𖣯 ✹ 🌷(úlfheðnar) ꏍ !┈─❟
╰───►chapter two; hiccup
❝ the useless! ❞
"WHERE are you going?!"
"Come back here!"
"Be right back!"
Vikings yelped, jumping out of the way of Hiccup who barrelled through the morning war zone. The sun was starting to show over the ocean, which meant he had little time left to shoot down this Night Fury; little time left to show everyone just how Viking he was. Hiccup has never felt so determined in his life. If he got this dragon, everything changed. He wanted that. He wanted to prove himself so bad.
Sprinting up the slope to the cliffs looking out towards the watchtower the dragon had destroyed, Hiccup's invention shook in his hands and clattered on the stone. Once it reached the grass, Hiccup had to push extra hard to get it up. He heaved it to the edge. In a rush, he set it up. Pulling away the compartment, Hiccup clicked out the crossbow, lugging it back and into position. He flicked into place the bolas and then, it was silence, him waiting━breath bated━for the Night Fury to show itself.
"Come on," murmured Hiccup, eyes narrowed into the dark. "Give me something to shoot at, give me something to shoot at ..."
For a few seconds, nothing happened. He stared into the morning dawn, shoulders tense and ready.
Then, a roar echoed in the distance. Hiccup aimed the contraption towards the sound. It grew louder and louder, piercing his ears until━BOOM! The watchtower was lit up again in an explosion of light. In it, Hiccup saw a figure━nothing but a dart of black in the purple-blue, but it was enough. He rushed to aim, pulled the triger and━wham━!
The bola flew out, and Hiccup fell backwards. He hit the ground, but wasted no time in crawling to his feet. His heart was in his throat as he awaited the moment ... at first, when the shriek of the dragon echoed in the lightening sky, he didn't realise. He watched, absolutely amazed at just what happened, as the dragon fell out of the sky towards the forest.
"Oh ... I hit it," realised HIccup. With a great big cry of triumph, he jumped to his feet. "Yes! I hit it!" He clapped his hands, throwing them up into the air in celebration. He spun around, wanting to cheer to the heavens. "Ah━hah! Did anybody see that?"
He felt the huff of hot air at the base of his neck before he heard the growl. His shoulders slumped. Oh no ... Carefully, he spun around, backing up in fear of the Monstrous Nightmare. The dragon smashed the contraption with his foot in front of him. Its scales flickered with flames. Its eyes narrrowed into slits. It bared its teeth.
Despite it all, Hiccup managed a sarcastic, "Except for you."
The dragon opened his maw, and Hiccup only had time to let out a scream as he ran. Heat singed at Hiccup's arm as a blast of molten flame barely missed his left ear.
Hiccup sprinted down the pathway. He could hear the jaws snap behind, trying to grab at his back━teeth longer than his fingers, and sharper than any knife. The gods were with him, that was for sure, as each flame narrowly missed his skin, hitting the stone of houses and the path behind him where he had been just moments ago. The Monstrous Nightmare clambered after him, and HIccup knew there was no way he could outrun it.
Last minute, he dashed behind a flame tower, hunched up. The molten fire hit the post behind him and Hiccup winced, hiding himself down and away from the embers that flew around him ... but he was okay ... he was alive ...
In hearing no growl, Hiccup raised his head. Breathless and heaving, he slowly peered around the burning metal; to the point it melt down and seared the grass, burning his nose with spikes of painful stench. Hiccup saw no dragon, and let out a sigh of relief. He didn't see the Monstrous Nightmare behind him, opening his jaw for a bite━
Out of nowhere, Stoick the Vast came to the rescue. Flinging himself at the dragon, he sent his fist right across its snout. Hiccup jumped away as the dragon and Viking wrestled to the path. Stoick rolled out of the way and onto his feet, cracking his neck and flexing his snoulders (and taking time to fix up his helmet, of course). The Monstrous Nightmare tried to blast a column of fire, only for it to fall short at his talons. He whimpered.
Stoick the Vast chuckled, "You're all out..." he charged the beast. "Yah━!" he hit him in the jaw; once, twice, three times, again and again until the dragon retreated, flyng back into the night with his tail in between his legs.
The chief spun back to the teenager hiding behind the pillar. It fell away. The torch hit the ground and rolled down the docks. Hiccup winced at each scream, shout, cry ... that was going to hurt ...
Stoick's gaze landed on him.
Oh, yeah ... right ... there's something else Hiccup forget to say ...
"Sorry, Dad ..."
