Part 27
With Tony
"Sir Mr Parker returned the notebook you were writing in"I was half asleep on my desk, probably because i haven't slept last all. I was resting my head on my hands. I looked up so fast that I thought I broke something, but i didn't pay attention to it right now.
"What?"I said disoriented.
"Mr Parker-"
"Yeah i heard you. Where is his work"
"In front of your lab sir"I get up and start walking to the doors. I have mail right in front of my lab to stop people from getting inside to give me things. I opened the mail and it exploded. I haven't opened that thing since...I haven't opened this thing. I saw letters, paperwork, folders, documents and some other shits. It's all over the floor now. I quickly find the dinosaur notebook and get inside.
I open it and saw my list, full with scratches and corrections. Wut. He got guts. He scratched all my work? Who even is he? I take a new list and wrote all of it again, not even looking at what he wrote. This time i wrote it more explanation in the whole thing. It took me more pages, but after around 20 minutes im done. I'm not expecting him to understand what i wrote, but maybe one day he will. I add a little note-'Stop trying kid, i know when i'm right :) '-I chuckled and told FRIDAY to send someone to take this thing down to him.
With Peter
NEXT QUESTION. I'm done with history and start doing geography. It's not that much homework as it was in history, but still.
"Parker"Mr Davis looked down at me and plopped the notebook then went back to his desk, pissed.
My heart skipped. He responded again? Interesting. Another paper, full with mistakes. This time he tried to explain everything, but everything was wrong. I take the pencil. I'm too lazy to rewrite everything again. He probably has the list i gave him, plus i will give him back the notebook, so i just decided to write him a note. I turned the paper around and saw that there was already a note for me. 'Stop trying kid, i know when i'm right :)' . Right? Is that sarcasm? I start writing my answer.
'You have a big mistake buddy. Just look at what I wrote. It's not that hard'
I chuckled and went to Mr Davis's desk. He wasn't there so I just left my notebook that way so that he would see it and went to the bathroom.
With Tony
A big mistake? Me? It's not that hard? huh? Excuse me. That's me that we are talking about. I decided to actually look at what he wrote. It doesn't make sense. I give up trying to understand him. I start writing my note, under his.
'Mistake? I don't think you are right, especially when you have dinosaur notebook'
I again chuckled at our little conversation and let FRIDAY to give him my answer
With Peter
I saw how angry and pissed Mr Davis is. I took a note to not get in his way. My heart skipped when he looked at me with rage in his eyes. I looked confused and he rolled his eyes and look at my desk. That's when I saw the notebook again. He won't give up wont he?
'Mistake? I don't think you are right, especially when you have dinosaur notebook'
I smiled to myself. I think for a second what to answer him.
'*sigh. Fine i will explain. Also, if you want to know the dinosaurs are very cool'
I start writing the whole explanation of how to solve it. I didn't think he would struggle to understand me that much, but I'm sure I'm right. It took me around an hour to explain everything. My time at the internship today is over. I have to leave, but I decided to send this to him before I leave. I quickly write another note.
'I hope that works :)'
I quickly got up and handed the notebook to Mr Davis.
""He said with a voice, full of anger. I gulped. He started walking to the elevator.
He is probably pissed, because he had to be our carrier-pigeon. I didn't think about this. He is going to be so angry. Well he already is, but what if he fired me? Ohh shit.
I looked around, trying to take my attention to something else. I saw HIMNI. Wait what. HIMNI? Oh my god. People are actually using it. That completely change my mood. I smiled. I have never met the person who uses it now, but I think I know his name. That's a start. I watched how he used him to hold one wire, while he is doing something else. He use him like he is his third hand. That melted my heart.
Not even a minute later Mr Davis stormed in.
"PARKER"I gulped and my eyes showed fair."Why did you make me to go around the tower, delivering some stupid notebook?"
"S-Sir, it was w-work"I managed to say. He cut me off, before I could start rumble.
"Tell me what that notebook was and why did he return it to you several times?"
"I-I...Someone asked me to solve one equation a-and he thought i was doing it wrong"His eyes changed when he heard that. No, he didn't soften, he was full of rage.
"WHAT?"I stepped back at him yelling"YOU EMBARRASSED ALL THAT LAB"At moments like this i want to be a girl, so i can start crying, but i didn't"Parker. That was a man from one of the hIGHEST LABS IN THIS TOWER. HE ASKED YOU TO DO A SIMPLE THING AND YOU MESSED UP THAT MANY TIMES?"Now i saw what i had done. No no no no no. Oh no. He is right. I embarrassed the whole lab. I felt tears in my eyes, but I tried my hardest to keep them."You know what Parker. You are fired. Get out of this tower, and if I only see you here just once..."He didn't finish and take my pass, then broke it right in front of me.
