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-𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯!✫⁂𖦹
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘀✲
───── ❝𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄❞ ─────
𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑦 𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔...
"that was pretty epic." pope admitted
"did you guys see kelce's face?" john b chuckled.
"furthermore, did you see julia celebrating her victory on putting topper to the ground?" olivia laughed
"bomb drop!" jj grunted as the basketball rim shook "honestly, drunk julia is the best."
julia couldn't help but let out a small laugh, even though she didn't remember much that night.
"another broken couch." john b claimed
"you gotta sleep there." pope reminded
"i always sleep there. hey." jj watched sarah walk in "well, hell, princess."
"whats up?" kiara asked
"shouldnt you be on figure eight with your little group of polo players?" john b teased "or did you break up with topper?" he asked seriously
"we're just friends." sarah walked to leave again the walled window
"he's just a friend. you have a lot of friends, sarah cameron."
"yeah, and it seems like you've got some of your own too."
"all right, what are you doing here?"
"im here for pope." she sighed "i think i found the island room." everyone immediately sat up, forgetting about their hangovers.
"guys, listen to this." Pope reads from the piece of paper in his hand, "The diary says the cross holds the most holy relic in all of Christendom, the Garment of the Savior." He looks up as Kie starts to speak.
"So wait, he saying there's a holy garment inside the cross?"
"Yeah. It says the garment is capable of healing the sick from any malady."
"Mmm, yeah." JJ points at the paper, "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." And everyone looks at him confused on how he knows that, "What? I went to Sunday school."
"Sure." Olivia nods.
"Well, that explains why Limbrey would want the cross so bad. She thinks it can heal her." Pope then adds.
Julia looks over at the boy, "What else does it say?"
"'Many feel that we have sinned to steal such a sacred thing, and God will strike His vengeance on us.'"
"Thing is, God did have His vengeance." Kie speaks up.
"He sent a hurricane to sink the ship. Only Denmark survived."
the cameron house. julia looked out the window to see the house infront of her, immediately the rush of what happened last night came back.
sarah led the pogues through the house. olivia and julia already knew their way around but they had never seen the 'island room'.
"whooo!" jj cheered, earning a light slap on the shoulder from olivia.
"this place still freaks me out." john b spoke as he looked around.
"you and me both, brother." julia mumbled to herself.
"yeah, same." jj added, not ever being inside of the house before.
"pope, look." sarah opened the door. what was revealed, was old wallpaper? a massive painting? behind the old wallpaper.
"whoa! you've got ti be kidding me." pope had a smile of disbelief on his face, he couldn't helo but think he was hallucinating.
"yeah. i know, right? its the island room." sarah confirmed
"so its just the dining room? that, like, rarely gets used?" olivia asked seriously
"that's what im thinking. i was here a bunch of times as a kid and i never saw this room be in use unless people were just sitting, not eating." julia nodded
"its been here the whole time." sarah stated the obvious
"this definitely means something." jj shared
they all muttered small little comments about the room.
"yo, this is a map of the whole island. "
"yeah, john b, i think you're right because this is rixons right here." jj pointed to the wall "and then, theres the lighthouse."
"guys, look, parcel 9 and the well." kiara placed her hand on the wall
"so, if thats parcel 9, and then if thats rixons, then thats gotta be the surf break at mase." john b went to a wall
"right. and look. pope, come here. this is denmark's handwriting first sure." jj held the sheet of paper to the writing on the wall
"the drawings, they match up." pope smiled
"holy shit.." olivia whispered
"denmark, you smart son if a bitch." julia chuckled
"these are all his drawings. he... he painted this entire room." pope looked around again.
"its gotta have something to do with the key, right? right?" jj questioned
"yeah, but what?" kiara asked
"how did you know?" john b asked sarah
"i didnt. it was like this when i got home."
"the freaks did it." wheezie said, scaring everyone as she came into the room.
everyone jumped, except julia, sarah and olivia.
"you get used to that." julia smiled
"that sick lady and her attack dog. they... they showed up last night, and they wanted to talk to rafe. this was after julia left. first, they searched the whole house looking for something, and then rafe told me to go upstairs. but i didnt wanna miss out, so i listened through the grate. and they were talking about getting across the sand flamingo?" wheezie wasnt sure she was correct on the last part
"the cross. the cross of santo domingo?" pope asked
"yeah, thats it. oh, and they were talking about angels. a lot if angel talk. i dont dont."
