Part 8
With Peter
I woke up this morning by my alarm. It's finally the end of the week. I will see if I get the internship this weekend. If i get it i have to tell May. I don't want to...but i have to. Wait. IF i get in. There is no need to have high hopes. I will just be more disappointed.WAIT. MRB and the others will be so disappointed in me if I tell them bad news.Shit. They really believe in me for some reason, but i know that this will not be long.
May is not home, that means no money. I am used to it by now, it's not a big deal.If I get from her money without her knowing...I am truly dead. I try ones and I am not doing this again. I checked my leg and re-bandaged the whole thing. It was not that bad. I can walk almost without limping. Normally this will heal fully in 2 days, if I eat, which I did more than normal these days.
I have to eat something, before i go to school. I have to, because my fast metabolism won't work. I go to the kitchen and see fruits. Well it is something, plus if i get something bigger May will notice. I take one banana and one apple. After I was done I locked the door after me and started walking to the subway.
Today is the day that we will have the test. I didn't study about it, which is making me even more anxious. Okay. I have to distract myself with something. While I was traveling to school, I started typing to the group.
(Unnamed group)
Hey guys
You awake?
Mr Grandpa
What kinda question is that?
Of course we are awake by now
Mr Fast
Hey Mr Fast
Mr Fast
Hi Baby Spider
What are you doing this early in the morning
Today is the test
Ms Wanda
Hope you do good
Ms Nat
Yeah good luck ребенок паук
(Baby Spider in Russian)
Thank you мама паук
(Mama Spider)
Ms Nat
Ты знаешь русский
(You know Russian?)
Да я немного говорю
Я узнал это от Ned
У него есть двоюродный брат, который из России
Иногда он говорит по-русски, а я как-то его учу
(Yeah i speak a little
I learn it from Ned
He have cousin who is from Russia
He sometimes talk in Russian and i just learn it somehow)
Mr Metal Arm
Так ть тоже знаешь русский
(So you know Russian too)
Mr Metal arm
Да, но язьк знаем только мьо трое
( Yeah but its only we three who knows the language)
Ms Nat
Oh i like you even more now
What were you three talking about?
Nothing important
The important now is that we didn't name the group
Mr Thunder
The child is right
Ms Nat
Yeah what should we name it?
Peter change the group name to 'The ghetto'
The ghetto?
Yeah, cuz im in the ghetto
Everyone else
Oh come on
Is no one of you heard about vines?
Oh no
Ms Nat
Mr Thunder
Mr Bow
I don't really understand
Mr Metal Arm
Believe me, you don't want to know
Anyway i gtg i am almost at my stop
I will text you after the test
Ms Nat
Have fun робенок паук
Bye kid
Mr Thunder
I walk the rest of the way to school and when I enter the halls I see my best friend and my cru-... MJ. We do our very complicated and totally no nerd handshake.
"Hey Peter. How was patrol last night." Should i tell him about the whole story? Nah. Not yet
"Yeah it was good, it was good"
"You sure loser? You don't look so sure.''Ned nodded, but of course MJ noticed something. So much for my lying skills. They only work through calls or messages. I don't want to worry them with my leg or the fact I am talking to strangers. Well they are not exactly strangers now, but for Ned and MJ are.
"Hello? Peter? Loser what did you do?"MJ ask
"Well...Maybe...Or maybe not kindasomedudeshotmeintheleglastnight.
They only sigh, knowing that it's not the first or last time. I see how they both try to not show worry, but fail.
"Chill guys, you know i am okay"MJ stopped me and stood in front of me. We are eyes to eyes now.
"Peter you have to be more careful. You can't just get shot and pretend it is nothing. What if they shot you in a place that can kill you? I know i can't stop you from doing it, but more careful"I nod still staring in her eyes. I stop doing it because Ned cough to catch our attention
"Peter why didn't you call me. You usually do it and if you think to stop doing it then we will have a problem" Shit. I want to avoid this question
At this moment the bell rang. I guess I am saved by the bell.
"I have to go to class. Bye i will see you at lunch"Without waiting for a respond i walk away.
I sat in history, trying to pay attention. It was something about WW2 that Mr Grandpa and Mr Metal Arm talked about last night. I was at the back of the room, doodling in my textbook. I feel a buzz in my pocket.
The Ghetto
Ms Spider
Mr Bruce
You have to rest
You physically can't walk
How did you make it to school?
Well shit...What now, what now? I can just not answer them? No that way they will be more worry. And maybe they will call me during class and the teacher will make me answer on speaker.
Im ok i promise
Im in class and can't talk rn
You should rest
(Time skip to math)
"Ok class you will have 2 hours for the test."Mr Harison says. Of course Flash needs to say something about it."Yes Flash what is it?"
"I just want to remind you how much influence my family has on that school"Ohh he is playing dirty. Of course he is.
"I am sorry Mr Thompson, but Tony Stark himself will choose who will get the internship"Flash looks like he saw a ghost. We all know that he isn't that smart to be in that school. It's all because of his parents. He always has what he wants because his parents are rich. But now this isn't working. I want to see him when his parents stop giving him money anymore.
"How i was saying you have 2 hours to work on the tests. They are really hard even for me, so don't be disappointed if it's too hard."
When I get my test I give it a quick eye on every paper. Finally something interesting. Some of the questions were really hard. Some took me 15 or 20 minutes to solve, but in the end I did it. I look at the clock. I have 10 minutes left. One last question. It was the most complicated equation I have ever seen.
I didn't have much time so before I passed my test I took a photo to solve it later and left the room. I see Ned waiting for me outside of the room.
