(2.5) you've got a spell on me (literally)
"You owe me 500,000 won for this."
Compared to her twin Seokjin, Kim Jisoo is on the opposite side of the spectrum. Whereas Jin is shy and caring, Jisoo is unabashed and careless. When Lalisa and Seokjin dropped by the Ravenclaw tower, the girl was already outside, waiting for them in the hallway with her arms crossed.
"What do you need?" She'd ask off the bat, greetings and introductions pushed to the side.
Seokjin's brows rose. "How did you know we needed something?"
Jisoo had rolled her eyes. "I know about the Jeongguk and Jieun situation. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's due to amortentia. Pathetic, really." She snorts. "Now, with both of you being here, I have a faint idea on what you might ask from me."
"And what would that be?" Lalisa butted in, crossing her arms. Jisoo sounds smart--well, obviously, because she's a Ravenclaw and that's just how they normally sound. Obnoxious, self-assured, knows they have an edge over everyone in the room.
"An antidote for the Jeon guy?" Embarrassed that her intentions were too obvious, Lisa looked away, flush high on her cheeks. She already knew what Jisoo would ask next. But she took her by surprise by saying, "It's nothing to be ashamed of. I mean, if I'd see someone acting like that I'd be disgusted, too.
At least someone understood.
And now here they are, deep into the night in the trophy room, exchanging items like they were drug dealers or something.
"I don't have anything else with me, but here." Lalisa hands Jisoo a single galleon, to which the older frowns.
"This is barely the half of what I asked."
Seokjin groans quietly and gets in between his twin and Lisa. "You literally just made a potion! It's nothing serious!"
"A potion that can cure Jeon, by the way," Jisoo reminds with a grin. "And who else can make you a potion this fast? I had to gather the ingredients using my bare hands and my own blood, sweat, and tears. I even risked my--"
In annoyance, Seokjin slaps another galleon to her forehead, the smacking sound echoing in the lonely trophy room. "Here! Now go buy yourself a bit of kindness, you need it!"
Thankfully, he snatches the antidote from the other's hand and takes Lisa's arm to guide them outside. They quickly head back to the Gryffindor dorm, and luckily, not one of the prefects spots them (Seokjin may or may not have bribed Hufflepuff prefect Kim Taehyung), so they're able to head to their own rooms and get their needed sleep.
* * *
Lalisa could not believe she is doing this, but she is absolutely doing this. She's going to kidnap Jeon Jeongguk.
Problem is: where Jeon was, Jieun is sure to follow. That girl sticks to him like how gum sticks under your shoe when you step on it. She's literally everywhere--Lisa even sees her hovering outside the men's room whenever Jeongguk goes inside to do his business. I mean, what is Jeongguk even gonna do there that warrants her utmost guidance? It's not like Moaning Myrtle would cut off his dick and eat it.
So, with the help of her trusted friend Seokjin, they plotted an intricate plot. Rumors have been going around that the Slytherin Quidditch team would be practicing tonight after classes, and under the cover of the darkness, they'd snatch Jeongguk up and beat him to dea-- just kidding. They'll take him to the astronomy tower and force-feed the antidote to him.
It's simple, effective, efficient.
But when it's finally time to execute the plan, they find themselves blocked by none other than Jieun herself.
"I know you're here for him," the older Gryffindor said with a glare, eyeing both Lalisa and Seokjin as they tried to hide behind a stone wall. "I can see the edges of your robes. Stop hiding."
Begrudgingly, the two make themselves known and at the sight of Jieun stupidly smirking like the cat got the canary, she snaps.
"What the hell is your problem?!" The Gryffindor seeker finally had enough. "Now, giving Jeon the love potion was fine at first. It was funny. But now it's too much. You're preventing him from doing anything other than being your little lovesick puppy. Don't you feel a little guilty in what you're doing?"
Jieun bristles at being scolded by someone younger than her. "I've loved him long before you've known him! Don't you dare tell me what to do!"
"This isn't love! You're just--"
"Okay, I'm over this!" Seokjin pushes Lisa to the side as he takes his wand out, pointing it towards Jieun and uttering, "Petrificus totalus!"
Instantly, Jieun's body freezes, and Seokjin manages to catch her before she falls flat on the ground.
Lalisa, still on the ground with her butt aching and her mouth open, says, "You're so cool."
* * *
Jieun is not the last person they had to petrify that night.
Jeon Jeongguk, upon seeing the petrified state of his beloved (puking sounds), was thrown into a rage so intense Lisa had to petrify him so he wouldn't make a sound while they traverse towards the astronomy tower. She's very tempted to draw a mustache on his stupid frozen cupid's bow, but she had a mission here.
Plus, dragging both Jieun and Jeongguk across the floor for like five minutes is a better alternative. By the time they finally reached the tower, both of them had butt-shaped dust all over their robes. It was pretty satisfying.
Lisa had to do a general counter spell to undo Jeongguk's current state, and by the time he's finally able to move, his hands and knees were binded together with Lisa's jumping ropes that she brought from the muggle world. (She works out too, ok.)
"How dare you hurt my beloved!" He begins thrashing out, wiggling like a worm towards Jieun, who Lisa had situated near the edge of the tower where if she so much as move, she'd fall to her death.
