Part 42
A/N-The time has come :)
With Peter
I saw the window that they usually left open for me and I hoped to prepare myself for the worst. A slap on my face or maybe yells, but instead I was met by a room, full of people. I didn't notice only Mr Bruce and Mrs Pepper. They are probably busy with work for the company or something, but the others are waiting for me. I didn't expect the warm smiles that they gave me, or the bone crushing hug that Mr Pietro pulled me in. Something is definitely up with them.
"Heyyy Mr Pietr-o...Breath...Oxygen"I mumbled.
"Sorry"He said, smiling at me. His smile was almost...sad.
"HEY SPIDEY''Everyone else cheered from the couches. The next one with the bone crushing hug was Mr Thor. That's normal for him, but I was just normalizing my breath from Mr Pietro's hug
"Mr T-Thor. I c-can't...breath"I choked out and he let me go, but his sad smile was more noticeable.
"Guys? Why are you so...weird today?"
"No reason"
"Weird, nah, I don't think so"
"No, we are not"
"Everything is totally ok"
"Nothing to worry about"
I heard all that at the same time.
"Then why did you invite me to come here?"I asked confused.
"TO HANG OUT"Mr Thor's loud voice echoed through the room. But that's it? That's all? Is that why they told me to go and then invited Spidey? That's the 'work' Mr Stark had? Is that the first time he is doing that?
"Annnd. Fury wants to see us later for a mission or some shit like that"Mr Stark explained. Wait a mission? Like with the Avengers? LIke with them?
"Cool, but why do you have those sad smiles?"I asked
"What sad smiles?"
"No that's a real smile, look"
"Nothing special"
"Nothing Important"
I sighed as they said that at the same time again.
"Ok, I get it, you don't want to tell me. Now, what do you guys, wanna do?" Some of them shared a look for confirmation, before pulling out their phones.
"Ok, hear me out."Mr Stark started"Maybe, you friends"I stared at him confused as ever.
"You are saying that you don't want me her-"I almost whispered.
"No, no, no, no. We want you as our friend"Natasha said, coming closer to me. They were both kneeling on the ground in front of me, while I was sitting on the couch"What he was trying to say is that...we have a friend that we want you to meet. Incase something bad happen and you need another friend"
"You guys are acting like something really bad is about to happen. What is happening?"
"Nothing. So anyways. We met him online and he is amazing. We don't really know his real name, or his face, or...anything more personal. He also have no idea that we are The Avengers, so if you want we can introduce him to you"I stared at him for a second to see if he is kidding, or lying, or anything like that, but he only gave me his phone to write my number in it, so he can add me.
I heard a little knock-like sound on the window, but ignored it, thinking it was a bird or something. I was already typing my number in it, when FRIDAY spoke up.
"Boss, someone is trying to get inside the building"
I didn't really look up from the phone, because what I saw confused me. I was already in that group? Is that possible? How can I be-
Mr Stark, saved me in his contact as 'The Baby'.
All that time? What? HOW? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? How didn't I notice? How didn't they notice? Everything now makes sense. Wanda or...Ms Witch? Is that her? Wanda's 'dont be suspicious'...thing and their weird behavior when we talk about the avengers. BECAUSE THEY ARE THE FRICKING AVENGERS. Their names and their personalities. Oh my god.
How the fuck I didn't recognize their voices? What is thE FREAKING CHANCE MR STARK TO TEXT ME INSTEAD OF GRANDP-..Who is that in real life? Thor? No he has to be Mr Thunder, right? And MRB Is MR STARK. OH MY GOWD. I NAMED THE TONY STARK 'MR RICH BITCH'. How is he even still texting me? How did he even text me in the first place? He tried to text Grandpa. MR STEVE. That has to be him. And Mr Bow has to be Mr Clint, Ms Witch..Wanda? Who else...Mr Fast is definitely Pietro. Mrs Boss Lady is Pepper 100%. Omg how I didn't notice that. All others' names are their real names.
I was internally freaking out, but soon, It wasn't only internally. I was just about to whisper-yell OMG, but something else catched my eye. I looked up to see all of the Avengers, but the last thing that they were paying attention to was me. They were too busy with a group of people with red masks around their faces and guns in their hands.
I quickly forgot about the group chat and MRB and all the others when they pointed their guns at The Avengers. I think they didn't see me on the couches, because all of their attention was to The Avengers. All of them are with their hands up, Wanda is on the ground, so is Thor and Pietro. My heart stopped when I saw them like that. Are they...dead? What is happening?
