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-𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯!✫⁂𖦹
───── ❝𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄❞ ─────
𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑦 𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔...
"they're fancy people. they've had three governors in the family. they've run charleston for, like, 300 years." julia gave a little history lesson
"these kooks make out kooks look like pogues." jj stared at the house
"rude much." olivia mumbled
"you're officially a pogue now, liv." jj flashed her a smile as pope pulled over and turned off the engine.
"you sure this is the right place, pope?" julia looked out the window like a little kid
"pretty sure." pope swallowed
"all right." jj opened the car door and everyone got out one by one. "fat city, for sure."
pope held the letter up infront of him "27 king street."
"talk about home security." olivia looked at the spikes on the gate.
"are thise spikes to keep people out? " jj asked
"no. they're to keep people in.. you can tell by the way they are positioned." julia taught him
"ah.." he nodded slowly
"the slave quarters are over there." pope pointed
pope uses the knocker on the door and knocks it three times before stepping back, "you think that was too much?"
"it echoed the entire house. that's for sure." jj replies. "so they definitely heard it."
"maybe nobody's home." kie questions.
pope tried the knocker again and as he went to use it for the third time the door opens stopping him from doing so.
a man with a beard looks around at everyone before his land on pope. He points at pope as his smirk grows, "you must be pope."
"um.." pope looks at them all nervously. "are you mr. limbrey?
"ms limbrey was expecting you yesterday."
"oh. I'm..I'm sorry. my car broke down on the way up here."
"carburettor blew up in the middle of nowheresville." jj butts in, "sorry about that."
"yeah, she was, uh, real upset when you didn't show up."
"we tried to call, but there's no number on the invitation." kie speaks up from behind pope. "We got here as fast as we could."
"She also expected you to come alone." The man spoke again.
"I mean, these are my friends. They helped find the Royal Merchant too. I—"
"The instructions were explicit. Your friends can stay outside."
"We're kind of a package deal, man." JJ butts in.
"JJ. It's okay. I got this." Pope reassures his best friend. "I'll be good."
"Yeah. We'll be right here." Julia smiles.
Pope turns to Kie, "Keep the car running."
"Yep." She grabs his hand.
"look, if limbrey is legit, then ward gets arrested, and maybe sarah gets the gold." kiara looked out the window
"does that look voluntary?" julia asked as she saw pope get pushed outside and into the slave quarters
"that would be a negative." jj confirmed
"come on." olivia went to get out the car
jj puts his hand on her shoulder "wait, hold on, hold on."
"they're going into the alley."
"go round back?" julia asked
"yeah. we'll meet then on the other side." jj started to drive
"hey, be chill. be chill." kiara spoke, not being chill at all.
The four ran around the corner seeing Pope on top of a man, while the man was reaching his arm out to grab the taser.
JJ was the first around the corner followed by Olivia and Julia then Kiara.
JJ kicked the taser to Olivia who picked it up, "Come on!"
JJ looked from Olivia to Pope, "Pope! Pope, come on!"
"Come on!" Julia shouts, as Pope gets off the man.
"Go! Just leave him! Leave him!" Kiara shouts.
Julia, Kiara, and Olivia went out of the garden the normal way while Pope and JJ jump over the brick wall. They all scramble into the car panting like dogs.
"Who were those people?" Julia questions as JJ starts the car.
"I don't like that he's driving." Olivia pipes up but gets ignored due to the frantic scene.
"We're getting out of here." JJ starts driving.
"That was crazy as shit. Let's get out of here." Pope agrees.
JJ turns the car around and starts driving away. "Here we go now!"
"I think he's following us." Kie states the obvious.
"This is a one-way." Pope also states the obvious.
"Go left."
"I know." JJ speaks.
"Go that way." Pope speaks again.
"This is a one-way!" Pope and Kie shout at the same time.
"Hey! There's another car! Turn now!" Pope yells.
JJ grins as he turns at the last minute, almost hitting two people.
"Jesus, look out!" Pope shouts.
"Oh my God." Julia mumbles, praying she doesn't die from a car crash.
"Get out the road!" JJ shouts back.
"That was evasive driving technique right there, y'all." JJ tells everyone, and everyone not impressed.
"Where we going?" Pope questions.
"Hang on. I'll lose him." And with that he turns left suddenly.
"JJ!" Olivia yelps, bashing against Julia, who bashes against Pope, who pushes Kie up the window.
"Dude!" Julia yells.
"You said he fixed the carburettor." JJ questions as the car lets out a fuck load of steam again from the engine. "You said he fixed it!"
"Okay, what now, Mario?" Olivia says sarcastically as they get out of the car.
"Number one rule. Never trust mechanics!" JJ shouts, he grabs his bag as the car pulls up behind them, "We gotta go around!"
"Go!" Kie yells.
And they all take off running.
"Guys, I think he has a gun!" Kie yells from behind.
"Shit, get down!" JJ yells.
Olivia can hear shouting, "Is someone calling for us?"
"I hear it too." Julia agrees but no one listens and keeps running.
