Part 21
With Peter
oh mY THORR. Someone make them shut up please. Patrol is...practically torture. I hate this day. The only good thing about today is-
"SCARED TO SHOW YOURSELF WITHOUT THE MASK HUH?"I internally sigh and continue swinging. Its sunset, so Ms Natasha will be there right? Or is that a trap? Is she gonna make me take off my mask? No. She is Natasha Romanoff not May Parker.
I'm almost there and i started swinging more and more high. People down was still yelling, no matter where i go. Everyone was yelling and screaming at me for something I was actually the victim of. Only if they knew. I landed on a the top of the tower.
"Hello Flash"FRIDAY greeted me quietly. Her voice was not what i hear normal. The voice, full with love she used to talked to me was exchanged to a cold one.
"Hi FRIDAY. Do you by any chance know where Ms Romanoff is?"She paused for a moment like she was thinking.
"If you go to the other side of the roof you can see her in the garden"
"Garden?"I ask out laud.
"There is a roof-garden here Mr Thomson. Can i do anything else for you?"So that's why she likes to stay here.
"No thank you FRIDAY"
I started walking and I saw the said garden. When i get closer i looked around. There was flowers everywhere. Even threes and bushes. Its amazing. I spotted Ms Natasha sitting on a bench. I stepped closer and she immediately turn around, pulling out a gun and pointed it at me.
She was that fast that i get scared for a second time today. I jump up, trying to stuck on the ceiling. When i looked at the ceiling i realized we are on the top of the tower. That means no ceilings. I try to shoot a web, but again theRE IS STILL NO CEILING. I fell on my back and groaned.
Ms Natasha let out a laugh
"I forgot that there is no ceiling"She laughs again.
"Are you okay?"She tried to hide her laugh while saying this.
"Yeah yeah i'm okay, just not used ceilings"While i was saying this i stand up and move one flower from my shoulder.
"Sorry for that, just reflexes."I nod"Come here lets sit"I follow her and i sit on something like sofa, while she walk to a bar. A BAR. Really how rich these people are?
"What do you want? Tequila? Vodka? Whiskey?"Did she forgot that i tell them i'm not enough old to drink?
"Umm ma'am...i'm not enough old to drink"She smiles.
"I know i'm just testing you. You have passed. Anyways what do you want?"
"Umm"I don't know what to answer. I don't want to be a bother.
"Juice?"I guess i can drink juice.
"Yes please"When i said that she opened refrigerator, full with any kind of juices"Umm...With apples please"She take one with apples and one with cherries for her and sit against me.
"So how is life"She asked me, drinking from her bottle. I also take a sip, but i again forgot i was with the suit on. If it wasn't my Spidey sense, the juice will be all over my lap now.
"I really need to stop eating or drinking through this"I again take out my mask, but not fully. Her eyes immediately turned to my mouth."Anyways... life sucks"
"Can i ask why?"I looked her confused. Didn't she watch that video??
"Did you not watch that video?"Now she looked me confused.
"What video"I pull out my phone and search for the video where Flash beat me. Its not that hard to find it, because its all over the internet.
"How did you not see it? Its like all over the internet"I said and give her my phone.
"I don't know i didn't check my phone today"She started watching. Her expression changed every 5 second. From confused to more confused, then anger, then some sort of sad, then back at anger.
2 minutes later she handed me the phone . She looked very and i mean very angry.
"So that's why everyone was so pissed today. Let me guess. People still think you do this and are yelling at you right?"I again nodded, looking at the ground"And you take all his shit?"
"Well not all of it. In school the kids were also acting strange to him"I said and slap my mouth the second after i say this. Her expression change from angry
"So you are his classmate"
"Its ok i won't tell anyone"I nod thankfully"So if you are his classmate, do you know who the kid with the jeans is?"Ohh my. She i stalking about me. What am i suppose to say now?
"Umm...Yeah i know him"
"Can you tell me his name?"But why is she asking me about him? He is not the main participant? I mean im...Im not the main participant.
"Why are you asking?"