My eyes moved to the 5 men that were standing there with their guns, pointed at the rest of the Avengers. I recognized the mans. I sent them to prison maybe for the 5th time this year , but they are serious. Something about The NYC Mafia, which I'm trying to stop since I can remember being Spiderman. I haven't seen them in like 2 months, probably planning all that show here.
Oh so that's why they are here. For me. Apparently they haven't noticed me yet, what idiots. I jumped soundlessly on the ceiling and made my way to them. Natasha noticed me, but moved her gaze from me.
I grabbed the nearest man and soundlessly shut his mouth with my hand and webbed him to the ceiling next to me, putting a web in his mouth to keep it shut.
"He is not here"Mr Stark said, probably trying to keep the attention of the boss of the group on him, not on me"Why do you need him?"He asked as I went to the other side to grab my next victim. This time webbing him on the wall behind them.
"Why? Why? Do you really want to know?"He said, stepping closer, while I was already working on the next man."He keeps putting my men in jail, stopping our plans, even finding a traitor or two in the government. You are smart Stark, you can tell how much we want him dead. I just want to shoot him and this time I won't miss"This time?
"This time?"Bucky sir asked.
"Yes. This time"
Oh MY GOD. These are the people that tried to rob a bank. I remember them. One of them shot me in my leg. That's when I called the group chat. OR ACTUALLY THE AVENGERS. I knew their voices were familiar. I just knew it.
"Cool"I almost laughed at Mr Stark.
"Cool?"The man said a little confused.
"Uh, boss?" The only one left masked man finally noticed that they are alone now
"Not now"The 'Boss' didn't move his gaze from Mr Stark
"Boss this is-"
"I SAID NOT NOW"He turned to look at him, but when he did he noticed that his 'buddies' were missing. His eyes widened, but when he turned around to look at the now smiling team, he found me, on the ground, right in front of him.
"Boo" I grabbed his hand, pulled the gun out of his hand, pinning him to the wall with my webs.
The next thing I knew was that my Spidey sense tingle, but it wasn't the normal 'move, or you will get shot'. It was a rare tingle. I know what it means and I know what I have to do, but it's too late for it. I can practically feel how the bullet from the other man's hand, who was standing on my right, hits Mr Stark's arc reactor.
Pain. That's what I feel. The bullet went straight to my stomach, leaving me breathless and speechless. It doesn't matter how many times this happens, It always leaves me frozen for a few seconds.
"SPIDEY"Everyone yelled, but I was more concerned for the man, who still has a gun in his hand than the bullet in me.
"Ahh"I hissed from the pain. The man was already leaving, but I shot a web at him, stopping him from running, but what I didn't think of, was that he was dragging me with him. I pulled the web with my super strength, making him fall on the ground. I webbed him to the ground and turned around to look at the team with my last bit of power that I have.
"What happened to..them?"I asked, pointing at Wanda, Pietro and Mr Thor, trying to ignore the bullet wound.
"...They will be fine"Mr Clint whispered, wide eyed as Mr Stark and Natasha rushed to me.
"Oh my god"
"Are you ok?"
"No, of course he is not ok, he has been shot you idiot"
"Well, you try not to talk shits when he practically threw himself in front of you to save your life"They argued a little.
"Guys, so not the time for arguing"I whimpered, slowly letting myself sit on the ground, keeping my hand on the place that it hurts most.
All of them were now making a circle around me, but I could barely see them. Everything around me started spinning faster and faster. I felt two big hands wrapping around me, lifting me up as I lost consciousness.
"Ton-y Le-ve"
"Is HE O-"
I didn't know what was happening, all I knew is that I couldn't lift myself up, because of a sudden pain in my stomach. What Is happening? Where am I? I tried to move, I really tried, but it's like my body didn't listen to me. I felt something underneath me, something warm and definitely comfy. It's like I'm laying in clouds, but burning in hell at the same time.
I didn't know how long I was laying there..wherever I am. I tried to open my eyes, but nothing happened, as I expected. All I felt was the warm feeling from the bed and the slowly fading away pain. That's when I felt something else.
A hand on my shoulder and a few whispers.
"How long Bruce?"A tired high voice whispered next to me. I know that voice.
"I don't know Tony, he has to wake up soon"The other familiar voice answered, a little annoyed, but worried as well. This one wasn't that close to me as the first one.
I started feeling my Spidey senses taking care of the place where I feel the pain. My senses cleared up and I began realizing what was happening around me. I slowly opened my eyes through my eyelashes to see them.
And there they are, all of the Avengers around me, worried faces on their heads. No one seemed to notice me, because they were all paying attention to what Mr Bruce just said and Mr Stark's responde. They argued a little, still not noticing me, but I felt a good feeling when I saw Wanda, Pietro and Mr Thor on their feets. They seem to be ok, which makes me ignore the pain a little.