"I think I'm cramping." Pope mumbles.
"This way! We might have to split up." JJ goes round a corner as he says that. Grabbing Olivia's hand also. "I don't know where to go, okay? We gotta lose them!" JJ runs into a delivery guy and knocks all the parcels from the man, "Woah! Jesus!"
"Shit." Olivia mumbles.
"Sorry about that!" JJ shouts back. "Right here." They all cut down an alleyway.
As they come out of the alleyway they're nearly hit by a bike.
Everyone stands there looking at each other in awe for a second.
"Get in! Get in! Come on!" John B shouts for everyone to get in.
"Get in!" Sarah shouts, Olivia being the first in next to her.
"Push! Push! Push!" JJ shouts to Pope.
"Pedal faster, John B!" Sarah shouts.
Olivia wrap her arms around Sarah, as JJ jumps on the side.
Pope falls over. "Come on Pope, Come on!" JJ yells as Pope gets back up.
Kie grabs Pope's hand and helps him jump in.
The man grabs onto the back and JJ and Julia turn around to push him off.
"ew." Olivia mumbles.
Everyone starts cheering.
"See you later, asshole. Oh my god!" Pope yells.
"Blowin' you a big kiss!" JJ shouts back to him.
Everyone still happy as ever, smiles bright on their faces, as they all load up Ward Cameron's old boat to go home.
Once the boat was on water and John B is driving everyone cheers.
Olivia throws her arms around Sarah once again, not letting go for a few minutes.
Julia is sat in the corner, tired and needing more alcohol.
Everyone laughs and jokes the whole way home.
The next day they were still on their way home when JJ speaks up, "Anyone else starving? We need to grab some sort of breakfast."
"We're gonna find some food." Sarah speaks as she grabs Pope's hand and gets off the boat.
Julia still asleep in the corner isn't bothered by anyone, everyone knowing she needs the sleep.
Olivia decides she's done adventuring for the day and lap her head on JJ's lap and falling asleep.
after a boat journey from charleston, the group were reunited and back home.
"welcome home, all." julia raised her hands in happiness
pope and jj tied the boat off as they got closer to the dock.
"you know, i gotta be honest. not exactly looking forward to a check-in at home. my parents probably already arranged my funeral." kiara spoke about the same topic, again.
"i predict unpleasantries at the heyward household after i left the truck in charleston."
"i fear my mother will probably care because i didnt tell her i was going, but not care because im basically an adult." julia smiled
"my dad couldn't care less if i was here, i probably wont see him." olivia shrugged
"no one knows we're here, right?" jj asked "and you two aren't gonna get into more trouble for showing 12 hours later" he said, referring to pope and kiara "am i right, or am i right?"
"you're not wrong." pope admitted
"so that means we have 12 hours to do whatever we want. huh? a little pogue fellowship. how does that sound?" jj smiled widely
"let the shit hit the fan tomorrow." john b looked around.
"the cops could be looking for us. it could be really stupid." sarah worried
"dont be a buzzkill, sarah! come onnn, have a little funnn." julia nudged the girl
"sarah cameron, you've heard of my philosophy, right?" jj walked over to her
"no." she tried to hide her smile
"stupid things have good outcomes all the time." he recited while julia, kiara, pope and john b mouthed along.
olivia laughed along with sarah.
"who's with me? lets get some beer!" jj walked off
"and other alcohol substances!" julia added on.
kiara, jj and julia went to go get the drinks, raising the packs of beer and the two bottles of some stronger alcohol. they walked down the ramp and got onto the boat, getting ready to go back to john b's.
Olivia, John B, Sarah, JJ all ran through the dock as the saw Pope and Kiara arrive.
"Finally. Hey!" JJ shouts down to them. "Guys, don't tie up. Stop it!"
"What?" Kiara questions.
"We're dipping."
"Wait, why?" Pope questions again.
"What? What are you talking about?" Kie adds.
Olivia comes down in front of JB and Sarah making sure she doesn't fall forward on her face, "I got it."
"Where did you guys go? What happened last night?" John B looks at the two.
"We slept on the break. What's up?" Pope answers his question then adds a question of his own.
"Slept, right. Yeah. We were up all night." JJ pats his shoulder helping Olivia into the boat then getting in himself.
"We gotta get the hell out of here." JB adds again.
"Rafe knows we're here, so we have to leave, like, now." Sarah adds. Olivia helps Sarah into the boat with the help of JB.
"Okay." Kiara unties the boat.
They six find themselves in a part of the Island hidden by bushes.
Kiara speaks up, "Look, if Rafe and Barry know, it's only a matter of time."
"Before everyone knows." Pope finished.
"I told you." JJ scoffs. "We should've gone south, man."
"Stop it." JB moves closer to him
"Why does no one ever listen?" He continues to yell, definitely overwhelmed.
"I get it. I get it, I understand." John B reassures him.
"JJ stop." Olivia mumbles, reaching for his hand and he takes it, standing behind her.