"To go give him a hug. Just curios"She smiled. I smiled too, but i know she cant see my smile, so i hurry to answer.
"Well you see..."I stopped. I want to give myself time to think. She already know that we are classmates. If i hack the school and make the security system stronger, not hackable, maybe i can tell her that's me, because i really need this hug. On the video can be seen only my legs.
"Spidey? If you don't want you don't have to tell me. I mean its personal question"She still have no idea that the real Spiderman is actually on the video.
"I have to tell you something"That grab her full attention"The r-real Spiderman... is actually on that video"She didn't think twice and pull out the gun, pointing it at me. I also stand up, confused.
"W-wait what?"
"You said Flash is the real Spiderman. Who are you"Ohh she got me wrong.
"Im Spiderman and Spiderman is in this video"
"NO"I confused her with this."I'm Spiderman, but Flash is not. Also Spiderman is in this video"She was still pointing the gun at me with angry eyes, but when i said this she started to think. Not a second later she throwed the gun.
"You are the..."
"Yes... i'm this boy who he beats up"Now she freeze. After around 5 seconds she started walking to me and then hugged me.
"I'm so sorry little spider, i stopped thinking. I though you are some sort of bad guy or something"She was still hugging me while rumble. She gives good hugs. Its nothing like May. Its good to have adult in your life, who don't want to hit you with something. Well before 20 seconds this adult was pointing a gun at me, but that's not the point.
"Its ok"She pulled out of the hug and we both sit down again.
"Why don't you fight back? I mean its not like you cant knock him out with your left hand"
"...Because...things"She nods.
"So at least the real Spiderman was in the video huh"I smiled and start drinking my juice again.
"Yeah. The irony. If i ever reveal myself i will tell the world about this"
"Hey do you want to go down and train?"My eyes lights up.
"Really? That will be so cool. I have never trained like that before."I start rumbling.
"Hold up. You never trained?"
"Yes, I learned the basics of fighting during a battle"She looked impressed. But really, it will be so cool to train in a training room.
"Impressing. FRIDAY who is in the training room?"She asks the AI.
"No one Scary Russian Lady"
"That's it. I'm gonna kill Stark"I try to not laugh."Lets go"
We stand up and walked to elevator. Ms Natasha asked FRIDAY to take us to the training room and after around half a minute the doors opened. This room is bigger than my whole apartment in Queens. Weapons such as pistols, swords, sticks and other similar weapons are hung on one of the walls. There was mattresses on one of the corners and corner with weightlifting devices plus other machines. There was 5 or 6 benches and the middle of the room was empty.
"That's amazing. And you train here everyday? That's bigger than my apartment"She smiled at my enthusiasm.
"Come on lets get started"
After we warm up a little we started training. She asked me how much i can lift and said i don't know, because i really don't know. After she heard this she dragged me to the weightlifters. Turns out i can lift more than Captain America. Ms Natasha wasn't that surprised.
After we figured it out how much i can lift we started fighting in hand to hand combat. She may have been in more battles than I was, but she didn't have the Spidey sense. This really helps me, but the fight doesn't seems to end soon, so i got an idea. I felt like someone is watching us, but i was too into the fight to care. I felt her leg coming, but i didn't do anything. I let her kick me. After she kick me right into the chest i fall on my back. It doesn't hurts that much, so it wont be a problem, but i grab my chest like it hurts. She immediately kneel next to me.
"Hey are you-"I don't let her finish, because i grab her legs and pulled her. Then i grab her hands so she cant move. She try to resist, but it was too late."Clever"She said and i smiled. I let her go.
"What. The. Fuck."I help her stand up and we both look at the way, the voice come.
"Hi Clint. Whats up"Ms Natasha start a conversation with him like nothing happened. Well that is kinda awkward.
"Whats up? Why are you training with...him "He looked at me a little disgusted. I looked down.
"Clint look-"She steps closer to him.
"Nat didn't you see that video? Do you know what he had done"She looked at him with eyes that screamed 'shut up now', but it seems that she struggled to find an excuse, because she stays quiet.
