Part 18
With Peter
I'm still in the lab. I'm also stuck on the equation now. I try several times to think of a solution, but i just can't. When I went back a little to my progress, I noticed that I had made a mistake. I quickly change the numbers and start doing it from there. This time everything was fine. Another hour passed and I moved a little with the equation, because I found the mistake I was looking for. I again noticed Mr Stark, but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at a boy, around my age.
With Tony
I'm again in front of the lab the kid is supposed to work in. One of the boys grabbed my eyes. He is working on what seems to be a robot. I don't know how he is going to do it by the end of this day. The other boy I watched the other day was done with his work already. This kid really reminds me of him.
I turn to him and see, he is helping his friend with something. I decided to go meet them. I enter and people look at me. I give them a look and they turn back to their work. Only the kid and his friend haven't noticed me yet. I guess i'm gonna surprise them.
"Hello kids. Whatcha doing?"I start a conversation.
They both looked up and almost fell off of their chairs. I smile.
"Mr Stark. Hi"I think i met him on their first day.
"Hi. Logan right? And you have to be Peter"They nod."What are you both working on?"
"He is helping me with this. I don't think I will be able to give it by the end of this day."I looked at his robot. It's normal for the interns here, but nothing interesting about me.
"And you kid?"I looked at Peter.
"O-oh nothing sir. Nothing important"
With Peter
I don't want him to see how I struggle with elementary equations. He just nodded. Thank god he didn't say anything else.
Soon I had to leave, because my work day was over. I see how Mr Stark goes to the other interns, probably to help them, or at least meet them.
When I got home I didn't see May around, so I went to my room and pulled out my suit.
While I was patrolling I saw Flash and his goons. I quickly hide and watch how a little girl stops him.
"Mr Spiderman sir, I want to thank you for saving my life in this fire. I also want to give you this"She puts in his hands a drawing. I can barely see what is on the drawing, but it's cute how people draw things about me.
Flash moved a little and now I see the paper perfectly. It's how I swing around the city. I have to say that the picture is really good for a girl around 6. Her mother was right behind her, waiting for her.
"O-oh thank you"He said with a cracked voice. Maybe the talk with me scared him? I don't know, but i felt bad for this girl. The girl went to hug her mother's legs.
"Hunny, can you go to dada over there?"She nods and runs to her dad. The women now turn to Flash.
"Thank you so much Spiderman for saving her life. She is everything to me and i don't know what i was going to do without her."She said while shaking 'spiderman's hand.
"No problem ma'am. I'm here to help"She nods respectfully and goes back to her family. The boys watched the car until it was out of sight. After a pause Flash talked.
"You know what? I'm going home now"They try to stop him, but of course he had the solution. "I'm going on patrol boys"a group 'owwww' can be heard.
A mischievous idea came to my mind.
"Karen started recording this" I heard a beep and waited for Flash to come to the empty alley I was hiding, to 'change'. He finally comes and immediately starts looking to the boys from the corner, to make sure they aren't here anymore.
He was right below me, not noticing me of course. I again lower my head and look upside down to the boys, right on top of his head.
"I think they are gone"I whisper. I again scare the shit out of him.
He finally noticed me. He jumped and went right on the center of the street. He quickly came back.
"I'm sorry for scaring you, but is just too funny." I jumped down and he stepped back."I think i made myself clear when i say i'm not gonna hurt you"
"Hi S-Spiderman"
"Hi S-Spiderman" I say back, trying to copy his tone.
"No...I'm not Spiderman, you are."
"Umm...Mr Spiderman? What are you doing here?"I smirked and knew he wouldn't see that.
"I told you I'm gonna keep an eye on you, didn't I?"I say "Plus I was patrolling and saw you. Didn't want to reveal you so i hide here."He nods"But i'm keeping my words about watching you"He again nods. After a pause he started speaking again.
"Sir...I think this belongs to you"He handed me the drawing, which was still in his hands. I take it and smile.
"Karen took a picture and sent it to N-...the guy in the chair and scary beautiful girl."
"Of course sir. Do you want to send it into your group chat?"
"Yes please"Flash looked confused.
"Who was that?"He asked, VERY confused. He even looks around to make sure we are alone.
"No one. Anyways I gotta go."I waved and started swinging around again.
While I was swinging I thought about this girl. I remember her.
