Part 12
With Tony
"Bye guys." And then he jumped out the window. WHAT. Is he crazy? I immediately get up and move my hand to call out my suit, but relax when I see it swinging on the way home. I look around and see that the others are not sitting either. I wonder where he lives or who he is. I thought for a second if it was a good idea to send drones after him or something. But if the person who exposed Cap twice in one night wants privacy, then fine.
"Well... I forgot that he can swing" Clint said in the silence that came. We sit back down.
"I like him '' We all look at Natasha in shock "What, I'm a human too. I like people''
"But she is right, i like him too"And now we turn to Bucky. He is cool and all, but these two need months to like someone and they like this kid in the first hour.
"Do you think he will ever show us who he is?''Wanda asks, now ignoring the stares to Nat and Bucky.
"Well maybe, but i think he lied about his age"
"What do you mean Nat"
"Pepper did you not see him how he tensed when we asked him the question. I'm expecting something around 15 or 16" She says the answer before someone can ask.
"But thats too young."Bruce look her in horror "He can get injured"
"Did you not see how he flipped Clint in seconds, or how he outwit Cap? Or how he takes care of this villain?"She gets angry.
"She is right. If he is 15 or 16 he can be amazing in his job in a few years"I said, still processing the new information.
"He already is"Pepper smiled at me and took my hand.
"Should we tell Fury?"The question all of us think. Should we really tell him about his age or his staying for dinner. Again, we all shut up, not knowing what to say or do.
"I think we should tell him. He will figure it out eventually, especially if the Spider is in the Tower often"Sam said. We agreed with him.
"FRIDAY tell Fury to come here"
After a long talk about him and what happened on the mission everyone looked at him, try to see his reaction. He thought for a second what should he answer us.
"Well good for you that you tell me.I still think he can be a good part of the Avengers"
"Fury this is just a kid."Steve said with surprised tone"He can get hurt"
"Did he get hurt when he beat you up?"He said annoyed,"Plus you are not sure if he is 16 and if he is, that doesn't matter. He is powerful and can be a serious threat if Hydra took him. Try to take his identity." We nod at him and he leaves. We look at each other and then stand up one by one to our bedrooms.
We chat with the kid a little and then I turn my phone off. Tomorrow is his first day at work. Maybe i can go meet the new interns and try to guess who he is. That sounds like a plan.
(Time skip to tomorrow)
With Peter
"Dude dude dude dude dude"
"Ned Ned Ned Ned Ned" I smile at my best friend, already knowing what was going to come.
"Today is your first day. Omg thats so cool. Do you think you will meet the Avengers or The Tony Stark? Flash is going to be so pissed when he heard about this"I froze. FLASH. If i tell him i got the internship he won't believe me and beat me up, because 'YoU sTuPid LiEinG OrPhAn'. If i tell him i didnt get the internship i will also get beaten up because' YoU StUpId OrPhAn'. But it will be worse if i tell him the truth.
"Yeaaaaah Ned I'm not sure about telling him. He won't believe us anyways and you know what will happen if i tell him"He look at me surprised
"Peter you can't be like that come on"
"Lets go to class"We saw MJ in black hoodie and blue jeans. Her hair is in a messy bun. He looks so casual and so beautiful at the same time.
"Sup Losers"She said
"Peter doesn't want to tell Flash about his internship"Her eyes met mine, but she wasn't surprised like Ned.
"Yeah i expect this. Today is your first day there right?"I nod and we start walking.
In class I heard how Flash was telling his 'friends' how he got the internship. He even started throwing balls at me. Nothing new, but today he was doing it with more...anger. That's not good. After the class finished we stood up and me, MJ and Ned went to our lockers.
"Yo Parker, did you get it? Im sure you aren't yOu StuPiD OrpHaN"Aaaand here we go again.
Ned and MJ try to help me to go to my next class. It happens to be Math. That means we three and Flash in the same room...again. The teacher ignored my limping and started with the lesson. The worst part was he kicked me in my leg hard. In the leg where I was shot. Yeah that hurts a lot.
We are sitting in lunch. I again don't have money, so I'm just on the apple MJ gave me.
The Gang
Hi guys
Im in lunch and im bored
Hi kid
Mr Fast
Mr Bow
Ms Nat
When are you coming?
After school that means 16.00
Mrs Boss Lady
Thats sounds good
Mr Sam
Can we meet?
Mr Thunder
The Fast man showed me how to turn off capital letters
Ohh gosh finally
How old is this guy?
Ms Nat
Very old
Ms Witch
Like VERY old
Well practically is around 30?
