-ZILVERBRUZH1!1!!1!1!11!2!2!!!!!(idk I love them zm:3)
-haz a bandanna thatz the non-binary flag around their neck
-lightbulbz bezt friend:3 [unlezz itz paintbulb or zilverbruzhbulb]
-haz taken more control over their anger izzuez
-they dezpize fanz zleep talking zo they zometimez muffle it out by liztening to muzic they enjoy
-broomer iz their gay couzin lol
-triez their bezt to comfort even tho they aren't that good at it
-they have a canvaz in their hotel room (oj allowed it only if their was a zheet or zomething on the floor zo nothing getz on the carpet)
-they lizten to rock. convince me otherwize.
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