Part 14
With Peter
I'm half done with all the paperwork. Most of it was just annoying equations. I saw the clock and I realized i have 2 more hours before my work day is over, so i decided to go to the main cafeteria for a snack.
Now that I have more money from the internship I can eat here. I chose a burger and finch fries. I also made myself a coffee from the coffee machine and sat on an empty table. As i was sitting alone i decided to chat with my 'family'.
The Ghetto
Hey, don't you have to work?
Don't you have to work too?
But you have to
Relax im taking a break
Ms Nat
Advice: dont use your phone in the labs
I once watched someone being fired bc of this
Im not in the labs rn
Im eating in the main cafeteria
The burgers here are delicious
Maybe the onion make this aftertaste
The aftertaste its awesome btw
Dont you think?
Well i guess you are busy with...
Whatever you are doing so bye?
Im going back to the labs
Gosh sorry for spamming
With The Avengers
"FOR THE LAST TIME ME AND WANDA ARE GOING"Natasha yelled louder than everyone, making them all shut up.
The moment they read he is in the main cafeteria all of them start arguing who is going to go there. Rarely does everyone go there to eat and it's going to be suspicious if all of them go. Of course, Nat being Nat automatically said she is going.She wants Wanda with her so she is also coming, but everyone it's still arguing, until she shouts.
"Now that everyone is quiet I can tell what it's going to happen. Wanda and I go downstairs, and if anyone is against this decision, they should talk to me."No one speaks"Good. Come on Wanda we have a child to meet. And Clint if you dare...Hold up...WHERE DOES CLINT GO?" Everyone immediately get up, but Nat gave them a glare and they all sit back up.
The duo start walking to the elevator
"The main cafeteria FRIDAY"Wanda says with anger.
"Im gonna kill him for this. How didn't i see him, or think he is going to do something like that?"Natasha (A/N- Btw i love this name) was now bouncing with anger, but also with excitement. She is going to meet the person that makes her smile more. Wanda was also angry, but exited too about the meeting.
The elevator dings and the doors open to reveal not that full cafeteria. They spotted Clint, trying to casually look around for the kid.
"CLINTON FRANCIS BARTON WHAT THE HELL DID I TELL YOU"Natasha yelled. Everyone turns their heads to see who is yelling, but quickly turns their attention back to the food, once they see who is yelling. They were used to seeing Natasha yelling at Clint for something, the Avengers having prank wars and just goofing around...or yelling in this situation.
"O-oh h-h-hey Nat''She grabbed him by his ear and let Wand use her magic to drop him in the elevator. "FRIDAY sends him to floor 97 and if he dare move from this floor say to him that i'm gonna make Tony ban him from the vents for 2 mounts."
"Alright Scary Russian Lady"She sighs at the name Tony program FRIDAY to call her.
They go to the place you get the food and casually look around for a 15 yo kid.
"I don't see him. Do you?"Wanda whisper to Nat
"No. Maybe he is in the other part of the cafeteria?"She answered. They start walking slow, to have more time to study the cafeteria. "Oh maybe this kid over there?"
"No, I don't think so. He looks around 20, maybe older"
They didn't find him and in the end they just sat on a random table. Natasha pulls out her phone and opens the chat, not sure what she is going to type.
The Ghetto
The burgers here are delicious
Maybe the onion make this aftertaste
The aftertaste its awesome btw
Dont you think?
Well i guess you are busy with
Whatever you are doing so bye?
Im going back to the labs
Gosh sorry for spamming
"Shit"She cursed. "He left the cafeteria like 10 minutes before we even come here."She looks disappointed. So was Wanda.
Ms Nat
Why that early?
With Peter
I was working on the robot when my phone buzz. I think about what ms Nat said, but take my phone anyways.
Cuz i was done eating
Ms Witch
So you didnt see him huh?
Ms Nat
You come to the cafeteria aren't you?
Ms Nat
Im sure we are going to meet one day but now im in the lab and i dont want to get fired too so bye
Ms Witch
I put my phone back in my pocket and started working on the robot, because paper work is boring.Even if it wasn't half done, you can say what it is. I decided that the robot will be for helping people in the labs. I will make him be able to hold stuff, recognize voices so he can help more. AI? Nah maybe no. It's too much work for a week. But i mean...maybe not that smart AI? Nah.
"SHIT"I heard this after a loud BUM next to me. I looked to my left and saw one of the interns, looking at his project. His face and hands were black because of the explosion. I look at the project- a robot.
I studied his project from afar for a while, before spotting what he did wrong in his notes.
"You know if you exchange these 2 wires, as well as change the material with a little more durable it may not explode"I say and smile at him. He looked at his project then back at me in disbelief.
