Part 23
With Peter
Soon the movie ended...
"I think i should call Pepper"Mr Stark said and stands up.
"I still want my revenge"Mr Steve turned to me.
"Hey why don't we go to train a little? We will see what Spidey actually can do" I like Mr Bucky's idea.
"I'm sorry guys, but i have work on the intern levels"If i didn't came here today, now i will be down to meet the Bruce Banner, but i met all the avengers instead, so its good.
"I also have to go back to Asgard. Its good that you are back Man of Spiders"Mr Thor turned to me.
"Bye Mr Thor sir"The others also said bye to Thor and Doc Banner.
(Time Skip)
This time Mr Steve win the fight. At one point, while we were fighting, Mr Clint dropped weights and i turn to see if he is ok, so Mr Steve use that distract to kick me. That ended the fight.
"Clint you idiot"Ms Natasha go to help him.
"Good work"He smiled at me and helped me to stand up. At that moment Mr Stark burst in.
"Why the hell you come down here without me?"He was putting his phone in his pocket. "Anyway. Kid, can i have a word?"I nodded, thinking why MR STARK wants to talk to me. I was just drinking water when he asked me. He comes to me and start talking"I was just talking to Pepper about the assemble that we are going to do for Flash. Do you want to come?"
"Umm yeah sure"
"Great"We continued to discuss little things, like when or where. After all that we continue to train.
"Higher...higher...higher"I was kicking a punching bag with Bucky sir."Great, now keep that high. Go"I start kicking it again.
"Hey...How about...we made...a little break"Very tired Mr Clint manege to come to us, probably just finished a full training routine with Ms Natasha.
"Sure"Bucky sir said and went to the corner, where all the water is.
"ENOUGH FOR TODAY"Mr Clint shouted. Enough for today? I was just starting, but if they are tired, who i am to make them stay.
"CLINT WE COME HERE BEFORE 30 MINUTES"Ms Natasha shouted from the other side of the room.
"I'M TIRED"He shouted back.
"CLINT SHUT UP I'M TRAINING"I laughed at them. They are all amazing. I want to spend more time here, but i don't want to be a bother.
"RUDE" I go and sit next to the dying Mr Clint.
"Mr Clint why are you so tired?"
"Nat"He simply answered. I laughed, looking at Ms Natasha, who was training now with Mr Steve "Oh and sorry about the weights. Didn't mean to distract you"
"Its ok."After this came a pause. We were just watching how the others are training. Mr Stark also comes after around 10 minutes after he left, so now he is training with Mr Wilson.
"Do you play Marion Cart"He said, still watching the others.
I was with half of my mask on, because i was just drinking water. When he said that i turned to him, wide eyed. He looked back.I smiled mischievously. He smiled mischievously too.
(Time skip)
"NO NO NO NO"He was shouting, because i was winning. I sensed stares, but i ignore them, because i was so much into the game.
"HAAAAAAA"I yelled.
"NOT FAIR"He fall from the couch.
"I WIN. TAKE THAT"I was proud of myself. He win 3 times in a row, but i win this one. The stares were more now. I started to look around. I spotted the rest of the Avengers in front of the elevator, watching us.
"Oh hi guys. Can you believe that this Spider here win at Mario Cart against me?"He also spotted them.
"Yes i can"Ms Natasha said and came to sit on the couch. I was worried about their reaction, but they only smiled and laughed at Mr Clint.
"Can we talk about your suit now?"Mr Stark sat next to me, turning to me.
"Umm o-"Before i can finish my phone rung. I looked at it and see that its Mr Davis. He got my number the other day 'just in case'. For now he only used it for me, bringing him coffee, or bringing the others coffee. But i told him i wont be able to come to the internship today. He also told me that if i don't answer my phone whenever he calls i'm fired."I'm sorry i have to answer this."He nodded and i get up.
"I need you to bring me coffee. You know how i like it"
"Mr Davis i'm not into the tower"
"Why the hell are you not here?"He started to get angry. I don't want him to be angry, because when he is angry he fired people.
