Part 41
With Peter
Why did Mr Pietro was angry at me yesterday? What did I do? I thought about this, while swinging around, looking for some crime. But even Mr Pietro's strange behavior couldn't get my mind off MJ and what happened yesterday in the library. More like what happened TODAY. It's like three in the morning and I'm outside, Spidermaning.
When May got home she immediately went to my room, but of course I was at the internship, which made her even more angry. When I got home I got a big beating, which I can say that I deserve. I mean It was me who skipped half of the school today and It was me who made MJ fall. She hitted my already very injured legs, making me almost not be able to stand up, but here I am, trying to find someone who is in danger. My arms are also bruised, but not as much as my legs. Especially my left knee. My left knee was bleeding for around 10 minutes, before the fast healing took over control. I'm better now, but it's still hurting like shit.
The last thing I ate was in lunch in school. I'm now grounded because of this- a week without food. I even let out a tear, meaning she punched me even harder for being weak. But thats what I am- weak, dumb, pathetic, ugly idiot, who can't do anything alone, without burning or break anything. That's what May reminds me of everyday. Every. Without missing. But you know what's the sad part? I believe her. Every word. It's hard to not believe something you hear everyday. Everyday since Ben-
"HELP" I heard someone yelling. The sound of someone, being in danger shaked my thoughts.
I saw a teenage girl and a man in an alleyway. Clearly the girl didn't want to be there, because she is trying to get out of the man's hands.
"Yell again and I will put my knife that deep in your throat that you will have to take it out from your ass"I sneaked behind the man-mountain and took his knife from his collarbone. He didn't notice me, but the girl did and I shushed her with my finger on my mouth. All of a sudden the girl yelled again 'HELP', knowing that I will really help her.
"Ok that's it baby"The man moved his hand to where his 'secret' knife is supposed to be and frowned when he felt nothing.
"You looking for this?"I said, resting my shoulder on the cold wall right next to them, playing with the knife in my fingers. The man let the girl go and started running as fast as he could"Why are you running?"The man stopped and I just shot a web. He fell on the ground while doing so. I love when this works. Sometimes you have to use your brain, not your muscles and I just love how they actually stop doing whatever they are doing and turn to me, letting me webbed them way more easily.
"You ok, miss?"I asked the girl, who was breathing heavily. She was around my age, maybe a little older, but she was beautiful.
"Yes, thank you. I don't know how to replay you"I hear this very often, so it didn't surprise me, but I always answered the same way.
"Just be carefull the next time?"I smiled under the mask"Now lets take you home"
"Oh, I live here, this dude got me just before I get inside"
"Alright then, goodnight"I was about to shoot a web, but she grabbed my elbow.
"Wait. I-I just want to thank you for saving me...and. Maybe we can...I dont know...hang out sometimes. You seem my age."I stare at her for a second.
"Uh..."I didn't know what to say. Frozen at my place I frowned a little, trying to figure out what she meant by 'hang out'."Like, uh..."
"Like a date?"She said. I was confused. I thought about MJ. I can't go on a date with a girl that I don't even know the name of. Yeah she is beautiful and cute, but she wasn't...MJ. It's weird now to imagine myself with another girl.
"Look...Yes, you are beautiful, but I have...something...with someone else, Im sorry."She frowned, but nodded slowly. I think her eyes watered"Oh, please don't cry, I'm so sorry"I said as I hugged her.
She was holding back her tears as best as she could, but I can just feel them on my shoulder. I felt really bad for her. It's the first time I reject someone and I don't want to hurt their Liz did to me when she refused to go with me on the homecoming dance a few months ago. She literally rejected me in front of everyone. She was going with...Flash. Of course Flash. Who else? Back then I was that embarrassed, that Ned and MJ had to literally drag me to school. It was then when I found out about my feelings for MJ. That probably wouldn't happen if Liz didn't reject me (and it wasn't just 'do you want to go with me' 'no' 'ok'. In her sentences were words like 'with you?', 'hahaha', 'ugly', 'never').
When we broke the hug she looked at me and I looked back. Her eyes moved to my covered lips. Yes the mask was thin, but when she leaned closer and kissed me I felt every inch of her lips. I didn't return the kiss, but didn't move either.I just stand there, waiting for her to stop. I didn't want to stop her, because it would be awkward and she would be hurt. It was in around the third second, when she started kissing me rougher. That's when I moved.
"I think I told you I have a girlfriend"I said. I was furious. Angry? Hell yeah.
"I-Im sor-"
"You live here?"I pointed at the building right next to us. She slowly nodded"Goodnight"You can clearly hear the anger in my voice. I want to see MJ. I want to tell her what happened, but showing up on her window at 3am in the morning? I will see her tomorrow...right?
(Time skip)
With Tony
I woke up around 11am and went straight to the shower. Yesterday I slept only around 4 hours. I was busy thinking about what to do with Peter. In the end I decided to let him explain tomorrow aka today.
I walked in the kitchen, wanting nothing more but a coffee. I didn't even notice the stares the others gave me. I made two coffees, but as soon as they were made they were gone. I drinked them both at once and then turned to the others, now more awake.
