Part 13
With Tony
So he has been in the tower before huh? It's weird why he didn't tell me the reason he was here.
It's finally the time to go down. I went through the living room and everyone looked at me. After i tell them where i was about to go-
"Tony please please please"
"Clint for the last time-no"
"But i want to meet him too. It's not fair that you will meet him and we won't."I swear he is like a giant baby. They want to come with me today in the intern labs.
"Life isn't fair Katniss. It would be suspicious for all Avengers to go to meet the new interns. Plus i want to be the one who will meet him first."
"Selfish"He murmured but all of us heard him. "At least vents?"
"Clint no, you always fall from the vents" He groaned loudly.
"Tony, can i come? I'm the CEO of the company and it was supposed to be me who greeted them." I look at Pepper and sigh. I can't find a reason why she can't come.
"Ugh fine. But don't get used to it. And for the others- he will intern here every day except weekends, so you will meet him eventually."They brighten up at this.
Thor is in Asgard, Steve, Sam and Bucky are on a mission. That means less people who want to meet him on his first day.
Me and Pepper take the elevator and when the doors open everyone gasps, looking at us. I mean we are pretty handsome, especially me, but come on. I give them my paparazzi smile . The head of this lab (I think) walked to us.
"Hello M-mr Stark and Mrs Potts-Stark. How can i help you?" He have this strange energy. I don't like him. It's just his fake smile, or his arrogance I don't know, but I don't like him. I drop my smile.
"We are here to greet the new interns."He nodded a little confused and started to guide us to the small group of around 9 teenagers. Normally i won't be that excited about meeting random kids, but i know that one of them is my-THE kid. I start looking for him. I heard the elevator dings.
With Peter
I stepped out and look around. It wasn't that fancy as the Avengers's private floor, but is it still awesome. Plus this is lab. I never have the opportunity to work in something like that. I know I can't work on my Spiderman suit here because it's too risky, but the things the other interns are making are almost as awesome as the suit. I noticed that it's not that noisy. It's actually really quiet except for the whispers, which I ignored.
"You can continue with the work you have"Someone yelled. I look at the way the voice comes from. I see a group of people around my age. I start walking to them, thinking that these people are the other new interns.
"Are you Peter Parker?"One of the interns stopped me. He looks more he is the boss here and everyone has to listen to him, even if they don't want to. He was with black hair and dark green eyes, who showed professionalism and confidence. The way he said these words was...bored and little mean.
"Y-yes I am"I said and smiled at him. He didn't return my smile and started walking away with a quick 'follow me'.
We went to the same group I was about to go to. Then i see the reason why everyone was so...weird. TONY STARK AND PЕPPАR POTTS-STARK. They are shaking hands with one of the new interns. I was dumbfounded. I mean i meet them yesterday, but this is different. Now I'm not Spiderman. Yesterday I was shocked to meet them. It's weird now and i really don't know what to do. As i was looking at him i think about last night. This was my best night ever. I think he notice my staring because he start walking to me. Did i embarrassed myself. Definitely.
With Tony
Everyone was still staring at me as if I'm made of gold. Not that i'm not, but it is getting annoying.
"You can continue with the work you have"I said with a fake smile. I started meeting with them. Pepper was called for an emergency meeting after a little, so now was only me. I start meeting them
"Hello. Who are you?"I asked the red haired boy. He is a little taller than me and i'm already thinking that this isn't him.
"Hi Sir. I'm Logan Nelson, it's a pleasure to meet you."He smiles at me and I smile back, while shaking hands.
"Hi Logan how old are you?"
"I'm 19 sir"I nod with a disappointed face. I turn around to meet the others
One or two of them really seemed like the kid. I don't really pay attention to who comes out of the elevator, because it's happening all the time.
After more and more kids I can't really choose one, but suspect one or two. The group is starting to get bigger. I noticed that one of them is staring at me in weird way. I start walking to him.
