Part 33
With Peter
The next few days were pretty uneventful. I went to the Tower once or twice and It was amazing. We hang out, train, cook and some other fun things. I met with Ned and MJ and gave them my presents. They also gave me their gifts and we built Ned's new lego set, while MJ read the book Ned gave her. We hung out in May's apartment, while she wasn't home. We laughed for hours, but they had to leave so I escorted them both home, just In case. I also found a new place where I can sit while spidermaning and it's really awesome there. I spent the whole day there yesterday. I remember how I wanted to send a picture of the sunset to Ned and MJ, but I accidently sent it in the group chat.
*The picture of the sunset on the edge of a very tall building*
Shit wrong gc
But look at how beautiful the sunset is
Ms Nat
Did you take that picture?
You want me to jump?
Ms Nat
Mr Grandpa
Mr Sam and Mr Bucky
Everyone else
Kidding guys Im not that stupid
Get back down what If you fall?
Im not going to fALl
Ms Nat
Why are you even there?
Cuz it has a nice view?
Mr Clint
Omg where Is this place?
Not telling you
Mr Clint
Why not?
I paused to think. If I tell him he is probably going to come here and see who I am.
Cuz I have plans for this place
Owww Is the little itsy bitsy baby Spider going to take a girl to that place
You will never know
Ms Nat
Ms Witch
Yk If you want an advice for girls me and Nat are here *wink
Ms Nat
No thanks I got it
Is it AJ?
You mean MJ?
Thats what I wrote
*sends a screenshot of the chat and how he said AJ*
So its her?
Oopss did you heard that?
Ms Nat
Hear what?
I gtg check what is it
We are not over yet
That's how It went. I'm still on vacation, which means I actually can have a day off. No school, no Internship, Spidermaning-here and there. The most of the day I was home, just chilling or cleaning. I didn't realise how much I needed this. Just to stay home and do almost nothing. Before the Internship I always had time for everything, but now...It's not like I'm not thankful, It's just exhausting sometimes. Ok maybe it wasn't that uneventful, but how I said I'm giving myself a break.
But of course every good thing has to end. The vacation was over and we had to go back to school. When I woke up on the first day of school for this new year I saw snow outside of my window. It was everywhere, which isn't the best thing for my high senses. The snow will only make everything 10 times brighter than it already is. Today I have an internship too and I can't wait to see Mr Stark and his lab again. It's not like I haven't seen them In a long time, no. I visit the tower the day after New Year, but he doesn't know that.
Almost two months from the first text with MRB and we still haven't seen each other. I'm planning maybe on the third month to reveal who I am, but only If they do It first...maybe. I have so many questions for them and I can't wait to see their faces, because my imagination about how they look isn't right.
At home things are going a little up, because of the money, but May decided that she needs new clothes and winter boots and let me tell you, they aren't cheap. She didn't change a thing in the food. She buys the same things and lets me eat only when she tells me I can, witch Is really unfair. She even stopped taking that many shifts, because I'm taking home more money than she does. U N F A I R. She even thought about quitting work, but somehow she stopped herself...for now. If she quits work everything will be like before and i don't want to be like before.
"Hey Peter, how are you"My best friend greeted me when I entered the hallway, pulling me out from my thoughts.
"Great.What do you have now?"
"English? Or Chemistry, I don't know"He said, while pulling his phone out to check. I smiled at his confusion when he saw that it was neither of them. I know what I have. I always know. We'll always mean after the spider bite.
"You go find your class, I'm going to my locker"He nodded and walked away, still looking at his phone.
I stay there, in front of my locker for a good 10 minutes, trying to find my biology book.
"Are you looking for that?"I turned around and saw 'Spiderman', holding the said book. I sighed, knowing what was going to happen. He waits until the hall is empty and he starts his daily beating. In that situation we were already alone, because of his little trick.