"Someone inside?"I ask one policeman. He looked surprised to see me, but got over it pretty quickly.
"Just one girl on the top of the building, but the building is going to collapse soon so-"I didn't listen anymore. I start running to the building. I heard people yell at me to stop, but I ignored them.
I shot a web and got inside from one of the windows at the top of the burning tower.
"Karen, where is she?"I yelled at my AI.
"Get out of this apartment and kick the door to the apartment in front of this. Then go to the first right room you see."She answered.
I start to run to the said apartment. When I kicked the door I yelled.
"HELLO...I'M HERE TO HELP"I opened the door and spotted the girl. I quickly ran to her and I was about to grab her, but she moved."Hey it's okay, it's okay. Let me help you and you can see your mommy ok? I will get you out of here alright?"She nods, hugging her teddy bear.
I grab her and tell her to hold on tight. She did what I told her to do and I jumped out of one open window. She screamed, but I got her to the ground fast.
When we get to a safe place I see a group of people running to us. I was with her when they checked her for any injuries. She was scared and wanted her mom. As I was about to go find her, she came, crying. She hugged her tightly.
After around 5 minutes she finally pulled out and turned to me, still crying.
"Thank you so much Spiderman, thank you, thank you, thank you"She started and didn't seem to stop soon, so I stopped her.
"No problem ma'am, that's my work. I gotta go, stay safe"Then I turned to the little girl.
"Bye little miss, stay safe"She giggled and waved at me, as I started swinging. I wave back.
End of flashback
I land on my favorite rooftop and stare at the city. I think about today. It was one of the rare good days I have in my life. I decided to see if Ned and MJ answered.
Spidey squat
Queen MJ
How did you get this?
Guy In The Chair
Owww thats so cute
I have to show you something
"Karen send them the video from today"
"Sure thing Peter"
I waited around 10 minutes for them to watch the video. While i'm waiting for them i decided to play it too. I was laughing so hard.
Queen MJ
Guy In The Chair
This goes for a while. We were chatting, when i tell them that i heard a scream. I close my phone and start helping people.
(Time skip to Saturday)
I was listening to AC DC in my room, when Karen started speaking.
"Peter, I just want to inform you that the Avengers are spotted with Flash" I stood up, thinking what to do.
"What should i do?"I ask myself out loud.
"I recommend you to follow them. He will probably reveal himself and i think you want to see this"
I decided to listen to her. I get into my suit and tell Karen to hack into FRIDAY.
"Make her not notice me, wherever i go or something"She starts doing it and after about 15 minutes she is ready.
While she was hacking into FRIDAY, I found them. They were just giving him the pass, when I came. I was too far to be noticed, but I can use my super hearing to hear what they are talking.
"Here"Mr Stark said, while give the pass to Flash. It was only him and Mr Rogers. The others probably are waiting at the tower."Let's go shall we"And here comes the interest part. He stood there without moving. Mr Stark grab Mr Rogers and was about to fly up, but stops, when he saw Flash didn't move. "Come on"
"... I-I didn't have my suit now"Really? What a lame excuse.
"Everyone knows who you are. You can just swing with your...things"He said. I want to burst out laughing, but i don't...for now.
"I don't have them with me"
"What do you mean you don't have them with you? You have to be always prepared"Mr Rogers looked confused.
Mr Stark sighs and grabs him too. The funny thing is that when they flew up, he started screaming. I try to follow them, without being noticed. He didn't stop screaming so Mr Stark landed on a building.
"Kid what the hell?"
"I thought you do it all the time?"Mr Rogers looked at him even more confused.
"I'm just...not someone...caring me"He tried to catch his breath. I let out a laugh.
"Kid you fight bad guys and swing around all the time."He nods and gets ready.
While they fly to the Tower I try to stay in the shadows. They finally land in front of the big building and get inside.
"Karen, you ready?"
"Yes Peter. You can get inside by the vents, but you have to be fast." Thank god it wasn't rush hour. I did what Karen told me to do.
"Ok i'm inside. What now?"
"You are on floor 48. You have to go up to floor 96. You can use the emergency stairs, I will tell you if someone is coming.
I had to hide several times, but I got to the floor successfully.
"Karen...Where are...they"I try to catch my breath. It's not like I climbed/ran 48 floors.
