Part 40
With Peter
"Are you feeling better?"I asked her, still feeling bad about what happened.
"Yes, Peter. I know what you are thinking, stop it. It's not your fault that I fell. I should be the one to apologize, so Im sorr-"
"No, Don't you dare finish that sentence. It's my fault, I fall on top of you"We fall into comfortable silence, staring at whatever is in front of us. She tried to stand up, so I pushed her back down."No, let's stay here a little more, until you can walk at least. I mean it's not a problem at all to carry you home, I just think y-you, uh"
"I get it Peter. What do you wanna do then?"I started to think. That's the first time we are alone for more than 30 minutes for a really long time. What are we supposed to do? I tried to hide my blushing face with my hands, like I'm trying to think.
"Why don't we read?"She said, grabbing her dark purple backpack, looking for her book.
I standed up and walked around to try to find a good enough book to read. There is nothing interesting here. Only some stupid math or any other subject books, or child stories. I sighed and went back to MJ.
"Hey. C-can I read from your book too?"I asked, almost whispering.
Yeah, it's a little embarrassing. I'm pretty sure my face is like a tomato right now. She smirked and, still in a lying position, made me some place to sit right next to her. I sit, which is what she was waiting for. MJ laid her head on my shoulder and placed her book between the two of us. I was blushing even more, if that's possible and I think my heart will jump outta my chest from how excited I am right now. I was frozen for a second or two, but I realized what I was doing, just in time, wrapping my right hand around her. I did it slowly, letting her place to back away, but she didn't. She just smiled at me and returned her eyes to the book.
The book was actually very interesting, but I noticed how she stopped flipping the pages. I looked at her, only to find her asleep on my shoulder. I tried to see if she is comfortable, before pulling out my phone, opening the front camera. I take a few selfies with the sleeping MJ, making weird faces. She looks so cute when she is asleep. I can't wake her up, she looks too peaceful to be woken up. I smiled at the pictures and chose one that I think I look good and for MJ...she looks beautiful in every photo. I make it my wallpaper, shooting one last glance at her, before kissing her forehead and returning to the book.
With Pietro
What. Did. I . Just. Saw?
They are just friends right? I mean he is gay, he have girl friends, but this is too close to be just friends. Are they a thing? IS HE CHEATING ON SPIDEY? Omg. Please tell me he isn't cheating on him, because he is actually nice, but I will be on Spidey's side. Plus he doesn't deserve this.
Wait. He is gay. They are just frie- WHY IS HE KISSING HER FOREHEAD? I completely forgot about his homework, I just ran out of the building and sat down on one of the benches in some random park to think.
They are just friends, he is just nice with her, right? Peter is not that type of guy, i'm sure, so that would be just his friend and probably Spidey's friend too. He is with Spidey and this was just his friend. But he kissed her forehead and took selfies together. This annoying voice in the back of my head reminded me. But what? Friends do that too, right?
Ugh teenagers. Why are they so complicated?
I take off my cap and run to the Tower, straight into my room. I didn't want to see anyone, because they will make me tell them what's wrong and I don't want them to know about this yet. I hope Wanda won't read my mind. That last happened around a year ago and I got so mad at her I didn't talk to her for about two days, so she took a note to never do this again to me.
But what if...just, what if, he is really cheating on him? I don't really know Spidey's full life story, but I know it isn't flowers and sunshine all the time. I think that would break him and Peter knows that perfectly. He knows it even more better than me, cuz he knows his whole life story and there is no doubt to that.
How dare he. I'm so mad and disappointed at Peter right now. I thought he wasn't like that. I thought he is loyal and will do anything for the ones he loves, but obviously he is just a player or an asshole. Maybe both.
But wait. It's not sure that he is cheating. They were just...cuddling...Together...and he kissed HER FOREHEAD. Who was even her? Is that that girl Michelle, Stark told us he has a crush on? Oh shit, that's why he thought he liked her. BECAUSE HE DO.
I didn't even notice how long I was in my bedroom. I even fell asleep, getting even more angry at Peter and sympathizing Spidey.
When I woke up it was around 4pm, which means PETER IS HERE. I shot up from my bed and almost ran to the door, before stopping myself. Why do I even want to see him? No, I have to see him. I have to see if my fears are true.