"I have a plan." Sarah speaks up, making everyone look at her. "With me back, my dad's going to have to choose between me and Rafe."
"Here too." Olivia raises her hand.
"Sarah, Sarah—" John starts.
"He's gonna choose me."
"Still here." Olivia raises her hand more.
"Just please listen. Ward keeps lying to you, Sarah."
"He won't agree after all that's happened." Kie adds.
"No. I..I know it sounds crazy."
"Yeah, it does."
"I know! But he's my dad. And I know, and I know he loves me."
Olivia sighs, sick of hearing about this bullshit. Standing up and walking away, sinking down by a tree.
JJ throws his arms up, following after her. He sits down by her, placing an arm around her shoulder while she leans her head against his shoulder.
She doesn't have to explain how she feels, he already understands.
the night sky had appeared as the sun fell into what looked like nothing. kiara, sarah, olivia and julia were in the hot tub with their bikinis on. they group had already gone through a terrible amount of beers and julia was on her second bottle of alcohol.
it was safe to say she was well out of her head. jj jumped in, with the case of beers, sitting next to olivia. jb and pope soon followed behind him.
olivia took the joint from kiara and took a drag, drinking her beer straight after. jj shook one of the beers in the air, landing it in olivias hair aswell as his own.
the next hour or so was full of nothing but laughter, mostly at julia and her very drunk self. the boys started dancing and pope started to sing:
'i never made good grades in school. when i get out, i act like a fool. they say i come in the party. and cause a commotion. im smooth, yeah, call me lotion.'
everyone laughed at his bars and kiara couldnt pull her eyes away. of course, julia noticed this immediately and whispered to olivia, sarah and kie "you guys should totally hook up." she let out a hiccup before giggling.
olivia felt an arm around her, it was jj. he pulled her in, making sure she was comfortable, leaving his arm around her as he took a drag and placed it between her lips.
fast forward another thirty minutes, pope and jj were pushing each others shoulders, seeing who would fall first.
"get it, pope!" sarah laughed.
olivia kept her eyes on jj, watching him closely. analysing his smile, his wet hair... she wished she could press freeze on the moment.
julia, on the other hand. she stumbled out the hot tub and stook a fat sip of her drink. "guys! id like to make a speech!"
everyone turned to look at her
"i just wanna say, thank you for being the greatest bitches eva!!!!" she slurred before going up to each individual and thanking them as she spoke about them:
"pope, you are so so smart. keep doing great in school bud. i love you." pope smiled at her words and gave her a hug
"john b, my little brother. you're a big pain in my and you're the ugly one. joking, i love you." john b hugged her and kissed the top of her head
"sarah cameron, my beautiful little bean. making my brother happy! also my fav bff. i love you." the two kissed each others cheek
"olivia, i know allllll your secrets and if you dont confess the major one, i'll do it for you. i love you, you olive." olivia chuckld before hugging julia
"jj, my actual bff. you know everything and you didnt deserve anything that happened to you. i love you." jj hugged the girl tightly as if he was going to cry
"kiara, kie, turtle girl.." julia laughed slightly "i know we had our moments, but i seriously love you. and you're so cute with your environment shit." julia opened her arms to the girl
kie chuckled and shook her head "get here, you." and the two hugged aswell.
pope and kie started to leave and everyone made jokes about it. "way to be discreet!" "i leave, and this is what happens."
jj and sarah started to pretend argue over 'no pogue on pogue macking' until he got up and went over to john b.
over another twenty minutes of messing around, john b put the fire out and climbed into a tree with sarah. jj and olivia sat in another tree together, his arm around her, hoping to keep her safe.
julia was too drunk to climb, so she just hid behind the tree.
"anything?" rafe asked
"no, aint shit in there, bro." barry shook his head
"no? nothing?"
"no, nothing, rafe."
"they were obviously just here based off the smoke."
"yeah, yeah, yeah. great observation, boy scout."
"they're not far, you know?"
"smokey the bear! look at you, bro!"
"they gotta be around here somewhere."
"p4l" barry read and rafe started to laugh, pointing his gun at it.
"well, shit." he laughed again
"so your sisters are pogues for life, huh, rafe? now who would've thought?" barry chuckles
"shit!" rafe yelled, causing everyone to flinch
"all right, chill." barry tried not laugh and so did julia.
suddenly, rafe started to shoot the craving on the tree. one of the bullets went up and almost hit olivia, jj quickly pulled her to his chest, his arms never leaving her.
"hey! whoa! hey, chill, bro! rafe! chill your shit! chill out!! you're gonna get our asses busted, dawg! lets bounce. lets bounce. lets go!" barry pushed him a few times.
julia bit her bottom lip before coming out from behind the tree. "rafe?" she whispered softly
he snapped around and looked at her "what are you doing here?"
"i just.. wanted quiet. i miss him." she started to fake cry. julia was a natural at emotions when she was drunk.
"come on, you've drank too much." rafe put his arm around her shoulder and led her away
julia leaned her head against his side as they left john b's house.
riri's thoughts:
go read lextvftv book NOW
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