"Hi kid" He looked surprised and like any other kid here-notbeliveingthatimstandinginfrontofhim. I can say that I interrupted his thoughts.
"Umm H-hi Mr S-stark" I shake his hand
"So what's your name? And also how old are you?"I ask him. For now I have around five 15yo kids.
"I'm P-Peter Parker and I'm 15"Мy heart skipped a beat when I heard he is 15.
"You are one of the new here right?"He nodded.
At this moment the head of this department starts talking and shuts everyone up.
"Hi everyone. Congrats on the new internship. I believe the receptionist told you to find your supervisor right?''They nod"Find them and they will tell you what you are going to do. Oh and im the supervisor of Peter Parker so come here"Wait what? That's all? The kid next to me started walking to him.
With Peter
I'm still a little shaken because of my meeting with Tony Stark, but I started walking to him.
"Hi sir. Im P-peter Parker."
"Straight to the point. Every week I'm gonna give you the work you have to do. Also if you don't do it by the end of the week you are fired. You are only entitled to 3 delays before you are fired"He said in really boring tone, like he wish to be everywhere else but here."Now come to give you your work for this week"
He starts walking away and I follow him like a lost puppy. We went to his desk and he gave me a big folder. It's like 15 centimetres. How am I supposed to do this in not a full week? Plus my work time is from 4 to 9. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.
"See that desk there?''He pointed at one desk at the end of the lab. Close to the desk was this big glass for a wall.This is where you are going to work. When you are done come to me. Now leave"I leave him and go to my desk. That's AMAZING. I can't wait to tell Ned all about it. I drop the folder on the desk and start to open it up. I don't think Mr Davis likes me. Great first impression Peter. Gust...great.
The glass was very close to me. There are 2 big worktables between me and the glass-wall. You can clearly see what it's inside the lab, thanks to this glass.
Sometimes I hear explosions here and there, but I get used to it quickly. One of the girls started crying for some reason. I try to go help her, but one of the boys takes her out of the room. Mr Davis was keeping everything as quiet and professional as he could. I heard with my super hearing one or two cursing for him, but I ignored them.
The room is really big. That means Mr Davis can't do his job and keep everyone confident. On my right was a red haired boy and on the right- the 2 long work tables and the glass-wall.
By the end of my work day I had done a pretty good job. I zoomed out working, so i didn't meet anyone, or talk to anyone except the receptionist, Mr Davis and MR STARK. Most of the work was just paperwork, but I also had to make a small robot as a startup project and one or two equations.
I left the tower and I was about to go home when I heard a scream. I guess little spider manning will not hurt anyone. Expect me after I go home late...again.
"NEVER. BE. LATE. AGAIN.''She yelled at me and went to her room. I'm used to it by now, but it still sucks.
I got up and walked to my room.
The Ghetto
Ms Nat
Mr Bow
Mr Fast
With The Avengers
"WHO IS HE"Everyone yelled at the same time. Well everyone that was there.
Tony starts thinking. He shakes everyone's hand right? Well that was not helping.
"Tony, who is he?"Wanda asked with sparkled eyes.
"I don't know. I shook everyone's hand"They all have disappointed faces. Everyone lay back to the couch again.
Umm guys
Are you there?
Ms Witch
Yes we are
But can you tell us more
Yes but with more details
He comes to me and say 'hi kid' and then ask for my name and age
"Do you know who he is now?"Natasha ask him. He shook his head
"Jesus Tony, did you do the same thing with every kid?"He slowly nod"Oh my gosh"
Its cool yeah but what are you gonna do?
Well my supervisor give me 15 centimetres folder with paperwork and list of things i have to do
Ms Nat
That sucks
Mr Bruce
Yeah paper work sucks
Mrs Boss Lady
I do more paper work than all of you
I mean she is not wrong
Hey why didnt you help her
Oh shut up
Mrs Boss Lady
No no thats actually really good question
Why didnt you?