"guys, denmarks famous last words. he buried the real treasure at the foot of the angel. they're looking for an angel. we have to find the angel in the room."
the group began analysing the walls.
"whats... whats going on? are you guys gonna tell me?" wheezie asked
"a cross, its in popes ancestry." julia filled her in
"its a valuable thing."
wheezie nodded.
"come here. this humongous tree is still on goat island. you know what its called?" jj pointed
"angel oak." pope finished
"look there. theres the keyhold."
"wait. that means the cross is buried at the foot of the angel. wow, that must be where he put it. thag must be where they are right now! we have to go!"
"i think im sherlock holmes, all right? you're welcome by the way." jj called out
"sherlock, huh?" olivia chuckled
"There it is, Angel Oak." Olivia mumbles.
"Oh, shit! Tide's coming in." JB spoke as he drove the Twinkie through mud and dirty water.
"Um.." Julia mutters.
Pope points in front of everyone, "Hey, wait a second. Look." He points are tire tracks. "They have already came through here. Those have to be Limbrey's tire tracks. Guys, we gotta go."
"Mmm, what do you think, chief?" JJ looks over at John B.
"I'm thinking it's looking a little dicey."
"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with that statement."
"Okay, clearly, they made it. No?" Olivia speaks up, butting into their decision making.
"In a two-wheel drive?" JJ questions her logic, "I don't know about that."
"Why are y'all acting like you're not gonna do it anyways?" Sarah smiles from the back. "Like when have y'all ever done the safe thing?"
"She's got a point." JB mutters looking back through the cracked windshield.
"Speed is your friend, okay?" JJ makes sure he knows. "So, put her down in second and hammer down, brother."
"Stick to the ground in the middle." Pope also adds.
"All right, ready? Here we go." JB then takes off hitting the gas pedal.
"Speed is your friend. You're not going fast enough." JJ urges.
"I'm in second."
"We're gonna slide." Kie shouts over the boys.
"You're fishtailing already." JJ speaks sounding disappointed.
"I know."
"Not to put anymore pressure on you, but if you don't make it through, we'll be stuck here forever." Pope leans forward, sticking his head through the middle of the two chairs.
"Put your head back, okay?" JB pushes his head back.
Everyone 'whoops' as the car makes it through the sludgy mud.
"I told you we'd make it." JB celebrates.
"That's my girl." JJ also celebrates with him, tapping his hands on the dashboard. "All right, right here. That's good. Angel Oak is right through here."
Everyone piles out of the Twinkie.
"All right, so word to the wise," JJ continues speaking, "definitely know that gators nest back here, so keep your eyes peeled, okay? You don't wanna step on a mama gator. That's the last thing you wanna have happened."
"They have nests?" sarah questions, watching where she stands.
"Seems like a good place to park." Olivia mumbles.
"All right. You don't wanna be a Pat Womack. She had her calf chewed off by a gator, right? You know that, right?" He turns back to look at her.
"That's actually not true. Pat Womack was injured in a car accident, but I hear you."
"Okay, just live in ignorance. But like, she had her calf chewed off by a mama gator. I know that for a fact. They like the brackish water. Wait. Hold on. I see something." He bends down closer to the water beneath them.
"What are you doing?" Olivia speaks to the idiotic boy.
JJ slams his stick into the water.
"Right. Wake them up. That's smart." Sarah says sarcastically.
"I was just making sure it wasn't a gator. That's all, all right?"
Everyone looks at him in confusion before they start walking again.
Pope shushes everyone as they get closer to where they need to be. Machines wiring it what they can hear before they peer over a bush and see none other than Rafe cameron.
"I don't see shit." Rafe speaks to the people on the machines, looking through the Angel Oak. "You sure this is the right spot?"
"It's there." The voice on Limbrey comes through, "The garment will be in the cross, and the cross will be at the foot of the tree."
"All right. Well, whatever we find, I get my cut." Renfield's voice also comes through.
"The actual garment. You understand the significance."
"I do, Carla. Completely." He gets a fold up chair out the boot.
"One touch of it, and I'll be healed, and this long nightmare will be over."
"Your lips to God's ears."
"I know you don't believe it, but countless stories over millennia prove that.." Renfielf helps Limbrey into the fold up chair, "..miracles happen."
Olivia looks at everyone but her gaze is snapped back when the woman yells after hearing a crunch in the mud.
