Act 1: Scene 1
"Steve, come on!" Natasha called into the classroom. "Mr. Coulson wants us in the scene shop in five minutes!"
"It'd be easier if you guys would help me carry the stuff we need!"
Natasha huffed and dragged Sam and Bucky back into the room so that they could all grab something to take to the scene shop. When they made it, Mr. Coulson was waiting for them with the twins.
"You're all late."
Sam scoffed, "By, like, thirty seconds."
"Sorry, Mr. Coulson," Steve ammended. "We just had to grab all of the supplies."
Mr. Coulson nodded at Steve, "Alright. I'll be sitting in the auditorium starting auditions, okay?"
Steve smiled, remembering that his boyfriend, Tony, was auditioning for a part. Tony didn't expect to get a large part, but he thought that he should be part of it since he didn't have the talent to help the way Steve was helping. But he'd inherited a nice singing voice from his mother and a knack of acting for people from his father - though he tried not to think about it that way if it was for fun like this.
Steve was proud of him anyway, and was caught between listening to the auditions and paying attention to what him and his friends were doing. They had started by going over some design ideas and were having fun playing with the 60's styles. But as Steve and Pietro were going over some design for a TV station set for the Corny Collins scenes, Steve heard the audition song that Tony had been practicing all week come on. He quickly asked Pietro to wait and hurried to the edge of the stage. Tony began to sing, and later in the song, one of the other girls who was auditioning sang with him.
Tony sang with such confidence that Steve couldn't help but grin like an idiot the entire. When Tony was done, Steve had to be pulled back to work before he could run out and hug his boyfriend for a job well done. By the time auditions were over, the group had planned out most of the scenes and had even started painting a couple of the counters that the director - Miss Hill - wanted to use. Steve helped put the set pieces out of the way and get the painting materials put away. But then he hurried out to the front of the building where Tony was waiting for him. He wrapped his arms around Tony.
"You sounded so good!" Steve exclaimed.
"Thanks, babe. Now I just have to come back after the weekend and check the cast list outside Miss Hill's office."
"You'll have a good part, I'm sure."
"Here's hoping." Tony pulled back from the hug and kissed Steve on the cheek, "Come on, the car's over this way."
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