Up above, the dragons left with their stolen stock and food; sheeps and yak's they'll never get back━that they had secured ... until Hiccup had come along.
There was an awkward silence. Hiccup scratched at his nose. He gave his father a brief, sheepish glance. "O━Okay, but I hit a Night Fury━gah!"
A hand gathered the scruff of Hiccup's tunic and carried him away. Stoick hoisted his pesky son up, guiding him back and away from all the Vikings who had gathered to glare at him over what had happened. Hiccup tried to plead his case, kicking his legs━this is the third time today━ "It's not like the last few times, Dad! I mean, I really, actually hit it! You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot. It went down just off Raven Point. Let's get a search party out there and━"
Hiccup's feet hit the ground and his lips smacked shut. He shrunk back, startled by his father's shout. Realising how loud he had been, and the whole village watching, Stoick sighed and repeated, gentler this time, "Just stop. Every time you step outside, disaster follows. Can you not see that I have bigger problems? Winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed!"
He should have kept his mouth just, but he just couldn't help himself. With a shuffle of his feet, Hiccup muttered under his breath, "Well ... between you and me the village could do with a little less feeding, don't you think?"
His father was not amused; at all. "This isn't a joke, Hiccup!" he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Oh, why can't you follow the simplest orders?"
"I━I━I can't stop myself!" Hiccup argued, hating how his cheeks grew red at the attention brought onto them. "I see a dragon and I have to just kill it, you know? It's who I am, Dad?"
"Oh ..." he shook his head, and Hiccup's gaze fell. "You're many things, Hiccup. But a dragon killer is not one of them. Get back to the house," he raised his voice to Gobber standing by the side. "And make sure he gets there!" the blacksmith hobbled up, giving Hiccup a light smack over the back of his head to get going while his father scowled at the damage. "I have his mess to clean up."
If only his walk of shame didn't have to include the other Vikings his age. Hiccup tried to keep his gaze straight forward as Ruffnut laughed, nudging her brother in her hysterics.
"Quite the performance," snickered Tuff, bent over.
Snotlout puffed his chest, turning to Yrsa. He tried to impress her, but she was not listening. He jeered at Hiccup, "I've never seen anyone mess up that badly. That helped!"
"Thank you," Hiccup grumbled at his cousin, "thank you. I was trying, so..."
Behind him, Yrsa shoved Snotlout to the side. He yelped as he hit the ground. She turned back to her axe, sitting down beside Astrid and leaning against the hilt. She watched Hiccup leave intently, though he wasn't in the mood to notice.
The trek up the slope back home was filled with Hiccup's flare of stubbornness. Glancing back at Gobber falling down behind him a little, he said, "I really did hit one."
The blacksmith sighed, "Sure, Hiccup."
"He never listens!"
"Runs in the family━"
"And when he does," Hiccup reached the door of his home, "it's always with this disappointed scowl, like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwhich." Turning back to Gobber, Hiccup puffed out his chest and threw a finger up to the sky. He put on his best impression of his father. "Excuse me, barmaid. I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring! I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side! This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
He sighed, shaking his head. Hiccup always felt like he was stuck in his father's shadow━and it wasn't just because he was seven feet tall. Everyone expected the chief's son to be big, and burly and well ... not Hiccup. This Night Fury? If he killed it, Hiccup's life would get so much better. His father might actually think he is worth being his son.
Gobber shook his head, smiling faintly. "Now, you're thinking about this all wrong," he said. Hiccup arched a brow at him. "It's not so much what you look like, it's what's inside that he can't stand."
There was silence.
Hiccup grinded his teeth, "Thank you," he mumbled, sarcastic, "for summing that up."
"Look, the point is," Gobber tried again as Hiccup turned to open his door, "stop trying so hard to be something you're not."
Shoulders falling, Hiccup hung his head. He couldn't meet Gobber's eyes. "I just want to be like you guys..." he mumbled and disappeared inside.
No one paid attention to him as he ran through the house and out the other side, heading straight for Raven Point.
(He was going to kill this Night Fury. He was going to show his father just how much of a Viking he was).
𖣯 ✹ 🌷(úlfheðnar) ꏍ !┈─❟
people: you can't hear words.
me: excuse me barmaid, i'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring!
(yrsa chapter next hehehe).
can you believe it's been like ... over ten years since the first httyd movie came out? I ... i feel old and i'm only 18! i shouldn't feel old yet!
then again i'm an 18 yr old writing on a website filled with twelve year olds ... heh ... maybe i am a little bit old.
(this isn't rly edited, sorry not sorry).
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