"Tony, you have to see this"I looked at Pepper confused.
"Its a video of Spiderman"Steve said
"Ok, no big deal right?"I said, already making my third coffee. It's really no big deal. There are a lot of videos from civilians how Spiderman saves people from fires, or stopped robbers. And I mean A LOT.
"Yes, but yesterday's video from his patrol is a little bit more...interesting"
"Why?"I asked, now with more interest.
"FRIDAY, play it on the TV please"Bucky said.
A video of someone, a girl, being pushed to a wall showed up. It was dark, but you can see what is happening from the nearest street lamp. The whole thing was happening in the end of an alley, the cameraman filming from a window or somewhere a little up from them.
Me, Steve, Pepper, Bucky and Natasha watched as Spiderman showed up and after a little, webbed the guy on the ground. I chuckled. That's typical Spidey, using his words, instead of muscles.
The angle changed a little bit, showing the girl's pink hair. It suits her, but my attention changed to the words they were saying. My smile dropped the second she confirmed that she wanted a date.
I felt everyone's eyes on me, while I was furiously waiting for his answer. My heart skipped a bit when he said the word 'Yes', but I let out a breath I didn't know was holding when he said 'no' politely. This kid. He is loyal. AND PETER ISN'T. For a second I was angry at Peter, but my thoughts stopped when the girl kissed him.
Didn't he say he was taken? What is she doing? What is he doing? No, he didn't move even an inch. He stayed frozen, but when she started kissing him hardly he pulled away. I let out a breath again and watched as he almost yelled at the girl about it, then swinging away. And hell he was angry.
The girl started crying again, calling the police about the guy, who was watching everything unfold, quietly. But didn't he say girlfriend? He probably didn't want to say anything about his sexuality in front of strangers.
"He is loyal''Steve said. That's when I snapped out, Peter taking over my mind again.
"Peter"I mumbled walking out of the room.
With Peter
Hey guys, sorry for not texting the past few days
Ms Nat
Mr Thunder
ya miss me?
Never do that again
What were you even doing?
Ms Nat
Here is the part when you said what were you thinking about
Yeah, right
How about we meet irl?
No one really answered anything for about a minute and I got scared that I said the wrong thing
Ms Nat
Mr Bow
I let out a breath and continue texting
Are you sure?
I understand if you don't want to, but I think im ready
I mean its been what? 3 months
Mr Steve
What is up with you?
You normally begged me for this and all i get is one 'great' and the normal freaking out from Mr Bow?
Mr Steve
Sorry kid, its just that
We are kinda...
Ms Nat
Why are you 'distracted'
There is so much teenage drama around us right now and it's too much, considering I'm 48
Oh I can help, whats up
Mr Steve
You can?
Ms Nat
How I didn't think about that earlier
Mr Fast
Whats up guys
Hi Fast
Mr Fast
Ms Witch
I just come here too
Fast, just read the chat ^
(A few moments later)
Mr Pietro
You are teenager
Thanks for noticing 😀
There is something you and Witch need to see before we can explain everything to him
Just come here
Can I see it?
Mr Steve, Ms Nat, MRB and Mr Bow
Ok, jezz
( A few moments later)
Mr Fast
Im mad
Ms Witch
Oh my gowd
Whats up?
Mr Bow
Ok heres the story
So we met this dude Im gonna name him The Prankster, around your age and he is super cool, we loved him from the second we saw him, then we started hating him for reasons, but then turns out he was the good one and we started liking him again
Then there is this other dude that is very like the first one, Imma name him The Nerd, who got very close with MRB, who is around your age too
We all like them both, but then we find out that The Prankster and The Nerd are Dating
Wheres my popcorns
Mr Bow
Yeah and then, wait for it
The Nerd was cheating on The Prankster
Mr Bow
I know right
Anyways, so we were super confused, because he wasn't just some dude
He was that type of guy that seems to be loyal yk
But then Fast catched him with a GIRL
He is Bi?
Mr Bow
No one have the guts to ask him
But then something else happened
Mr Bow
Someone, we don't know who, but someone took a video of The Prankster and a random girl
The girl flirted with the Prankster and asked him out
Please tell me The Prankster said no
Mr Bow
He did BUT then the girl KISSED him
Mr Bow
But from what i can see he didn't return the kiss and pulled away when she goes rough
He was clearly angry and walked away, probably to The Nerd or something
Well he better go to him
Did The Prankster Know about The Nerd's cheating
Mr Bow
We think he didn't and that's what we want to ask you
Should we tell the The Prankster about The Nerd and the Girl ( Imma call her 'The Cheater')
Before answering I have a few questions
Did The Nerd know about the video?
Mr Bow
I don't know, probably
He can't miss that for sure so yeah, he should know
What about their relationship
Is it serious?
Mr Bow
I think so
They are together for about a year now
Did The Nerd know that you know about his cheating?