I just ran out of the room. I ran and ran and ran and ran and ran. I stopped when I was in some random park. It was dark outside, so the only light is one lamp right in front of me.
I can't believe it. I got fired. No no no no no. I stopped trying to stop my tears. I just sat there, staring at the fountain in front of me. This is not happening, please. Please let that be just a nightmare. Please. And what now? I have to tell May about that. She will notice the money change, even if I get back to work in Delmar. Great Peter. It hasn't even been 2 months since you started interning there. Please let that be a joke, or a nightmare. Please.
When I realised that it's not a nightmare I stood up and walked home. I'm not planning to tell May today, because it will be just too much. I don't want to feel more shitty than I already am. Plus i will probably not be able to walk tomorrow if i tell her now. I went straight to bed. I didn't even bother to put my phone on a charger. He died hours ago. I wanted to tell MRB and the others, because I want their comfort, but I know that even if I charge my phone i have to tell them what actually happened. I don't want to disappoint them, so i didn't tell them.
Meanwhile With Tony
'I hope that works :)'
I-. I don't-. WHAT. I screamed, probably waking up all the tower. This actually makes sense. THIS ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE. ACTUALLY. MAKES. SENSE.
"FRIDAY"I screamed"TAKE PETER PARKER UP HERE. NOW."I yelled, still looking at his notes. He explained everything. EVERY THING. AND HE IS RIGHT.
"I'm sorry sir, but he has been fired minutes ago"I looked at the ceiling in horor. No. He can't be fired.
"Do you want to track him?"
"JUST TELL ME WHERE HE IS"There was a minute, where I freaked out. FRIDAY was tracking him through cameras all around the city.
"I believe he is home now"
"Shoot"I want to punch something. HOW. HOW he solved THIS. HOW he got fired. HOW there is someone smarter than me?
Which idiot fired him? I tried to stay calm, but i couldn't. I looked in his notes like its pure gold. no. Like its diamond. I still can afford it but moTHER FUCKER.
Probably from my scream people start running inside.
"IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?"I heard Natasha yell. I turned around and saw Natasha, Bruce, Wanda and Steve.
"Tony, what happened. Are you alright?"Bruce started walking to me.
"What"Natasha also stepped closer. I just put the notebook in his hands. It was closed, so they only saw the dinosaurs.
"Ugh, really Tony? What is that, a prank?"
"JUST OPEN THE DEAM NOTEBOOK"I yelled, losing my mind already.
He did what I told him to do. After 5 minutes of reading he looked as surprised and shocked as me. Natasha, Wanda and Steve watched super confused. They looked at the notebook and their expression didn't change. They even got more confused.
"Tony. You did it. YOU SOLVE IT. But how"He was still super shocked and looking at the book he continue to talk"This is not the way you started to solve it"
"That's the thing. It wasn't me"Everyone looked at me even more weirdly. I'm still shocked.
"Ok, can somebody explain?"Steve asked.
"This here is the impossible equation that me and Bruce can't solve from-"
"Yeah we know about that equation. Go to the point"Natasha stopped him.
"I asked FRIDAY to send someone to bring me coffee. When i arrived here FRIDAY told me that the coffee guy had a solution for the equation. I didn't believe of course and decided to have some fun"
"That's totally you"
"Steve shut up or else you won't hear the story"I threaten him. He shutted up"As I was saying I decided to have some fun. I told him to send me the way he solved it and he sent me this."They nodded now, impressed.
"Wait. Where is this man now?"
"First of all I-Is a kid-"I didn't have time to finish, because they all yelled 'WHAT' at the same time. "I KNOW. But that's not the biggest surprise. He get fired a minutes ago"
"WHAT"They yelled this time louder.
"I DON'T KNOW. NOW SHUT UP i'm calling him"I take my phone and ask FRIDAY for his number.
One beep. Second beep. And it keeps going. In the end I was on the voicemail. Should I leave him voicemail?
"No. Call him tomorrow. He is probably asleep"Natasha stopped me. I nodded after a minute of thinking. How can I let that happen?
"What are you going to say to him when he answers your calls?"Wanda asked me. I didnt think about that. I just wanted to talk to him. I mean. H E I S G E N I U S. I looked at her and answered her question.
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