"I-I told you i wont be a-able to come toda-"
"I don't care. You have 10 minutes and you better not be late"Before i can say anything he hang up. Great. What now. I just stand there, in the corner of the room, don't knowing what to do. If i only had Logan's number i could ask him to do it. I will get his number on Monday.
"Hey Spidey Is everything alright?"Ms Maximoff asked me.
"Yeah everything is alright. I actually have to go"
"Why?"Maybe Mr Stark wants to know more about the suit. It will be so cool to tell him all about it, but i also want to keep the internship.
"Emergency?"Ms Natasha tried to guess.
"No. My boss is threaten me"
"What do you mean threaten you? Do I need to call someone?"I think Mr Stark get me wrong.
"No no no, threaten me that he is going to fire me. Anyway i really have to go if i want to keep my work"I was about to jump out of the window when Mr Stark stopped me.
"WAIT. Take your pass. You can come after you do your work"I thanked him and jumped out.
I stopped at one of the alley, where they can't see me from the window, put my new pass into my wallet and take out the one for my internship. I have around 5 minutes left, so i have to be fast. I, quickly as i can, entered the building and go up to take the coffee.
"Here you go sir"I said, while i put his coffee in front of him. I manege to make it in time.
Only an hour before i was training up stairs with the Avengers. I guess i will see them tomorrow, because Mr Davis made me stay for the rest of the day. Great. I promised Mr Stark that i will come after i'm ready, but i guess i have to apologize tomorrow, on the press conference about Flash.
I go to my desk and when i see that Logan is not in his place i sigh. Yesterday he didn't felt good, so i guess now he is sick. I was done with my week work two days ago, so i'm back at the equation. I'm almost at the same place i left it the last week and i'm trying to solve it for the last two days. And i was suppose to solve it on the test? Yeah sure. I cant solve it for almost a full week of only doing that. I think i'm doing something wrong if i'm struggling that much.
Another two hours of brainstorming and almost nothing new. I decided to give myself a break. As usual now, when i want a break i go to the main cafeteria. That's what i did now.
After i take a piece of pizza i sat on my favorite table, next to the window.
Game of Phones
Sup guys
Oh hey kid
How is the internship going?
Today i wasnt suppose to be at work, but my boss call me to bring him coffee
And make me stay for the rest of the day, so now im chilling in the cafeteria
And please dont come
Why were you not suppose to be at work today?
To see my friends
Ms Nat
Your friends?
Yeah i had to cleared something out
Mr Clint
What kind of boss make their workers come to bring them coffee, when they said they will have day off?
Mr Sam
Yeah that sucks
Anyways what about you?
Ms Witch
Remember we told you about this one friend that we hate?
Ms Witch
We love him now
Thats nice
What happened
Mr Pietro
That will kinda give us away
Does that mean you are celebrities or something?
Ms Natasha
It will give us our names
Mr Bucky
Turns out some of us know something the others dont know about
What a conclusion.
Mr Grandpa
Ohh come on Buck
Dont tell me you are angry at us that we didnt tell you
Mr Bucky
Ms Nat
Ohh come on we tell everyone about that after a couple of days
I dont know what you are talking about, but if they eventually tell you about 'that' you cant be mad at them
Mr Sam
He is right
I still hate him
Everyone expect Mr Bruce, Mr Thunder and Peter
Jesus not that one
The other one
How many are 'they'
Ms Natasha
And everyone hate the other one
Where do you think the first one goes?
Mr Fast
Didnt he say he have work
Thats familiar
Its been like 3 hours
Ms Nat
You dont know what he work
You dont know what 'he' works?
No one knows
Its kinda complicated
Mr Grandpa
I dont think the baby understand what we are talking about so we can talk about something else
Yes thank you
Thats what i though
A/N-This is a smaller chapter than usual. Sorry, I want to do the next part in the next chapter.
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