Mr Bow
I hope he don't
I think you should leave them for a day or even a week
If you really liked The Nerd before he should get guilty about what he did and eventually tell The Prankster, seeing that The Prankster is loyal to him
Just wait until The Nerd see the video and try to not act weird nearby them
Ms Nat
Why I didn't just come to you earlier
I will tell the others to read the chat
Anyways I was thinking about Nick Fury
Mr Steve
What about him, kid?
My mind went from Pirates of the Caribbean to him
Ms Witch
Isn't it obvious?
He is a pirate, like in the film
Cuz he have an eyepatch yk
Mr Steve
MRB stop laughing, I can literally hear you from here
But isn't it true
It was hilarious when he entered the Tower and that song started
Do what you want cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate
Wait what
Yarr harr friddle dee dee
Being a pirate is alright to be
Ms Nat
How do you know about that?
Do what you want cause a pirate is free
You are a Pirate!
You are a Pirate!
Ms Witch
How do you know about that?
Oh, I did it
I kinda
Mr Steve
You hacked into FRIDAY?
Wait what?
It was a long time ago
Sorry not sorry
Ms Nat
When it first happened he fall off of the chair laughing
Oh shut iup yoy wre laughinr too
Mr Steve
He is laughing right now too
He thought Stark did something and refuses to believe someone else did
Welp it was me
i fucking love you
Aww love you too, but I gtg, I haven't seen MJ all day and I want to see her
Ms Witch and Ms Nat
Good luck
Oh shut uppp
It was true. I haven't seen her all day and it's almost lunch time. Is she even in school? Yesterday she fell pretty badly. She has to be.
"Hey Loser"I let out a breath when I felt her poking my back with her normal greeting.
"MJ"I said, turning around, hugging her.
"Heyyyy, why's that all?"She said, hugging back
"...I-I'm just happy you are ok"We stayed like that for a moment, before pulling away.
"So...Why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend?"I looked at her confused, making a 'Huh ?' face."You didn't watch the video didn't you?"She said a little bit...pissed?
"From yesterday. How that girl kissed you and you rejected her"When I stayed in that face she sighed and looked away"You know...when you were Spidey"I finally got it. All that was filmed and went viral in hours of course. I groaned loudly.
"This video is viral now isnt it?"I said with my eyes closed.
"Yeah..Sorry Peter"I opened them and looked at MJ's eyes.
"Look MJ-"
"Peter you don't have to explain anything. It's not like we are dating or something"She said a little bit awkward. No scratch that. It was very awkward. 'I wish we were' I thought.
"But...I said I have a girlfriend only because I don't want her to think it's something about her"She nodded. She grabbed my elbow and started walking me to our next class. With my right eye I saw her smiling. "Well...what do you have now?"I changed the theme and soon our conversation stopped being awkward.
(Time Skip)
I entered the elevator, telling FRIDAY to bring me to Mr Stark's lab as usual. When I entered I saw more faces turning to me than usual. Mr Steve, Natasha, Mr Stark, Bucky sir, Mr Pietro and Mrs Pepper were in the room. In the lab are maximum 3 more people other than me and Mr Stark, so something is definitely wrong.
"Hiii guys. Whats wrong?"
"Why do you care?"Mr Pietro said and I stopped in the middle way to my desk. Even more shocked as Natasha poked him with his elbow and his expression softened"Uh, I mean, that's not important. What important is that you are here now"He said
"Alright...What do you need me for?"
"Oh nothing"Everyone was acting weird. Even Natasha, but her weirdness was different than the others.
"Um actually Peter, I was going to call you, but I forgot. We are waiting for someone, so you can have a day off"I just placed my backpack down when he said that. It's not a rare thing that he has work, or a mission somewhere, but he usually will call me.
"Oh...ok. Well I should....I should go"I looked at Natasha, who just looked down, without saying anything"Umm...bye"I said, grabbing my backpack and placing it on my shoulder and swinging it to my shoulder again.
"Bye"Only Natasha said that.
What is happening? I was just about to enter the elevator when Mr Stark called my name.
"Oh, Parker"I frozed. He never called me 'Perker'. Man I fucked up somewhere for sure. I slowly turned around, preparing myself for what is going to happen.
"Tell Spidey that we need him here ok?"I internally sighed, looking at Natasha.
"I will. Yeah I will tell him. When should he come?"I asked
"AS soon as he can"Mr Steve said. I nodded and entered the elevator. I fucked up somewhere. Did they find out that I'm Spiderman? Did I ruin a project? Probably they realized what a person I am. It happens more often than it should. But what did I expect? They want Spidey of course. Not Peter Parker. NO one wants Peter Parker. They only care about Spiderma-
"Oh, sorry"I bumped into someone. When I saw who it was I froze - Mr Davis. I think he didn't see who I was. He was so busy running to god knows where, without even bothering to EYE ME. I sighed.
I left the building and walked a little through the big streets, until finding a place where I can change. I webbed my backpack to a wall and shot a web to start swinging back to the Tower to see why The Avengers wants me.
A/N-Here's the next chapter. Sorry for not updating sooner. I was...lazy.
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