"Dude what do you think you did? It was really hard. I don't even know what they were talking about in the last question. Well I don't have time to write anything on it. I don't actually have time for the last 4 questions." I listen to his rambling about the test. I think I did well. Should I text the ghetto? Maybe after school on the subway to my work I can tell them.
(Time skip to when he is in the subway)
The ghetto
Mr Sam
Whats up kid
Ms Nat
Hi baby Spider
What happen on the test
Well it was...
It was hard, but i think i did good
But i don't do almost nothing at the last question
Yea i have seen the test before
I heard that no one can't solve the last equation
Even Tony Stark
Is Tony Stark make the test?
Mr Bruce
Why he is putting something like that in intern test?
Turns out he is weird
Like u MRB
Bow stop laughing
Ms Nat
You will not believe how right u r
Ms Witch
dont be suspicious
dont be suspicious
I am really nervous for the results
Mrs Boss Lady
Dont worry about it honey
Im sure you did great
Ms Nat
Yeah you will get it
Even if i get it i still have to tell my aunt
Mr Grandpa
Isn't that a good thing?
Ms Nat
Yeah, why r u nervous?
No reason
Whops i gtg to work
Mrs Boss Lady
We r not done
God Peter, that was close. How stupid u have to be to tell them things like this? Anyway i start to work and like hour after i start, Ned and MJ show up. While I was making sandwiches we chatted for about 2 hours about everything.
"You never tell me what you have done on the test Peter?"That's actually right. I never really answer Ned's questions.
"Well. I think I did good, but i don't expect to get accepted."I say while making a sandwich to some old man.
"Dude you are like the smartest person i know. If anyone from our school will get accepted, that will be you" MJ says. She talked as she tried to help me with the sandwich.
"Thank you, but enough about me. What about you? What do you think you do?"
She told me that she was expecting nothing, because she didn't even know what was going on at the half of the test. Ned says that he also struggles a lot. For me? Well the test was harder than the normal tests in school, but it wasn't that hard.
Before they go back home, we talk about all the nerdy stuff with Ned and MJ just joined in our conversation from time to time. I have another hour of work before I go out as Spiderman. I have to be home at 10. That means I have 3 hours of spidermanning. Yeah that isn't gonna happen. Maybe I can go home before 10 and after that snuck out for another 2-3 hours.
And that's exactly what I did. In the end I had some bruises, but it was ok, I am used to it. Flash doesn't say anything to me today. Weird. I thought today will be the worst of all the other days. But it wasn't. Only a few reminds how stupid i am. I am thankful for the fact he hasn't done anything...yet
With Tony
This kid will be the death of me, I swear. How the hell did he manage to go to school with only one working leg? Why is he even there? The teenagers normally skip school. This is an excuse to not go to school, so why is he even there now? And what did he mean by 'I still have to tell my aunt' thing? He seems to avoid the two questions, but I will figure it out.
Today he took the test. He says he did good, which I really hope to be true. I want to accept him, but i don't even know his first name. FRIDAY alerts me every time the tests come from a random school.
It was around 7 o'clock when FRIDAY told me that all 30 tests are ready for me. I decided that I can do it with the others.
"FRIDAY tells all the others to wait for me in the living room. Tell them that it's for the baby"
"Done boss"
"Oh and where are the tests?"
"Do you want me to send someone to bring them to you?" I heard FRIDAY ask.
"Yeah. And tell him to hurry"
After around 5 minutes of waiting I finally got them and headed to the living room.
At the second when the elevator opens I see all of them start walking/running to me.
"Is he okay?"
"What happen?"
"Is he in danger"
"Why didn't he write anything in the group chat?"
"Is it about his leg?"
"Guys chill he is okay"I have to shout to them to hear me. "The results are here and I thought you want to check them with me." Аs I said this, I raised the sheets a little.
At this they relax. Many 'yeses' and 'of course' were heard. We all sat on the couches and I placed the tests at the cafe table.
"Alright let's begin" I said
(Time skip to when they are on Peter's test)
With The Avengers
"Who is the next one?"Bruce ask as he put away one of the tests
"His name is Peter B Parker, he is 15 and his school is Midtown Tech" (A/N-Sorry if i spell it wrong) Nat was passing Tony the next test. Only Tony and Bruce really check the tests, the others just look at them, after they check them. Normally they will be bored out of their mind, but they all know that one of them is their little Spider. They only know that he is 15. Because they are halfway through the tests, they knew that there were 2 more who were 15 years old...yet.
When Nat says that the boy who did this test is 15 every eye widens. Even Nat's. Tony and Bruce start checking and almost every answer was right. The others listen to Bruce's and Tony's mumbling about the test.
They look at the last question...the most interesting one. He didn't write anything on it.
"That's weird. I think that's not him guys, because he says 'almost nothing'. That means he writes something. Yeah the other part of the test is really good, but there is nothing on the impossible equation. "Tony said. Everyone looked disappointed at what Tony just said.
"Well, you don't know for sure Tony, but I also think that this isn't him."Everyone again looked away, but fast turned their attention to the list Tony passed them.
Nat noticed that this is one of the best tests yet. The others just give it a quick eye and put it on the table.
Then they continue to check tests and tests and tests. When they were finally done they distributed the tests on the table so that each of them could be seen.
"Now we only have to decide which 15 of them are gonna get internships."
"I suggest this and this"Bruce points at the two with lowest % "To get them out of the table."
"Yeah sure, but what about this one?" He points at Peter's test
A/N-I think this is the longest one
I hope you like the chapter :)
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