Part 38
With Peter
My vision was blurry. I couldn't really see what was happening around me, but I felt something. It's like my senses are going crazy. All of them. I felt dizzy and I can swear that I saw a figure coming closer and closer to me, but I can't see from the brightness all around me. I felt every touch and every clothing on my body. It hurts. My ears are catching things like '', 'it's...your...fault', 'get ou-'
I feel my tongue literally burning in my mouth and my nose catched this grose smell. Like the death herself is right next to me. I closed my eyes, trying to get away from everything.
All of a sudden all of the pain in my senses went away. Everything was 10 times better, but why? What happened? Where am I? What is happening? Where are the others? Is the avengers ok? What happened?
I looked up and saw them. My heart stopped working for a moment. They were on the ground, blood everywhere. They weren't moving at all...freezed.
"Mr Stark?"When I turned him around I screamed. I saw him with a bullet straight into his heart, blood coming out from his mouth.
"NO"I yelled on top of my lungs. I tried to stand up. To go to the others. To wake them up. To try something. I felt hot tears falling on my cheeks and I broke down. No one had a pulse. I started crying, yelling each of their names.
"Oh Peter"I heard someone behind me.
I slowly turned around, only to parents...Uncle Ben...May...
They were right in front of me now. I had to look up to them to see them.
"You could have save them, like you could have saved us"
"It's your fault Peter, It has always been your fault"My own mother said, but I couldn't answer. I as absolutely freezed. Am I dead? Where am I? What the hell?
Then it started. They grabbed me and kicked me EVERYWHERE. I couldn't fight back, I just let them. The whole time they were yelling "IT'S. YOUR. FAULT."
I passed out. It's like I fell on my back. I fall, and fall, and fall, and fall. When I turned around I saw the ground that was so close to me that I will hit it in seconds. I yelled, trying to shoot a web, but the only thing that comes from my hands is smoke. Smoke. Gray smoke that blurred my vision. The last thing I saw was the ground, but I heard someone yelling.
"SPIDEY"I shot up in a sitting position, breathing hard.
I don't understand. I was falling and I saw them...dead. And it was all my fault. I couldn't save them. I felt tears in my eyes, but they didn't fall on my face. I blinked, trying to figure out why they didn't fall.
That's when I felt the mask on my face. It was half on my face, so my mask eyes were on my forehead and the hole from my head was on my lips. I put it back on and looked around.
"Hey are you ok?"I looked at my left and saw Mr Stark. Wait. Mr Stark? He was dead. I saw hi-
And that's when It hits me
It was all a dream
A nightmare
"Nightmare?"The person on my left scared me. I jumped a little from his voice-Mr Steve. I looked around and saw the others. Natasha, Wanda, Mr Steve and Mr Stark were besides me.
I was still breathing heavily, so I just nodded. A red glowing thing catched my eyes, but when I looked in that direction I saw how Wanda fell on her back. I immediately shot up from my seat and went to her to see if she was ok. She just looked at me with wide eyes.
"Oh Peter"She whispered that quietely that only I'm able to hear her. She hugged me tightly. We stay like that for a minute or two, before pulling away.
"What happened?"I asked her.
"I-...I saw your...your nightmare"The others were also on the ground now, right besides us. I just stared at her, guilty, embarrassed and scared for what she was going to say. She standed up a little and sat on the couch.
"Kid are you ok? Do you want something?"Mr Stark asked me. Before I could answer Ms Natasha started speaking.
"Do you want to talk about it?"I shook my head in no and standed up.
"Spidey?"Wanda whispered"Im sorry, I couldn't control myself and I-"
"It's ok, I'm not mad"I said and hugged her.
"Kid you can always talk to us if you want. I mean we have nightmares too, it's a part of the job"Mr Stark said. I stared at him.
"...You...You have those too?"
"Of course, how I said it's a part of the job"I nodded. Mr Steve looked sympathetically, while Natasha and Mr Stark looked worried.
"Omg. I'm so sorry I had a nightmare...wait did I sleep here? Oh gosh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to."