(Seokjin was horrified.)
"My moon! My love! What did they do to you?" bellows Jeongguk dramatically. As much as she'd like to see this little Korean drama thing they have going on, much more important matters need her attention, like Seokjin's erection and the antidote.
"Jin, hold his mouth open," instructs Lalisa, already opening the small vial of antidote and holding it above Jeongguk's open mouth. "You'll thank me for this, Jeon. Truly."
Jieun watches in horror as Lisa pours all of the contents of the vial into Jeongguk's mouth. In that moment she knew the fairytale she was living in this past few week is over.
It takes a few moments for Jeongguk to recover. Lisa and Seokjin leaves him be, and Jieun has finally recuperated from being petrified. She stays at the edge, afraid to cross the room lest Jeongguk gets his senses back and (possibly) strangle her.
It's quiet, and then he speaks.
"What--" Jeongguk coughs and looks around, eyes squinted. "What... where... wait, why am I all tied up?" His eyes land on Lalisa, and they immediately fill with rage. "You Gryffindor scum! You did this didn't you?! You brought me here to humiliate me--"
Aaand here he is. The Jeon Jeongguk everyone loves and hates.
Lalisa throws the empty glass vial at his head, to which he groans. "Instead of all that bull you spewed out, I believe you have something to say to me. It starts with a thank and ends with you."
Jeongguk scoffs. "What would I thank you for? You haven't done anything to me--besides being a little shit."
"Oh, nothing much. I just cured you from a love potion, not a big deal," she says as nonchalantly as possible. Jeongguk's eyes widen in shock. "You know, I kind of regret it. Should've left you like a lovesick idiot. It's pretty funny, actually, I've never seen you act so stupid. Like, I don't know if you remember, but you hand fed Jieun and even sang love songs outside the Gryffindor common room."
Seokjin, like an angel, adds," Oh! Remember that time Lali, when Jeongguk and Jieun wore matching couple onesies and flaunted their outfits during dinner in the Great Hall? And how Jeongguk kept on calling Jieun his sun, his moon, his--"
"Stop," said man finally interrupts. He looks at them both, and then, he finally catches sight of Jieun herself. "You. Are you the Ji-ah girl they're talking about?"
Jieun ducks her head and nods. "It's Jieun."
"Ji-ah," Jeongguk repeats, uncaring. "Is it true? Did you use amortentia on me?"
Again, Jieun nods.
Oh. The look on Jeongguk's face is downright angry.
He starts sputtering curses, screaming every obscenity known to man as he struggles in his binds. Lalisa would've found it funny if not for Jieun's tears that had suddenly started falling. Seokjin eventually takes pity on the girl and takes her outside, leaving the both of them alone inside the tower.
"So," Jeongguk starts again, cheeks red and heaving after that screaming monologue. "You cured me, huh."
Lalisa snorts. "Someone had to."
"Why what?"
He looks up at her, then. "Why did you do it?"
Now. This is a question Lalisa had been asking herself, and yet a specific answer is yet to be unraveled. Yeah, why did she even bother, when she hated the boy in the years they've known each other?
Eventually, she settles for a simple answer.
"You didn't deserve it."
Lisa pretends to look at the night sky to avoid Jeongguk's gaze, but she swears she saw the corner of his lips tilt up in a small smile.
After several minutes of silence, Jeongguk clears his throat. "Unbind me?"
She nods. Of course she'd do that. Kneeling down, she does a quick tug of the knots around his hands and around his knees. His wrists were full of red scratches, so Lisa rubbed them as gently as she could to soothe the burn. Unbeknown to her, Jeongguk's cheeks were already turning pink the moment she touched him.
With a small tap on his back of his hand, Lisa stands up and turns to leave, only to be stopped by a tap on her shoulder.
"Hey," says Jeongguk, sounding... nervous? He looks at anyone but her, and Lalisa frowns at his odd behaviour. "I, well. I'm not good with words, but I just want to let you know I'm... thankful for what you did."
Lisa couldn't believe what she was hearing. The proud, Gryffindor-hating, egotistic Slytherin seeker Jeon Jeongguk, apologizing to her, out of all people?
"Yah," Jeongguk finally goes back to his usual Slytherin-y tone. Her disbelief must've shown on her face, because he pushes her lightly, ears red. "You're so annoying. Stop that."
Still, a grin breaks out in her face. "I'm not doing anything."
"You're laughing at me!"
Laughing, she shakes her head, "I'm not laughing at you!"
"You just did, you were like, "HA-HA, I'm not laughing at you!'" He does a high-pitched, whiny imitation of her voice that had her stop laughing. "See?"
Annoyed and a liiiiiiiiiiiittle bit endeared (please don't tell anybody), Lalisa pretends to stomp away to the exit with her arms crossed and chin tilted up high. Jeongguk laughs at this, calling her name and asking her to come back.
"You're such an idiot," he calls out to her, still in the midst of his laughter. "Come back here!"
Lisa hides her own smile under the guise of coughing.
And if Jeongguk runs to follow her afterwards just so they could race each other to the Quidditch pitch with breathless giggles falling from their lips, no one has to know.
* * *
a/n: now why did i get butterflies while writing that ending.
anw more to come soon, ill just update this when i want to ehehehhe
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