"Hey, wait. Stop! Stop. Please stop. Did you hear it? Hey, get in there, boys. Do it by hand." The woman stands up, with assistance, "Oh. This has gotta be the cross." The woman peers over the edge, "It's smaller than I thought." She laughs. "It looks like a—"
"Casket." Rafe finishes for her.
"He put it in a casket." She laughs again, "Denmark put it in a casket. Get it up."
"Let's go." Renfield orders.
And with that they bring the casket up, Rafe helping them carry it up.
"They got the cross? What do we do? What do we do?" JJ speaks urgently.
"What can we do?" JB fires back.
"Be careful!" The woman urges as Renfield and Rafe place the casket on the ground and start to pry it open, "Don't touch anything inside! Don't touch anything inside!"
They get it open, throwing the lid off as all three of them peer in.
"It's just a corpse." Rafe states the obvious, looking at a skeleton head.
"Sorry, Carla." Renfield mumbles to the older woman.
"We must have missed something." She stands up, grabbing her crutches.
"Of course. Of course, yeah. Of course it's just a dead body. Jesus!" Rafe yells the last part.
"We just got the wrong place. We'll go back to the island room." The woman turns around and yells to all the workers, "We're going back! We're going back! It's not over!"
The group waits until everyone has packed up and left before even moving or speaking to one another again.
Pope pushes through the push first, an aggravated look on his face.
"Pope. Pope, wait. Wait! Shit." JJ follows after him, everyone following suit.
pope runs over to the now dug up bottom of the tree.
"Wait, wait. Yo." JJ continues to shout and run after him.
Pope comes to a stop in front of the casket, slowly moving towards it. Everyone staying behind giving him space.
Once Pope was close enough he read off the name in the casket, "Cecilia Tanny, Denmark's wife." He looks up at the tree, "He wasn't talking about the cross. He buried her at the foot of the angel."
"The true treasure." Kie confirms.
"His wife." JB also adds.
Everyone crouches around the casket, as Pope lets out a few tears before speaking to everyone.
"Denmark was hung for burying his wife, and now they defiled her grave." Kiara rubs his arm comfortingly.
But Pope reaches into the casket noticing something, before grabbing it.
He sniffles as wipes his nose before looking down at the piece in front of him. It was dusty and old but he wipes it clean and the name 'Cecilia' shows up.
"This just have been from Denmark." Sarah picks up a ring. "Her wedding ring." She rubs her thumb over the circle shaped metal and she looks over at John B when she says this.
Pope carefully and respectfully places the charm, of what Olivia thinks was a necklace, back into the casket.
"We can't leave her like this." He speaks.
"We won't." JB confirms to him.
JJ and JB collectively grab the casket lid placing it on-top of the casket respectfully and grabbing whatever tool Rafe forgot and hammering it back into the base.
Pope collects some beautiful flowers and places them on the lid.
jj started to cover the hole they dug up with his shovel.
pope spluttered "i just dont get it. i mean, you guys saw the map. he hides his gold so no one finds it for 170 years. and then he sends a message to his som robert to come here to his mother's grave, but the message never gets to him. denmark wanted him to find the cross. i know we're in the right spot. it just feels like--" pope rambled
"like we missed something?" jj looked ip in the angel tree "guys, come here." him and olivia climbed onto the twinky and jj pointed to a whole. "that looks like--"
"the painting in the island room."
"it's worth a shot, right? go for it." he told olivia
"no chance, you would never catch me putting my hand in a hole on a tree." she denied "you do it."
"i'll do it. i already went into the storm drain and almost died." julia got onto the roof of the twinky. she reached her hand in the hole and searched around. "there's something in here." she chuckles "wait." julia then started screaming, pretending she was getting pulled in.
everyone panicked and tried to save her. she immediately started laughing and everyone went silent, relaxing from the shock they just had.
"oh, you asshole." pope shook his head
"got you there." she spoke, still laughing.
jj started to laugh aswell "playing my own tricks on me? wow."
"wait, but seriously, there's something in here. she pulled out some spyglass and handed it to pope.
"HMS royal merchant." he read
"give it to the captain. here we go. its a spyglass." jj took the spyglass and extended it, trying to look through it.
"an inscription right there. look at that shit. oh, what does it say?" john b unscrewed it
"you've come this far. do not falter. the cross is on the freedmans alter." pope read out "freedmans alter. the cross is at the church!"