"Its my fault. I wanted to come and i did that"I was disgusted from what i was saying, but i know that's what Flash would say...expect the 'its my fault' thing.Ms Natasha also seems to understand what i was doing"i trained with her, because she was the only person here...Clint"I say 'Clint' with higher voice. I usually would say Mr Barton, but Flash will not.
"I see. Well you can leave now"He said with angry voice.
I nod and start walking to the window, but Ms Natasha stops me.
"Spidey stop"I stopped. She start walking to me"Look lets tell him. Maybe we can think how to embarrass Flash together. He is good at this things"I slowly nod.
"What is happening?"He yelled from across the room.
"Ok you have to know something, but if you tell anyone i'm going to break your hands"He nods"do you want me or you to tell him?"She turns to me and i gave her a sigh that i will do it.
"So...Ms Natasha figured something out the other day. The trued is actually that...i'm not Flash. He had never been Spiderman. He tells his parents that he is Spiderman as an excuse from being late and they made this whole meeting. I'm so sorry Mr Barton for calling you by your first name and from my behavior i was just trying to more like Flash"
I noticed how Mr Barton look at Ms Natasha, like asking her 'is that true?'. She only nods and he looked back at me.
"Kid i'm sorry. I didn't know all of this"
"Its ok i'm sorry too"
"Why don't you expose him?" I'm tired of this question, so i look at Ms Natasha.
"Lets go to the top of the tower and we are going to tell you everything"He nods and we all get in the elevator.
The elevator stops too early. I know what is happening so i jump on the ceiling soundlessly. The doors open and inside steps Mr Rogers.
"Oh Hey Nat hey Clint"He greeted them. They didn't see me jumping onto the ceiling so they tensed up when he started walking to the place i was just standing. They both looked confused when they see no one. Ms Natasha probably remembered that i can stick on walls, but Mr Barton start looking around, until Ms Natasha shrugged him. He stops.
"Where are you guys going?"Mr Rogers asked them, smiling.
"The roof"They said at the same time.
"Cool. I'm going to train"They nodded.
"New shoes?"Ms Natasha pointed at his shoes, trying to get his attention on a place other than the ceiling. He looked at his shoes and then at Natasha.
"No. That's the shoes you bought me, remember?"I just can feel how she mentally slapped herself.
"Ohh yeah"She and Clint exchanged looks.
"You two are acting weird"
"No we are not"She said
At this moment the elevator dings and open to reveal the roof. No one moves. I didn't think about this moment. Ms Natasha looked at the floor and Br Barton at the wall next to him, while bouncing from his heels to his toes. Mr Rogers look at them confused.
"Umm guys, its your stop"They both exchanged looks and very slowly leave the elevator. When they leave they turned around. Ms Natasha looked at Mr Rogers, but Mr Barton looked at me. Of course my Parker luck strike again. Mr Rogers followed the way Mr Barton was looking and spotted me. Shit.
Before they can say anything the doors closed. I heard their yelling, but we already started to going down.
"What the heck"He yelled. I jumped next to him to talk normally.
When i jumped down he try to push me into the wall behind me, but i sense it, so i dodge it.
"Mr Rogers-"Now i was standing behind him. He turn around and try to catch me again"-Listen-" He didn't listen. It was not that small elevator, but still. He finally manege to grab my hand, then my other hand.
"I don't like bullies" 'me neither' I though. I kick him with my legs and he let me go.
"Please listen"He again didn't listen and start walking to me. He throw a punch, trying...i don't know, knock me out? I dodge. He throws another and i dodge it again.
Meanwhile on the rooftop
Silence. Both of them standing in front of the elevator, waiting. No one said anything for a straight minute.
"You are very stupid"Natasha said, still looking at the elevator.
"In my defense i couldn't hold back anymore"
Back to Peter
He is still trying to catch me.
"Mr Rogers-"I was still trying to talk to him. Maybe he was angry at Flash from the day, where he jumped out of the window, then even more angry about the video this morning"Please-"
He goes for my legs, but i just jumped on the ceiling. He also jumped then he grabbed me and pulled me to the ground. That hurts. He grab both of my hands and stopped my legs from moving.
