Idk why I'm obsessed with that picture.
Anyway fuck everyone cause I've been a lonely hoe all day.
Anyways let's get to the "positive" shet.
Well um, recess was depressing.
I was getting man handled
I like being man handled tho
iM a bIt tOo kInKy fOr tHiS wOrlD
But it was by the wrong fucking person.
"Dreams come true."
Bitch don't lie.
Anyway, all of my classes were depressing besides social studies
And library was cool ig
It was just me being fucking attacked by Phoenix again with her singing songs I probably don't even have a clue about.
I ate some good ass apples today.
And I can bake pastry out of them
Fucking right I'm happy.
Anyway I need some more rings cause my fAmiLy lost them.
Or broke them like omfffff
I've been eating grapes all fucking day.
Well not aLl dAy but yea
I was going to make another book but a hoe fell asleep omg
Son autocorrect really need to stop changing my curse words like nigga no.
Did I mention that I'm eating grapes right now.
They good af
but yea I would put other shet
bUt nO oNe fUcKinG cArEs
I just want to listen to that song hipster girls and fall asleep to it
Then wake up at like 2 in the morning
That shet happened all week so far, I either woke up at 1 or 2 am
Nigga idk if I have detention tomorrow cause some of those boot-legged teachers weren't doing their job right so..
as you can pRobAblY tell,I'm pretty fUcKinG mAd.
I'll just stop fucking looking at my phone because I don't fucking get notifications anyway.
Well, I do, but they're all just shit that I don't give a fuck about.
I wanna fucking lay in a big ass pool of tears while drown myself with frozen yogurt cause that shet is bae af😍
(Just fucking ignore this piece of shit) (Me)
Fuck life, and fuck you.
Love me you piece of shet
I express my feelings in such a wrong way.
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