I entered the elevator and told FRIDAY to take me to Tony's lab, where Peter probably is. The doors opened and I stepped inside. I immediately spotted them, working on something on Tony's desk, while laughing. My face darkened as I saw Peter. He was laughing like nothing happened not 3 hours ago. Is he serious, or I'm just wrong and they are actually friends.
"Hello Mr Pietro, what's up?"He smiled at me, but frowning when he saw my expresion. I tried to smile back at him with a quick 'hi', before going to sit on the sofa nearby them.
"Hey Fasty, how come you decided to bother us today?"I rolled my eyes at Stark, without answering. I grabbed a random book and pretended I was reading. I eyed Peter from time to time, but when Stark excused himself to go to the bathroom I knew it was my time for action.
"Mr Pietro, Is everything ok?"He turned to me.
"Perfectly fine"I answered in a low, almost threatening voice"Why?"
"...You are reading the book upside down"He chuckled as I quickly turned it around, closing it and slowly walking to him. I look at him straight into his eyes.
"So, how was your day?"I asked, still in that voice full of suspicion.
"It was great actually. My legs hurt all day, because...I fall. Then it was even worse, because when me and Michelle"He got my full attention now"Uh...Sir...Are you sure you are ok?" I realized that my anger at him is on my face, so I tried to soften it a little.
"Im fine, keep going"
"Uh, ok. So, as I was saying, me and Michelle were walking to our class, but my legs were hurting so much, so she tried to help me, but in the end we both fell, me being on top of her. I was feeling so bad, that I carried her to the library and i bandaged her leg, then we both fell asleep and I was almost late for the internship-"
"Yeah, yeah and how did you fall asleep?"I asked, cutting him off. He stared at me for a little and I almost feel bad, but he was the one that was almost cheating on FUCKING SPIDERMAN.
"Uh...M-Mr Pietro...Did I..Did I do something wrong?"Ok I'm feeling bad now. He was looking at me with brown puppy like eyes and I softened.
"No"I said"No, no, sorry I just had a bad day"
"Oh, ok. I would offer you to hang out to cheer you up, but Mr Stark needs me here, I'm sorry"I nodded.
"Sup fuckers, did ya miss me"We turned to see Stark walking in. I rolled my eyes, turning back to Peter.
"Ok, my turn"He said as he went to the room, Stark just exited. He smiled, looking at the kid, before coming to me, focusing on his work.
I made sure he wasn't paying attention to me at all, before grabbing Peter's phone and putting it in front of my book. It looks like I'm reading, but I want to see if there is any evidence on his phone.
Thankfully there wasn't a password or some shit like that. I make sure not to go into his gallery, because I might see Spidey's real face in there. When I saw the lockscreen my eyes darkened again. It was him and Michelle. The picture was from earlier, or I think it is from earlier. I hope so. I actually don't know how many times they were together in that library. I saw that he had some new texts.
IS that Spidey? That better be Spidey and not Michelle.
Parker you got my book
Anyways, keep it, but don't tell me what happened in the end, I will just find a new one
Oh and thank you that you carry me home today, my mother liked you haha
I felt my blood boil. This is Michelle. 100% Michelle and how he named her in the chat? I can't believe it.
I put his phone on the couch next to me, a little too hard, but I managed to close it before storming out of the room. He is really cheating on Spidey. What are they? A secret relationship? How is that even a secret. His phone lockscreen is Michelle, he named her this stupid emoji and on top of everything they are cuddling in SCHOOL. WHERE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STUDY.
I was so angry at Peter. How dare he? Who is he to cheat on Spidey? What kind of self-confidence does he have? ON SPIDERMAN. THE HERO.
I went to the training room to punch a few bags. I was just so angry. While I was hitting the bag I was thinking about Spidey. He will have a broken heart after I told him. But...What if I don't tell him? He will figure it out soon and it will be useless for me to tell him? Or is it?
"Ugh"I groaned loudly. I should tell him. No, why should I tell him?...Because he is your friend and he deserves to know the truth about Parker...But did he already know? Did they break up? Is Peter actually allowed to have a crush on that girl Michelle? Did we make this? Are we the reason they broke up? Or did they even break up? Should I tell Peter I know? Should I tell the others? NO. Better keep it for myself for now.
The doors opened, revealing Natasha and Peter. So this is where the little cheater is huh?
"Hey, Mr Pietro, you feeling better?"He asked me with that smile that he always greets everyone with. I was so angry at him that I just stared at him, without answering.
