✪ - 006
-𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘹!✫⁂𖦹
𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗲𝗹 𝟵✲
───── ❝𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄❞ ─────
𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑦 𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔...
it was around 12pm and julia was at the wreck with kiara, jj, pope and john b. everyone was happy to see he was okay and alive. although, he came with news, he was living with the camerons. kie didnt like this idea at all, she was in absolute disbelief.
"so you're living with sarah cameron." she rolled her eyes
john b placed his head in his hand"okay, look, the only reason im living there is because her dad bailed me out, right? and its way better than foster care, which, by the way, is where i was about to go if ward didnt—"
"hey, so do you have a membership to the clubs now?" pope interrupted him but all he got back was a shrug.
"what about those little golf carts they drive around? you get one of them?" jj sipped on his drink whilst he and pope kept asking questions but receiving no response.
"look, you promised. you said you weren't with her." kie folded her arms "look, if you wanna hang out with her, thats fine. but im letting you know now that im nit doing anything with sarah."
"do you guys see her here? no, right. okay. a little focus would be fantastic. we've got the map, right?" the boy with a broken wrist looked between his friends and sister.
"it's out of whack cause the guy was ganja'd when he drew it." jj shrugged
kiara pointed to a section of the map that said 'battery jasper' and that is exactly where the crew went.
"we're in battery, right here. so if this is parcel nine, then its somewhere northeast of here." pope pointed on the map
"over there? guy's, thats not tannyhill, thats a subdivison." jj pointed into the distance
"tannyhill plantation was the entire island. it got sold into smaller pieces over time." julia educated
"so we're just looking for an old stone wall.." pope pointed again.
the crain house. they were really at the crain house. everyone got out of the car and stood infront of the crain stone wall, immediately regretting their life choices.
julia rolled her eyes and was officially sick of this treasure hunt for some gold, maybe because she didn't need or want more money. even so, she still stayed because her friends wanted to find it.
"i heard that mrs crain buried her husband's head on the property." jj said with his 'smartest intelligence'.
they walked through the tall uncut grass and kiara told the story of what happened, she thought it was a massive joke. an old lady killing her husband? absolutely hilarious.
jj on the other hand, he believed the story. "when hollis was six years old, she heard her parents arguing downstairs. so she goes downstairs to see her mom washing her hands in a sink... full of blood. her mother just says that she cut her finger. the next morning, she says her father and her split up. but then, hollis noticed something. her mother going into the parkor constantly, in and out and in and out with plastic bags. weeks pass, and hollis decides to use the outhouse. and as she's using it, she looks down, and there, in the outhouse is her father's head, looking straight back at her."
"god, you are so full of shit." julia laughed as she shook her head and john b agreed.
the all started walking towards the front porch when jj stopped them again. "you sure you wanna do this? she's an axe murderer. you got a cast on."
"i dont give a shit if she's an axe murderer, okay? i got nothing to lose, right? you comin ir what?" john b started to walk again, pope and kiara following behind.
"come on, j. she's not gonna get you." julia took the boys hand as they walked closer and closer.
john b told them they needed to look for the water. julia knew exactly where that was, she used to play with sarah in the grass. she knew the place like the back of her hand.
she led the group into the part of the house that was built ontop of a well. jj started to singing as he looked around with his flashlight "down came mrs crain and cut off all our heads. up came the sun and dried up the blood."
"can you stop." pope demanded
they group couldnt find where exactly the water was. kie was now getting frustrated "know why we didnt find it? bad karma. you know, we had a good thing going. and then you decided to rope in barbie, and now the trails gone dry. coincidence? probably not."
"this is exactly why i didnt wanna tell you about sarah. what the hells the deal with you two?" john b stepped closer to her
"nothing? is it because i kisses you? is that the problem?" john b smirked before kiara slapped him across the face.
"oh shit!" jj laughed whilst pope's eyes widened and julia had to cover her mouth, she was quite literally dying on the inside.
"stop treating me like im some girl thats obsessed with you instead if your best friend who's actually trying to look out for you."
