn't want to cause trouble for Christine especially for Catherine. I'd rather stay here than to see him there.
"Michael? Why don't you come in?", he said. My eyes opened in shock as I looked at the man standing right in front of me. He was the last person I wanted to hear that from.
"How dare you.", I said. I couldn't contain it anymore. I had to let him know how mad I was.
"Michael?", he said.
"How dare you make Catherine suffer.", I told him.
"What are you talking about?", he asked.
"Playing dumb, are we?", I replied as I stood up in front of him.
"Hey, what's your problem?", he asked.
"You see, you're the problem here.", I replied.
"Look Michael, I don't want to start a fuss. Be professional.", Dylan said. Now I'm really pissed off.
"Look who's talking. It's you who's not being professional here, bastard.", I said.
"What did you just call me?", he asked.
"A fucking bastard.", I replied.
"If you want to steal Catherine away from me, you don't have a chance.", Dylan said. I smirked at his statement.
"Since when have you and Catherine become a thing?", I asked. Dylan punched me in the face after that. I fell to the floor and I touched my face. I pulled my hand away and I saw blood on my palm.
"Heh.. And here I thought you were the same old scaredy cat.", I insulted him.
"Don't you remember your face on that time when I made you cry at school?", he asked as he smirked at me. He smirked at me! Nobody smirks at me! Nobody smirks at the popular kid and gets away with it! I immediatey stood up and punched him. Dylan almost fell but he was able to maintain his balance.
"That didn't even make me fall. How weaker can you get?", Dylan said. It made even more pissed off as I gave him another punch. Sad part is, he was able to dodge it. I heard the door open when Dylan punched me really hard and I fell hard on the floor. I slightly opened my eyes and I saw Christine and Mark shockingly looking at me while there I saw Catherine in a wheel chair assisted by Jacob.
"Dylan?", Catherine said in a very soft voice though we can all still hear her.
"Catherine.", Dylan said in a worried tone. Yeah. Fuck you Dylan Wilson. You act like you're invincible and mightly but still you're as cowardly as a chicken!
"Look Catherine, I can explain.", Dylan said.
"Okay. Then explain to me why you just punched Michael right in the face.", Catherine asked. Oh Catherine, you came out just in time.
"Michael was the one who started it.", Dylan said. Well of course I bet Mark, Jacob, and Christine knew that I started it since I was raging right from the start.
"And here I thought you were the type of person not to start a fuss. Jacob, take me back to my room.", Catherine said as Jacob took Catherine back inside her room.
"Catherine, wait!", Dylan called out but Catherine ordered Mark to close the door. Dylan and I were the only ones left.
"Screw you.", I said.
"What did I ever do to you?", Dylan asked.
"You made Catherine pregnant. That's what you did to me.", I told him.
"You have no part of that issue.", Dylan said.
"Yeah I do. I'm Catherine's friend. I have the right to know everything.", I replied.
"You may be Catherine's friend and has the right to know her whereabouts but you do not have the right to intervene in her private life!", Dylan said as he raised the tone of his voice.
"That also applies to you! Don't tell me what to do. Who are you to talk to me like that you fucking bastard!", I replied.
"It was accident, alright? It was really an accident. I didn't expect it either. It was my first time and all.", Dylan calmly explained.
"Whatever. You're fucking lying. You still have the guts to lie when you've already commited a really huge sin? Screw you! I never even touched Catherine when we were in a one year relationship and yet you touched her and you're not even in a relationship with her.", I told him as I got up to my feet and walked away. When I passed by him I whispered,
"I'm gonna take Catherine away from you. I don't fucking care if she's pregnant. I don't want someone as irresponsible as you taking care of Catherine.". I left Dylan alone as I made my way to the elevator. I'm as tired as hell and I'm gonna go home. This day isn't good for me.
Michael's right. I'm irresponsible and I'm no good for Catherine. I made her pregnant because I'm irresponsible and careless. I hate myself. I'm only making Catherine's life a living hell. I sat on the bench outside of Catherine's room and cried. I've been crying lately. All this stress is making me tired. I'm tired of being sad and worried. I'm tired of being bullied around. I even made Catherine upset. How will I face her now? Can I still talk to Catherine? I bet she's freaking mad at me for being so wreckless. I composed myself and a memory hit me. I remembered I made Catherine mad before. That time when we just met and I didn't talk to her because I didn't know how to interact with people. I stood up and went to my car at the parking lot. I opened the driver's seat and I took out a pen and paper. Then I wrote what I felt; everything on this piece of paper.