"Flash gimme it"I tried to grab It, but he just laughed and moved his hand so I couldn't reach for the book. "COme onnn"I tried to take It again, but he moved again. In moments like this I wish he knew all about me being Spiderman so I can peacefully grab it, kick his ass and walk away, but I prefer my identity.
"What? You want this?"No I'm waving my hands all over us to try to fly and get away from you...Witch is not a bad idea. I almost talked back. When he stopped mocking me for that he threw my book at the other part of the hallway and I started walking there. I was so pissed that I didn't know what I was doing. I felt his hand grabbing my shoulder, trying to turn me around, so he can start beating me up, but I just continue walking, like nothing happened. Like I didn't get away from him. Like I didn't pissed him off even more. Like I didn't care what was going to happen after school, but I did.
I grabbed it and walked out, stopping myself from turning around and showing him my middle finger. If MJ was here she would do it without thinking, but I rather be polite, because that's who I am.
(Time skip)
"Hi Mr Stark''I said, without looking up when I entered the lab. The reason Is that FLash gave me a black eye and I don't want to bother him with my problems. Plus that's the same Flash that pretended to be Spiderman and If they figure out that he is bullying me...I don't actually know what will happen I only know that they won't be happy.
"Hey kid, how was Christmas? New Year?"He said, looking up from his papers he is working on.
"Amazing"I simply said, without my usual enthusiasm. I placed my backpack near my desk and immediately grabbed a pencil to continue my scheme I was working on. That's not what I usually do. Mr Stark would ask me about my day and I would tell him everything about it. I don't know If he is listening to my rumble, but he never missed to ask me that question.
"...And school today?"How I said...He never missed to ask this.
"It was good"I still didn't look at him, but I feel that he is staring at me. After a few seconds he stopped and I zoomed out. I was with my hood up the whole time, so he can't really see the black eye and the bruises. I hope I make it through today, before he notices that something is wrong. Well he probably already knows that something is wrong.
After around 30 minutes of almost complete silence the elevator dings and a woman came out. I fast recognize her as Ms Natasha. Shit.
"Hi Stark, Hey Peter"I nodded at her, trying to not show my face"Clint lost his hearing aids again, Did YOU take them?"She crossed her arms. Mr Stark was with his back to me, but Ms Natasha was facing me.
"Yeah I thought he have a spare ones"
"Why did you take them anyways?"
"To upgrade them?"He said. That sounds more like a question than an answer, but she just rolled her eyes, waiting for him to find them. Her eyes landed on me and I immediately looked down, praying to god that she didn't see the big ass wound on my left eye. She didn't move her gaze until Mr Stark put in her hands what she came for. Ms Natasha gave me one last look and walked to the elevator.
"So kid what's up with you?"He asked me the second the doors closed.
"Hmm?"I pretended that I didn't hear him.
"I asked why are you acting weird?"He started to walk to my desk.
"I-Im not acting weird"UGH DAMN IT. Like he believed you Peter. Ugh.
"Kid look at me"He was now standing in front of me. When I didn't look up he sighed"Kid"No answer"PETER"He scared me and jumped. I guess when I got scared I jumped...witch is not that often.
My hood fell and I finally looked at Mr Stark. I saw his face changed. He gasped and stepped back.
"What happened?"He asked, stepping back to the place he was, trying to see my injury closely"Is it another robber? When It happened?"
"Mr Stark It's ok, I'm alright"I tried to assure him that everything was fine. I mean this won't be here tomorrow anyways, so there is no place for panic.
"FRIDAY told Bruce to come to the med bay, now"He grabbed my shoulder, almost without hurting it and we went to the elevator. The whole ride to the med bay I tried to change his mind and stop him from bothering more people. I tried to tell him that I'm fine, while he was trying to ask me how it happened. In the end we were both quietly arguing, without listening to what the other person is saying.
We both stopped when we heard a loud 'BOYS' from the now opened elevator doors. And there he Is, Dr Bruce Banner in his doctor's work clothes, waiting for us to stop arguing. He couldn't see my black eye at first, but when I turned to look at him he saw it. He gasped and came closer to inspect it better.