"Im such a burden Im so sorry-"
I closed my eyes and squashed them. My hands went to a protective pose that I'm in when May beats me up and I curled my legs to my chest. I was ready for a hit, punch or at least a kick. That's what May do when I have a nightmare or fucked up somewhere. I waited for the hit...but it never came. I slowly opened my left eye, only to see what's happening. I saw with one eye how Mr Stark is freezed in his sit. The others are also dead silent and stoned. I opened both of my eyes now.
"Spidey...did you think..that I was going to hit you?"He talked, almost whispering with wide eyes and a guilty face. I didn't know what to say. I'm used to being beaten up everyday by everyone that I wouldn't be surprised if they also see how much of a shit I am and start beating me up as well. I expected it to happen. I slowly nodded my head.
"Oh god, Spidey listen to me. And listen carefully. I will beat up everyone who tried to touch you in a not friendly way ok? And believe me when I say that no one here, and I mean no one is going to hit you EVER, alright. That's the same for Peter."Natasha said, coming closer to me. I relaxed my hands a little.
"Why did you think we would hit you in the first place?"Mr Steve also landed close. I only shrugged slowly.
"Oh kid"Mr Stark said and hugged me. I was a little surprised. He never hugged anyone, only Pepper.
"...Mr know that's a hug right?"I tried to lighten the mood, remembering for all those times that I thought he hugged me, but he was trying to do something else. Like getting a book from the bookshelf, or pointing at something. All these times I thought he wanted a hug. He and the others laughed at my joke when I hugged back.
"OH MY GOD"I jumped up"I slept here"
"yeah kid there is no problem at all ok-?"
"May is going to freak out"I whisper to myself"I have to go. My aunt would be an-...worry If it doesn't show up. WHAT TIME IS IT?"
"Relax its 8am"
"Oh gosh. I have to go like NOW. May would be home from her shift in minutes. She is free to go home at 8am, which means I have around 10 more minutes to get home before her. Bye guys, thank you for everything"I said a lot happier (and worrier) tone than before.
"Hey Spidey"Mr Stark yelled, before I could jump out of the window. I turned my head to him"Tell Peter that we have a lot to talk about"The girls smiled and I cringed.
"Oh...yeah of course, I will tell him"And with that I jumped out.
(Time skip)
"So what you are saying is that the Avengers think you are dating yourself?"Ned said, trying to hide his laughter, while MJ was on the ground from laughter.
We are at MJ's house the day after the nightmare accident. Tomorrow is the day I will meet with Mr Stark at the internship. I'm kinda nervous and I have no idea what he means by 'we have a lot to talk about'.
I decided to try to stop being so worried about tomorrow, so I distracted myself with my friends.
"MJ stop laughing it's not funny"I said, also with a little smirk on my face.
"N-..-o"She said and I sighed.
"Peter how, In the name of GOD?"Ned also tried not to laugh so hard.
"I don't know, Wanda yelled it and I just go for it"
"I can't beli-"She said with another wave of laughter. When she finally stopped laughing, she looked me dead in the eyes"So *laugh* tell me Peter... how is he in bed?"Ned and MJ practically died from laughter from her sentences, while I just looked at them with 'Im so done with you guys' face, but not before I let out a loud 'EWWWW' sound, but eventually I joined them.
(TIme skip to Monday)
I laid down, a street away from the school. Why did I lay on to the ground in some random alley? Flash!
I finally got up from the ground and walked to school. I had just some bruises on my abdomen and my legs, almost nothing on my face thankfully. I eat more now, because I always eat with Mr Stark at the internship during our lunch break, so my bruises are fading fastly, but I haven't eaten in the tower since Friday. That means these bruises will heal tomorrow after I eat with Mr Stark today and that sucks.
The day was really boring. Like really really boring. I couldn't concentrate in class, because my mind was already in the tower. I think about everything Mr Stark could say when I arrived and I planned my answers. On top of everything I got a detention for not focusing in class. Guess who gave me it. I texted Happy that I got detention, so he can come later.
I got his number after a situation like this around a month ago. I got a detention and he didn't know about it, so he waited a whole hour right in front of the school, waiting for me to come out. Even Mr Stark called me to 'Kid, why is Happy yelling at me, because you aren't coming out of your nerd school?'. Happy was angry all week for that, but eventually returned to his none emotional face when I told him about my day.