"what are we doing here, guys?" jj asked
the group jumped back into the twinky. they camp to a wet and muddy part of the trail. they started to debate whether the twinky could make it through the mud. jonn b pushed on the gas and got over it. or half way before the twinky went sideways and got stuck on a small hill.
"maybe we can walk from here." pope suggested
"what? and leave the twinky? the... the tides coming in." john b protested
"so what are we gonna do?" olivia asked
"not stay here." jj answered
kiara rolled her eyes at her decision "i can take my dads truck."
"kiara, are you sure?" julia questioned
"how much worse can it get, you know?"
"we need something to pull her out with. theres the winch at the chateau. thats, like, two miles." jj remembered
"yeah, thats a good idea." olivia nodded, feeling absolutely grossed out by the swampy waters that she had to stay in the twinky so she wouldn't get dirty.
"if you're gonna do it, lets go, okay?" julia tried to hurry everyone up
"the tides coming in. twinkys giing underwater." john b added.
jj picked olivia up, bridal style, walking her through the muddy water so she wouldn't feel gross.
"how long does it take to go two miles and back in a car?" pope questioned, walking through the water. "i feel like they're taking their time. should i go look for them? should i go find them and bring them back?"
"i dont... i dont... i dont know. just give me a sec." john b shrugged
sarah and julia sat ontop of the twinky. sarah was looking at the spyglass and julia rubbed her arm, it was hurting quite a bit. their clothes soaked and muddy from their earlier ordeal. they shiver a bit in the cool air, but are grateful to be out of the water.
sarah lets out a shaky sigh, "can you believe this is happening?" she asks, her voice wavering.
julia shook her head, still in shock. "no, definitely not on my list of expected occurrences. but then again, nothing ever goes to plan."
sarah huffed a small laugh. "yeah, this is definitely not your typical day out. but you gotta admit, it's sort of exciting, right?"
julia raised an eyebrow, a small smirk playing on her lips. "oh yeah, stranded out here in the marshland, soaking wet and covered in mud. super exciting."
sarah shrugged, looking out at the surroundings. "well, exciting in a 'we're stranded and could potentially die' kind of way."
julia rolled her eyes, a small smile forming on her face despite the situation. "real positive there, sarah."
the two boys went to go find some drift wood to help get the twinky out.
john b thought he saw something useful in the water "hey, pope! i think i found something, come help me out!"
"yeah, i'll be there in a sec!" pope called out
john b went closer to it and a snarl was heard. he gasped and was submerged into the water.
"john b?" sarah called out, trying to look for him.
"help!" he quickly said, coming up before going back under
"oh shit! is that a crocodile?" julia almost laughed. she was never serious in serious situations, she couldnt help it.
sarah jumped into the water "pope! john b! pope! i need help!" she wento into the twinky window and grabbed a knife.
julia couldn't help but think about what happened last night, again. she watched sarah and pope move towards john b as fast as she could.
john b began to water wrestle with the gator. sarah started to stab it, trying not to get john b . after a few stabs, the gator left, bleeding.
johnb and sarah got ontop of the twinky and julia began to look at his bite.
"lucky i got bit by an alligator and my car is underwater." john b panted
"do you have something i can wrap this with, stop the bleeding?" julia asked, still looking at the bite.
john b pulled out his bandana and handed it to his sister who began to wrap his wound.
"oh, speak of the fricking devil." pope raised his hands "look who it is, the tortoise and the tortoise and the tortoise. just a couple hours late."
Olivia gets out the car, JJ and Kiara following suit.
"Paternal complications." She looks over at JJ as he reaches into the back of the truck.
"Luke was at the Chateau."
"Oh, great! While you were having family time with your pops," At Pope's word's Olivia glares at him, "John B got bit by a gator."
"Like, for real?" JJ asks.
"Does it look like we're joking?" Sarah says sarcastically.
"Okay, what the hell happened?" Kiara exclaims walking closer.
"What happened? I got bit by a gator!"
"He got bit by a gator!" John B and Pope say at the same time.
"I don't know why I'm being yelled at because I put my ass on the line!" Kiara yells back.
"You're being yelled at because it was 20 minutes-"
"We got here as fast as we could."
JB, Pope, Sarah and Kiara start shouting back and forth at each other.
Olivia rolling her eyes, and covering her ears.
JJ running his hands through his hair.
And Julia contemplating whether she should be the gator's next food.
"Shut up!" JJ yells, shutting them all up. "Seriously, guys, I can't take it anymore, all right? Everyone just cut it out for a second." He laughs slightly as he leans against a tree.