"did you, uh... hit me?"
kie held her hand up "skeeter."
"yeah, you see it?"
"yeah." he hit her around the face and held his hand up, showing her the proof but the two kept hitting each other.
pope started to move the boards from the floor and he uncovered the well. everyone looked down it to see if there was water still there, and there was.
"well, well, well." pope said
"good dad joke." julia chuckled
"this is where she hid the bodies." jj whispered and everyone flamed him lightly.
john b finally made it back to his house where everyone was sitting on the porch waiting for him. however, he wasnt alone. sarah cameron was with him. jj was say in the red sofa chair, pope next to him on a wooden stool and julia sat the other side of him, on the wooden table type thing. olivia, sarah and john b were sat on the couch.
kie on the other hand? she was mad. she stood up and started pacing slowly "no effing way! you brought them here? so what? they're in on this now?"
"i dunno." pope shakes his head.
"look, all i care about is they're cut comes out of your share." jj points
"you know, i dont rememeber taking a vote. this is our thing. a pogue thing." kiara stares straight into sarahs eyes.
"i gotta say, i'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this." pope speaks up
"thank you!" kie smiles
"when are you not?" john b snaps
"i dunno. i rode here on the back of jj's bike pretty comfortably."
"its true. most relaxed ive ever seen him." jj agreed
"you know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought them."
"stop talking about us like we're not here!" sarah clapped back
"then leave."
"i told you." she looks to john b.
"told him what, exactly? that you're a liar?"
"no, that you're a shit talking bitch." olivia butts in, absolutely pissed off.
julia, pope and jj began to bet on the three girls as they got their money out of their pockets. julia betted on olivia, jj on kie and pope on sarah. the girls continued arguing and john b yelled "everybody shut up!"
everyone stopped and the routeledge boy spoke again "kie, you are my best friend, right? and sarah, you're..." he chuckles "...you're my..."
"say it." she whispers slightly
"you're my girlfriend. and olivia... well, you're just olivia." he chuckles again and she slumped back into her seat, feeling slightly hurt.
"she's your girlfriend now? what was all that talk about you were just using her for information? get a map, cut her loose." kie tried to hide her smile.
"just shut up, kiara. just let them be happy!" julia stood up and walked away off the porch.
after a few more minutes of julia being in the kitchen alone, drinking a beer, the two boys walked in, pope soon joining after.
"what'd she say?" john b asked pope
"that you're an idiot." he replied, julia couldn't help but laugh.
"it's a no-brainer. you're picking kie." jj goes into the fridge, getting himself a beer.
"mm-mm." he sips his beer "look, i can't make a decision."
"so what? we're just dead in the water because you're pussy-whipped." jj asked, resting his lower back against the counter.
"look, olivia and sarah are the nicest people ever, especially for kooks. you just need to get to know them and trust me, you will fall in love with one of them." she looked towards jj.
"i dont have anything against them. we just can't do this without kie, and you know it." he looked at the two routeledge siblings.
"and i cant do it with sarah." john b shook his head
"i personally need olivia there... she is good company." julia shrugged
"okay, then they all have to be in on it." pope opened the fridge again.
"i've got a plan. put the three of them on the boat until they make up." john b shrugged.
julia was at home, in her bed reading a new book she brought 'Girl In Pieces'. suddenly, she heard her mother calling her downstairs. julia put the bookmark on her page and went to the front door where she saw rafe.
"uh, sorry to come so late. my dad, uh.. my dad kicked me out." rafe scratched the back of his neck
"come in.. you can stay here as long as you need.." julia moved behind the door as he stepped in.
"thank you.." he smiled and she led him to her bedroom.
once the two were inside, rafe put his bag of clothes on the floor and changed into some sleep wear, well... he was shirtless.
they climbed into julias bed and quite literally fell asleep trying not to hold each other.
julia and olivia were on her mothers boat, driving towards the boat in the middle of the marsh. she told olivia that she needed to grab cans of pepsi from john b and jj. of course, olivia agreed only because she was offended three cans. julia felt like an absolute mastermind.
once they reached boat, julia turned to olivia and asked "can you go get the pepsis, please? im gonna speak to pope."