When I heard the teacher say that we are free to go I immediately grabbed my backpack and stormed out of the school. There were still a few kids, but I didn't know any of them. They were staring at one thing. I looked at the direction they were looking at and saw that one Audi, I know Happy would never get me with. The door opened and a very happy Mr Stark came out. Well not fully, he just took his head and body out of the car, but his legs were still in it. His head popped out of the top of the car, taking off his sunglasses that he always wore, looking for someone. I know exactly who he is looking for, but I have no Idea what he's doing here.
A few gasps can be heard from the students that are still in here and from the students that are coming inside, because they are on the second shift. His eyes were scanning around for me, but I decided to not make a scene and just walk to the next street where I usually wait for Happy. I put my hood up. I was wearing a black hoodie under my jacket so I wouldn't be that noticeable and went behind all the students to almost to the corner of the street, when...
"Gotcha"I looked up and saw Mr Stark standing in front of me, blocking my way.
"No"I simply said and walked past him, but he grabbed my shoulder and hugged me from one side, walking me to the car. I kept my head down, but I can hear with my super hearing sentences like
'Who is that?'
'What is the Tony Stark doing here?'
'Wait, Is that Peter Parker?' '
'The nerd? Nah, I don't think so'
'Flash would be so angry that he missed Tony Stark'
Mr Stark opened the front door for me, still SUPER happy for some reason that i might know about. He had this weird smirk on his face, that didn't mean anything good...for me. I got inside and waited for him to get inside too.
When he did he looked at me, but I wasn't paying attention to him. I was busy, looking through the front glass, still with my hood up. He started driving, still very happy, while I looked annoyed and pissed. We were silent for a minute or two, before he finally spoke.
"So...Would you mind telling me how did you get a detention?"His big ass smile never left his face as he spoke.
"Couldntconcentrate"I murmured
"Speak up?"
"I couldn't concentrate in class"I said loudy.
"Aha, I see... Did you think about Spidey?"He smiled even more, if that was possible. I groaned very loud, pulling a button so I can fall backward in the front seat. He laughed, but when I didn't come back up he looked down at me.
"Get up and stop hiding your blush"I did it, but I didn't lay on my back to hide my blush. I just...yeah I was blushing"Hey, Peter"
"Hey, Mr Stark"
"Kid, stop calling me Mr Stark"I didn't say anything"Anyways, why didn't you tell me about it?"
"...About what?"I played dumb.
"About your new backpack"
"Oh, my backpack?"I lit up and put my hood down, taking my new backpack that was in my feets the whole time to show it to him. Yeah I lost my previous backpack again"Its-"
"No, It was sarcasm"I put it back down, frowning up again, knowing exactly what he meant.
"I don't know what you are talking about"I said
"Oh you know, you perfectly know. So how long did you plan on keeping it a secret? Huh?" I didn't answer looking back at the window"You know kid, you can't keep anything a secret from me"I laughed. A real laugh. I didn't stop laughing for a good minute, while he was confused af "What's so funny?"I stopped, realising that I am not supposed to be laughing right now.
"Oh nothing. Lets change the theme I was wondering, If we could-"
"Not so fast... So you and Spidey huh?"
"I uh...yeah"He returned to his stupid smile
"Did you know he was wearing your shirt the other day?"He asked, knowing the answer, but asking it anyways, knowing that that will annoy me.
"I am aware"
"Do you live together?"He asked
"What?...Noo"I said between laughs
"Then why did he pick your shirt?"
"Umm...I...gave it to him?"That sounded more like a question.
"Mhm, I see, but why didn't I know that you were dating Spiderman?"
"I didn't know either"I murmured
"I said I don't know, you didn't ask?"
"HOW do I ask that question? Like 'Hey Peter, I was thinking about you and Spidey'" I groaned again"Is there anything else like that that i need to know about you, that you didn't tell me, because I never asked?"I shock my head in no."Good, now get up kid, the avengers are waiting for you upstairs"He said as he stopped the car and opened his door to leave. I opened it too and we both walked to the elevator.
"To the penthouse FRI"
"Yes, sir. Boss, the Avengers said that they are waiting for Peter"
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