Bucky sir's eyes met mine and he smiled. I smiled back and moved my eyes to the figure next to me-Mr Stark. He turned around, talking to Mr Bruce.
"Ugh...Are you sure he will be ok?"He asked
"Well I have been through worse, so yeah, I will"All the heads in the room snapped towards me, making me giggle.
I was bombarded with hugs, even Mr Stark joined to my surprise.
"You are an idiot"He whispered, still hugging me. I laughed, returning the hug.
"I may be an idiot, but I'm clever enough to make a super suit"I answered, now chuckleing.
"Yeahhh, about that"Natasha said, pointing at something next to me.
I looked at the direction she was pointing at. On an empty chair was placed my suit with a little hole on where is supposed to be the pain that I feel.
I smiled at Natasha and explained that this isn't a problem at all and that I can easily fix it. I mean it's not the first time that I get shot with the suit on and it's definitely not going to be the last.
My smile dropped as I realised that if the suit is there...and not on me..Then.
I moved my hand to my face, only to feel the mask on my face. I let out a breath, letting my hands fall, because the pain returned and it's a lot more than when I woke up.
"Chill, we didn't move your mask. But how did you have so many bruises?"
"Oh um.."May...They are from May. And sometimes from patrol, but it's mostly from May.
"You ok?"Mr Sam asked and I nodded, already standing up. I felt how Mr Stark pushed me down in a lying position.
"Not so fast. You have to rest"
"But I'm totally ok."I said, this time sitting up. I hissed a little from the pain.
"You have been shot, this wouldn't heal in the next few days, so till then you can stay here"I looked at him
"What, no? I'm ok. I have been shot before"They frowned at that"..But it's ok, Im ok no-ow"I'm not ok, alright? It hurts like hell and I'm not sure if I can walk, but I rather go home and think about everything, healing on my own.
"Spidey, listen to me. You are not ok, can you listen to us, just once"I stare at him. He was talking softly, but you can feel how serious he was. I never really listen to them. When they had a mission in brooklyn with Mr Steve, Wanda and Mr Stark they struggled and needed I helped with fighting the bad guys. After that I had a broken leg, but I didn't really care, It healed after a few hours.
Another time I showed up with a bleeding shoulder, because one idiot stabbed me earlier. The funny thing is that I forgot about it and just went to hang out with them. Mr Stark almost fainted just seeing how much blood I had on my shoulder. I refused to stay the night in the med bay. It started to heal already anyways.
"I-I"I stutter"I have work today, I can't"I lied. I can't stay here for the next few days. What about May?
"Spidey you have to miss whatever your plans are"Natasha talked in a soft tone.
"I-I...I can't Im sorry, If you want to help me let me go home...please."They just stare at me like I'm absolutely crazy.
But am I not? I have to admit that It's crazy to not stay here at least the night, but it would get worse If I pissed May off. Not that she is going to be worried or anything, but I know what will happen if I don't get home before curfew. I don't want the wand to get bigger...
"Spidey..."Mr Stark didn't know what to say"Please"
"...I guess I can stay here till 9pm"I told them, seeing their faces.
"Well...Its kinds...9.30pm...around"Wanda said
"WHAT"I yelled. 9.30 PM? WHEN? HOW LONG WAS I ASLEEP?"I gotta go. LIKE NOW"I pushed the blankets away, blushing at the fact that I was in only boxers. I hissed from the pain and almost fall to the ground
"Spidey sits back down. Do I need to call someone?"Natasha and Bucky sir catched me from both of my sides as Mr Stark speaked.
"Look. I really need to go"I pushed them away and took my suit.
I started trying to get inside...failing. It just hurts a lot.
"Why are you in such a rush?"Mr Steve asked. I still tried to get inside the suit as I ignored his question.
"Hello?"I ignore Mr Stark's attempt to talk to me too, finally getting my legs inside.
"Are you ignoring us?"Mr Pietro asked.
"Look...Im sorry, I just really have go"
"Spidey you can't swing in that condicion"
Immediately after I said that I slapped my hand to my mouth, eyes widening. They just stare at me in shock. I never talked to them like that. Never. After a while I decided to break the dead silent"...-I...Im s-sorry"I whispered, returning to what I was doing, finally getting the suit on me"Sorry"I said once again, before jumping out of the window. They were so shocked and I think offended that I yelled at them that I don't think they noticed me, getting away.
"I'm such an idiot"I whispered to myself as I slowly swung away.
A/N-Ok, I know you'll hate me for finishing the chapter here, but I'm already working on the next one. I'm already half ready, so you won't have to wait long, I promise :)
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