"Mr Stark, Mr Rogers and Flash are on the main cafeteria"
"They are currently eating"
"Ok" I say while trying to find a good place to hide. I found a proper place, where I can see almost everything in the living room and wait for them to come. The other part of the team was in this room, also waiting. Or the room I was in, when they invited me to come. No one heard me. I guess this is good.
After around 20 minutes of waiting they finally come. Flash had a little powder around his mouth. I guess he ate donuts or something. Mr Stark and Mr Rogers looked a little pissed.
"Hi guys,"Mr Rogers said and sat on the couch. Tony sits on the other side of the couch, probably not wanting to be near Flash. They cheered and stood up to go to him. He liked the attention. He always liked the attention. Something I don't like, which was the first sign that he isn't actually Spiderman.
"Good to see you again."Mr Maximoff said.
"Hello QuickSilver"Flash obviously didn't use mr/ms with them, which is weird, because he does it with me.
"So you finally show yourself huh?''Ms Romanoff smiled at him. He returns the smile, but it's just so... arrogance. Ms Romanoff's smile dropped.
"Hi kid. You remember me right?"Bruce Banner. I want to fanboy again, but I know this will give me away.
"I-...You are the Hulk right?"Mr Banner's smile also dropped, but Ms Romanoff's head immediately looked at him. Her eyes were full of suspicious.
"...Yeah...Yeah I'm the Hulk"He nodded. I can see how he turns around, super confused. After a pause, where Flash was walking and looking around Mrs Potts-Stark spoke.
"...So...Do you want to watch a movie, or just talk?"
"Let's talk"He said and sat on the couch, like he was in his home. Ugh. The team looked confused because when I came to the tower, I tried to take up as little space as possible. Mr Stark and Mr Rogers looked annoyed for some reason.
"I was telling my life story to Tony and Steve when we ate downstairs"Ohh so that' s why they that. Flash probably didn't stop talking about how rich or 'good student' he is. But I don't blame them, I will be annoyed too.
With that he start telling it to Mr Thor and Mr Barton. The others were also listening, but fast they got bored and start talking quietly то each other. If it wasn't my super hearing I wouldn't be able to hear Mr Stark's and Ms Romanoff's conversation.
"Something's weird with him"She said.
"I don't like him"I don't think Mr Stark heard what she said, because he was too busy glaring at Flash with something very close to rage.
"You know he can hear us right? Super hearing remember?"He looked at her."Yeah he said it in the elevator"He seems to remember."Look...Spidey...Spidey...Hey Spiderman"She whispered. No answer. Not even a look or a sign he heard her. I of course heard her, but obviously didn't do anything.
They were staring at him in disbelief. I can say what they were thinking 'what the fuck'. At this moment I just want to show up and crash the party, but I decided not to. There will be a lot of questions.
Probably Mr Rogers had enough, because he cut him off
"Hey can i have my revenge?"He asked
"W-what revenge?"
"You know how you won a fight against me the last week?"Oh no
"I did?"Everyone looked at him weirdly"Yes of course i did"Flash looked surprised. I mean I didn't think I would win too...
"...Yeah...So i want my revenge. Get up"Uh oh...No no no no no. He is going to break his bones. I cant allow this, but what am i supposed to do?
Flash's smile dropped. He fucked up. Or am I fucked up? I'm not sure. But he wasn't going to be in this situation if it wasn't me. Yeah I definitely fucked up.
"I-I don't think this is a good idea"He said
"What do you mean? You beat him up once. I think there is no problem for you to do it again" Ms Romanoff said with a voice full of suspicion.
"I just don't feel like-"They all cut him off. The team was shouting things like 'come on' 'you can do it' 'just go beat his ass'.
"Are you scared?"Of course Ms Romanoff knows how to provoke him.
He seems to hear what Ms Romanoff said, because he stands up, ready to fight. I can just see how he is scared as fuck, but try to keep his cool. The others cheered for him anyways.
Now he was right in front of Mr Rogers, not really ready for what is going to come.
"You ready?"I heard how Mr Rogers whisper to him
A/N- This chapter has become very long ... again. Anyways. What do you prefer: a chapter of 2500/3000 words or a chapter of 1500/2000 words? Because this is a chapter with 2750 words and I don't know if it's a good idea to divide it into 2 chapters.
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