"Dude. I've been struggling with this thing since I came here yesterday and you find the mistake that fast? You are genius. Thank you so so so much" He said in a friendly tone
"You are welcome. Also im Peter, it's nice to meet you"
"Logan. It's nice to meet you too"He is taller than me and obviously older. He has a bright smile and red hair."What are you working on? You are one of the new interns here right?"
"Yes I am. I'm working on a robot that can help people around the lab. Like hold stuff" He seems amazed.
"Lol thats crazy... Im working on a normal robot"Crazy huh? I wonder what his reaction will be if he knows about the suit.
"Thats also cool. Don't like paperwork huh?"
"I hate it. It's just boring. I prefer making robots and stuff"I nod at him in understatement as he starts doing his robot again, but the way i tell him.
We keep working without much talking, because we need to stay concentrated. Im almost done with it but...
"PARKER"The fuck did i do?"What is that?"He look at my robot.
"M-My robot sir. In the folder you gave me, you said-"
"I know what I wrote you to do, but you can't steal robots from others. This is against the law and you will be fired for it"He looks furious. Wait what? I stole what? I didn't do anything.
"But i-"
"I don't want to hear your useless excuses"He was about to walk away when Logan stop him
"Sir Peter didn't steal it. He made it and I can confirm it" He also looked angry.
"Ohh please. Like a kid can make something even close to this" Mr Davis look at Logan with weird eyes.
"I was here the whole time he made it. He even helped me with my robot."Mr Davis obviously didn't believe him and started walking away, but Logan stopped him again."Sir if you don't believe me you can ask FRIDAY"
"Mr Nelson, I must inform you that this is a high-tech system used only for important things, not for some stupid boy thief." Now he was even more furious than before, but kept his cool.
"Mr Davis this is not a problem for me. I can assure you that Mr Parker did his project all by himself"She speaks
Mr Davis was dumbfounded. He looks as if he has seen all his work burn. He knew FRIDAY can't be wrong, but instead of apologizing he only looked at me with even more anger and walked away, losing his cool.
We exchange looks and try (failing) not to laugh. We giggled for a good 5 minutes.
"Ohhh did you see his face?" I start laughing again at what he said. "Hey FRIDAY thank you btw"
"No problem Mr Nelson"
We finally stop laughing.
"Thank you btw. You safe my life"I thanked him
"Hey no problem" And then we started working again.
(time skip)
Rooftops. One amazing place if you want a good view of the city. It's also an amazing place to do your homework, a place you can just sit and stare at...whatever's in front of you, for hours.
The Ghetto
Mr Bucky
Am i the only one who thinks the group need a better name?
What is wrong with this one?
Mr Grandpa
I mean
The ghetto?
Cuz Im In tHe GheTto
The child and his 11 concerned parents
Ms Nat
Mr Thunder
Im so done with this family
No Mr Rich Bitch you love me
Ms Wanda
How was your day little Spider?
Lets see
I meet a new friend
Mr Bruce
This is good ig
I almost died from choking on the burger
Almost got fired for a thing i didnt do
Oh and i also cut myself on one of the papers
Mr Bruce
Ms Nat
Well i choked on the burger
And my supervisor decided that i stole my project
And i was doing paperwork-
Ms Nat
Pls tell me who is your supervisor
That way you will find out who i am
Come onn
We will find out eventually
How was your day?
Ms Nat
I almost kill Bow
Mr Bow
I almost got killed
I do something wrong and my project exploded...again
Mr Grandpa
I got pranked
Mr Thunder
I try a new earth food
Mr Bruce
I almost got angry
Mr Bucky
I pranked Grandpa
Mr Sam
I fall from the building
Ms Witch
I catch him before he hit the ground
Mr Fast
I run 20 miles
Mrs Boss Lady
And i am done with all that shit
what. the. actual. fuck
Mr Grandpa
Ms Nat
Yeah yeah we are all good
You win
Anyway do you want to see some meems?
I didn't stop anytime soon. I stop only for a minute or two because I hear a scream, but keep sending them more and more.
After a while we say our goodbyes and I swing home.
I wonder if The Avengers remember me. Mr Stark gave me a pass, but I didn't have time to get it. Do they really think i can be un Avenger? I don't even know if i'm gonna see them again. I guess i will find out.
I'm home now and May's not here, so I can do something. HOMEWORK. Yes of course. I took out my textbooks and started studying before homework.
With Tony
"I want to know who he is"I say to Pepper
"I know, but he is smarter than you, if he hides information about himself that well. I think he just need time"
"Do you think we should tell him who we are?"I ask her. I want to tell him, but i don't know what his reaction will be. I'm scared he is going to freak out and block us.
"No...yet."She simply answered,"Look, I want to meet him too. I want to tell him who we are, but this is dangerous. What if he is actually a spy or something."
I only sigh. Tomorrow is a day too. Now i will sleep.
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