Q&A #4-Favorite Pokemon
Question: What is your favorite Pokemon? (Asked by Charowak)
I actually have a lot. Some of them for no reason. So I might actually forget some and edit this later? Let's see. (These will be in no specific order)
First off, Zoroark. If that wasn't already obvious (I mean my username IS Master_of_Illusions...in reference to both Pokemon and something else I'm a fan of). I used to only watch the Pokemon movies, and when I saw Zoroark: Master of Illusions, I pretty much fell in love with Zoroark. One, it's a dark type, my favorite type, and two, it's a Pokemon that uses illusions, not transforming like Ditto or Mew. It's ability can be a pretty great advantage if used correctly, and Night Daze is one of my favorite moves.
Giratina. Another one of those "I watched a movie, and wow look at that. I want it." I'm not one to like legendaries too much, or even bother to train them, but Giratina is the only one besides a handful of others I'm willing to train nonstop until level 100 (I have like 6 on one game...). Also, Platinum was pretty good, even though I really don't like Sinnoh. The Distortion World was just this nice blend of creepy and exciting. And I love Giratina's Origin Forme; I really like snakes or snake-like Pokemon, and Giratina is basically a floating serpent of some kind.
While on the topic of snakes, another one of my favorites is Serperior. I can't say too much I like about it during battle besides that it's actually a pretty fast grass type, and I do prefer getting the first hit in a battle, and that it's hidden ability is fuckin' fantastic. Contrary. Like if I used a move that lowered my stats, that ability would raise them instead. So unless if you have a move that would normally raise my stats, you're gonna have trouble lowering them.
Feraligatr. I normally pick water types (the exception being Charizard and Serperior) and Feraligatr is probably my favorite out of all the starters. It evolves pretty fast, being a Feraligatr already at level 30, which does give you a good power boost during gameplay. And I'm impatient with evolving Pokemon. I'm impatient with most things though.
I'm gonna start getting into the few other legends I like. Mewtwo, Yveltal, and Zygarde.
I really liked Mewtwo in the Genesect movie, and Mewtwo's megas. The only trouble I've had with Mewtwo was CATCHING it. The only legendary that has pushed my patience so far, that I only use Master Balls for it.
Yveltal is a giant, dark type bird of death. Do I have to say more? (I haven't used Yveltal enough so I can't talk about battle experience).
Zygarde. Snake. Cute. I don't wanna hear shit on how it's the weakest legendary-maybe it'll get some kind of mega or other form just stOP TALKING SHIT.
I'll start making these brief.
Weavile. Dark type. Fast. Key part in helping me mass produce Volt Tackle Pichu (aka Thief on Red's Pikachu).
Umbreon. Everyone has a favorite Eevee evolution. Dark type. Shiny is pretty. Pokemon Colosseum starter=badass (along with Espeon).
Metagross. Never actually used one until ORAS and now that I did, I'm pretty happy with it's power. No other reason than that really.
10 Pokemon so far. Wow. Out of these ten, Zoroark, Giratina, and Zygarde are fighting for first place.
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