"yes, sir." olivia said sarcastically while she saluted. she turned to get off the boat before she was immediately thrown off by jj and john b jumping into the water, trying to get to popes boat.
"sorry!" julia yelled as she drove off back to her house. olivia stuck her middle finger up, not finding any of this funny.
kiara and sarah were now stood on the edge of the boat with olivia, the three of them yelling to the others who refused to turn the boats around.
julia was on the boat with the three boys as they went to pick up kiara and the two cameron sister. she was sat reading her book, getting lost in the words.
"you forget your keys or something?" john b yelled
"you need a tow?" pope joined in.
"you gotta admit, it was kinda funny." jb shrugged
"john b." kie sat on the edge of the boat
"uh, whats that?"
"mastermind, huh?"
"im always planning."
"some patriarchal bullshit."
"yeah, that sucked." sarah agreed
"you still love us though, right?" jj smiled with his sunglasses on. julia glanced up from her book and shot olivia a look, she quickly gave her the middle fingers in return.
"hey, you both still hate me?" john b smiled as he looked at sarah
"a little. we're both gonna get you back when you least expect it." she folded her arms.
"watch you back, boys." kiara joined in
"mm-hm." the blonde girl hummed
"so, did you guys, you know..." pope put his hands together
"reconcile our differences?" kie questioned, knowing exactly what he meant.
"mm-mm." sarah shook her head
"not even close." olivia mumbled
"but we're... wiling to work together" sarah also adds, earning a hum from both olivia and kiara. julia lets out a small cheer before going back to her book.
"you know what? thats victory." john b exclaims, sounding very, very proud of his plan
the girls jump onto the boat and john b starts to take them too land once again. the boat trip was full of laughter and multiple conversation.
once they reached the crain house, they all hoped over the gate and started sneaking through the tall, uncut grass. once they get to a certain distance, the porch light goes on, the four girls and three boys hide behind a bush. everyones flash light goes off and they start to whisper.
"okay, so, she has motion sensors lights." pope states the obvious
"we could, uh... move really slowly, maybe?" jj says stupidly, olivia glaring at him.
"yeah, thats not how it works." pope criticised
"oh, shit. lets throw a rock at it." john b also says stupidly, earning a "what" from pope.
"that's a really good idea. let the axe murderer know that we're here." kiara said sarcastically
"what about the breaker? in the circuit box on the porch. we used to play hide-and-seek here as kids." sarah looked at julia. "and if we were brave enough, we'd go all the way up to the porch. ive seen it."
"no, no. you're not going in the house alone."
"watch me." she snaps back.
"crain chops people into pieces." jj informs.
"if you believe that, but she's like what, 85?" olivia mumbles.
"yeah, somethin' like that." jj replies back.
"she's probably barely still kicking. and I'll go with sarah anyways."
"here, I'll go with you two." kie speaks up, earning a shrug from olivia. more the merrier.
"me too." julia shrugs.
"we'll wait for your signal." pope tells the four girls, while all of them stand up.
"okay, cool." sarah nods leading the four girls.
"hey! be safe." john b says to everyone but mostly sarah by the looks of it.
"we will." sarah nods, olivia nudging her getting her to continue walking.
sarah leads with the flashlight, walking through all the trees towards the house. everything was quiet until sarah broke the silence. "she must have a generator plugged into the main power supply." they continue until they get to the steps earning a 'shh' from kiara.
kiara moves to open the cover of the generator, but the breakers were not their. sarah started to panic "no, no, no, no, no, no, no. it goes inside"
"shit." olivia mumbled, standing behind sarah.
"this is a bad idea." julia mumbled.