So he is not that old
Mr Thudner
Its not exactly what you are thinking
Mr Bow
He is old
But he is around 30
Even MRB is older than him
Mr Bucky
Thunder is older
Im confused
Ms Nat
He, Grandpa and Bucky are very old but Bucky is like the younger
Mr Grandpa
He isnt
Practically im the youngest
Mr Bucky
Well do you know what vine is?
Mr Grandpa
Mr Grandpa
What is it
WhAt ThE FucK RicHarD
Mr Grandpa
Gosh you are exactly like Captain America
Ms Witch
Mr Grandpa
What do you think about him?
Cap cant beat up by a 15 yo kid
You have no idea how right you are
Mr Sam
Mr Grandpa
But he is cool too
Yeah what is he like 100 yo?
Mr Grandpa
YES hahaha
Wops the bell rung
Bye guys ttyl
It was a nice lunch with my friends and my half friends. I can't wait to go to the Tower again. AGAIN. Hold up. I didn't tell Ned about this.
"OH GOSH NED. I forgot about yesterday. You won't believe what happened.''We started walking, but we have to split, because I have history, Ned- geography and MJ have art class.
"You will tell me later. Bye."
I can't stop thinking about yesterday. And what about today? Is FRIDAY gonna recognize me? Maybe, but important now is that i haVE INTERNSHIP TODAY. Mayb-
"Mr Parker, are you with us?"Ms Lawrence say. I zoomed out again. Why can't I concentrate these days?
"Yes, sorry miss"
( Time skip after the class )
"DUDE. WHAT. THE. FUCK."Ned's reaction after I told him about yesterday. It's better than i thought. At least he didn't faint."omg.omg.omg.omg.omg.omg.omg.omg.omg"
"Did you meet the Black Widow? Or Pepper Potts-Stark?"Even MJ fangirl and let me tell you, this isn't happening every day.
"Yes. They are all awesome. Anyways, do you think FRIDAY will recognize me?"
"No. You were with the mask. Plus you have Karen and voice changer"MJ said. Ned was still fanboying. The wounds from Flash are almost healеd.
After the school ended I was more than excited. I went straight to the subway and I felt my phone buzz.
So kid are you excited
You have no idea
And why are you typing here and not in the group chat?
Cuz the others are in a super important meeting that i casually missed
Yeah that sounds like you
Im now in the subway on my way to the tower
Have you been there before?
Well yes?
I cant tell him about yesterday. If he know Spiderman was in the Tower yesterday he will connect the dots. I mean yeah the Tower is pretty big, but how many teenagers are inside?
Yeah but when
Ohh thats my stop
I put my phone in my pocket and after around 10 minutes im standing in front The Avengers Tower...Again. It would be a lie to say i'm not anxious, excited and even happy. I step in and gasp again. It's cooler now that I can peacefully look around. Everything was super high tech. I spot the receptionist and start walking. The same lady from yesterday, typing on her computer.
"Umm...Excuse me, m-my name is Peter Parker and I'm here for the internship."The lady looked at me and smiled. She types something on her computer, probably my name and then looks at me again with a smile.
"Ohh yes Peter Parker. Here is your pass" She handed me a yellow pass. I didn't get my Spidey pass yesterday, because I left early. It was half yellow-half white with a number and my name. It says that I'm an intern here."Go to the elevator and say to FRIDAY which floor you want to go to, and she will take you there. You need to go on floor #12 and meet with your supervisor. His name is Alexander Davis (A/N-Absolutely random name). Found him and he will tell you what you are going to do. And good luck"She is nice
"Thank you Miss-"I look at her pass"Taylor"I smile and start walking to the elevator. This time i didn't go to the private elevator. I spot a sign:
1 Guests,press and tour groups (White)
2 Lower level interns (Yellow)
3 Security, cleaners, staff (Orange)
4 High level interns (Brown)
5 Workers and businessman (Purple)
6 Department heads (Light Blue)
7 SHIELD agents (Dark Blue)
8 Friends and family of the Avengers (Green)
9 The Avengers (Pink)
10 VIP (Red and Gold)
(A / N- If you don't know, VIP stands for 'Very important person', so I put it on. Sounds a bit lame.)
I didn't see this yesterday. WAIT. I HAVE AVENGER PASS??? DOES THAT MEANS I'M AN AVENGER. I really want to be, but if that means I have to give them personal things and put me in the SHIELD That thing can easily hack and automatically know everything about everyone. I think I stare at the sign for too long, so I finally enter the elevator. I remember Mr Stark's AI, so i know what i have to do. I was alone in the elevator.
"Hello Mr Parker. Where do you want to go?"FRIDAY asked me.
"Umm floor 12 please"I start to go up and I feel my stomach do a flip. I'm really nervous. Where do I work? Maybe I will just be the coffee guy? But what about the other new interns? I will maybe end up like that...or fired.
I get back to this world by the ding of the elevator. The doors open.
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