"Look, I just helped my dad leave this island for good. Like, he's not ever coming back. He's straight up like the Spanish. Just, 'Bon Voyage.'" And he waves emphasising it.
Olivia pulls a confused look while everyone mutters about it being French and not Spanish.
"All we got..And I know for a fact all I got is you guys, okay? You're it." He looks over at Olivia then at everyone else, "And I've come to close to losing you, all of you." He looks over at Julia, "I mean, shit, you almost downed. Pope, you were kidnapped. Sarah, you've been shot. John B, you were almost dinner for a freaking gator, bro. Kiara, you nearly got sent away. Olivia, your dad kidnapped you and nearly flew you to the Bahamas. So, this blaming each other is some Kook-ass bullshit, all right? We don't do that. Okay, We're Pogues. Sorry, that was a lot right now. I didn't mean to.."
Pope looks over at John B, Sarah and Julia and all of them start clapping. Olivia and Kiara joining in just as quickly.
"Yeah. All right."
"Well-done." Pope congratulates him.
"I gotta be honest. That was the best freaking speech you have ever given." JB applauds. "Also, you should think about, like, a Rosetta Stone because your Spanish and French are flip-flopped."
JJ throws his middle fingers up at him while Olivia speaks up, mocking him, "We should bon voyage out of here."
"All right, let's get this damn Twinkie out of here." Pope agrees.
"Keep it coming. Keep her coming. She's almost out." JJ shouts to Olivia as she drives the truck pulling the Twinkie out of the mud. "Keep it going. Easy! Easy! Easy!" He shouts from the back of the truck. "Sarah, to the right. Straighten out."
"I am!" She yells out the Twinkie window.
"Whoo! The Twinkie lives!"
The seven teenagers enter the church, taking in the slight of the run down, and the smell of the water moulding the wood. Olivia gags, covering her face until she can bear the smell.
"Okay, you're telling me Denmark Tanny decided to hide the cross here?" JJ speaks, while looking around confused at the place the cross is apparently at.
He earns a hum from Pope and Julia telling everyone what to do, "Everybody, just spread out."
"Okay, well, if I was a cross and wanted to be hidden in an old church, where would I hide?" JB mumbles while taking a lot at his surroundings.
Pope starts looking, moving pillow off the seats and JJ watches him, asking a question.
"Are you sure that Denmark hid the cross here, Pope? Like, are we at the right church?"
"It's gotta be here somewhere, guys."
"What if we have to push secret button or, like, play, a..a certain cord," He places his hands over the piano, "and then, all of a sudden, the ground beneath us reveals the catacombs or something on which we stand?"
Julia looks at him with a confused expression, "Are we Sherlock Holmes?"
She doesn't get an answer due to John B speaking up, "How about we try to find obvious clues?"
"It's not an escape room." Olivia rolls her eyes as she watches JJ from across the room.
"It's gotta be in here." Pope starts to frantically speak, still looking around.
"Sorry. I'm sorry." JJ whispers to Olivia, not wanting to disturb Pope.
"I can't see where they'd hide a giant cross here." JB speaks up, saying what's on his mind.
"No, no. There's no way he would set us up on a freaking goose chase that would lead us to a church that has nothing in it." Pope shouts back, frustrated.
"Yes, I get it. I don't know what to tell you, man."
"The clues led us here. The cross is in this church." He slumps down onto on of the church benches.
"Pope, it'll be all right. We've had setbacks in the past, and we figured it out. We're gonna find it."
Kiara sits down next to Pope, "He right." She agrees with John B.
"Look. We've just gotta think about this logically, all right?" Olivia watched as Pope takes the telescope and looking around completely ignoring John B's words. "Where else would you hide a seven-foot-tall cross made of gold?"
Pope lowers the telescope, obviously seeing something.
"What?" JJ asks the boy.
And everyone looks up where he's looking. Pope starts to stand looking up more.
"Oh my God. Look at that." Julia says in disbelief.
Pope goes to the side off the wall, placing his hands in the indents.
"Pope." Olivia says, loudly.
"Hey, no!" JJ exclaims.
"Now Pope's climbing the wall." JB states the most obvious thing ever.
"Pope this church is old." Kie speaks up.
"Like really old. This isn't safe." Julia finishes.
The wall crumbles and groans under Pope's weight as he ignored everyone and continues to climb.