"no shit, sherlock." olivia turns to julia, who sticks her tongue out.
kiara opened the white gate in front if the door, its squeaks as she does so. she quickly looks around before turning the door knob and steps inside carefully.
as they walked through the hallway, trying to stay quiet, all they heard was their breathing until a cat started yowling. julia flinched and the cat must have ran into something because glass started to tinkle.
kiara pointed up to the wire and olivia whispered a small "yeah" as she felt hands cling onto her shirt. julia was terrified of the dark, she needed to have someone by her side at all times incase she got snatched.
they walk into a room which was painted in a beautiful light blue shade. kiara moves her fingers in the generator switches, the lights outside started to disappear one bye one. julia couldnt help cling onto her best friends shirt the darker it got. okivia snatched the flashlight from kie's pocket, trying to sooth julias nerves.
as they were smiling, something started whirring. sarah gasped and the girls looked into the direction of the noise. their backs were pressed against the wall as they realised it was the grandfather clock.
all of a sudden, they heard a cane hitting the floorboards as someone came down the stairs. shuffling and thumping caused the girls' breath the be caught in their throats. they looked at one another and julia started to pray that she would make it out the house alive. mrs crain's heavy breathing was heard more as she got closer.
"shit.." olivia whispers under her breath.
kiara had to cover her mouth to stop the scream leaving when mrs crain's voice was heard. "its— its late, leon." she came into the room "too late." she started to cough.
"i can hear you, leon." the old woman finally speaks, her glazed over eyes darting around the room as if to try and find who is in her house. "i've been waiting all night!" then all of a sudden she turned to look at olivia and julia.
the two girls shriek and causing them to run out the room, julia pushes olivia to go faster, "go! go! go!"
julia runs through a door, going into a completely different room. she realises she is in a dead end, the only door available was a locked one. "sweet mother of mary!" she whispers under her breath, trying to pull the wooden planks off the door.
"where are you, leon?" mrs crain calls out as she gets closer to julia
julia starts to pray again when mrs crain gets even closer, trying to swing the cane to hit her. julia whimpers as she falls on the floor, hoping someone will save her. plates start to smash and mrs crain screeched as she kept swinging the cane once more before olivia caught it in her hand and throws it on the floor.
the two girls run into a random room, slamming the door, thinking they are safe. until the wood on the door starts to break and mrs crain's yells could be heard again.
"shit!" olivia calls out, running alongside julia. they immediately run down the stairs where they find sarah, kie, pope and jj. they start yelling for their help, as soon as they reach the well. jj started to panic and told pope to pull john b up as fast as possible.
they all pull on the rope, except julia, and it comes unloose, causing them to fall onto the floor. julia was in the the corner of the room, sitting on the cold, hard floor, hugging her knees. she was rocking back and forth, silently praying.
julia saw mrs crain walk down the stairs, with an object in her hand. she wasn't quite sure what it was but it probably wasn't something good. she looked towards the group who were trying to get john b out the well when she heard metal, thats when she knew it was a gun.
mrs crain shot the shotgun, it almost hit olivia but she managed to duck in time. they all started to hide as they drop the rope in fear.
julia risks her life and calls out to the others "guys, she's blind! stay quiet." mrs crain blasts her shotgun again, the bullet going straight through where sarah and kie were hiding. the two quickly run to a new spot.
julia saw john b climb out the well. she blasts the gun again, this time almost hitting jj, pope and olivia. julia lost track of where everyone was and she stayed hidden in her spot. mrs crain kept shooting at nothing. john b ran towards the elderly woman and slammed her into the floor, cheering after he did.
julia got up and followed john b out the house and they ran towards the twinky "you smell like shit, jb." she chuckled as she held her nose.
"well, there was a lot of dirty water and mud." he shrugged, the two siblings ran faster as they heard the gunshots again.
they jumped over the stone wall and jumped into the moving twinky. julia closed her eyes as she sat down and blocked out all the yelling and conversation that broke in. the poor girl tried to catch her breath and held back the tears in her eyes.
everyone started to burst into celebration, julia felt someones hand on hers. when she opened her eyes, she saw olivia smile and she rubbed her thumb back and forth comfortingly.
riri's thoughts:
i absolutely hate this parcel 9 shit‼️‼️‼️
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