Uhh i
Love you honey
Kid fuck you
Something is missing
Mr Bruce
Like what
Where is Grandpa
He didnt language him
Mr Bow
He, Sam and Bucky are on a businesses trip
When they are coming back?
Ms Nat
Well the businesses trip is not that long to be done so sometimes around this night?
But i dont think they will answer their phones.
Mr Sam
Mr Grandpa
Oh there he is
Mr Bucky
The trip is over
We are driving back now
Ms Nat
Who the hell is driving?
Mr Bucky
Ms Nat
And he is driving and texting?
Someone take his phone
Mr Grandpa
Relax Nat the car is on autopilot
Im here just if something happen
Ms Nat
Wait your car have autopilot?
What car are you driving
Mr Sam
Its business car
Yeah but what car?
Mr Grandpa
I dont know
I really dont
Mr Bucky
Me neither
Mr Sam
I didnt see the car
I just get in
How are you driving a car and dont even know what car you are driving?
Yeah i told you he is old
Mr Sam
Hahah Bucky dont know too
Mr Bucky
Hey remember im sitting behind you
Mr Sam
And what are you gonna do?
Mr Bucky
Sam dont. try. me
Mr Sam
Im gonna be right back
(1 min later)
Mr Grandpa
10 dollars for Bucky
Ms Nat
Im for Bucky too
Mr Fast
What about Mr Sam?
Well no one is for him
Mr Sam
i newd nel frnds
Im for you Mr Sam :)
Mr Granpa
Mr Bow
Ohh Who win
Mr Sam
Me ofc
Mr Bucky
Mr Sam
Omg kid thank you
Mr Bucky
He is smiling
Mr Sam
Im not
Gosh why everyone like you
Well not everyone like me
Ms Nat
Yeah sure
And who dont like you?
Ms Witch
Well yk
Kids at school?
What does that means
Well not everyone likes me
Mr Bucky
So you have enemy?
Or bully
Something like enemy
I dont want to talk abt this guys
Can we just talk abt something else
Ms Nat
If someone is bothering
Im the person
Mr Bow
Such a family
Ms Nat
Ohh i like this
Mrs Boss Lady
Can i be the mom?
Ms Nat
Hell yes
im the wine aunt
I guess Im the dad?
Mr Bow
You like it dont you
I want to be the cool uncle
Mr Grandpa
I want to be uncle too
Mr Bruce
You are more like grandpa
Mr Grandpa
Mr Bruce
im uncle
Mr Sam
Im uncle too
Mr Bucky
I want to be the cool older brother
Mr Sam
Well now i want it too
Mr Fast
Back off boys
You are too old to be big brothers
Im perfect
Ms Witch
I want to be aunt cuz im already a sister
Mr Bucky
Im not that old
i can be the cool older brother
Mr Sam and Mr Fast
No you cant
Mr Sam
you know what
Let the kid decide
hey kid you there?
Ms Nat
little Spider?
Mr Bow
Do you get kidnapped?
great now they are panicking
But really you there?
Jesus Christ im here
I just went to the kitchen for a snack
Mr Bucky
Who is more like a big brother to you ?
Me, Sam or fast
Mr Thunder
Hello little mortal
Mr Grandpa
You are back?
Mr Thunder
Yes i am
Its good to be here again
Hi Mr Thunder
Would you like to join the weird family i never ask for?
Mr Thunder
I would love to Spider of Little
Great cuz you are my uncle now
And also Mr Fast?
Cuz Mr Bucky is old and Mr Sam is...Idk just more like uncle to me
Mr Fast
Ms Witch
Yeah yeah you want a little brother
i got it
Mr Fast
Ohh i love you too Witch
Ms Witch
Shut up
Anyway guys i have to go to sleep
Bye new family <3
With Peter
This day was awesome. I meet my idol for the second time and do some work. I wonder if i will ever work there. Maybe i can meet someone tomorrow?
A/N Sooo what do you think?
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