"What happened"
"Thats what Im trying to figure out, but he wouldn't tell me"
Dr Banner let me inside the med bay and put some sort of unguent on it. I sighed in defeat. I know that this...whatever this is wouldn't help as much as my healing factors, but I let him do It. Even the pain wasn't much. There was actually almost no pain already, so there was no point In worrying anyone. Ms Natasha also walked In.
"Oh Bruce there you ar-"She stopped when he saw me"What happened"The third time I've heard this in the past 10 minutes.
"Yes Peter what happened?"Mr Stark stood up and stopped next to Ms Natasha, crossing his arms.
"I'm done with you so you can explain now"Dr Banner was now standing on the other side of Ms Natasha.
"Umm...I jumped out of the window-"They tensed up and were about to yell probably 'WHAT', but I was faster"On the first floor, In my friend house"They sighed in relief.
"But that doesn't explain the black eye"Ms Natasha said, ponting at my left eye.
"Ohh yeah that...Well I was about to jump, but..."I stopped
"But what?"Mr Stark said.
"Well i forgot to open the window"I let out a laugh. This story actually happened. MJ was dying of laughter, but when she saw my face she stopped and did the same thing as Dr Banner-put a unguent on it and waited until it's better so she could laugh more. I'm not sure If Dr Banner is going to do the last part. I hope not.
They nodded. I saw Mr Stark smile and make me a sign to get back to the lab. I nodded and thanked Dr Banner for the help and waved at Ms Natasha. She waved back and smiled.
With Natasha
I don't believe him. I'm a spy for god's sake. I went straight to my room after that, forgetting why I even went in the med bay. What could that be? Bullies? Robbers? Abuse? I remember Stark saying something about a robber, but he didn't have any injuries then. Is there a chance to happen again? This Is New York, the chances are really high even with Spiderman around. Abuse? I don't know him well enough to notice any kind of symptoms for that. Bullies? He came here straight after school right?
"FRIDAY can you hack into the school Peter went to? And don't tell him or Tony please"
"Of course Ms Nat"I convinced Stark to change my name to what the baby calls me"What do you want to see?"
"The last video footage with Peter from today"I said and sat on my desk in my room, where my computer is.
The video started and I saw how he is with two other people, probably his friends.
"Bye guys"
"See ya tomorrow Peter"
"Bye losers"
They separate in three different directions. The video angle changed to another camera. Another 4 boys, clearly more strong than him stopped him in the empty hallway and pinned him to the ground. They immediately started to kick his legs and his abdomen, even his head. I watched them with disgution, getting more and more angry with every kick. I also get angry at myself, because I couldn't do anything. I can't stop them, because it's too late . I can't just show up and beat the hell out of them. I missed my chance.
"This Is what you are getting for fucking with me earlier with that book Parker"The boy in the middle said and then punch his head. So this is from where he got that black eye.
His 'friends' were already waking away, laughing at Peter. The boy that stayed a little more with him turned around to get back to his goons. When he did it I froze. I quickly paused the image and looked closely, not believing my eyes.
"FRIDAY who Is that?"I said with venom in my words.
"Flash Thompson"
"No.Way."I immediately turned around, pulling out a knife in my rush. It turns out it's just Wanda, who somehow gets in the room, without being noticed by me. When I saw it was just her I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding and turned back around.
"Do you know what that means?"
"This fucker is bullying Peter"She said also with venom in her voice, landing closer to the monitor"Wait, does that mean Peter Is the one in that video,where Flash Is beating up someone. Is Peter this kid?"Our eyes met. I didn't think about that. I didn't even think about that video since the press conference. "Nat..Nat what did you figure out? Heloo? What did you discover?"I stare at her.
"Peter Is Spiderman"
A/N-Everyone want realization already, so I decided to put a little bit *wink
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