"Yo!" JJ shouts, still watching the boy. "This church gots to be at least 200 years old."
"He's right. It's too dangerous." JB agrees with the blonde.
"Yo, let me just be real. You're not the most coordinated person on planet Earth. You hear me? What are you doing?" JJ yells up the him. As Pope reaches the structure pieces.
"Pope? Pope!"
He slams his fist into one of the wooden beams and looking down at everyone, "All right, this one's solid wood. I'm gonna try the older beam." He climbs over.
"Pope, that's rotten as shit right there, okay?" JJ looks up.
Pope pushes it again.
"Pope, I hate to break it to you, but that's wood." JJ continues to speak.
"No, no. It has to be here. I know." He continues hitting the beam in frustration before standing up climbing around the middle wood beam.
"Bro, just look out for that giant wasp nest right above your head." JJ warns his best friend.
And if on cue Pope looks up at the buzzing wasps.
"Hey, just..just move slow, all right? Nice and easy, all right?" JB speaks in a soft, comforting voice.
Pope kicks a piece of wood it falling and nearly hitting JJ and JB.
"Look!" Pope exclaims, looking at the wood more intently, "Its hollow. Go get me a crowbar!"
"I'll be right back." And Olivia runs out the building towards the Twinkie. Getting the crowbar for the boy.
Olivia pulls the sliding door open, and pulling the bag open, searching through it for the crowbar.
Olivia moves a few things but she gets the tool, and if on cur a twig crunches behind her, making her look around. When she doesn't see anything, she closes the door walking back to the church.
The sound of crows cawing and leaves rustling makes her look back at everything once again. This time she moves more quicker into the church.
"Olivia!" Pope exclaims when he sees the blonde returning with the took he needs.
"Hey. Pope." She walks until she's underneath up at him.
"Throw it."
"Okay." She says thinking he's joking, when she looks up and his hand is extended out to her she knows he's serious, "Oh, for real?"
"Everybody watch your head." John B warns everyone.
"Hey, wait." JJ goes to speak but Olivia throws the crowbar, Pope catching it easily.
"Got it." He holds it out.
"Not bad." Julia mumbles, congratulating her friend while JJ claps for her.
"Hey, Pope, Pope, there's the wasp nest right up there, okay?" JB reminds him again, pointing up to him. "Just move slow, all right?"
Pope nods, "Got it." Before hitting the hollow wood with the crowbar.
Dust, mank, and little pieces of wood fly from it landing on the floor.
"Hey, uh." Sarah mumbles.
"What is that?" Julia mumbles, moving a bit closer tying to get a better look at what was hidden in the wood.
"Do you guys see that?" John B points up.
"Shit." Olivia mumbles, while Pope rips off the wood with the crowbar.
The Pogues watch as a the wood falls off, they all have either hopeful, shocked or completely confused looks on their faces. Everyone gasps as a cross comes into their view.
"Holy shit." Olivia and Julia mumbles at the same time.
"It's here. Oh my God." Sarah gasps out.
"You did it, buddy." JJ looks up as his best friend continues to hit at the wood. The cross becoming more prominent.
"What is that?" Sarah asks.
"Holy shit, holy shit." Olivia and Julia celebrate together.
"Ah!" Pope yells in excitement. "Yeah!"
"Keep going!"
"Oh my God!"
"Holy shit!"
Is the only thing all of them yell as the cross becomes more and more seeable to everyone the more Pope axes away with the crowbar.
"We did it! We did it!" Pope yells down at everyone. The wasps come closer to him, "Okay, they're stringing now. Ow!"
"Take it easy! Take it easy!" JJ yells out as Pope accidentally drops the crowbar, it nearly hitting him and Julia.
"Ow!" Pope yells, slapping his neck trying to hit the wasps away. As he's doing so his foot looses balance causing him to fall.
"Hold on!"
Everyone yells as Pope grabs ahold of the edge of the wooden beams.
"Wait!" Sarah shouts.
"Cushions." Julia shouts and everyone starts pulling the seat cushions off the benches and placing them on the floor, so he can fall and land safely.
Pope lands on the cushions, "Pope, are you okay?" Kiara asks as her and everyone surround him making sure he's okay.
"Anything broken?"
"Are you okay?"
"Do you feel good?"
"You did not tuck and toll, for sure."
A board comes loose and the cross falls exactly where Pope is lying and the others surrounding him..
authors note:
too effing long
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