"What are you doing here?" I give up on trying to talk to him. I free my legs and like the last time i kick him. He turn his attention on grabbing my legs and that's when i free my hands and pushed him to the wall behind him and webbed him.
The elevator opened just in time to reveal how i webbed him.
"OH MY GOSH"Ms Natasha yelled.
"CATCH HIM"Mr Rogers yelled after her.
"STEVE HE IS WITH US"Now it was Mr Barton time to say something.
"EVERYONE CALM DOWN"Steve stopped yelling at them to catch me, Clint stopped shouting that i am with them"Steve, you are coming with us. Do not try to catch him when he let you go alright?"After around 5 seconds he finally nodded."Good. We will explain everything. Now Spidey can you get him out from your webs?"
"Yes of course"Then i do it. I always have a little spray in my suit for removing webs.
He quickly stands up. I try to help him, but he refused and just stare at me. We enter the roof and go to the place me and Ms Natasha sat 1 hour ago. I sat next to Ms Natasha, while Mr Barton and Mr Rogers sat against us. We sat in silence for about a minute, before Mr Rogers speaks.
"Can someone explain already?"
"Alright...Lets start from here...Flash is not Spiderman"Ms Natasha started.
"WHAT"He shouted.
"JUST LISTEN"He nodded"How i was saying, Flash is not Spiderman. That was an excuse for him, being late at night. His parents decided to tell the world and now everyone is thinking he is Spiderman. When we first met him it was the real Spiderman, then it was Flash. I think you can guess that this person here didn't do anything bad especially in that video. Even the opposi-" She stops herself and looked at me. No one speaks for a long time. We just sat there, Mr Rogers and Mr Barton taking all that information.
"I'm sorry kid."I looked at Mr Rogers confused.
"For what?"
"For the fight"He tells me, but he didn't looked me in the eyes.
"Its ok sir. I'm also sorry"
"For what"The two mans asked at the same time.
"For scaring you both"
"I have a few questions"Mr Rogers looked at me and Ms Natasha"How did you find out? Why didn't you expose him? Why did you stopped talking in the middle of the sentences for that video? How Clint finds out?"
"Lool slow down."She cut him off.
After that Mr Rogers and Mr Barton start asking their questions and me and Ms Natasha answer them, until...
"Why did you stopped talking in the middle of the sentences for that video?"We exchanged looks. I don't know if i want to tell them. She was trying to see if is it ok to tell them. I was thinking.
"Well... you see..."I started
"If you don't want to tell them then its ok"She grabbed my shoulder. I don't know what to do.
"I-I. Its nothing"They nodded.
"So... How we are going to expose Flash?"Mr Barton asked.
"Mr Barton you-"
"You don't need to call me Mr Barton. Just call me Clint"
"Yeah and for me, Steve its good"Ms Natasha smiled.
"Alright Mr Clint and Mr Steve" Ms Natasha smiled even more.
"No, without the 'Mr' thing"Mr Clint said.
"You want me to call you only 'Barton'-"
"No I-"
"I though its rude to call you that, but if you want-"
"No just Clint"Mr Steve nodded.
"No"Ms Natasha and Mr Steve were laughing now.
"Mr Clint sir?"
"No, just Clint"
"Mr Clint you are asking for too much" After i said this Mr Clint also burst out laughing. Soon i joined them.
"I tried t-to tell him, to...c-call me Nat"She laughed even more, while saying this.
I don't even know how much time we spend there, laughing at Mr Clint's stupid jokes, telling stories, laughing more and even eating at one moment. But nothing good is forever. I had to leave, because of May. It was night, so not many people saw me. Not yelling, not honks after me.
I finally get to my bed and fall asleep with only the smell of the pillow.
A/N-So it was around 3100 word when i made some sort of combination on my keyboard and delete all that part. I was done with life when i remembered that i can get it back. I almost fainted.
BTW this part is 3322 words. Long i know
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