"Are you sure about this Catherine? I mean, Dylan must be really upset and worried as to whether he can face you or not. Maybe even talk to you or not.", Jacob asked.
"Dylan needs to learn what he did wrong.", I told them.
"But as what we've told you, Michael was the one at fault.", Mark replied.
"I know. I know Dylan way too much and I know that he wouldn't start a fuss even though he's pissed off.", I told them.
"But is this really okay?", Christine asked. I smiled at the three of them so they wouldn't have to worry.
"Don't worry. Dylan and I experienced this before. I know Dylan will do something.", I replied.
"Dylan didn't do anything wrong.", Jacob said.
"Yes, he did. Dylan started the fight.", I said.
"How do you know?", Jacob asked. Then Michael came to us.
"Michael? When did you get here?", Mark asked.
"A few minutes ago. I felt like Catherine was calling me so I went back in and came here.", Michael replied.
"Michael wouldn't lie to me.", I told them and they all saw Michael agree with me by nodding his head.
"So Michael, what did you do?", I asked.
"Well, literally I was the one who started it all but Dylan was the first one to strike.", Michael said.
"Woah. Really? Dylan did that?", Mark asked.
"I'm sorry Catherine. I didn't mean to upset Dylan.", Michael apologized.
"Michael Collins apologized. The most popular jock in school apologized. A new record in history", Mark teased and Michael glared at him.
"See guys? Dylan did something wrong and I want him to realize it.", I told all of them.
"Well, Catherine's got a point.", Christine said.
"So it's all up to Dylan now.", Jacob said. I nodded at all of them.
It was already seven in the evening. Jacob texted me awhile ago that he'll look after Catherine until I come back. He also told me that Michael and the others have gone home already. I texted Jacob that I was outside the room and he went out.
"Go do it. She's waiting for you.", Jacob said as he tapped my shoulder and walked away. I went in and closed the door. Catherine was on the wheel chair and looking out the window. I slowly walked and placed the paper on her bed. Then I made my way to the bathroom and locked it. god, I'm horrible at hiding.
I smiled as I sensed Dylan place something on my bed and went to the bathroom. I even heard the door lock click. Dylan can be so adorable sometimes. I turned the wheel chair around and I made my way to my bed. I grabbed at the piece of paper and opened it.
"Just like the last time.", I whispered to myself.
Dear Catherine,
Look, I'm sorry I started the fight with Michael. He really made me upset when I'm already upset in the first place. I'm really sorry. It just pisses me off to know that someone is intending of stealing you away from me and that really hurt me. I don't want them to steal you because you're mine. I don't care if we're not going out. I really want you to be mine and mine alone. I don't want anyone to touch you. I just got really upset when Michael told me that we're not a thing because it was true. I unconciously punched him because of my depression. I'm aslo sorry that I'm apologizing to you again through a letter. I'm still having trouble with apologizing in person. I hope you can read my letter despite my terrible hand writing. I love you.
Dylan Wilson (with love)
I chuckled at his really adorable letter. with love? seriously? This really made my heart skip a beat and it really made me happy. I approached the bathroom door and knocked.
"I wanna use the bathroom.", I told him. He opened the door and he was standing right in front of me with swollen eyes.
"What's wrong?", I asked.
"I made you mad.", he replied. I smiled and hugged him.
"Don't be such a baby Dylan. You didn't make me upset. I was just worried.", I told him. He knelt down and apologized.
"I'm really sorry Catherine.", he said.
"Dylan, it's okay. It wasn't entirely your fault.", I replied. He smiled at me. Dylan leaned in and kissed me. I felt his two strong muscly arms wrap around me and then her pulled away and carried me like a princess. He placed me on the bed and tucked my body under the blanket.
"You better rest. I don't want you tired.", he said as he smiled and kissed my forehead.
"Okay but I want you to sit beside me while I sleep.", I told him.
"I won't leave you. I promise. Well, except for when I need to go to the bathroom and stuff.", he said. I laughed at him and he said,
"I finally made you laugh.". I swear I blushed and felt really embarrassed. I was happy though and that night, I had a really decent sleep.
Thank goodness Dylan and Catherine finally made up :) How will things go from here? Stay tuned for the next chapter of UMBRELLA :)
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