They noticed that, so I turned around, hoping to distract the anger with the punching bag.
With Peter
Not gonna lie, I was scared of how Mr Pietro looked at me. What the hell did I do?
"What the hell did you do?"Natasha whispered when we were far away enough so he wouldn't hear us.
"I d-don't know. What did I do?"I asked with a very worried tone. She just shrugged and turned to Mr Pietro.
"Hey, Petro, what's your problem?"I tried to shush her, but she shushed me. He turned around, still with this angry face.
"Im fine"He turned back around, sending me one last look, then he punched the bag...hard. I gulped.
"...Come on Peter, we have a workout to do"I nodded, feeling incredibly bad about...whatever I did.
(Time Skip)
With Natasha
"Ok, what's your problem?"I stand in front of him, blocking his way for exit.
"Nothing"He tried to walk past me, but I stood in front of him again. He sighed, knowing, I won't let him alone, until he told me. He looked around, seeing that no one was in the kitchen. He grabbed my elbow and pulled me closer, so no one could hear us from the living room.
"Peter is cheating on Spidey ''My crossed arms fall free and my expresion changed from suspicious to 'what?'. He sighed again and started speaking even lower"Today, when I went to his school I saw him and that girl Michelle on a couch in the library, cuddling, reading the same book. She was asleep on his shoulder and if that's not enough proof to you he saved her in his contact as this...heart emoji face, you know. AND his lock screen is him and her from earlier"By the time he stopped talking I was already trying to find an excuse to him, but I was eternally smiling at Peter. He really has a crush on that girl.
"Well you can't say that they are just friends, but let them solve their problems alone."
"Yeah i know, but Spidey deserves to know"I sighed at him, not knowing what to say"Wait is that your reaction? I thought you like Peter"
"I do like Peter, but...I don't know I will think"I said and walked away.
Ok. We have a serious problem.
"Whats up?"
I heard this voice in my head, knowing it's just Wanda checking on me. It's not the first time she is doing it and it's our way to talk when it's a private talk.
"Wait, what did Pietro say?" I heard the voice again
"Yep, he thinks Peter is cheating on Spidey"
"Oh my god" She started laughing.
"Stop laughing, that's serious" I said, holding my laugh too"He hates Peter now" She stopped and look at me
At this time the others walked in. We started hanging out all together more and more. This started when we started texting the baby. He kinda, somehow makes us love each other like a real big family. Somehow.
At the middle of the movie Pietro standed up, still looking angry, but now worry is in his eyes too.
"Ok guys, I have to tell you something"Oh shit.
"Um, you know what Pietro"They all looked at me. I know what he is going to say, so I have to stop him"You don't need to tell us something"
"Nat, I have to"
"What is going on?"Clint asked. Pietro took a deep breath and looked at Clint. I shook my head, trying to tell him to stop, but he didn't even look at my direction.
"Peter is cheating on Spidey"I wanted to slap my forehead, but I didn't, thankfully.
"WHAT"They all (besides Wanda and Pietro) yelled.
"I saw him with this girl Michelle today, when I was in his school"He explained
"But they were just cuddling-"i tried
"Yeah and he has her in his contact as an heart face emoji and her as a lockscreen. And I'm not gonna comment on the fact that he kissed her forehead, while she was sleeping in HIM"They were frozen.
"...But...But Peter would NEVER do him"Stark said.
"Well he clearly can, now, what do we do?"We were silent for a moment, before Bucky speaked up.
"I think we should let them for a little, but if Spidey don't figure it out soon, we are going to tell him, alright?"we paused a little again to think, when some of us nodded and some of us mumbled 'ok' or 'alright'.
"How can he?"To say Steve was angry was an understatement. I would be too, if i didn't know the truth. I know they will (especially Pietro) beg him to forgive them, once they know the whole truth and I'm sure he will forgive them. He is Peter Parker after all.
Wow, these days would be so bad for him now that they all know the fake 'truth'. If Stark fired him...he will pay. I'm sure they hate him. This is ridiculous. I need to talk to Peter about this and maybe convince him to tell them who he is.
"But...I never thought Peter, of ALL people would do such a thing"Tony was still shaken from the news.
"I'm sorry"Pietro whispered.
He standed up and went to his lab, probably to think. Pepper followed him after a second.
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